Happily Ever After // Sevente...

By bangxchans

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Sequel to 'Cinderella'. Five years later, and the world Seventeen thinks they know is no more. Secrets will... More

1. Years and Years
2. Roses and Lillies
3. Miami and Mojitos
4. Kills and Thrills
5. Sweaters and Stars
6. Lost and Found
7. Memories and Meditation
8. Daggers and Decisions
9. Sausages and Secrets
10. Pikachu and Panic Rooms
11. Deals and Feels
12. Pills and Potions
13. Licenses and Love
14. Hugs and Kisses
15. Troubles and Tomahawks
17. Trackers and Teddybears
18. Antidotes and Horoscopes
19. Promises and Protection
20. Arcade and Trade
21. Safe and Sound
22. Ninjas and Nights
23. Sun and Moon
24. Burdens and Babies
25. Friends and Foes
26. Tasks and Masks
27. Home and Away
Hi and Hello

16. Southside and Serpents

101 2 0
By bangxchans

Chapter Sixteen

*Hyolyn's POV*

Speeding down the street, I sighed as I hit a red light. I might be a maniac driver but I still respect some rules. Looking to the passenger seat, I smiled at the hoodie sat on the seat. Events from today swam around my head. Hearing a horn behind me, the light had gone green. Sighing again, I sped off. 

What am I doing? I'm being reckless. That's what I'm doing. I'm being stupid. Doing what I'm doing... it could get me killed. It could get them all killed. Why am I doing it? Because I miss them too much. Remembering all of them, all those memories flooding back, it filled a hole I didn't know I had. And now I have them back, I can start to pull away from this life. 

I just need a plan on how to get out. 

Pulling up, I hopped out the car, putting the hoodie under my seat as I did so. Looking around, I saw Sungho pull up also.

"You look good, been anywhere nice?" He smiled, asking. Shit. I came straight here, I didn't get changed. 

"Just taking someone out, was a nice restaurant," I remembered the lie I told Bora. 

"Here, take this," he threw me a hoodie and some shorts. Getting changed quickly, I could see him looking up from where he was sat on the hood of his car. 

"Perv," walking past, I smacked his chest laughing. "Thanks for the clothes." Going to his trunk, I grabbed a few guns and stuffed a knife up the sleeve of the hoodie. That should be enough. 

"Ready?" He asked. Taking a sharp breath in, I nodded. "Okay, roof." 

Traversing up the broken fire escape, he hopped up on the roof. Following him, I had so much swimming around my head that I wasn't really paying attention to where my feet were going. Feeling my foot slip, I was about to fall off when he grabbed my arm, pulling me up. 

"What's gotten into you?" He asked, raising a brow. 

"Still sore," motioning to my side, half lying, he nodded. It did still ache, but it's not that which is on my mind. What I'm about to do could be suicide, and before I came back home I wouldn't care. We would go in, all guns blazing, not caring if we lived or died. 

But now... Now I have Seokmin back. I have them all back. I can't leave him, any of them again. I don't want to. 

"You're thinking of your brother, right? What was his name again?" Shit. I forgot he knew. 

"Hansol," I can't lie, he saw him for god sake. 

"Trust me, you'll be fine. You're Hyolyn, remember?" Giving me a smile, he narrowed his eyes. "Best of the best," placing his hands on my shoulders, he looked me in the eyes. "I promise, you'll see him again." Sungho isn't a bad guy, not really. Just misunderstood. He too, like me, can't get away from Dimitri. We don't know what happened to one another before Dimitri, we just know we are both stuck. "Ready?" Breaking my thoughts, we turned to the door. 

"How many?" Clicking the bullets into place, I braced myself. Come on Hyolyn, focus. As much as you hate it, this is your life for now. And dammit, you're good at it. Get your head back in the game, just for a little while longer. We can plan later, for now, you have a job to do. 

Just don't get killed. 

"26 in total." 26 people. That's all? They could at least make it hard. Nodding, he swung the door open. Holding my gun up, I aimed for anyone that could come running out. 

Exchanging a look with Sungho, we started walking slowly into the building, no lights were on. 

"Are you sure this is the right place?" Turning to Sungho, I could see fear in his eyes. 

"I'm sorry, Hyo. I don't have a choice," he whispered, waling backwards out of the door. Hearing it lock from the other side, I scowled. That piece of shit. He doesn't have a choice in what? Being an asshole? The amount of times I have covered for him for Dimitri when he fucks up, and this is how I get treated? And for what?


Kicking the door, I shouted a few choice words, letting my feelings be known. Well, I don't need his help. I'm Kim Hyolyn for god sake. Best of the best.

26 targets. Easy. Turning around, raising my gun, I looked down the hallway. A faint memory appeared in my mind. The night of the clown. 

Well, anything that comes running down the hallway this time it's getting a bullet right between the eyes. 

Slowly walking down, I could see a faint light at the end. Checking behind me, I rolled my eyes. I still don't understand how he could be such an asshole. 

Reaching the end, a door lay to my right. Taking a breath in, I hyped myself up. 

"Come on Hyo. 26 people. That's nothing." Lies. I might be good, but 26 against 1 is pushing it, even for me. I'll have to get creative. 

Just as I was about to kick the door down, a hood was placed over my head. Kicking whoever it was backward and pulling the hood off, I turned to shoot them. Locking eyes with them, my finger on the trigger faltered. 

"What in the actual living fuck?" ASSHOLE. Just as I was about to verbally abuse the living shit out of Sungho, another hood was placed over my head, arms pulled behind my back. 

"Fight back, you're brother dies," the voice said. Fuck. Fuck fuck fuck. As they dragged me away, thousands of thoughts swam around my head. Fuck. How do I get out of this one? Shit. 

Pushing me down onto a chair, they bound my hands behind my back. Pulling the hood off, I rolled my eyes.

"Should have guessed," mumbling under my breath, I couldn't help but let out a low laugh. Seeing Jungkook stood in front of me, Sungho behind him, head held low. 

"Try anything," Jungkook began but I butted in. 

"Yes yes I know, you'll track my brother down, I get it." Locking eyes with Jungkook, he nodded. "So what is this? Do I have to be tied down?" Looking around the room, men lined the walls, each with a hefty weapon. He's not taking any precautions after last time. 

"Hyolyn, we know." Jungkook started. Seeing the obvious confusion on my face, he smirked. Walking toward me, he bent down. "I can offer you a way out," he started, putting his hand on my thigh. "I know you have your old memories back, I know where you've been today. Hyolyn, you're very dangerous, I want you." How could he know? He's bluffing.

Looking to Sungho, he couldn't meet my eyes. 

"I offered Sungho a way out of Dimitri's grip, he took it. I'm offering you the same deal," he moved his hand to my knee, he other hand moved a stray piece of hair out of my face. "I know you want your old life back. I can give you that, well... mostly. I'll still need you to be you, but you'll be free," looking into his eyes, I almost believed him. 

"How?" I whispered. This was all too good to be true. 

"Help me take down Dimitri. He thinks he can strut around, taking anything he wants. Help me destroy him from within, and everything you want can be yours. Free to be yourself, to love, to go places. To stay home," he smiled. For once, it seemed like a genuine smile. Turn against Dimitri? It seemed like suicide. He owns me, legally. I've seen first hand his anger, I don't want to be on the other side of it. However on the other hand, I'm Hyolyn. If push comes to shove, Dimitri wouldn't stand a chance. He might treat me right most of the time, but at the end of the day, I never asked for any of this. 

"I won't kill him," looking to Jungkook, he sighed. "I will, however, help you take him down." If this is my ticket out of hell, I'll take it. If working for Jungkook means I can do whatever I want, I'll do anything. Seeing him smile, he stood up. 

Turning, he walked to Sungho, he still couldn't meet my eyes. 

"Now I have the Terror Twins, I think it might be time for a little initiation men, don't you?" He shouted, as the guys in the room cheered. Initiation? "Sungho," Jungkook nodded to something behind me.

"What's going on?" Turning my head to Sungho, he looked to meet my eyes, moving my hair away from my neck.

"Hyo, I'm sorry. Trust me, I did it to help you. I know you're getting memories back, you don't want Dimitri knowing. Trust me Hyo. Just endure it," walking away, I looked to Jungkook. 

"Right," Jungkook clapped. "In order to be in my inner circle, you need to pass the test of endurance. I refuse to have weaklings around me," to which I laughed. Seeing him look to me. "You're tough, Hyolyn. But are you the toughest?" Only a handful of people have passed this test, he nodded to four guys and Sungho, who sat laid back on chairs, swigging something from a bottle. 

"Just get it over with," staring forward, Sungho pushed something into my neck.

Feeling the prick in my neck, I felt the liquid seep into my veins. 

"Start with a cocktail, shall we? Right now you have Viper venom coursing through your veins. Don't worry, there's not enough to kill you, just enough to put your pain through it's paces."

Maybe it's because of all the shit I've already been through, or right now I turned my emotions off in order to stay alive, but I feel nothing. 

Stay focused Hyolyn. Do not let your mind wander. You need to stay alive to see Seokmin again. To see Hansol, and all your other boys again. 

Is this all they had? Does Jungkook know how much shit I've been through? He is going to he to try harder than this. 

"Feeling it yet, Hyolyn?" Jungkook smirked. 

"You'll have to try harder than this," smirking back, he laughed. Walking up to me, he smacked me hard around my head. And again, and again. After a few smacks, he stood back as I spat blood from my mouth. "Like I said, try harder." Burning seeped through my body, but nothing I couldn't handle. As I regained my vision, something he said earlier swam around my head.

"I know you have your old memories back, I know where you've been today." How? How could be possibly know?

"I'm not going to lie, I don't feel good doing this," he started. "If you succeed, you can stand by my side, with Sungho. I've seen him in action, and if what he says is true... about you being even better than him? I need you both." Standing, he walked over and grabbed a gun. Aiming it at my head, he smirked. Looking dead forward, keeping my breathing steady, I showed no fear, no emotion. 

"Scared, yet?" He whispered. Staying silent, on the outside I wasn't scared. On the inside, I was screaming. I can't die. I don't want to die. I need to see Seokmin again. 

Hearing him pull the trigger, I just heard a click. Not even blinking, I looked to meet his eyes. 

"Very good," he whispered in my ear, turning away. "Just one more test now," he shouted, walking away. Seeing Sungho walk up behind me, he untied me from the chair. 

"You're doing good, Hyo. Just stay focused. This shit will hurt with the venom running through you, but you can do it," he mumbled. 

Holding back tears, all I could think about was my boys. What I'm doing right now, it might mean I don't get to see them again. 

"Oh did I mention, Hyolyn?" Jungkook stared at me, sick smile on his face. "If you fail, I won't kill you, not like I usually would. I will tell Dimitri exactly what you're doing. Who you're becoming, what you remember. And trust me, I'll have the front seat at your execution." Out of the fire and into the inferno, as it seems. I trade one psycho for another. But this psycho will actually let me have a life. I hoped anyway. Am I being stupid? 

Am I asked for a death wish?

All I want is a normal life, why is that so hard to ask for? 

Opening a door, it felt like the night in Alaska all over again. 

A giant almost 7 feet tall, 300 lbs of pure muscle man walked out. Standing beside Jungkook, I just smirked. There's no tomahawks this time, no weapons at all. I have to use my body, like Alexei taught me. 

"All you need to do, is knock him out," Jungkook smirked. He totally underestimates me, and it's really starting to fuck me off big time. 

Surveying the man, he started toward me. I noticed he had a slight limp on his left leg. Nothing too noticeable to the average eye, but I'm trained to see every single tiny detail. 

Ducking as he swung to hit me around the head, I kicked him in said leg. Hearing him moan as he dropped to his knee, I used the trick Alexei taught me. One punch to the chest, one to the neck, and I was about to give him the blow to the head, he grabbed my arm. Fuck. 

Grabbing my neck, he smacked my head into the floor a few times. Lifting me up by the neck, I saw Sungho lower his head, and Jungkook scowled. Did he think I had lost? Hah. 

Swinging my legs around his neck, I managed to pull his head closer to I could push into his eyes. Not enough to do any permanent damage, but enough for him to drop me. Like I said before, if in doubt, go for the eyes. Dropping me on the floor, I kicked him in his left leg again. Seeing him fall forward, I smirked. 

Seeing him rub his eyes, I managed to get behind him. Holding my arms around his neck, I tightened my grip. You're only knocking him out, Hyo. Don't kill him. A few seconds passed of him trying to get out of my grip, but he didn't prevail. Feeling him go limp, I let him fall to the floor. Wiping my forehead, I saw blood on my hands. Great.

Panting a little, I turned to Jungkook. The room was silent, all eyes on me. 

"Well?" Blinking a few times, he broke out into a big smile. Walking over, he put a jacket around my shoulders, wiping my forehead gently with his handkerchief. 

"Welcome to the Serpents, Hyolyn," placing his hands on my shoulders, I saw Sungho behind him let out a breath he had probably been holding. 

I just hope what I'm doing is the right thing. 


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