Lion king Family

By Steampunk-Bakugou

35.8K 506 972

A story about the Lion King family. Simba was a former boxing champion also a professional boxer and Nala was... More

Chapter 1. A nice morning
Chapter 2. Kovu's visit
Chapter 3. Apologize
Chapter 4. Highschool
Chapter 5. Group of friends
Chapter 6. Sleep together
Chapter 7. Confess feelings
Chapter 8. Grandparents visit
Chapter 9. Meeting the waiter
Chapter 10. The fifth wheel
Chapter 11. Teenage love
Chapter 13. Punished
Chapter 14. Three teen lions
Chapter 15. This game sucks
Chapter 16. Family stuff
Chapter 17. Sleeping with him
Chapter 18. Ideas
Chapter 19. The First Skydive
Chapter 20. Rude
Chapter 21. Baliyo's rage
Chapter 22. Talk about movies
Chapter 23. Unlucky
Chapter 24. Spend time together
Chapter 25. Still lost
Chapter 26. Teaching a lesson
Chapter 27. A promise
Chapter 28. Replay
Chapter 29. Beach time
Chapter 30. Having fun (The end)

Chapter 12. Get caught

1.1K 16 28
By Steampunk-Bakugou


After the lunch break, Kion went to his class and continue their lesson. However, a discipline teacher name Mr. Matunda came in and call him.

Mr. Matunda: "Kion, I want to have a word with you."

Kion got up of his seat, all of his friends looking at him standing up and walk out of the class including Rani and his teacher. He wonders what's going on, when he walk out of the class, he saw Makucha with swollen left eye and he was holding a tissue to wipe his bleeding nose. Kion understands what is happening, he knows that the teacher's will punish both of them.

Kion: "Why do you call me, sir?" he said pretending not to know what happens.

Mr. Matunda: "Stop pretending, I know you did this. You two, follow me!"

Kion and Makucha follows Mr. Matunda to the discipline room, a worried expression visible on their face. They both said something in their own thoughts

Makucha: "Oh man, I'm in so much trouble!"

Kion: "What if my dad finds out about this? He be so furious!"

Both teens say somethings in their own minds and try to find a good excuse.

Kion: "This is Makucha's fault, he's the one who start the fight!"

Makucha: "This is Kion's fault! If he hadn't beat up my friends! None of this shit wouldn't happen!"

As they keep walking, they finally arrived at the discipline room, Mr. Matunda open the door and told them both to enter.

Mr Matunda: "Get inside, both of you!"

Both teens slowly enters the room, they in a huge trouble.


Back to the classroom, they teacher wants the student to copy the question their workbook and try to answer all of it but if it's not finish, they have to submit it tomorrow.

Teacher: "I want all of you to copy all of this 20 question on the whiteboard and try to finish it today. If it's not finish today, try to submit it tomorrow as your homework. Got it?"

Class: "Yes, Mrs. Kusoma."

Teacher: "Good." then the teacher sits down and write her notebook.

All of the students begin to copy the questions on the whiteboard and try to answer it.

Bunga: "Psst, Beshte?"

Beshte: "Yeah?"

Bunga: "I'm worried about Kion, the discipline teacher's knows he was caught in a fight with Makucha."

Beshte: "You were right, little B. I hope the teacher didn't punish him."

Rani who was sitting on the right corner heard the conversation,she look to her front left corner and saw Bunga and Beshte talk about something. She listens closely, hoping she hadn't misheard.

Bunga: "What if Kion got punish?"

Beshte: "What if the teacher blames Kion for starting the fight?"

This concerns Rani, she know that Kion and Makucha will get caught soon after the fight. She saw the fight right infront of her, she worried about Kion. She turn to her left and asks Fuli.

Rani: "Hey, Fuli?"

Fuli: "Yeah, do you need help?"

Rani: "No, it's about Kion. I'm worried about him."

Fuli saw her worried expresssions and tries to calm her down.

Fuli: "Calm down, Rani. I'm pretty sure he won't be punished."

Rani: "Calm down? We all know Mr. Matunda can be a one angry gorilla."

Fuli: "Yes, I know, all students knows Mr. Matunda is one angry gorilla but I'm pretty sure he will calm down."

Rani: "Let's hope so." she continues her work. Fuli turns to her boyfriend and continue their talk.

Azaad: "Hey, Fuli. What's wrong with Rani?"

Fuli: "She just worried about Kion."

Azaad: "Ooh, anyway, I may be the fastest runner in this highschool but too bad I'm very slow at swimming."

Fuli: " *giggles* it's because all cheetahs don't like to swim even though we can swim."

They both chuckles and together they copy the questions and answer it.

Discipline room

Mr. Matunda: "You two are teenagers, both of you are students. Fighting in the cafeteria? Is not good, this can embarrass your family, all the teachers or students might think that your parents didn't teach you any discipline."

Kion and Makucha were just silent, they listen to every word that the teacher speaks.

Mr. Matunda: "I got a question for both of you."

Kion: "What is it, sir?"

Makucha: "Tell us."

He pointed his finger at Kion.

Mr. Matunda: "Have your parents ever taught you about self-discipline?"

Kion: "They did, sir." he nodded.

He then pointed his finger to Makucha.

Mr. Matunda: "And you, Makucha, does your parents have ever taught you about self-discipline?"

Makucha: "Yes, sir. They did." he nodded.

Mr. Matunda: "See, your parents have taught you about self-discipline and please try not to dissapoint them."

Both Kion and Makucha nodded signifying they understood.

Mr. Matunda: "Good, I must admit both of you are skilled mammals. Kion is good at Taekwondo and Makucha is good at Karate but please don't use those kind martial arts to show off who's stronger, got it?"

Both: "Yes, sir."

Mr. Matunda: "You may go."

Both teenagers stepped out of the discipline room, they didn't expect Mr. Matunda was that soft. He always be a one angry gorilla and never shows any mercy but this is the first time he shows his mercy.

Both teens glare at each other, they still has unfinished business. They walk to the hallway and start to arguing, Makucha speak first before Kion.

Makucha: "You're lucky that we're get caught by teacher or else I would have beat you up."

Kion: "You're so lucky I was holding back all the time, if I go all out, I would have break your arm."

Makucha: "Just because you good at Kenpo, Taekwondo and Judo doesn't mean you're best fighter at this school!"

Kion: "I know there are someone who's way stronger than me but I don't use my martial art to show off, it's about self-defense that is important!"

Makucha: "You're just a coward, Kion! That is why you don't want to fight, I'm the best Karate fighter in this school!"

Kion: "I seen better. Malkia is a better Karate fighter than you!"

Makucha: "That pathetic lioness is nothing! She is a coward just like you!"

Mrs. Sayansi: "That's enough, boys!"

Both teens stop arguing and look to the teacher that talk to them.

Kion: "Mrs. Sayansi?"

Makucha: "Teacher?"

Mrs. Sayansi: "I don't know what you're talking about but did you finish the science homework that I give you?"

Kion: "Not yet, I will submit it tomorrow."

Mrs. Sayansi: "Okay, that's good because we have science class tomorrow. How about you? Did you finish your homework?"

Makucha: "Not yet, miss."

Mrs. Sayansi: "Okay, try to submit it tomorrow, understood?"

Both: "Yes, ma'am."

Then Mrs. Sayansi walk to her science lab, leaving them both.

Makucha: "I am not done with you, Kion!"

Kion didn't say a word, after that they split up and went to their own class.

School ends

After the school ends, everyone went home. His friends asking him what happen and Kion told everything and they were a bit surprised that Mr. Matunda is not mad at them.

Bunga: "So you're telling me that Mr. Matunda is not gonna punish you both?"

Kion: "No, he's not. I don't know why but he just being soft and give us a chance to change our behaviour."

Beshte: "That's weird, Mr. Matunda is always a one angry gorilla."

Kion: "I don't know what changed him but the good thing is he doesn't punish us."

Around 10 minutes later, all of his friends went home and Kion was the only one left in the gang. He look to his handwatch.

Kion: "Look's like I'm going home late today, all 7 of my friends went home early." he talked to himself.

Malkia: "Hi, Kion."

Kion: "Oh, hi there."

Malkia: "Going home late today?"

Kion: "Yeah, probably."

Malkia: "You want to hang out?"

Kion: "Uuh, sure."

They sit on nearby bench, Malkia asks him a question about the fight. Kion told everything about it including Makucha called her a coward but she doesn't seem to be care.

Malkia: "All bullies are always like that, they didn't want to lose."

Kion: "I know, that is why I don't like bullies."

Malkia laughs and smile at him, she looked at his handsome face. "He's so cute and handsome," she said in her thoughts.

Malkia: "Hey, Kion?"

Kion: "Yeah?"

Malkia: "It's been nice to talk to you."

Kion: "Yeah, me too."

Malkia saw her mother waiting in the car, she was a bit dissapointed, she wish she had more time talking to him.

Malkia: "Bye Kion, my mother is waiting. It's been fun to talk to you."

Kion: "Yeah, me too."

She kissed his cheeks and went home. Kion was surprised by her actions, He didn't expect that Malkia was gonna kiss him. Kion said something in his thoughts.

Kion: "Does she like me? This can't be true, there's no way she likes me. I have a girlfriend." he saw his dad waiting inside his car.

Kion: "Time to go home."

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