By luv-jk

6.5K 188 29

When Kang Hana goes back to her hometown to clear her mind after a breakup, she gets intrigued by a bookshop... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One

Chapter Eight

304 9 0
By luv-jk

"You broke it?" Hana asked incredulously, a hint of amusement coloring her voice. "Is it some kind of toy that you just broke?"

Jungkook remained silent, unsure how to respond. He wasn't skilled at lying and preferred to avoid making the situation worse.

"Well? How did you break it?" Hana probed further, leaning in with her elbows on the table, a curious expression on her face.

"I... got into a fight," Jungkook mumbled reluctantly.

Mr. Choi and Taehyung exchanged amused glances, struggling to suppress their laughter. They hadn't anticipated this effect on Jungkook—a tough guy brought down by a girl.

"It's going to be fun teasing him later," Taehyung whispered to Mr. Choi, who chuckled quietly in agreement.

"Why does it sound like you're not entirely sure yourself?" Hana pressed on, stepping closer to Jungkook, who suddenly felt uneasy under her scrutiny.

"I... I don't know," Jungkook stammered, closing his eyes briefly as Hana approached, his heart racing inexplicably.

Without warning, Hana backed away, her tone softening. "I'm sorry for prying into your personal life. I shouldn't have crossed that line."

Jungkook exhaled slowly, relieved that the intense moment had passed. He watched as Hana walked out of the library, a mix of emotions swirling inside him.

Meanwhile, Taehyung and Mr. Choi burst into laughter as soon as Hana was out of earshot.

"Guys, this isn't funny," Jungkook muttered through clenched teeth, shooting them a disapproving glare.

"Pretty funny for us," Mr. Choi chuckled, his amusement evident.

"Exactly. I've never seen you so flustered," Taehyung added, giving Mr. Choi a high-five.

"You guys are acting like children," Jungkook grumbled, rolling his eyes. "Grow up!" With that, he stormed out of the library, frustration bubbling under his surface.

Once Jungkook had left, the jovial atmosphere between Taehyung and Mr. Choi shifted. They exchanged concerned looks.

"We need to handle this carefully," Taehyung said, his brow furrowing. "I don't want Hana to get hurt again."

"Don't worry," Mr. Choi reassured him, staring out the window contemplatively. "I believe he won't make the same mistake twice. I'm happy for him; he's finally able to be himself."

"I know, but I can't shake this feeling," Taehyung admitted, rubbing his temples wearily. "She's like my little sister."

"Relax, Tae. Trust them to figure it out," Mr. Choi said gently. "They'll look out for each other."

Taehyung nodded reluctantly, though unease still lingered in his expression. He hated feeling powerless in situations involving his sister's well-being, despite his protective instincts.

Sighing heavily, Taehyung shook his head. He had a sinking feeling that history might repeat itself, but he could only hope for a different outcome this time.


Hana stumbled out of the library, still reeling from the intense encounter with Jungkook. It had been a rough night for both of them—emotions running high, tensions simmering beneath the surface.

She reached for her phone and saw a message from her high school friends inviting her to join them at a bar for a reunion. Normally, she would have declined, but after the events of the evening, she felt the need for some distraction, some release.

"Cheers!" Hana exclaimed, clinking her shot glass with those of her friends. The alcohol burned pleasantly down her throat, momentarily easing the weight on her mind.

"Hana, it's been ages!" one of her friends slurred, clearly tipsy.

"Yeah, it has," Hana replied with a forced smile, feeling disconnected from the lighthearted atmosphere.

'God, I need this drink,' she thought to herself, trying to drown out the inner turmoil.

"Come on, spill the beans! Where have you been hiding? What's your story? Any romantic tales from America?" one of the girls teased, a smirk playing on her lips, prompting giggles from the others.

Hana sighed inwardly. "Actually, I didn't go to America in search of anything—not boys, definitely," she began with a serious tone, taking a sip of her beer. "I went there to build a better future for myself, you know, career-wise." Her response momentarily silenced the group, awkward laughter replacing their earlier banter.

"And as for the guys there," she continued, her tone turning slightly bitter, "they seemed more interested in flowers. I'm not a fan of flowers," she added, finishing her drink with a decisive thud on the table.

Hana lied—she actually loved flowers, but her recent visit to Jungkook's garden had tainted her view momentarily. It wasn't the flowers she was angry with; it was the person behind them.

"Ladies, excuse me for a moment," Hana announced suddenly, standing up and grabbing her phone. "I need to make a quick call outside." With that, she headed for the door, needing a breather from the suffocating atmosphere.

'That was torture,' she thought to herself, stepping onto the quiet street. Only then did she realize how late it had gotten since she arrived at the bar. The alcohol was starting to take effect, loosening her inhibitions.

Checking her phone, she saw it was already twelve forty-five—a.m. "Damn it, Mrs. Wang must be worried," she muttered, picking up her pace. Hana dialed Mrs. Wang's number, waiting anxiously for her to pick up.

"Hello? Hana?" Mrs. Wang's voice sounded groggy but concerned.

"Yes, sorry, did I wake you?" Hana apologized, realizing she might have disturbed Mrs. Wang's sleep.

"No, no, sweetheart, I was waiting for you," Mrs. Wang reassured her, sounding more awake now.

"Sorry, I forgot to let you know," Hana apologized again, feeling guilty. "I'm on my way back now."

"Okay, I'll wait up for you," Mrs. Wang replied warmly.

"Don't stay up on my account," Hana insisted.

"It's no trouble, sweetheart. Just hurry back," Mrs. Wang replied before hanging up.

As Hana slipped her phone back into her purse, she heard footsteps behind her. Cursing inwardly, she quickened her pace, only to find the footsteps matching hers step for step.

Focused on the footsteps behind her, Hana lost track of her surroundings momentarily. Despite knowing Busan like the back of her hand, navigating it in the dark was disorienting. She darted into an alleyway, formulating a plan to evade her pursuer. Breathing a sigh of relief, she watched as three men passed by the alley without noticing her.

Just as she stepped out cautiously, a hand reached out, stopping her in her tracks. Reacting on instinct, Hana spun around and slapped the person across the face before attempting to flee. However, she was pushed to the ground, hitting her head on the pavement. The world blurred around her, tears threatening to spill.

She heard the men approaching, their silhouettes looming over her.

"Look what we have here," one of them sneered, his voice too close for comfort.

Hana squinted, trying to focus on their faces, but her vision failed her.

"You've got a strong hand for a girl," another voice mocked, "left a mark on my face," he chuckled. "How should we thank you for that, huh?"

"I say we take her with us, have a little fun," another suggested, earning raucous laughter from his companions.

"Should we?" the one closest to her whispered, leaning in. "I bet you'd enjoy it."

Hana's blood ran cold, fear coursing through her. She wanted to curse, to fight back, but her body refused to obey.

"Leave her alone!" A voice thundered from the end of the alley, followed by a low growl that echoed off the walls.

For a moment, Hana thought she was imagining things, but then she heard a commotion, the sound of scuffling. The men's laughter turned to shouts of surprise and fear.

Looks like luck was finally on her side tonight.

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