His Secret Mermaid ✓

By atlas-carter

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[COMPLETED] ***READ THE NON-KPOP VERSION OF THIS STORY @atlas_carter*** "H-Hey! Watch it! I don't wan... More

His Secret Mermaid
Chapter 1: Hermit Crab
Chapter 2: Gold Coin
Chapter 3: Late Night At The Beach
Chapter 4: Puffer-Fish
Chapter 5: The Scale
Chapter 6: Hyung, Can You Keep A Secret?
Chapter 7: My Name Is Jungkook
Chapter 8: New Shell
Chapter 9: Exchanging Gifts
Chapter 10: Potato Chips
Chapter 11: Promise Me
Chapter 12: A Story Of The Hyungs
Chapter 13: Night Exploration
Chapter 14: Her Past
Chapter 15: Girlfriend Suspicion
Chapter 16: Live With Jk & Jhope
Chapter 17: Kiss Of Hidden Feelings
Chapter 18: The Sirens' Return
Chapter 19: Moon Pool
Chapter 20: Siren's Seduction
Chapter 21: Oceana
Chapter 22: The Solution
Chapter 23: Secret Of A Mermaid
Chapter 24: Jealousy In Run BTS [P1]
Chapter 25: Underwater Fun In Run BTS [P2]
Chapter 26: She Is Different
Chapter 27: Hyung Kissed Y/N [P1]
Chapter 28: Siren Moon Pool [P2]
Chapter 29: Beware The Sirens
Chapter 30: Farewell Sirens
Chapter 31: Hint Of Flirtation
Chapter 32: The Picture
Chapter 33: Striking a Deal
Chapter 34: Dr. Kai [P1]
Chapter 35: Mission Retrieve The Vile [P2]
Chapter 36: Explanations
Chapter 37: A Warning From Dr. Kai
Chapter 38: The Kidnap [P1]
Chapter 40: Oceana's Secret
Chapter 41: Sirens In The News
Chapter 42: Sirens' Disappearance
Chapter 43: Who Is Dr Kai?
Chapter 44: Blame
Chapter 45: You Are Being Sued
Chapter 46: A Hint Of Purple
Chapter 47: Mutual Feelings
Chapter 48: Y/N & Oceana Are Coming Back [P1]
Chapter 49: Vengeful Scientist [P2]
Chapter 50: Let Me Save You One Last Time [P3]
End Of Story Author's Note

Chapter 39: The Rescue [P2]

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By atlas-carter

"Jungkook?" A familiar voice asked from the other end. Jungkook sighed a bit in relief that they had picked up their phone.

"Oceana, it's me. We have a problem," Jungkook spoke nervously. The members all looked at him in surprise. Yoongi didn't seem as surprised since he had previously suggested the idea of contacting the sirens.

"Jungkook, put it on speaker, so we can all hear," Yoongi whispered as he poked at Jungkook's shoulder. Jungkook nodded as he pressed the speaker button and placed his phone on the coffee table.

"Ok? What is it?" Oceana asked seeming confused. The members glanced at each other nervously.

"Ok, so don't freak out, but... Y/N got... kidnapped...," Jimin started with an anxious look spread across his face. The other end was silent for a moment before a loud sigh rang out.

"I was going to ask if you were kidding, but I don't think you guys are ones to kid about things like this," Oceana spoke in a serious tone, "Who kidnapped her?"

"Um... a scientist," Taehyung said simply. There was another pause for a moment before the sound of a glass or a mug crashing against a floor sounded out making the members all glance nervously at each other.

"WHAT?!" Oceana asked in pure and utter disbelief, her voice loud and almost shrieking into the phone. The members all grimaced and groaned as their covered their ears and moved away from the phone. They could hear Oceana mostly talking to herself, but her voice was loud and panicked.

"Oceana?" Jungkook asked concerned as he stepped closer to his phone.

"Don't-! I need to think this through and I need to think about how I'm going to tell the pod about this..!" Oceana snapped in anger as the sound of her pacing back and forth could be heard through the phone. The members sat there nervously.

"Do you um... do you think that they'll help?" Yoongi asked unsure of what to say. There was another brief pause before a sigh could be heard.

"Of course they will. If there's a scientist involved than the pod will always help. Frankly speaking though, it's not necessarily because they care about Y/N. It's mostly because they care about their existence being discovered," Oceana explained shortly as she sighed again. The members sighed in relief to know that the sirens would come help, but they also frowned at hearing that the sirens would only come help because they would be worried about their existence going out into the open and not because they would be worried about Y/N. Still, help from the sirens would allow them a better chance at rescuing her, so they decided not to complain.

"How soon can you and the sirens get here?" Namjoon asked curiously as he stared off with a thoughtful expression.

"Hm.., probably in a few hours," Oceana answered, her voice not hiding her uncertainty. The members looked worried. In those few hours, Dr. Kai could do so much with Y/N. They didn't have a few hours to spare, but they knew that they would have to wait until the sirens got there in order to try anything in terms of a rescue mission.

"Ok, we'll be waiting," Jungkook replied with a small nod. It was silent for a moment before Oceana started grumbling.

"I swear... I'm going to kill that scientist...," she voiced with venom laced in as the sound of her hand slamming down on a table created a large THUMP sound. The members nodded in agreement with her. "And then I'm going to kill you guys for letting Y/N get kidnapped by that scientist..!"

Upon hearing that, the members' eyes widened in terror just as she hang up the phone. The members sat in silence as they stared at Jungkook's phone in worry. It was good that they would have an advantage when rescuing Y/N, but now they worried about what the sirens would do to them.

"So what now? We just wait?" Yoongi asked as he glanced at the others. They all shrugged in response. "Oceana sounded really mad... one can assume that the sirens, especially their leader is going to be even more pissed off. So we should definitely be ready to fight against them."

"Hyung, we're not equipped to fight sirens," Jimin stated with a nervous laugh as he scratched the back of his head.

"If we have to then we kill them," Yoongi voice with a shrug. The other members looked uneasy about the idea, but thinking about it they probably wouldn't have a choice if it came down to either surviving or having them be killed by the sirens.

Jungkook pondered on the thought. Many times, he wished that they could just kill the sirens, but another thought stopped him. He wondered how Y/N would feel if he and the members killed the sirens, leaving maybe only Oceana alive. Would she be happy or would she be sad? He was unsure, but then again for a while, the sirens were like her family. To him, she probably would be sad if they did that. That very notion was probably why he hadn't been so determined of the idea to eradicate the sirens. He hoped though that it wouldn't have to come to that where he would have to choose whether to survive and kill the sirens or to die by the sirens' hands.

As the members waited for the sirens to return, they tried to come up with a plan, one of which that involved the sirens since Oceana mentioned that they would be willing to help out.

By the time they heard a knock on the door of the dorm, they had finished coming up with a plan. They took deep breaths when they heard the knock and they all stood up, carefully and slowly walking over to the door. They each grabbed a weapon of some kind in case if they needed them and stood in front of the door. Yoongi, trying to be brave, decided to be the one to answer the door. He placed his hand on the knob and slowly turned it before opening the door, revealing the sirens.

"What the hell are those for?! We're here to help!" Oceana exclaimed in disbelief as she stepped in and waved her hands around to get the members to lower their weapons. The sirens followed in soon after.

"Sorry, it's just that you threatened to kill us over the phone," Hoseok recalled with a nervous look.

"I wasn't being serious. Although, the pod might be more serious," Oceana mentioned as she gestured to the siren pod and the siren pod leader, who didn't look happy one bit. She slowly approached the members, but headed straight for Jungkook. Jungkook gulped a bit at seeing her approaching him and started lifting up his weapon again, but before he could lift it high enough the siren leader slapped the weapon away from his hands. He stumbled back with his hands out in front of him to put a little distance between them until his back finally hit the wall.

"I should cut out your hearts and eat them right here and now for the mess you've created," the siren leader sneered as she reached her hand up and slapped Jungkook across the face. Jungkook let out a yelp of pain as his head turned to the side. He touched his cheek and glared at her in response. The siren leader only glared back at him before glancing around at the other members, who looked shocked and frightened. "Honestly, you have seven members and you couldn't keep her safe?!"

"It wasn't necessarily our fault," Taehyung uttered in a shaky voice. The siren leader shot her gaze towards him, eyeing him with an icy stare making him clam up.

"What Taehyung is trying to say is, we didn't willingly let her get kidnapped. In fact, by the time we had got down to the beach, she was already captured," Namjoon explained in a clear and calm tone as he stared at the siren leader, who narrowed her eyes at him before storming over to him and slapping him across the face. He did the same as how Jungkook had done as he glared down at her with anger.

"I don't care if it was your faults or not, this should have never happened and this was specifically the reason why we didn't want you close to her," the siren leader stated with a furious look as she whipped around and looked at the other sirens, "We're going to go save Y/N and get rid of everything that scientist has on her."

"We can help," Seokjin voiced in a hopeful tone, but the siren leader scoffed in response.

"Do you really believe you can help?" The siren leader asked snarling at them as she turned around and glared at them, her true face slowly and gradually appearing, "I can think you boys have done enough. We're taking over and if you so much as step in our way then we won't hesitate to bring you down with that scientist." The members' hearts were beating loudly and quickly, but they knew that they had to stay strong and confident if they were going to take part in the rescue plan.

"Look, we got Y/N into the mess, so we should be the ones to get her out of this mess," Yoongi proclaimed in an urging tone, but this only seemed to make the siren leader more infuriated. Oceana seemed to notice the change in the atmosphere becoming more dangerous by the minute, so she choice to barge into the conversation.

"Enough!" Oceana bellowed in a loud tone, earning the attention of the members and the sirens as they looked at her in surprise, "We're wasting time arguing like this. Who knows what that scientist is doing to Y/N. We need to work together on this for it to be successful, so let's stop arguing and come up with a plan." At the hint from Oceana, the members and the sirens started settling down, but still continued to glare at one another. "Ok, so what's the plan?"

"We actually have a plan," Hoseok mentioned with a small smile as he showed the sirens their plan that they had drawn out. The members taking turns explaining how the plan would go. By the time they had finished explaining the sirens looked genuinely impressed by the members elaborate plan.

"Ok, we'll go with that plan. I'm putting aside my hate towards you boys for now, but once we rescue Y/N and she's back in the ocean where she belongs, you boys better watch your backs because we don't forgive so easily," the siren leader warned with a threatening look in her eyes. The members stared back at her with narrowed eyes.

"Y/N never belonged in the ocean, that was something that you forced on her," Jungkook grumbled as he fixed his glare specifically on the siren leader, who did her best not to go over to him and slap him again.

"Listen, if you try and kill us then we're going to fight back and kill you, so...," Yoongi argued with a challenging expression, making the sirens and the siren leader grow angry. The energy in the room became tense.

"Stop it! The more we argue the more Y/N is going to suffer and the more that scientist is going to dig deeper! Stop arguing and focus!" Oceana yelled in frustration as she slammed her hand against the wall, trying to gain everyone's attention, which it did and they all went quiet, "Good, now let's get going." The members and the sirens all nodded at that as they followed Oceana out of the dorm. They walked out of the building, ignoring the stares of the staff and got into three separate cars before taking off down the road. Yoongi drove the first car while the other cars followed. They drove at a fast pace, hoping that they wouldn't get into a car accident on their way.

Arriving at the research facility, they all got out of the car and stood staring up at the building. The members, every time they came here, were awed by how large and fancy the building looked, but they knew that now wasn't the time to stand there in awe. Shaking their heads, they glanced at the sirens who gave small nods before heading to the entrance. They were not very kindly greeted by two guards, who stood in front of the entrance with scowls on their faces.

"State your business here," one of them spoke in a deep voice as he crossed his arms over his chest. The sirens glanced at each other before grinning and giving each other nods. They stared into the guards' eyes alluringly.

"Ah~ ooh~ listen~ listen to this song~," they began to sing their enchantment song. The boys immediately covered their ears to block out the sound of their voices, so that they wouldn't be enchanted. Not too long after, the guards had dreamy looks in their eyes, as they stepped to the side. The sirens grinned darkly at that as they walked into the building. The members followed swiftly after them while the two guards followed as well in a trance-like state.

"Ok, so where is this lab that you mentioned?" The siren leader asked as she looked back at the members, who pointed down the hallway. She nodded as she gestured for them and the other sirens to follow after her. They did and they did their best not to make too much sound as they approached the lab.

"Hold her still!" The sound of Dr. Kai's voice rang out from the lab.

"No let me go...! Ahhh!! Please it hurts...!! Stop please...!!" Y/N cried out in pain and distress from inside the lab. Jungkook closed his eyes, trying not to let Y/N's cries distract him too much, but he could tell by her screams that she was in a lot of pain. He could also tell that her screams were weak. In the past few hours, she must have endured a lot of pain from Dr. Kai. The thought made his eyes teary, but he quickly flung away the tears. They got closer and closer to the lab and once they had reached the lab, the sirens looked at the guards.

"Would you two open the door~?" The siren leader asked seductively as she grabbed onto the necktie of one of the guards, bringing him closer to her, but also closer to the door.

"Yes my lady," the two guards responded at the same time with dreamy looks as they stepped towards the door. The members scoffed at the siren leader being called a 'lady' since she was far being that. The siren leader shot them a glare, but soon smirked at the two guards, who unlocked the door to the lab and opened it. The members and the sirens stepped into the lab and were horrified at the sight they saw. Y/N was strapped down to a table. She had little needles plunged into her all over her. Though, the thing that shocked the members mainly the most was the fact that Y/N looked almost as if she was drying up.

"What the-?! Why did you two let them in here?! Get them out of here now!" Dr. Kai yelled in outrage as he stomped his way over to the open door and glared directly at the two guards, who weren't even looking at him, but instead were looking at the sirens who dreamy eyes, "What the hell is wrong with you two?!"

"Sorry, but they answer to us now," the siren leader announced with a evil smirk as she glanced to the two guards, "You two, hold him and don't let him escape. We'll deal with him later." The two guards nodded as they looked at Dr. Kai, who started backing up slowly.

"Hey hey hey! Stop! You two work for me!" Dr. Kai protested in slight fear as he continued to back away from the two guards, who stalked towards him. When Dr. Kai had no more left to back away, the two guards grabbed him and held him tightly, not letting him escape.

Meanwhile, the sirens and the members rushed over to Y/N. Dr. Kai's workers tried to call for more security and more backup, but the sirens only enchanted them as well. The members freed Y/N from the table and removed all of the needles from her. Jungkook cupped her face gently and stared at her. Her eyes were only half open and her breathing had slowed.

"Y/N! Please stay with me..!" He pleaded with desperation in his voice. Y/N stared up at him, feeling her consciousness going in and out, as she weakly took a breath.

"Jungkook..," she murmured in a low tone as she smiled slowly, "I feel so weak... my skin is so dry..." He gazed at her skin to see it flaky and peeling practically. He furrowed his eyebrows in confusion.

"Jungkook! You have to get her back to the ocean! She'll completely dry up if she stays here for much longer!" Oceana insisted in urgency, "We'll take care of things here, but you have to get Y/N down to the beach now!" Jungkook nodded as he carefully and gently lifted Y/N into his arms bridal style. Namjoon grabbed two lab coats and placed them over top of Y/N's tail to hide it, so that others wouldn't be able to see it before the members took off running out of the lab.

"No!! That's my research!" Dr. Kai yelled out in fury as he wiggled around in the grips of the two guards. He let out an infuriated groan at watching the members escape with Y/N.

The members knew that the sirens would take care of everything else and they didn't want to know what the sirens were going to do. All that mattered for them was to get Y/N to the beach and into the water before she completely dried up. When they left the building, they all got into one car and drove off, speeding their way down the road and to the beach.

"Y/N, stay with us, we're almost there," Taehyung reassured with a comforting smile as he looked over at Y/N, who had a pained expression on her face.

"P-Please... get me to... the water...," she pleaded lowly, her voice growing hoarse and her breathing slowing down.

"Suga hyung, please drive faster!" Jungkook begged, his voice shaky and his heart beating rapidly. He held onto Y/N's weak body in his arms and tried to remain calm. Yoongi let out an exasperated sigh as he stepped on the gas pedal harder, making the car zoom down the street. The members gripped onto anything in case if they got into an accident.

Thankfully, they managed to reach the beach in one piece. Yoongi parked in a spot as the members all got out and started racing towards the water. Jungkook forced his legs to move as fast as they could until he finally reached the water. He rushed into the water, getting soaked by it, but he didn't care. He placed Y/N into the water, letting her body soak in it. His breathing heavy from running, he stared at her body.

For a moment, nothing happened and they feared that they may have been too late, but soon her tail glowed brightly once again and her skin became beautiful, tanned, and smooth once more. Her eyes fluttered open and she stared up, her eyes meeting Jungkook's relieved ones as he let out a sigh.

"Jungkook," she spoke softly as she lifted her head up and stared into his eyes before she quickly wrapped her arms around him. He let out a shaky chuckle as he wrapped his arms around her body as well, still being gentle in case if she was still sore or her body still felt hurt. The other members all sighed in relief to see her alive and well as they all collapsed on the sand, laughing in relief and cheering that they had succeeded in rescuing her.

"Y/N, thank goodness. I thought I lost you," Jungkook whispered in a relieved tone as he stroked her hair. His other hand gliding along her soft skin of her back. She giggled a bit at that as she pulled away and smiled at him.

"But you didn't. You saved me Jungkook," she voiced with a grateful smile as she leaned up and kissed his lips softly. He smiled at that as he kissed her back, placing his hands on her hips. This kiss was gentle and tender, but also longing.

"Uuf, ok you two lovebirds, let's keep it PG-13 here," Jimin commented with a grin. The other members stifled laughs at that as Jungkook and Y/N pulled apart to look at them. "I have to ask Y/N, why was your skin all flaky?"

"Technically speaking, I am part fish, so like any fish that's out of the water for a long period of time, I started to dry up," Y/N explained shortly with a cute smile. The members all had looks of realization on their faces making her giggle at that. "Thank you for saving me. I don't know what I would have done if you hadn't come saved me."

"Well, only some of the credit can go to us. We had help from your siren pod," Namjoon mentioned with a knowing look. Y/N's eyes widened a bit at that. "But you're welcome still. We're glad to see that you're ok. We all got pretty panicked once we found out that you were kidnapped."

"Haha, well, I think you all deserve something in gratitude," Y/N stated with a cheerful smile.

"Oh really? Then how about a kiss~?" Jimin asked as he pointed to his lips. Both Y/N and Jungkook's eyes widened at that.

"A kiss..?" She asked in surprise. Jimin nodded in response.

"Oh me too! I want a kiss too Y/N!" Taehyung exclaimed excitedly. Gradually, the other members started asking for kisses too from Y/N. She stared at them with an awkward look on her face while Jungkook was fuming. Once the other members had begun to speak all at once, it was then that he had the last straw.

"Hyungs!! Enough!!" He shouted angrily, glaring at his hyungs. His sudden outburst surprised everyone, including Y/N, and they all looked at him with wide eyes. "Y/N isn't kissing any of you and that's final!" Hearing this made Y/N's cheeks redden while the members all burst into laughter. "What is so funny?!"

"Haha! We were kidding! We're not going to steal your girl Jungkook," Hoseok said as he continued to laugh in amusement. Jungkook pouted a bit at that after hearing that they were just trying to tease him. "Though Jungkook, don't you think it's time you tell her?" Jungkook stared at his hyung before looking at Y/N, who had a confused look on her face. He nodded in response as took a deep breath to ready himself. He didn't care that his hyungs were there watching. He knew that he needed to tell her his feelings for her before anything else happened.

"Y/N... I lo-," Jungkook began to confess, but was soon cut off by the sirens coming over and chatting loudly. He groaned in annoyance at the interruption and so did the other members. "You're interrupting.."

"Tch, like we care," the siren leader responded with a click of her tongue, "Anyways, the scientist is taken care of."

"What exactly did you do to him?" Yoongi asked both curiously and suspiciously as he raised an eyebrow at the sirens.

"You really want to know?" Oceana asked in surprise. Yoongi thought for a moment before shaking his head. "Well, we didn't kill him or eat his heart if that's what you're wondering." The members all sighed in relief at that.

"Boys, go back to your dorm. We have to talk to Y/N," the siren leader instructed. The members, especially Jungkook, were about to protest, but she gave them a warning glare to not argue with her. They were hesitant, but Y/N sent them a reassuring smile making them sigh in defeat and started walking off back to the dorm.

Jungkook glanced over his shoulder at Y/N, sending her a worried expression that was met with a warm smile from her. As much as he wanted to stay with her for longer, he knew that arguing against the sirens was not the smart thing to do, especially since they had helped them be rid of Dr. Kai. With hope, he would see her tomorrow or soon.


Hey everyone!

Oof, a long new chapter has arrived! This is part 2! I hope you all enjoyed it!

Well, praise the lord, Y/N has been rescued. The sirens and the boys put away their hate of each other in order to rescue Y/N, but hopefully the sirens don't cause anymore chaos to happen. Hopefully too that this is the end of Dr. Kai, fingers crossed.

Anyways, please vote and comment if you liked this.

Stay tuned for the next chapter hopefully coming out soon! :)

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