I am USAGI! (UA Hero/Villain...

By Chimera_Regarion

1.2M 38K 19.8K

What happens when Aizawa realizes that one of his first year hero students was hiding his true potential? Wha... More

Rules of the Useless ones!
Announcement: Let the game begin!
Heroes Side!
Villains Side!
Preparation Day 1: Costumes
Preparation Day 2: Training
Preparation Day 2: What just happened?
Preparation Day 2: Speechless
Preparation Day 2: Found out!
Preparation Day 3: Weapons!
Hero Side Preparation Day 1
Hero Side Preparation Day 2
Hero Side Preparation Day 3
War Day 1: Welcome to the Island
War Day 1: Number 1 is overrated!
War Day 1: Truce
War Day 1: Tricked!
War Day 1: The ninth!
War Day 1: A true villain
War Day2: Vampire Hunt!
War Day 2: Bullseye
War Day 2: Welcome to the Team!
War Day 2: Not that dumb...
War Day 2: What's up with the Drones?
War Day 2: Mystery of the Island
War Day 2: Crazy Cat-Lady!
War Day 2: Stupidity can't be cured!
War Day 3: I said dibs!
War Day 3: Just Why?
War Day 3: On the hunt
War Day 3: Loud ass cockatoo!
War Day 3: Here we come!
War Day 3: Eyes and Ears in the sky!
War Day 3: Let's start the Payback, shall we?!
War Day 3: Horror and Pain!
War Day 3: There was a class 1B? Well now they are gone XD
War Day 3: Are we rooting for him? YES definitelly!
War Day 3: Team up!
War Day 4: The Past
War Day 4: Welcome Dadzawa!
War Day 4: No one is ever safe!
War Day 4: Easy game, right?!
War Day 4: Playing a game of cat and mouse!
War Day 4: It's called SCAREcrow for a reason!
War Day 4: CAT Isalnd for a CAT lover!
War Day 4: May I introduce to you, this is Tiny!
War Day 4: Izuku's new fan club!
War Day 4: Preparations!
War Day 5: Surprise attack! (1)
War Day 5: Surprise attack! (2)
War Day 5: Surprise attack! (3)
After Match

Preparation Day 3: Back on my feet!

28.1K 918 393
By Chimera_Regarion

The night I slept in Aizawa's and Mics house in their gust room. At first, I couldn't sleep at all and who thought they had soo many cats. They had 13 cats in total and every single cat thought it was a good idea to be with me.

This is how I spend the night cuddling and petting the cats until I fell asleep with them. The next day I was woken up by all the cats hissing at someone. I still had my eyes closed and enjoyed the moment ignoring all the hissing since I didn't felt like threatened by them. So it was fine with me.

Mic (whisperin): Sho... I wouldn't go in there right now.

Aizawa (whispering): Why not?

Mic (whispering): Just have a look.

I heard the door open again and the cats started hissing again.

Do the cats not like them?

Why are they hissing at both of them?

I thought these cats were theirs?!

Aizawa (whispering): You kidding me?! How did he do that? They hate each other and here we have a person laying in bed with all of them and they are not fighting each other?!

Mic (whispering): I know and what's more questionable is them hissing at us and not letting us come near him at all!

Aizawa (whispering): Did you gave the all catnip again?

Mic (whispering): No they are all high on a cinnamon roll obviously!

I then decided it was enough hissing of the cats and I wouldn't not be able to get any more sleep anyways. I could even call myself lucky that I got so much in the first place.

Me: Morning Mic-sensei and Aizawa-sensei!

All the cats stopped hissing and went to my side every one of them began nuzzling themselves against each other and against me.

Me: Morning to you guys too.

Aizawa: How are you doing this?

Me: Doing what?

Aizawa: The cats problem child, how did you tame them?

Tame them?

Why do I need to tame them, they are all so cute and so well behaved.

Me: I did nothing.

Mic: How did they even came in this room?

Me: Oh I couldn't sleep so I went and got myself a glass of water and they all came to me and didn't wanted to let me be alone so I accepted them.

Mic: So that's why you slept with them. That was the cutest thing I have ever seen.

Aizawa: I wish I could sleep with them once in a while.

Mic: No you don't or you sleep alone.

Aizawa: Fine...

Mic: Anyways breakfast is ready!

Aizawa: Get ready and come down then.

With that, they all left me with the cats alone in the room. I quickly changed into my uniform and then went down with all the cats following me. Once I entered the kitchen Aizawa finished laying down the food bowls for the cat but they didn't wanted to even touch their bowls. They all were surrounding me.

Me: Ahm, should I be concerned that they are not leaving my side?

Aizawa: Yep.

Mic: They never done that. Normally they would ran at their food bowls and eat their food the moment the food bowl touches the ground as if there was no tomorrow.

Me: What should I do?

Aizawa: Here kid, try placing this one down.

He went to my side after picking one bowl up and giving it to me. The moment I had the bowl in my hand every cat began mewing at me. I then went to where the bowl was standing and placed it down. The cat who's bowl that was immediately began eating from it.

Mic: Looks like they don't want to accept the food from you anymore Sho.

Aizawa: These cats are crazy if you ask me.

Me: But they are soo lovely.

I crouched down to them and began petting some.

Me: Why are you not eating hm? There are your bowl. They are filled with food come one kitty's.

That was all it took for all of them to go to their food bowl and eat their food.

Mic: Huh... They never listen to us at all. Sho, these cats are officially his now.

Aizawa: *Sigh* Izuku go wash your hands and come eat with us.

Me: I am not hungry.

Mic: Come on just a little bit at least. Chiyo told us to watch over you.

Me: All right!

I quickly washed my hands and came back, ate a little bit in order to not make any problems and we Aizawa drove us to UA.

Me: So what are we going to do today?

Aizawa: Power Loader wants you in his class he said something about he made everything you had in the notebook.

Mic: Oh Sho you never told me you had someone in your class that could make blue prints.

Aizawa: That's cause I didn't know that.

Mic: Really?

Aizawa: Yeah.... I looks like I didn't know a lot of things.

Mic: Huh, that is possible? I thought nothing could escape your trained eye.

Aizawa: Well it is and he is the living proof.

Mic: Izu, say why did you hide all the skills you have, they are amazing!

Me: Why don't you ask Nezu why? I am sure he knows everything about my past and so does Bitch Might!

Mic: Wow, wow, wow did I just hear class 1A's cinnamon roll insult someone.

Me: Yeah and he deserves it!

Aizawa: Nezu doesn't want to tell us.

Me: ....

Mic: So you wanna tell us why?

Me: I was quirkless. All Might gave me his quirk just 10 months before the entrance exam. I have my own rules to survive. If I don't want people to know something than they will not find out.

Aizawa: ...


The rest of the car drive was silent and the moment we arrived, I instantly went to Power Loaders class. Schools hasn't started yet and I walked into the class room and was immediately meet with Mei who was running towards me.

Mei: Your ideas are brilliant!

Me: Really?

Mei: YES! Me and Power Loader including everyone here loved them!

Me: How many did you made?

Mei: Every single one of them!

Me: Every single one?

Then Power Loader came into the classroom and was about to start the class when he saw me and heard me questioning Mei's words.

Power Loader: Yes, every single one!

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