The Child of The Tomb

By Leo_Matsuzaki

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(Y/n) Satoru-the little sister of Suzuki Satoru-loves to play a game called YGGDRASIL. She's secretly in a gu... More

Lesson Prolouge - Eh?
Lesson 1 - How did This Happen!
Lesson 2 - Pestonya!
Lesson 3 - Saving Carne Villege
Lesson 4 - Gazef Stronoff
Lesson 5 - Idiotic
Lesson 6 - Caring
Lesson 7 - Alone
Lesson 8 - Distance Attempts
Lesson 9 - Bane
I'm Back!!
Lesson 10 - One More Day
Lesson 11 - Shalltear's Impact
Lesson 12 - Jealous?
Lesson 13 - A Mess of Things
Lesson 14 - Rogue
Lesson 15 - Better Picture
Lesson 16 - Emotions
Lesson 17 - Shalltear
Event Results! + Explanations!
Lesson 18 - A Regular Day
Lesson 19 - The Usual
OVA - Beach Episode! Pleiades Ver.
Lesson 20 - Lizardmen
Lesson 21 - First Alliance
Lesson 22 - Kill Her With Kindness
Lesson 23 - Tribes United
Lesson 25 - Cocytus
Lesson 26 - Just The Start
Lesson 27 - The...
Lesson 28 - Ready or Not
Lesson 29 - Resolving Matters
OVA - Beach Day! Guardians Ver.
Lesson 30 - The Woman
Lesson 31 - Tuare
Lesson 32 - More People?
Lesson 33 - Progress
Lesson 34 - New Plans and Info
Lesson 35 - Werewolf of the West
Lesson 36 - A Revelation
Lesson 37 - Multiple Thoughts
Lesson 38 - Sebas's Lessons
Lesson 39 - Naps
OVA - Albedo & Shalltear V. Cake
Lesson 40 - Climb V. Succulent
Lesson 41 - Wrapping it Up
Lesson 42 - Sebas's Test
Lesson 43 - Bickering
Lesson 44 - Planning Rescue & Conquer
Lesson 45 - Sebas's Beatings
Lesson 46 - Entoma V. Blue Roses
Lesson 47 - Disturbance's
Lesson 48 - Reunited

Lesson 24 - The Big Battle

1.5K 57 0
By Leo_Matsuzaki

(3rd Person POV)

Lizardmen rush in as the skeleton's do the same. Some lizardmen have weapons and some will use their fists, while the skeletons each have a steel sword and shield, the zombies however, have nothing.

Each group comes closer and closer to each other, the tension builds before they finally collide, immediately fighting.

Shouts can be heard from each side, some war cries and some cries for help. 

Skeletons with spears ride in on undead horses, while some with scythes fight against the lizardmen with clubs.

Behind a wall of sorts sits Rororo and all the chiefs. "They're using the cavalry to get behind them, surround them, and wipe them out, is that it?" Sukyu said to no one in particular.

"I think it's time for us to make our first play as well." Shasuryu says, earning the attention of Zenberu.

The cavalry suddenly fall as they hit a hitch in the road.

"Shoot them!" Someone shouts. Rocks are suddenly launched at the skeletons taking out the fallen horse riders.

Arrows come from the other side, taking out a multitude of lizardmen. The archers don't let up as the next wave of skeletons and lizardmen run in.

"Are they thumbing their noses at us?" Zenberu chirps.

"I can't make sense of them. Is it possible that they don't have any commanders?" Zaryusu questions.

"So does that mean they think they just needed greater numbers?" Zenberu adds.

"They're mocking us!" Shasuryu says, angered.

"Still, we should reduce the enemy's numbers as much as possible, while we can." Sukyu cuts in.

"Tch, I wanna get out there too!" Zenberu expresses his frustration.

"Patience, Zenberu." Kyukyu speaks.

"Just be patient until the enemy's leader appears. We can't afford to reveal the elite unit yet." Shasuryu comments.

Undead dogs suddenly join the battle, running through the field of legs and lunging at unsuspecting lizardmen. Boars join the battle too, ramming into any of the lizardmen in their way. Bears come and cause damage to the lizardmen forces.

Mud tornadoes rise from the grounds, grabbing the undead animals and ripping them in half, shocking all the fighters.

"I can't believe they can summon Swamp Elementals in such a short time." Crusch says, referring to the elder's that are muttering spells behind them on the lower ground. "Working together really is an amazing thing." She smiles.

"Indeed. After that last war, we did exchange small bits of information. After this incident is over, there are more things I'd like to try." Zaryusu explains.

The tip of their tails curl around each other from behind the wall.

"Right, Zaryusu." Crusch agrees.

No one pays attention to their lovey-dovey moment, continuing to watch the battle.

The Dummy Nazarick

Cocytus watches through the mirror as the fight ensues.

"I underestimated the Lizard Men's morale." He says, glancing over at Entoma who nibbles on a snack under her mask.

Cocytus looks back and picks up another scroll. The same blue fire being lit and burned away. "Message."


This catches Entoma's attention.

"Yes, my friend. What in the world has caused you to Message me?" Demiurge replies in Cocytus's head.

"As it happens..."

With Demiurge

"I see. So what would you like me to do?" Demiurge turns with his smug smirk, a bone in his hand. He is currently in a white hut, the place where he is supposed to work on the parchment.

"I need some advice. If this defeat is mine alone, I can accept it. However, I can't do anything to disgrace the Supreme Ones." Cocytus explains.

"Does Lord Ainz and Lady (Y/n) really want you to win?"

Cocytus lifts his head slightly in surprise. "What? What do you mean by that?"

"I mean, why did Lord Ainz and Lady (Y/n) raise an army of such low-level servants? Perhaps.. Lord Ainz and Lady (Y/n) wished for you to think for yourself, and gather some intelligence to help you pursue victory? It could be part of a plan to promote your awareness."

Cocytus grumbles quietly at this information as Demiurge continues.

"Additionally, the name Nazarick was never put forth. And you were forbidden to move on them as well. Which would mean..." Demiurge suddenly gasps, a beep interrupting him.

"Hmm? Demiurge?"

"Cocytus, I apologize but something has just come up. I wish you victory."

A talisman burns away from Entoma, her being the culprit of the cut off. Cocytus doesn't seem to notice as he looks down at the scrolls.

"It's too late to do anything now, isn't it? Then there's no choice but to send in the reserves." He says as he tosses up another scroll.

"I'm giving you an order, Elder Lich in command. Advance! Show the Lizard Men your power!"

The Battlefield.

It seems the battle is over as the skeletons are gone and the exhausted lizardmen. "Okay, carry the seriously wounded to the village." One of the fighter leaders said. "The rest of you, follow us--"

A fireball flew by him and to the Swamp Elementals, covering them in heavy fire and causing them to disintegrate.

Out from the mist came the Elder Lich with his large beaded necklace, purple shawl, and yellow ribbon that floated around him. He only had one eye open, and it was glowing red. He raised his finger and threw another fireball, blowing up several lizardmen and causing the flames to spread around the field.

"Run! That one isn't like the other enemies up to now!"

"You all head back and tell the chiefs and Zaryusu about this!" A different fighter leader said.

"We'll buy you some time!" Another added.

"I, Iguva, will secure His victory." The Elder Lich said with a smirk.

The chiefs glared down at him as he took out all the lizardmen with just a few fireballs.

"It looks like we're up this time, that's for sure." Zenberu started.

"Yeah, that's a powerful one. Is that the army's commander? Even if it isn't, there's no doubt he's their ace in the reserve." Shasuryu finished.

"Right. But how are we going to get near him?" Crusch questioned. Zaryusu's eyes narrowed as he looked at Iguva. "It looks like he has a magic range of about 100 meters." Crusch continued.

Rororo snapped Zaryusu out of it, allowing Zaryusu to give him a few pets. "You're right. That's what we can do."

"Zaryusu..?" Crusch looked over at him.


Rororo's heavy footsteps swiftly traveled through the shallow swamp as he roared, making his way to Iguva.

"Fools. You think that slow-moving beast can traverse this distance?!" Iguva growled as he shot a fireball at Rororo. Rororo roared once more, this time it was lightly pained, yet he continued, making it out with a handful of bloody burn wounds.

"Insufferable brute! Die!" Iguva threw two fireballs this time.

Rororo slowed down slightly, now much more inquired. However, he kept going.

"Why won't it stop?! Why does it keep coming?!" He shouted, this time throwing a slightly larger fireball.

Zaryusu suddenly shot up from Rororo's back. His sword glowed as he swiftly brought it down. "Icy Burst!" A medium sized ice spike blocked the fireball, causing mist to cover the flooring.

Rororo fell to the ground as Zenberu and Crusch also appeared, running behind Zaryusu on each side of him.

"Thanks, Rororo." Zaryusu quickly said, glancing back at the fallen Rororo for only a short second.

Iguva backed up slightly. "Impossible!" He threw another fireball, only for it to be blocked by another Icy Burst by Zaryusu.

"Shoot as many as you like! I'll dispel them all!" Zaryusu shouted.

"In that case, take my thunderbolts! Lightning!"

"Let me handle this!" Zenberu yelled, getting in front of Zaryusu and taking the hit. "Resistance.. Massive!" Using his magic he was able to save himself from harm.

"You saved us!" Zaryusu praised.

"Ha-ha, no sweat!"

"Summon Undead 4th!" A blue light shone from the floor as it brought up a few skeleton soldiers. "I am Iguva, an Elder Lich in the service of the Great Ones. If you bow your heads, I will make your deaths painless."

Zaryusu lifted his sword. "In that case, here is your answer... Hell no!"

"Then realize that you have rejected my final offer of mercy as you suffer a death racked with anguish!" The soldiers started to run at them.

"No, you go back to the world of dead, Iguva!" Zaryusu shouted as Zenberu jumped from behind him and punched one of the Undead.

"Forward, Zaryusu!" He called back to him. Zaryusu ran past him as he took out more with his punches.

Iguva floated backwards as Zaryusu continued to rush at him. "Know terror! Scare!"

Suddenly Zaryusu was in a blue and black abyss. He couldn't move and felt anxious.

"Lion's Heart!" Crusch's voice shouted from the abyss. He looked down and noticed a yellow light pulsing from his chest, setting him free from the abyss. He turned back to look at Crusch as she smiled happily.

"Zaryusu!" She said with relief.

Iguva looked at her. "Pestiferous fool! Lighting!" He shouted as the electric current struck her.

"Crusch!" Zaryusu glared at Iguva as he continued his pursuit of him. He went to slash but was blocked by a finger.


"--Too slow!" Zaryusu said as hit the hand away and got closer to him.

"Magic won't help you at this range!"

"Don't underestimate me, Lizard Man!" Iguva said with a sinister smile before shooting sharp piercing's of light at him.

Zaryusu jumped back and blocked them before going back to fighting at close range.

Crusch laid in the water, injured by the lightning. She was seemingly slowly starting to come to as she pushed herself up with much struggle, not even being able to sit up.

Zenberu could be seen defeating the last Undead. Pummeling it into the ground. "Zaryusu, I'm finished here! You take it.. from.. here..." Zenberu's words fell short, due to the exhaustion of fighting so many Undead, and the lighting strike he suffered at the beginning. He collapsed onto his side, leaving the only two available to fight being Zaryusu, and Iguva.

He spared a quick glance at Zenberu before getting his cheek grazed by another bullet of light. It seemed he was also slowing down, his strikes barely even being in front of the Elder Lich.

This seemed to be true as the light spears pierced his back. He panted, attempting to catch his breath. Crusch opened one of her eyes and lifted up her hand. "Middle Cure Wounds!" 

His wounds healed instantly, it seemed his exhaustion was also gone as he got into a fighting position. "You won't best me!"

He finally was able to get a strike on Iguva, however, he moved so fast that Zaryusu wasn't able to tell if it was deep or shallow.

"I won't have you looking down on me!"

Iguva set up another fireball as Zaryusu was jumping towards him for another slash. 'Area-of-effect magic, at this range?' Zaryusu questioned in his mind.

It suddenly hit him as he glanced back at his fallen comrades, Crusch, and Zenberu. "No!"

He switched his hand position and lifted the sword above his head. "Icey Burst!"

The entire area was suddenly filled in white and flakes of snow, the swamp slowly becoming frozen into ice as Zaryusu shouted in pain as he also slowly became frozen with ice.


Iguva came from the ice mist with a smug scoff. "Hmph, you only hurt yourself, not knowing that cold doesn't work on me." He extinguished the fireball he once held. "Now, where is he..?"

Iguva was caught off guard as Zaryusu came plunging down at him, stabbing Frost Pain through his closed eye and causing blood to come spewing through, tainting the front of the blue sword with dark red.

Iguva shouted in pain as Zaryusu left the sword in his eye.

"I-I am a servant created by the One!" Iguva's words became slower and less audible as he slowly stumbled to the panting Zaryusu. "I will not be brought down..."

Zaryusu stood still in slight fear and exhaustion. Iguva grabbed his neck, going to choke him out. " something like this!"

Iguva strengthened his hands as he held onto Zaryusu's neck harder. "Die, Lizard Man!" He growled hysterically.

Zaryusu choked as he saw his friends flash before him.

'Rororo...' The image of his battered pet stand before him. 'Zenberu...' An image of the fiend of a fighter laying on his back is next. 'Crusch...' Lastly showing the picture of whom he loves dearly laying in the water.

Something started inside of him as his eyes lit with passion and rage. He growled loudly as he lifted his fist. "Impossible! How can you move?!"

"You monster!" Iguva shouted as Zaryusu brought his hands together and raised them above his head, he swiftly shot them down. "You're.. finished!!" Zaryusu let out his war cry as he smashed the sword deeper into Iguva's eye, forcing the Lich let him go.

Blood steadily flew out from his head, almost like tap water from a sink. "Lord.. Ainz.. Lady.. (Y/n)..." He croaked out before the color left his eye. "...forgive.. me..."

Finally, the Elder Lich dissolved into flecks of ash, while Frost Pain fell onto the floor.

Zaryusu stared at the scene for a moment before falling backwards.

Cries of victory were heard as he slowly became unconscious.

"Our gratitude to you!" Most of them shouted.

A/N: I hate words..

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