Good Girl Gone Bad [LIV BLAC...

By adolescentmuse

54.8K 1.3K 1.3K

Sirius Blacks daughter cared by Remus Lupin. "She would never! She's a good girl!" "I'm sorry, Lupin, but it... More

01 | azkaban
September, 1991
September, 1991
September, 1991
June, 1993
July, 1993
September, 1993
September, 1993
September, 1993
September, 1993
September, 1993
October, 1993
October, 1993
October, 1993
November, 1993
November, 1993
November, 1993
November, 1993
November, 1993
December, 1993
Christmas Eve, 1993
Christmas, 1993
January, 1994
how to disappear completly. march 1994
April, 1994
April, 1994
JUNE, 1994
JUNE, 1994
JULY, 1994
sirius' arrival, july 1994
Forgive & Forget. July, 1993
33 | Girls Just Wanna Have Fun!
34 | Gentle Sin

October, 1993

915 29 54
By adolescentmuse

TODAY, THE CORRIDORS of Hogwarts was bustling with the sound of fresh-out-of-bed students as it was every morning. But this morning in particular, Liv felt freer than ever – having managed to finally escape the hospital wing, and by escape, she meant being told by madam Promfrey her and Harry could leave. She appreciated the newfound freedom, none the less.

"I'm really sorry about what we heard in Hogsmede, Harry," Liv had said as they meandered their way down to breakfast. "I know we haven't had a chance to talk about it yet,"

"It's not your fault he's the reason my parents are dead," Harry replied, scuffing his feet along the floor of the corridor.

"That's not the point!" Liv huffed, annoyed, before thinking better of it – there was really no point in fighting, so she turned more serious "Just please listen, don't do anything – stupid, because of what you heard yesterday, alright?"

"Stupid?" Harry repeated, stopping in his tracks to turn to face Liv. "Like what?"

"Like trying to go after Black," Liv said, and by Harry's reaction, (tutting and throwing his hands in the air in a huff) Liv knew that had been his plan exactly. "You won't, will you Harry?" Liv spoke, looking into his eyes and holding his shoulder steadily as if she hoped it made the message sink in deep down into his soul. "Sirius isn't worth dying for,"

Unsurprisingly, Harry shook her off. He often did that during arguments. "You don't understand," he tutted, beginning to storm off down the corridor.

"I understand more than you think," Liv tried to reassure him, but was immediately cut off.

"No, no you don't!" Harry's temper had risen and he'd began to start shouting. "Do you know what I hear every time a dementor gets too near me? I can hear my mum screaming and pleading with Voldemort – and if you'd heard your mum screaming like that, just about to be killed, you wouldn't forget it in a hurry. And if you found out someone who was her friend betrayed her and sent Voldemort after her-"

"Do you know what I see?" Liv said quietly. "I see my mother too... for the first time. I feel her touch for the first time. You're not the only one who grew up without a mother, Harry! These are hard times for everyone, not just you, and I don't want to see you get killed by Sirius because you think you can handle him yourself!"

Harry stayed quiet and so did Liv. She'd begun to regret what she'd said. It wasn't her fault, it just sort of... came out! Oh god, Harry! Please say something!

"I'm sorry," Harry said suddenly. "I - I had no idea,"

"I don't tell anyone for a reason. People would look at me differently if they knew – the way they look at you. I don't want their pity,"

"Listen," Harry said, Liv could see the anger glowering in his eyes. "I'm gonna find him, and when I do, I'm going to kill him,"

"That's... that's a bit dramatic, Harry, don't you think?" Liv said quietly. "I know you defeated Voldemort... but– but that was different, Sirius Black would kill you in an instant, Harry! I don't want you dead!"

Harry turned on his feet and began to walk off, Liv had to run to keep up with his strides. "You're right, Harry!" She called after him. " I don't know how you feel. You have this massive spotlight on you all the time, I mean, you're Harry Potter, for Merlin's sake! I'll never understand what that's like, so, I'm sorry!"

Harry stopped. He nodded, awkwardly and Liv linked her arm around his own.

"Let's go for a walk... get some air," She sighed. "Professor Lupin won't mind if we're a bit late,"


"Sorry we're late, Professor –"

Liv bumped into the someone the moment she'd stepped into the class. She'd been too busy glowering at Seamus for sitting in her seat beside Dean, and had been too distracted to see Snape stood just inside the doorway, and had walked straight into him.

"Ten minutes late," Snape sneered. Liv jumped back in shock, he was the last person she'd expected it to be. Where was her father? "That's ten points from Gryffindor... each. Now sit,"

Instead of going to settle down in her seat (that was preoccupied, anway), Liv ignored the demand and stared at Snape in concern.  "Where's Professor Lupin?"

"Professor Lupin finds himself incapable of teaching at this hour," Snape said coldly, a small smile beginning to twist at his lips. "I believe I told you to sit,"

"W-what's wrong with him?"

"Nothing of your concern,"

"Nothing of my concern?" Liv repeated with a light scoff. My fathers whereabouts are definitely my concern!

"That's five more points from Gryffindor, it'll be 50 if I have to ask you to sit down again," he snapped as Liv before turning to speak to the rest of the class. "As I was saying before Potter and Black interrupted, Professor Lupin had not left any record of the topics you have covered so far –"

Liv blocked out Snape's drawing voice and strutted over to Seamus, hitting him round the back of his head. "That's my seat, asshole,"

"It was your seat, then you decided to not show up," Seamus said. It infuriated Liv. "Now it's my seat,"

Liv scoffed for what seemed like the millionth time that day, scanning the room for a different, empty chair. There was one next to Hermione who had her hand politely in the air. "Sir?" She said quietly. "We've done boggarts, Red capps and Kappas, we were just about to start –"

"Be quiet," snapped Snape. "I didn't ask for information – I was merely commenting on Professor Lupins lack of organization,"

Liv's mouth fell open, but the immediately fell back shut when she thought of the detention she'd earn if even the smallest sound escaped her mouth. With a huff, she slumped down into the chair beside Hermione.

"What are you talking about?" Dean asked boldly, and Liv began to grin. "He's the best dark arts teacher we've ever had,"

"You are easily satisfied, Mr Thomas," first-years can handle red caps and boggarts, today we shall discuss – "

A certain spell was muttered and the pages of his book began to quickly flutter, right down to the very last page. " – werewolves,"

There was a murmur of discussion from the class. Liv snapped her head round to give Padma a concerned look. "What the fuck?" She muttered quietly, Padma hopelessly shrugged.

"But, Sir," Padma sighed. "We're not supposed to do werewolves yet,"

Snape's heels echoed through the room, which had been blacked out by the large curtains, as he strutted over towards Padma's desk. He slammed his hands down, hard, making Padma flinch backwards in shock. "Are you taking this class, Patil?"


"Exactly. Now turn to page three hundred and ninety-four," He gave a quick glance around the still room. "All of you, now!"

There was a second murmur through the class, this time, Liv could sense the annoyance within it – but no one was as annoyed as Liv.

"Which of you can tell me how we distinguish between the werewolf and the true wolf?" Snape asked the class, which was quite a stupid question considering the class had never studied werewolves before, so everyone stayed quiet. Liv knew the answer, of course, and apparently so did Hermione for she raised her hand high in the air.

Apparently not high enough. Snape glanced at her hand and chose to ignore her. "Anyone?" He asked the class, disappointed. "Are you telling me that Professor Lupin hasn't even taught you the basic distinction between –"

"I just told you," Padma said rather suddenly. "We haven't done werewolves yet,"

"Silence!" Snape snapped. "Black, tell me how to distinguish a werewolf and a real wolf, or I'll have to inform Professor dumbledore on how behind this class is,"

"Why are you asking me?" Liv asked, gesturing towards Hermione beside her, who still had her hand politely in the air. "She's the one who knows the answer,"

"Because I'm asking you,"

Liv sighed. "Werewolves snouts are typically shorter.... I guess?"

"You guess?" Snape repeated, eyebrows raised.

"I know," Liv snapped. "Their eyes are also more human like,"

"Wonderful," Snape said, and Liv could have sworn she saw the man smile for the first time. "I'm confident you'd be able to recognise and kill a werewolf if one ever crossed your path,"

"What?" Liv gasped.

"That's right, you will each write an essay, to be handed in to Professor Lupin, on the ways to recognise and kill werewolves. Two rolls of parchment,"

The class was in uproar, Liv was saddened by the fact it was due to writing an essay, not the topic it was on. Snape must have thought she was a fool thinking she'd ever do something like that, so when he his flicked his wand in a way that made paper fall infront of the desk of every student, Liv stared down at it and didn't dare pick up her pen.

The minuets that passed felt like hours, and the scratching of pens across paper was making Liv nauseous – thinking about the dreadful things her classmates and friends were unknowingly writing. She hadn't touched her pen, not even looked at it, and was considering leaving the class all together.

Until a small paper bird landed down on her desk. She eyed around the class, looking to see whoever sent it, but no one was looking her way. She held it gently in her hands, and slowly unfolded the shape.

Why can't you and Seamus just get along? – D

She'd expected it to be something much worse – like someone knowing about her father being a werewolf, so she'd rolled her eyes the moment she read it. She turned around to where Dean was sat and simply flipped him off.

Because he's weird. Like, really weird. – Liv xx

The paper refolded itself into a little bird, and fluttered off silently. Liv was again left alone with her blank sheet of paper, and was considering leaving the class once more. But she couldn't risk earning any more detentions, especially Snape who she knew wouldn't hold back when it came to the length of punishments. After what felt like an eternity, Snape stood from his desk, well, Remus' desk, and began to collect in the papers.

"I'm sure Professor Lupin is excited to read these–"

He stopped in front of Liv's desk, sneering down at the empty paper. "Black?" He snapped. "Care to tell the class why your assignment is blank?"

"My assignment is blank because I don't agree with killing innocent people over a condition they can't control,"

"Innocent people?" Snape repeated. "Filthy Half-breeds are not people. They're a danger to our society,"

"Maybe if the ministry did more to protect these people instead of making how to hunt and kill them part of the school curriculum they wouldn't be seen as such a danger!"

"That's enough, Black!"

"No!" Liv snapped, jumping up from her seat. "You asked me why my parchment is blank so I'm telling you,"

"Get back in your seat, Black,"

"I'm not staying in this class if you're not going to teach it right," She said while glaring at Snape, slinging her bag over her shoulder.

"Leave my classroom and you'll earn yourself a months detention,"

Liv laughed and turned around. "This isn't your classroom," she said loudly. "So I'll leave it up to Professor Lupin to decide if I'm in trouble,"

She left the classroom immediately, realising it's what she should have done all along, and made her way down to the teachers chambers where she assumed her father would be. The corridors where empty and quiet, which meant without any blocked corridors or queues of students she got there in no time at all.

"Dad?" Liv asked, knocking lightly on his door that was open ajar. "Are you alright?"

She pushed open the door fully, forcing out a large creak. There was Remus, sat at his table looking very tired as if she'd just accidentally woken him up.

"Liv? What are you doing?" He asked with a surprised look on his face as Liv came tumbling towards him into a hug. "Why aren't you in class?"

"Because Snape was being an ass!" She huffed into his chest. "He said werewolves were filthy halfbreeds,"

"You've got to ingnore it," Remus spoke before kissing the top of her head. "You can't keep walking out of class!"

"Why aren't you teaching, anyway?" Liv grumbled, choosing to ignore him.

"It was a full moon last night, I wasn't feeling great,"

"It was a full moon?" Liv asked, pulling herself away from him to get a better look at him – shocked, for she'd never forgot about full moons. "You've not got any scratches!" She added, looking at his face and arms that were free from wounds.

"It's a nice change, isn't it?" He smiled, and Liv remembered something she had been excited to tell him.

"Look!" She said excitedly, lifting up her jumper and shirt to reveal her torso where the Hypogriff had slashed her, that after what seemed like forever,  had finally healed over. "We've got matching scars!" she said, pointing to the small line of a scar that was left on her skin.

"Olivia Black!" Remus said sternly. Oh Merlin, I know I'm in trouble when he uses my full name like that. "What is that in your stomach?"

"What?" She asked, confused. It definitely wasn't the reaction she was looking for. She looked down at her stomach were Remus was glaring disapprovingly at, and with a sudden gasp, she quickly pulled her jumper back down to cover it. "Oh no,"

"Let me see, Olivia,"

Liv began to back away from her father and he strode towards her. "It's nothing!" she began to beg. "You must be seeing things!"

She looked back to the open door, wondering if she had enough time to run to and escape – it would be better than the reaction Remus would have to seeing the stud fixed into her belly button.

"If you run away I will not hesitate to tackle you to the ground," Remus threatened. Liv realised he probably wasn't joking.

Liv had backed away so far she came into contact with a wall. There was definitely no escape now. "It's nothing, I swear!" She said desperately.

"Merlin, Liv!" Remus tutted as he pulled her jumper back up and examined the piercing.

"It's cool," Liv said, playfully shoving him. "Not that you would know,"

"Not for a thirteen year old!" Remus replied sounding irritated.

"I had it when I was twelve," Liv said, and then immediately regretted it seeing the look on Remus' face.


"Well, the night before my 13th birthday," Liv tried to convince her father that it wasn't as bad as it sounded.

"It was Kingsley, wasn't it?" Remus asked. "The same way he stuck metal in your ears when you were just a baby,"

"I was seven!" Liv said rolling her eyes. "Anyway, Padma did it,"

"She is never stepping foot in my house ever again," Remus replied, shaking his head.

"We both know that's not true," Liv said. She plopped herself down in Remus' chair and swung her feet up onto the table with a sigh.

"I need to go grab some fifth-year papers," Remus said. "I'll be back in a minute,"

Liv let her father leave, and rather quickly, he returned. Though Liv soon realised she'd mistaken Snape for him once again and hadn't noticed until he was beside her, holding a pile of papers.

Liv refused to look him in the eye – If any other teacher had walked in, she'd had removed her feet from where they were resting on top of the desk to be polite. But for snape, she kept them there – to mark her territory, because she was welcomed here, and he most certainly was not.

"Make sure these get to Lupin," he said coldly, making sure the papers slammed down hard on the table beside her feet.

"Yeah, whatever," Liv said, pretending to be very interested in her light-blue painted nails she'd brought up to her face to examine, letting Snape leave the room in silence.

She glanced at the pile, hoping it wasn't the assignments on werewolves. It of course was, and to make matters worse, Harry's lay on top.

Werewolves typically have longer snouts than normal wolves this is one way you can recognise them if you were to ever hunt and kill.....

Liv stopped reading and ripped the assignment clean in two. She immediately clasped her hand around mouth when she'd realised what she'd done, but then came up with an absolutely genius idea.

He doesn't deserve to read this shit. Liv thought as she picked up the pile and chucked it on the floor. It was irresponsible for Snape to leave it in my possession anyway.


Liv jumped back as the papers ignited into flames infront of her feet. "Woah!" She gasped, proud the spell she'd never attempted before actually worked – that's untill the flames got bigger... and then even bigger... and then:

"Oh, shit!"

She stumbled for her wand once more and the flames grew concerningly large. "Aguamenti!" She yelled. "Aguamenti! Aguamenti!"

Water gushed from the end of her wand, sizzling over the flames until they were finally put out. Now, where the fire once was, lay a very, very large pile of water. She snapped her head round to the door – her father hadn't returned yet, surely she'd had time to clear it up? She ripped her jumper off over her head, falling to her knees to rub it over the water in attempts to mop it all up.

It really wasn't working.

"What an earth happened in here?" A voice suddenly called – Remus. Oh, fuck!

"I spilt some water," Liv said innocently, hiding the now soaked, ash covered jumper behind her back.

"More like flooded the place," Remus chuckled lightly, pulling out his wand. "I can't leave you by yourself for one minute, can I?" He muttered a quick spell, and the floor was cleaned and dried.

"Thanks, Dad," Liv beamed, noticing all evidence that the papers had ever existed had  completely disappeared.

"You're not going to lunch with your friends?"

"No, I'm not hungry..." Liv shrugged. "Besides, I don't see you much these days,"

She'd let a couple minutes pass, watching him mark papers from his other classes, Pondering about what Padma had said to her the day before.

'It's just, if my parents accepted me, I'd tell them in a heartbeat, you know?'


"Yes, love?" Remus replied. He looked at his daughter sprawled out in the chair, knees brought up to her chin, playing with the chain of her necklace. She had always done that when feeling shy.

"How would you feel about me having a boyfriend?"

"Oh, Merlin," Remus groaned, setting down his pen with one hand, running his fingers through his greying hairs with the other. "It's that Weasley boy, isn't it? The twin –"

"Actually..." Liv interrupted her fathers rambling, quickly, fearing it may go on forever. "Actually it's a girl. Padma,"

Afraid she'd catch her fathers eye, Liv found interest in Remus' floor, for there was a chance it would be nicer to look at then his reaction.

"Well," Remus said rather suddenly and picked up his pen once more. "That's even better,"

Quickly, the floor became uninteresting and Liv looked up to her Father again. He wasn't looking at her, but rather back, busy marking the papers infront of him.

"Why?" Liv asked.

Remus smiled. "Because there's no chance I accidentally become a grandfather,"

Liv laughed – maybe in relief, maybe because of the joke – before letting out a small 'ew'

Remus leant back in his chair, shaking his head with a sad laugh.

"Merlin," he sighed. "What is it with Black's falling in love with their best friends?"


"Oi, Fred, will you quit that? She's trying sleep!"

A continuous loud banging made Liv audibly groan as it woke her from where she had been asleep against Deans shoulder. Slowly, she opened her eyes, not wanting to see whatever Fred was up too, because it usually wasn't a good thing.

"Nice one, Weasley' You've only gone and woken her!" Dean yelled angrily to the ginger.

"Sorry, kids!" Fred called from the opposite side of the common room. He had a large hammer in one hand, and had the other on a new piece of paper on the notice board. "Important notice!"

"What are you doing that's so important you had to wake me up?" Liv yelled back.

"This," George said suddenly. He'd appeared behind the back of the couch from where he'd been handing out the flyers to the surrounding Gryffindor's. Liv took the flyer and held it out Infront of her face.


"A Halloween party?" Liv questioned to the twin.

"You're a third year now," George smiled, before walking over to where a couple sixth years had entered through the portrait hole to hand them a flyer. "Remember to dress up!"

"Oh my God!" Liv squealed, jumping from the couch. "I need to go show Padma!"

She raced up the dormitory steps, jumping as many steps as her small body could manage, and pulled open her dormitory door, quickly. Hermione was laying on the top of her sheets of her own bed, reading soundly. Lavender, Pamda, and her sister Parvati were all squeezed on another bed surrounded by a pile of makeup.

"Hey, Parvati!" Liv smiled, squeezing herself onto the bed too between the three girls.

"Ah," Lavender said. "Sleeping beauty has finally arisen,"

"And she comes with good news," Liv replied excitedly, placing the flyer down in between the bundle of limbs. "A party, finally!"

The girls all exclaimed excitedly, Hermione peered over from behind her book. Liv scrunched up the flyer into a ball and chucked it towards her, she opened it with a small huff.
"A party, really?"

"Oh come on, Hermione!" Liv said, "it's Halloween!"

"Wait, Halloween?" Padma said suddenly. "That's tomorrow!"


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