Such a Hufflepuff (George Wea...

By _rachel111_

241K 5.7K 4.8K

You were always a very kind girl. You grew up as a muggle but you were a pureblood. This story will start at... More

Back Home
The breakup
The train
Tri-wizard Tournament
The first task
The Yule Ball
Almost fight
Easy option
Holding hands
Midnight visitor
Back home (again)
Detention, but make it ✨worse than before✨
Helicopter boyfriend
Caught redhanded
Almost Christmas
Sleeping bag
The love triangle +1
The quill
Pogo stick
The grand exit
Crumpled letters
The shop
The grand opening
The battle
Missed you


5.4K 133 177
By _rachel111_

George's POV

"And then you scared her off by being a jealous arse-"

"Ok I get it Fred I messed up" I sigh.

"Yeah, you did"

"Look the task is starting soon let's just go" I urge.

We get to the black lake and sit together in the stands but Fred barely talks to me. I can tell he's pissed.

"So uhm...what did you say to y/n yesterday?" I ask.

"I told her you were an asshole" Fred says calmly.

"Oh...yeah, well do you know where she is?"


"Ok..." I look down at the champions and then, the task starts.

They all jump in the water, though Harry has to be pushed by mad-eye and the time starts. We have to sit there for an hour now. That's great when your brother is mad at you and doesn't want to talk to you.

The hour is close to being up when I decide to start a conversation.

"So Fred-"

"Hey look!" He interrupts me and points to the water where one of the champions has just submerged.

"Who is that?" I ask squinting my eyes.

"I think it's Cedric and.....who's that with him?"

We both lean out trying to get a glimpse of who it is. And then we see.

It's y/n.

I begin to make my way over to the platform she was getting onto but Fred grabs my arm.

"She doesn't want to see you mate" he advises.


"You're just gonna make it worse."

I sigh and sit back down and watch the other champions help their people out. I can't help but keep looking over at y/n on the platform. She's now wrapped in a towel and talking with the people over there.

                                                  Your POV :)

"Thanks for saving me ced" I thank him.

"Well I didn't really have a choice did I?" He jokes "I think I finished first too"

I look around the platform and see no other champions have come up yet. Except Fleur Delacour. Just then, Viktor Krum, along with Hermione Granger submerge from the water.

"So just Harry's left in there?" I ask eyeing the water.

"Yeah, I think so" Cedric replies.

"He's running out of time" I say worriedly, looking at the clock.

"I'm sure he'll be alright...but what about you?" Cedric turns to me.

I furrow my eyebrows "what do you mean?"

"I've been so busy with the task I haven't been talking to you about what's going on between you and Weasley" he explains.

"Oh Cedric, I should be the least of your worries. I'm fine, really. Now go celebrate!" I say motioning to his friends.

"If you ever need to talk let me know ok? I'm always here" he gives me a pat on the shoulder and then goes over to his friends who are cheering like crazy.

I settle back into my spot on the floor, wrapped in my towel and watch the water. Hermione Granger comes over and sits next to me. She looks out anxiously and shivers.

"I'm sure he'll come up soon" I reassure her.

She nods and continues looking out at the water.

We hear a splash and see Cho helping Gabrielle swim to the platform. But Harry hadn't come up yet. Everyone was now watching closely since the seconds were ticking down. And then, he came splashing up and fell onto the platform.

Once the placements had been announced everyone made their way back to the castle. Cedric had gotten first place, so there was a big party happening in the Hufflepuff common room.

Charlotte came rushing up to me as soon as she saw me.

"Y/n! Y/n! Are you ok?" She asks looking me over.

"Yeah I'm fine.....why wouldn't I be?" I chuckle.

"I saw you being pulled out of the lake...."

"Nope, all good" I smile.

"Well, that's good" she smiles back "wanna dance?"

"Sure, why not?" I shrug.

We dance for a little bit and I talk to some other people but then Cedric pulls me away.

"What's up?" I ask confused.

"Char told me about your problem"

"What problem?"

"How can you be so oblivious, your problem with Weasley of course!"

"Oh yeah..." I look down.

"You said everything was ok down at the task, why are you keeping this from me? I thought we were friends."

"We are...but you've been busy so I decided to handle it myself" I shrug.

"Well she told me you were at the point of wanting to transfer schools"

"I was kidding, besides, I've come to a decision about George"

"And what's that?" He asks.

"I'm shutting him and Fred out of my life." I reply.

"Ok, you need to fill me in" He brings me to an empty corner of the common room and I begin to explain.

I explain all about how he caught up to me in the hallway and everything he said and then how Fred talked to me as well.

"Well then you better be going" Cedric says standing up.


"To the Gryffindor common room, that's where Fred told you to be right?" He responds.

"Well, yeah but I wasn't actually planning on going. George is just gonna harass me for his actions again" I say and stay seated.

"Look, maybe they have a good explanation. Maybe he was under some sort of spell or...maybe it wasn't even him it was just someone who used poly juice potion" Cedric suggests.

"Really ced? First of all who would put him under a potion and why? Second, who would stupid enough to make a poly juice potion and actually use it inside Hogwarts grounds."

"I'm just saying, maybe you should at least let him try to explain"

"I already did that. Weren't you the one to tell me not to trust him just a few days ago?"

"Just go...give him one more chance at least, I saw how happy he made you" Cedric replies.

I sigh and look at him. What was I supposed to do?

                                                     George's POV

"You sure you told her to come here?" I ask Fred while pacing around the chair he was sitting in.

"Yes I'm sure just sit down mate" Fred reassures me.

"What if she doesn't come?" I sigh.

"George calm down she's probably at the Hufflepuff party"

"Ok...yeah, probably, ok. I just need to wait" I say and sit down.

But after about an hour, waiting became a lot harder.

"Well....uh....maybe she's...wait! What if she's just waiting outside of the portrait?! Did you give her the password?" I ask Fred.

"Yes I did- actually I think I forgot"

"Of course! That's why she's not here. She doesn't know the password. I'll just go check" I get up and walk to the portrait.

I open it with a smile but my face falls when she isn't there.

I walk back over to my spot and sigh, "she's not coming, is she Freddie?"

"I'm sorry mate" he puts his hand on my shoulder.

"Hey what're you doing here?" A voice says from across the common room.

"Honestly I don't even know" y/n sighs.

She was here!

I stood straight up and quickly went over to her.

"Hello" I smile at her.

"Why was I supposed to come here?" She asks.

"Uh...well here take a seat and I'll explain" I motion to an armchair.

"I can stand" she says firmly.

"Oh, ok then" I say and continue to stand as well.

"Hey y/n" Fred says from his seat.

"Hey." She responds back "so why am I here?"

"You've been chosen to be the sacrifice in our monthly twin ritual" Fred jokes.

A small smile creeps onto y/n's face but she shakes it off.

"But really though, we want to prove something to you" I say.


"Hey who wants to play truth or dare?!" I call out.

"Are you kidding me right now? Y'know what, goodbye George" she sighs and begins to leave.

"No! Y/n wait!" I call after her. I run forward and hold the small bottle in front of her face.

"What's this?" She asks, eyeing the bottle.

"Veritaserum" I answer plainly.

"H-how did you get that?" She inquires. She looked like she was trying to work something out in her mind.

"Stole it from Snape's private collection" I answer with a grin.

"Ok and what does this have to do with anything?" She asked, obviously curious but trying to show it.

"For truth or dare of course"

Then, I could see in her eyes that some switch must have clicked in her brain.

"Ok, I'll play" she says and nods.

"Great!" I walk back over and sit in the small circle of others who wanted to play.

Y/n sat down in between Lee and Hermione Granger. I can tell she felt out of place, being the only Hufflepuff in a group at a Gryffindor party, but no one seemed to mind that she was there.

I knew she wasn't completely trusting that it was real veritaserum so I decided to prove it to her.

"I'll go first, Ron, truth or dare?" I ask.

"If I pick dare, you're going to dare me to leave, so truth" Ron answers bitterly.

"Ok, here take a drop" I hand him the small bottle. He takes a drop on his tongue and looks at me, waiting for his question

"Do you fancy Hermione?" I ask. The rest of the group is containing their laughs as Hermione's face goes bright red.

"Of course I do" Ron answers.

Everyone bursts out laughing including y/n. Hermione tries to hide her face in her shirt.

Ron snaps out of it and looks at everyone.


"So you fancy 'mione eh?" Fred smirks.

"WHAT?! WHAT DID YOU ASK ME GEORGE!?" Ron shouts. He was obviously embarrassed.

"Just helping your love life Ronnikins, you should thank me really" I smile at him.

"Fine. My turn. George, truth or dare?" Ron asks.


Ron thinks for a moment then an evil grin grows on his face "I dare you to take a drop of veritaserum"

"Sure" I shrug. I lean back my head, open my mouth and take a drop.

"Alright George, how do you feel about...y/n?" Ron asks.

                                                        Your POV  

I wait to hear his answer. This was what I had been waiting for, the truth. Though that doesn't stop the blush that creeps onto my cheeks.

"Well that's a stupid question!" George says throwing up his hands, "I like her, a lot. I mean a lot, a lot. It's actually kind of crazy how much I like her. But she doesn't believe me which sucks because I just want to be with her."

Everyone turns to me and my face is probably as bright as Hermione's.

I know he told me he liked me before, but this was different. This time I knew it was the truth.

"GEORGIE LIKES Y/N! GEORGIE LIKES Y/N!" Fred sings. Everyone joins in and George turns to look at me.

Fred gets up and begins to dance around, still singing. Lee gets up as well and soon enough everyone is dancing, leaving George and I to sit awkwardly on the floor. Though Hermione had ran off to her dorm.

I don't dare look up at George. I know this is what I wanted but somehow I still felt nervous. I wanted to run away to my dorm and get in my bed and sleep. But I couldn't.

I finally forced myself to look up and meet eyes with George, who looked just as nervous as me.

Then I decided. I took a deep breath, got up my courage, got to my feet and walked over to George. He slowly lifted his head and looked at me to examine my expression.

Then I did it.

I pulled him into a passionate kiss and his eyes went wide. I brought my hands up to his hair and butterflies danced around my stomach. I can tell I took him by surprise because it takes him a second to register what was happening, but when he did he kissed back. I took a step closer to deepen the kiss and it felt like the world stopped.

When I came back to reality I heard everyone cheering and clapping like crazy. But there was one voice that overpowered the rest. Fred.


I pulled away and finally met eyes with George. Everything was perfect.

For now.

Hello it is me. The author of this fanfic😀
I just wanted to say thank you for everyone reading my story and it means so much to me :) I also love reading your guy's comments.
So I'm just gonna tell you what's been going on with me because...I have no friends🕺
Yesterday I forced my family to watch the first Hunger Games even though I watched I two weeks ago and my brother is on team Gale like sir 👁👄👁
I also find it funny how my parents can talk about politics for an hour at the dinner table but my brother and I can't have a five minute debate about team Peeta or team Gale.
ANYWAYS- Tonight I'm having Spaghetti for supper because yk :)
This was unnecessary but whatever. Thanks again for reading <3

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