The Child of The Tomb

By Leo_Matsuzaki

166K 5.3K 1K

(Y/n) Satoru-the little sister of Suzuki Satoru-loves to play a game called YGGDRASIL. She's secretly in a gu... More

Lesson Prolouge - Eh?
Lesson 1 - How did This Happen!
Lesson 2 - Pestonya!
Lesson 3 - Saving Carne Villege
Lesson 4 - Gazef Stronoff
Lesson 5 - Idiotic
Lesson 6 - Caring
Lesson 7 - Alone
Lesson 8 - Distance Attempts
Lesson 9 - Bane
I'm Back!!
Lesson 10 - One More Day
Lesson 11 - Shalltear's Impact
Lesson 12 - Jealous?
Lesson 13 - A Mess of Things
Lesson 14 - Rogue
Lesson 15 - Better Picture
Lesson 16 - Emotions
Lesson 17 - Shalltear
Event Results! + Explanations!
Lesson 18 - A Regular Day
Lesson 19 - The Usual
OVA - Beach Episode! Pleiades Ver.
Lesson 20 - Lizardmen
Lesson 21 - First Alliance
Lesson 22 - Kill Her With Kindness
Lesson 24 - The Big Battle
Lesson 25 - Cocytus
Lesson 26 - Just The Start
Lesson 27 - The...
Lesson 28 - Ready or Not
Lesson 29 - Resolving Matters
OVA - Beach Day! Guardians Ver.
Lesson 30 - The Woman
Lesson 31 - Tuare
Lesson 32 - More People?
Lesson 33 - Progress
Lesson 34 - New Plans and Info
Lesson 35 - Werewolf of the West
Lesson 36 - A Revelation
Lesson 37 - Multiple Thoughts
Lesson 38 - Sebas's Lessons
Lesson 39 - Naps
OVA - Albedo & Shalltear V. Cake
Lesson 40 - Climb V. Succulent
Lesson 41 - Wrapping it Up
Lesson 42 - Sebas's Test
Lesson 43 - Bickering
Lesson 44 - Planning Rescue & Conquer
Lesson 45 - Sebas's Beatings
Lesson 46 - Entoma V. Blue Roses
Lesson 47 - Disturbance's
Lesson 48 - Reunited

Lesson 23 - Tribes United

1.6K 54 2
By Leo_Matsuzaki

(3rd Person POV)

Zaryusu dodged by jumping back but immediately lurched forward, each of their blades meeting in a stand off. It seemed that Zenberu's strength was greater than Zaryusu's as he pushed Zaryusu off and flung him a moderate distance.

Zaryusu landed and once again rushed at him. Zenberu blocked Zaryusu's attacks, however Zaryusu managed to knock away his hold on the axe, making the axe fly away behind Zenberu.

Zaryusu took that chance and hit him in the stomach, becoming shocked as Zenberu's eyes suddenly become stern. He is pushed back as he realizes and feels the cut--that's currently bleeding--that Zenberu scratched him.

Zanberu chuckles lowly before running at the crouched Zaryusu, letting out a war cry he uses the claw that has Zaryusu's blood on it, and enhances it with magic. Putting his fingers together he goes to stab his opponent, only for Zaryusu to lift up the Frost Pain just in time, blocking his attempt at stabbing him.

Zaryusu gets back up as Zenberu backs up slightly. The lizardmen crowd awes at the spectacular fight.

"Ha-ha, you survived that, huh?" Zenberu says as he licks the blood off his hands.

"You're a monk?" Zaryusu asks as he uses his tongue to lick the blood off his cheek.

"What's the matter? Aren't you going to use that ability Frost Pain has? Long ago, I was beaten by the one who wielded it." He holds up his hand that is scarred and missing a finger. "These are the wounds I received at the time. If you activate it, you might be able to beat me."

"Sorry, but I don't plan to use it."

"Hmm, what are you, too stingy?" Zenberu's mocking tone doesn't affect Zaryusu.

"After you've exchanged blows with me, do you still think I'm that way?"

"No, you're not. Sorry, you didn't deserve that. But if you aren't going to use it, then here I come!" Zenberu shouts as he enhances his leg and kicks Zaryusu as his guard was down. "Iron Skin!"

The rest of the lizardmen cheer as Crusch watches in worry, and Rororo in anger.


Zenberu continue to use his fists against Zaryusu, forcing Zaryusu to go on the defensive. The lizardmen continue to cheer loudly as Zenberu's offensive goes on non-stop.

Each bunch contradicts magic from Frost Pain. Zenberu notices as one of his hands slowly becomes froze, however he doesn't stop bombarding Zaryusu with sharp blows.

Zaryusu finally manages to push Zenberu off of him, resulting in each of them taking a moment to catch their breaths. Zenberu's hand is lightly coated with ice, making his eye twitch in pain as he continues to hold it up in a fighting pose.

"Damn it!" He shouts as his hand twitches, almost seemingly like it cannot move well. "I've lost!" Zenberu says as he drops his hand and fighting position. Zaryusu does the same, lowering his weapon.

Crusch can be seen letting out a sigh of relief as she walks up to Zaryusu.

Zaryusu bends to one knee, exhausted. Crusch speeds up a bit. "Are you okay? I'll cast some healing magic on you, right now." She says worriedly. "Middle Cure Wounds."

Zaryusu shuts his eyes in comfort as she heals him. "Hey, now, you're making me jealous." Zenberu interrupts, sitting down on the other side of Crusch with each his hands covered in mild ice. "Would you mind healing me too, white stuff?"

"Okay, okay." She goes over to him and starts to heal him.

"It hurts quite a bit. Feels like I got frozen to the bone."

"Frost Pain carries a chill in its blade, and it delivers a little bit of cold damage to those struck by it." Zaryusu explains.

"That's why you just kept taking his attacks, right?" Crusch questions.

"I thought that if you didn't use that ability it has, it would be just another cold sword."

"Now that both our wounds have been healed, would it be okay if we got down to business?" Zaryusu starts.

"Yeah! Or it would be, but first, drinks!"

Zaryusu and Crusch each make a quiet sound of confusion.

"We can ease these annoying talks with alcohol! You get me, right?" Zenberu explains.

"No, I don't!" Zaryusu shouts back.


A great bonfire is lit in the center as many different lizardmen enjoy their time drinking away, while Crusch Lulu stands out among them, not in her bush costume.

Rororo is laid behind Zaryusu and Zenberu, allowing the two to talk with a smallish cup of sake in each of their hands. A small bottle between them.

"Hey, plant monster." Zenberu says once she walks close to them. She ignores him and goes over to Rororo, petting one of his heads. "Have you finished talking?"

"Broadly speaking, yes." Zaryusu answers.

"So what are you going to do?"

Zenberu cuts in. "Huh? We're going to fight, of course!"

Crusch makes an unimpressed face. "You really are a fiend for fighting."

Zenberu chuckles. "Don't flatter me; you'll make me blush." He turns his head to Zaryusu suddenly, his eyes sharp. "So, can we win?"

"I don't know." Zaryusu answers honestly. "Do you remember the words of that monster that came as a herald?"

Zenberu sets a hand on his head. "Sorry, I was asleep."

They each give him a surprised expression, more so of 'seriously?'.

"It said to us, 'Offer a desperate resistance.'" Zaryusu says, breaking them out of it.

"That's galling. They're looking down on us right from the start."

"That's right, our foe holds us in complete contempt. That's an indication of how much force they must possess. Which is why we're going to obliterate their hubris." Zaryusu clenches his small cup, angered by it.

"Ha! Nice!" Zenberu cheers.

"But even if we give their pride a good thrashing, I don't think it gains us anything. I think I would prefer holding on to life, even if it's in chains." Crusch gives a somber expression.

Zaryusu and Zenberu each take a gulp of their alcohol. A moment of silence dawns over them before Zaryusu breaks it.

"I want you to listen to all this carefully. If we're under their rule, we may not even be able to do this." He says, referring to drinking under the stars with a bright bonfire in front of them as others cheer in happiness.

"But maybe we can. Isn't that right?" Crusch cuts in.

"I'm not so sure. I doubt that any being who would watch on in enjoyment as we die would have any mercy." Zaryusu continues, Zenberu staying quiet.

"True enough. What I'm trying to say, though, is don't get killed." Crusch says, looking away from the bonfire and at Zaryusu.

"I won't. Not until I hear your answer." He looks up at her.

Cruch's cheeks turn pink at his bold statement.

Zenberu chugs down some more alcohol trying to ignore the two lovebirds as he's just become the third wheel.


Rororo is currently walking through the shallow water of the swampy biome with Zaryusu, plant-.. Crusch, and Zenberu on his back.

"Ho, it's coming into sight." Zenberu says.

"Yeah, that's the Razor Tail village, who they said would be first. Those from the other villages are probably already there." Zaryusu explains as lizardmen watch from the land.

There are many lizardmen here, most building and going over weapons.

"This is all the more than I can resist." Zenberu says, holding in his excitement. At the front gates is someone familiar.

"Welcome back, my little brother." Shasuryu says.

Rororo stops in front of him. "Yeah. I've returned with good news, Brother." Zaryusu replies as he hops off Rororo.

Rororo lowers one of it's heads, getting a few pets from Shasuryu. Meanwhile Zaryusu helps Crusch down as Zenberu slides off himself.

"What's the deal with that plant monster?" Shasuryu questions.

"This is the female I love." Zaryusu explains, pulling no punches. Cruch immediately squeals as her tail whips back and forth. "With a mind toward marriage--"

Zaryusu is cut off as Crusch's tail whips his own, causing pain.

Shasuryu nods. "I see. So much for 'I can't get married'. You just didn't have anyone you were in love with, right? Now then, I am the chief of the Green Claw tribe, Shasuryu Shasha. Those we sent out as scouts have just returned. Why don't we go listen to their detailed report?"

Inside a hut

"The enemy's main stronghold is in the forest. They number just under around 5,000. Their main force consist of zombies and skeletons. We did not locate the one who appears to be the army's leader." A different voice says. He has a yellow skin tone with orange spots, he has blue hair that goes up his neck and a skinny long beard under his chin, while his tongue hangs out of his mouth. This is Chief Sukyu Juju of the Small Fang Tribe. His attire is simply a leather sash, a necklace with claws/teeth on them, similar to Zenberu's. A bandage on his right upper arm, like Zaryusu's. A black one with orange stripes on his left, and two red cloth cuffs with a triangle like pattern that is toned black.

There is also one other lizardman there. One with dark purple tone and red hair crawling up from his neck. He is covered in this sharp and bone like armor, making him stand out from the rest. Even on his head the bones are there, only showing creepy purple/pink eyes. This is Chief Kyuku Zuzu of the Razor Tail Tribe.

"Hmm, our forces number roughly 1,300. They outnumber us by over three to one." Shasuryu outs his own thoughts.

"So we just have to take on three or four of them each, right? That's a cinch." Everyone sighs at Zenberu's comment, making him confused.

"First, we have to establish a chain of command. Should we form brigades centered around the chiefs?" Shasuryu suggests.

"No, we should have a separate unit consisting of only chiefs." Zaryusu cuts in.

"Hmm..?" Shasuryu says, crossing his arms as he thinks.

"Plan is to make.. elite unit?" Kyukyu's elder like voice questions.

"That's right. The enemy's numbers are great. It may be necessary to go after their leader. And if there are any stronger foes, we'll need to strike them with smaller, elite forces." Zaryusu explains.

"But that will leave our side without commanders, too, won't it?" Sukyu asks.

Zaryusu thinks for a moment before continuing. "All right, what if we have the separate unit issue orders from the rear to the head hunters, coordinating things as the situation demands?"

Everyone nods and makes a sound of agreement with Zaryusu's plan.

"Four days until the enemy strikes. We don't have a moment to waste." Shasuryu announces.

At the Dummy Nazarick/Finished Building Site

A mirror is at the front of the table, floating so that Entoma, Cocytus, and Entoma's lower pupils, can watch.

It shows the lizardmen all around, building, coordinating, talking, and setting up for battle.

Cocytus picks up a scroll. "Message." He says as he tosses it up into the air, making it burn away in bright blue flame. Steam comes from him as he leans forwards slightly. "Attention all forces. Advance!"

Everything/everyone is silent.

With Ainz and Narberal in the City

"Ah, so Cocytus has started advancing the army." Ainz says as he takes Albedo's message.

"Yes. According to Entoma's message, everything is not exceeding our expectations. As you ordered, Lord Ainz, Cocytus himself is not heading out, and they are attacking with only the forces they have been given."

Ainz is quiet for a second. "I see. It's not exactly the outcome I wanted, but the question is, what will we get out of it?"

Back With The Lizardmen

A dark black cloud slowly starts to expand outwards in front of the lizardmen, covering the entire shallow water and swamp biome.

Skeleton slowly making their way forwards, covered in a dark aura.

"There they are." Zaryusu mutters.

The sky is dark as Shasuryu stands in front of the crowd of worried lizardmen. "Listen up all of you Lizard Men! We recognize that the enemy is great! However, there is nothing to be afraid of! For the first time in history our five tribes have formed an alliance! It is through this alliance that we have become one tribe, and the ancestor spirits of the five tribes will protect us all! Let us defeat the enemy, and offer victory to the ancestor spirits!" Shasuryu lifts his fist up in a cheer.

All the others do the same, letting out a war cry.

Shasuryu lifts up his claymore. "To war!" He shouts. All the others cheer in confidence, ready to fight the battle that awaits them.

A/N: I'm not prepared to write all that fighting.. please...

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