Psycho Bunny: J.J.K

By engene001002

2.7K 96 1

"Come out come out wherever you are y/n.." His cool sinister voice cooed. I hid under the table covering my... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9🔞
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12🔞
Chapter 13
Chapter 14⚠️
Chapter 15⚠️
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37

Chapter 26

45 1 0
By engene001002

After about a day in the hospital, I was set to discharge from the hospital and go back home. I hold the twins in my arms. Jungkook was by my side the whole time and never left. "Let me hold Jaemin" he smiles softly. I pull away from him slightly. "I'm fine... I can carry both of them" I tell him. We walk to the car. I get in and hold the twins securely. As we drive back home, I think of a plan to escape. With the twins. Tonight while Jungkook is sleeping, I'll try to escape and run away with the twins and never look back. We arrive home shortly. Jungkook gets out of the car and I do as well with the twins. He locks the doors and goes to the house door opening it. "Welcome home our precious little ones" Jungkook smiles at them. I take my shoes off and walk inside the house. "I'm going up with the twins" I tell him going upstairs to their room and putting them in their basinets. I sit with them the whole day while thinking of my plan tonight.
Nightfall arrived. I finish feeding the twins and put them in their bassinets.  I go to Jungkook and I's shared room. I lay down in bed and look at the ceiling. "Baby are you okay?" He asks laying down next to me. I nod softly. "Just tired" I close my eyes. He turns the light off and cuddles next to me.
I wake up in the middle of the night. Jungkook is snoring so hopefully he won't be able to hear me. I slowly crawl out of bed and tiptoe to the twins room. I take both of them out of the room and carry them in their bassinets. I walk quietly and carefully to a spare room where I had packed enough clothes for the twins and I. I also packed my needs and theirs as well. I go downstairs quietly and put my shoes on. I open the door carefully and go outside. I close the door quietly and walk onto the sidewalk of the street. I sigh in relief and smile to myself. I walk to a nearby hotel and pay to stay for a few nights. I walked into the hotel room and put the twins on the ground close to the bed where I'll sleep. I turn my phone on and block and delete Jungkook's number and contacts. I lay in bed and turn the light off going to sleep.
I wake up and feed the twins. After I'm done, I wash up in the bathroom.  I decide to call the cops. "911, what is your emergency?" I hear on the other line. "Please.. help me... my husband he.. he's physically and emotionally abusing me and not letting me free... I've been kidnapped and held captive under him for a long time now.. please help me and arrest him..." I tear up. "Okay what is your location?" The officer asks. I tell him my location and the house location. "Please hurry.... I escaped from him and he might find me.." I sob softly. "Okay, we have your location and the address of the house you mentioned. We will be there right away" the officer says. "Okay please hurry" I hang up and turn my location from my phone off. I impatiently wait for the cops to show up.

Jungkook's POV:
I wake up slowly going to cuddle Y/N's face when I notice she wasn't there. I immediately sit up in bed and go to the twins room. Their things are gone. I was furious with anger. I call her but there was no answer. I get changed and wash up in the bathroom. I go downstairs and notice the front door was unlocked. My blood was boiling at this point. I put my shoes on and get in the car driving around. I see a hotel and smirk to myself. She must be here. I drive into the hotel parking lot and go in. "Is Mrs. Y/N here?" I ask the receptionist. "Yes she checked in last night in room XXX." she nods. I thank her and go to that room. I knock on the door.
Y/N Pov:
I hear a knock on the door. I slowly open it and gasp. It must be the cops. I open it but I quickly try to shut the door closed seeing who it was, but Jungkook slammed it open and slammed it shut once he was inside. I could tell that he was angry. Like very angry. I was scared and back up away from him. He walks up to me and grabs my throat pushing me against a wall. "Did you really think I wouldn't figure it out? Huh? Do you really think that I'm that stupid? Answer me!" He grips onto my throat tighter. I gasp for air. "" I try moving his hand from my throat but it was useless. "You escaped me again. You disobeyed me and took my kids with you" His grip on my throat tightened even more until my eyes rolled back. " n..not y..yours... never..." I felt my airways start to shut down. He lets go of me. I gasp for air and cough holding my throat. The twins start crying. I gasp and run to them holding them close to me. I try calming them down. "Stay away from my kids and I" I glare at Jungkook. "They don't deserve a horrible person like you." Jungkook slaps me. I whimper. The twins cry more. I turn around the opposite direction from Jungkook and pull my shirt off and feed them. "You will come back with me right now" he says. I shake my head. "Never. Once I'm out of here, I'll find my own place. And own car. I'll meet someone new. Someone nicer than you" I glare at you. I hear a knock on the door. "XXXX Police Department open up" the officer says behind the door. "You bitch. You called the fucking cops on me?!" Jungkook boomed. I put my shirt on putting the twins down and quickly run to the door. I open it and let the officers in. "Mr. Jeon. You're under arrest for abuse and kidnapping. Anything you say or do will be used against you in a court of law" the officer says putting him in handcuffs. "This isn't over Y/N. You'll pay for what you've done" Jungkook glares at me as he's being pulled away from me. "Ma'am are you alright?.." the other officer asks. "Y..yes. Thank you" I nod softly. "Have a good day ma'am. He'll be put into good hands" the officer nods. I nod softly and thank him before he leaves. I close the door and sigh in relief. I smile softly to myself. He's gone. He'll be put where he belongs and he'll never come out.

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