Am I Ready?

By OneOfAKinddJewel___

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Copyright © 2012 OneOfAKinddJewel___ Rayne Simmons & Sommer Cortes. Only 15 but it seems like they going thr... More

(Prologue) Somethinn Aint Right ...
Chapter 1: Shakinn' My Head
Chapter 2: PB&J !
Chapter 3: The Sleepover From Hell
Chapter 4: The Aftermath
Chapter 5: Ya Happy Now ?
...Chapter 8 : PART UNO !
...Chapter 8 : PART DOS
...Chapter 8 : PART TRES
Chapter 9
Chapter 10: Day Of Fun ?
Chapter 11: Broken Promises PART UNO !
Chapter 12: Broken Promises PART DOS !
Chapter 13: Broken Promises PART TRES !
Chapter 14: Bad Religion
Chapter 15: Detective Cortes
Chapter 16: Forgive & Forget Right ?.....
Chapter 17: RIGHT ;)
Chapter 18: A Fresh Start?
Chapter 19: I'm Hip !
Chapter 20: Next Morning
Chapter 21: Pass That Hookah My Nigga ! Part I
Chapter 22: Pass That Hookah My Nigga ! Part II
Chapter 23: New People
Chapter 24: SH!T JUST GOT REAL!
Chapter 25: Reprucussions .
Chapter 26: OH SHIITTTTT !
Chapter 27: Partyyyyy
Chapter 28: *emotionless*
Chapter 29: She Ain't Ready? Or Is She..
Chapter 30: Don't Underestimate Me
Chapter 31: Chillin' Like Bruhmann
Chapter 32: Freaking Apologize You Idiots !
Chapter 33: We Spend Wayyy Too Much Time Together
Chapter 34: Hi, I'm Jalisa - Pt. I
Chapter 35: Hi, I'm Jalisa - Pt. II
Chapter 36: Pass Out, Drank. Wake Up?
Chapter 39: But It All Led Up To This...
Chapter 40: I Am So Confused
Chapter 41: SUPER STEALTH !
Chapter 42: Absolutely Positive !
Chapter 43: BUSTED !

Chapter 37: Its All Good For Now

4K 93 8
By OneOfAKinddJewel___


So my mom went to the hospital last night. .....I don't know what else to say besides my dad has been there all night. My grandmother is going to take us to school. I am so scared I'll never get to see my little brother and I just don't know what I'm doing. I didn't do any of my homework and I am not expecting sympathy from anybody. I just want to be left alone.

The whole ride to school was quiet.

I noticed my grandma looking at us through the rearview mirror. "She's gonna be fine yall. Sariyah is a strong woman."

"We know, it's not her we're worried about." Citaa said as we got out the car and said bye. She put her arm through mine. "I'll tell everybody to leave you alone if you want."

"She's your mom too Citaa."

"Yeah but, you look more drained than I do so I was just saying."


We were late so nobody was by the lockers like they usually are. We both just got our stuff out our lockers and went our seperate ways to homeroom.

"Hey Ray." Rima said to me. We have the same homeroom assignment.


There was no point in me coming to homeroom because the bell just rang for first class.

"What's wrong?"

The fact that I'm dating her brother and we have alot of classes together has brought Charisma and I really close.

I put my head on her shoulder as we walked to class. "My mom went to the hospital last night."

"Isn't she only like 6 months though?"

We walked into class. She loves Wednesdays because she has alot of classes with Alex, including this one. "Yeah and I don't know what happened, she just fainted and my dad caught her before she hit the floor." I told her. "You can go sit with him if you want, I'll be fine." I said, referring to Alex.

She gestured for him to come sit with us. "Hey Ray." I faintly smiled at him. He put his arm around my shoulder. "Don't worry about your mom alright, she's gonna be fine." He told me.

"How did you know my mom was in the hospital?"

"My mom's her doctor." He said with a smile. "By the way you owe me some dinner because she left before she could feed me."

I laughed. "Ok."


"Rayne I can give you until tomorrow to turn this in, otherwise it's a zero." My teacher told me. "You're a good student, why didn't you do it?"

"My mom went to the hospital last night and I spent the whole night begging my dad to let me go see her but she was undergoing tests the whole night. I'm sorry and I will have it in by the end of the day."

"Oh, I'm so sorry. Good luck." She said.

I walked out and down to study hall. Thank goodness I have this with Deandre. He was standing outside the library waiting for me.

"Hey," I kissed him as we sat down at the table. "Alex tell you what happened?"

"Yeah, how you holdin up?"

"Ok I guess. I just hope my brother is ok. But you know what would make me feel better?"


"If you could help me with this math homework, pleeeasee?"

He rolled his eyes. "I guess."

"Yay," I moved over closer to him. "Ok, so since when did a triangle become confused?" He laughed. "Don't laugh babe, I have no idea what this is!"

"It's called the Perpendicular Bisector Theorem Ray. It means that a point is on the perpendicular bisector of a segment if and only if it is equidistant from the endpoints."

"And what the fuck does equi- whatever the hell you said mean?"

"If a point is the same distance from other points then it is equidistant."

"Ohhh, thats why it's equi, for equal distance!"

"Nooo." He said all sarcastic.

I punched him in his arm as Rico and Tiara came in the library arguing. (A/N: I'm just giving you guys a glimpse of what I have to go through EVERYDAY in class.)

"Are y'all still arguing?" Dre asked them.

"He's so damn bipolar, I thought I was your favorite cousin Rico?" Tiara said as they sat down at the table with us.

"You the one that called me irritating and ugly. Get yo facts straight Tiara."

"Kiss my ass Rico, give me back my phone!"

"You expect me to give you back your shit after you hit me and called me names? I should get Adrianna on yo ass."

She smirked. "What the hell she gonna do that Jalisa can't?" Rico froze and she grabbed her phone out his hand.

"Somi and Immanuel don't fight like that, why do you guys?" I said.

"Whatever, expect to wake up on Miami Beach tomorrow morning." Rico told Tiara and he grabbed his books and walked to the other side of the library. Deandre kissed my cheek, grabbed his stuff and went after him.

"That was a little harsh." I told Tiara.

"He'll be fine." She said.

I sighed and went back to my work.

Deandre POV

Damn, Rico told me Tiara was irritating but I thought he meant it like I say Rima's irritating, cause she's my sister. Why she said that, I have no idea.

"You alright?"

"Yeah. You think Tiara can fit in my trunk?" He said.

I laughed. "Calm yo ass down. What was she talking about though?"

"Nothing, she must think Rayne gonna run off and snitch on me but your girl ain't like that, so her plan failed."

"Dri mad at you?"

"No, and that is scaring me to be honest. She said she talked to Jalisa or something, I don't know but Jalisa apologized too. She was like she didn't know I was serious when I told her I had a girl."

"Well maybe she's crazy." Manny said coming outta nowhere.


"I've seen all that before. The lying, forgetting, lying again, flirting, then befriending the victim of their actions."

"Sommer?" Rico asked.

"I lived with it most of my life. Jalisa's crazy. Well not necessarily crazy, but she's obviously been through alot."

"That's why they became close in a matter of 3 hours." I added.

"Other than the obvious mental problems, your sister's real cool." Rico told him.

"Thanks I guess."

"Yeah, now tell us why you drove Dani to school today bro." I said.

"What I can't give my girl a ride?"

I smiled. "Damn Manny, I see you."

"Nahh, man she just stayin wit me for a couple days while her parents are out of town."

"Shit, beat it up my nigga!" Rico said. We laughed.

"It ain't even like that right now though Rico. We only fucked that one time."

"Shit what you waiting for bro?" Rico asked.

"Her, nigga."

"Yeah, not everybody is as horny as you Rico." I told him.

"I guess, all them girls some freaks though." He said smiling as the bell rang for lunch.

Charisma POV

"Why are you on my back Charisma?" Deandre asked me as he carried me into the cafeteria.

"Brothers give sisters piggy-back rides Dre. You didn't know?" He laughed and put me down when we got to my seat. "Thanks."

"Rima, we need to talk to you." Ciara, one of my friends who are on Drill team with me, whispered in my ear. I nodded and got up.

Sadly, Janessa is captain of the Drill Team.

"Hey Rima." Janessa said.

"I prefer Charisma, thanks."

"Babe," I turned around. "You not sittin with us?" Alex said.

"Yeah I am, give me a sec." I told him. He looked at Janessa for a second and walked away. "So what is this about?"

"The girls and I have noticed how you have been missing practices. Does this have anything to do with Nique?"

"Excuse me? I've only missed one practice and that was because I had to babysit. I told you guys that. That had nothing to do with Monnique."

"We know Rima b-" Ciara started.

Janessa put her hand up. "Ahh! That was never said to me. I'm tired of you not coming to class and when you do you don't listen at all."

"Charisma is the best dancer on the Drill Team Janessa. I don't know why you're saying this like we all agree with you." Cleo, another girl, said.

She stood up. "I don't remember asking any of you. You're off the drill team Charisma, have a nice day."

I scoffed. "You know, you thought you could kiss Alex and he would break up with me to get back with you but you were wrong. Obviously your pussy isn't as good as mine, or your stank ass attitude."

"Damn..." Some of the girls said. We were all waiting for her to say something.

"Meet me after school." She finally said.

"I'll be waiting!" I told her smiling as I walked back to my seat.

"Everything ok?" Somi whispered in my ear. I nodded.

Sariyah POV

I just woke up about an hour ago. I think Jason has been here all night..I should have told him I was in pain before.

"Hey Mrs. Simmons, you were asleep when I was in here before but I'm Dr. DuVall." She said with a smile.

"Hi, do you know where my husband went?"

"He stepped out for a couple minutes to check out the midwives I recommended for you. Luckily you didn't have a miscarriage but I am putting you on bedrest for the remainder of your pregnancy. Your husband wasn't supposed to be here all night but I made an exception." She finished. I sighed and nodded. "You don't know who I am do you?"

"I'm so- wait....Dr. DuVall, are you Alex's mother?"

"You can call me Crystal and yes, that is me. And he told me that even though he wouldn't be able to have dinner, he wanted to be sure you were ok." She told me as her phone rang.

"Aww, that boy is crazy. Does Rayne know you're my doctor?"

"Speak of the devil," She answered her phone. "What? Aren't you supposed to be in school. Don't get your shit taken little boy...I don't care if yo ass is 29..whatever boy..yes, she's fine..ok." She handed it to me. "Rayne wants to talk to you."

"Hey love."

"Are you ok ?"

"I'm fine Ray."

"Not you my brother, but I guess I was worried about you too."

"He's fine Chas, thanks for your concern. How did yall get to school?"

"Grandma. She is actually really nice now."

"I know, I wonder what happened. But Ms. Crystal said I have to get a midwife, so I won't have to work you guys as hard as I thought I would."

"Ohh. Well I'm about to eat so tell Daddy I said hi."

"Tell Somi the same. Bye."

"Kk, bye." I hung up.

I gave Crystal back her phone. "I didn't know they were allowed to use their phones during lunch." I told Crystal.

"Oh yeah, sometimes that school is way too lenient but as long as Alex stays out of trouble I am content."

I laughed. "And does he?"

"Well more so now than when he first got there in ninth grade. Him and Charisma have been together for a year and she keeps him in check. I love that girl and so does he."

"All of them are great kids, even though I just met them."

"Yeah, I met Sommer and Rayne on Sunday; very pretty girls, bodies of grown women." She said, looking at one of the charts in her hand.

"Yes! That gets irritating. I dont even want to think about how developed those boys are." I added, shuddering a little bit.

"No comment on that one Sariyah. So you are due in about two and a half months, but he will probably come earlier than that. Have you thought of names yet?"

"Actually Somi came up with the name King Elijah Simmons. Jason likes it cause Elijah is his middle name. I like the idea of calling him EJ." I smiled as Jason came back in the room.

"Finally you're awake. You feel ok?" He asked. I nodded as he kissed me. "Don't ever scare me like that again, you understand?"

"Yes. Can I go home now?"

"Doctor says no. I'll be back later though." He said as he kissed me and walked out.

"He's leaving me here by myself?"

"I can stay with you if you want?" Crystal said.

"Don't you have other patients though?"

"I am the head doctor in this hospital, I can assign people for that."

"That's cool, thanks Crystal. So tell me about yourself, I'm bored."


You guys missed Dre so I had to give yall a lil sum'n sum'n .

This story is ending soon..... :'( BUT THERE WILL BE A SEQUEL AS YALL KNOW .


Yall know the deal...

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