Am I in Love.?

By Kitsing0062x0206

43.9K 2K 136

Imagine that the males are divided into two types.. The normal ones and the bearers. Bearers are capable of g... More

Chapter 01
Chapter 03
Chapter 04
Chapter 05
Chapter 06
Chapter 07
Chapter 08
Chapter 09
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Author's Note

Chapter 02

1.9K 107 5
By Kitsing0062x0206

Kong's POV

I could not sleep the whole night.. I kept on remembering the accident continuously. P'Tina and P'Lina reached before dinner. They kept me company the whole night. We spoke about all the things. P'Tina has a crush and also he is pursuing her. But she wants to make sure that he is the one before accepting. P'Lina did not find anyone who she felt attracted to. 

Morning all of us got ready in complete black. Em said he will reach college by afternoon after visiting my parents. I, my sisters, P'Gun, Em, Em's parents and Uncle David and Aunt Priya.. we went the graveyard. 

All of them placed some flowers. All the time, I could not help but kneel down in front of them with my head down. My sisters also sat down on either side of me. Em's parents left after 30minutes in order to drop Em back at university. He was going to submit my task book along with his.

We all went back home after a couple of hours. I did not speak to anyone. All the time I leaned on to P'Tina or P'Lina and sometimes slept on their lap. They made arrangements to stay here for a whole week. Uncle David and Aunt Priya left post lunch. It was only me, my sisters and P'Gun left.

We spoke about childhood days.. we went through all the albums.. I could not help but think about P'Arthit.. who was beside me.. giving me support at the very time last year. P'Gun had to go back near the funeral as the office members wanted to visit. They already know that we visited in the morning. 

I did not want to stay in at home for more long time because memory of my parents and the dreadful is not leaving my brain.. So I requested my sisters to go to university.. I promised them to meet them everyday in the evening. I texted Em saying that I will be coming to dorm tonight as I did not want to stay at home. I know he must have been in hazing.. So I went to the university. I sat in the canteen while waiting for Em and others. I sent message saying that I will be here.

I went into sleep while waiting for them.

Arthit's POV

Today is the second hazing session. Only 5 could complete the task. Kong, Em, Wad, Tew and Oak. I did not find Kong in the session today. It made me angry.. All the session I kept on shouting at everyone. I even made Em and the other three do the punishment giving them the reason that they need to stick with friends. They accepted it without any question.

 Tay and Knot kept on cooling me from time to time. After hazing session.. we started leaving.. We were walking through the canteen when we saw a figure sitting and sleeping with his head on table. I immediately recognized him as Kong.
"This idiot.. sleeps in the canteen while skipping the session." I said through gritted teeth. I walked towards him with my friends behind me. 

I woke him up by shaking him. I saw him waking up and as soon as he saw us he stood up and greeted us.
"Why were you not at hazing session." I asked with a cold voice.
"I had a family issue to attend." He said. I know his parents are not alive and his sisters are in other country.. seeing him lie to me.. I felt my blood boil. The next thing I knew.. I was holding his collar.
"How cheap of you Kong.. I never expected you to use your family as an excuse when your parents are no more and your sisters are in another country." I said with a cold voice. But his expression change made me regret it.. I could help but think if I missed something. He just pulled away hand rashly.

"Khun Arthit.. who are you to me..? And why should I answer.. all you can do is punish me for not attending.. you don't have any right to talk about family the very second you forgot what today is and spoke without even asking or thinking." He said with tears in his eyes.. all of us were taken aback.
"Am I nothing to you ..? I am not the one who you call P'Oon.?" I shouted. I lost my cool. I saw his friends coming and standing behind him.
"No you are not. P'Oon whom I know is not so short tempered like you.. he thinks before he speaks. And the P'Oon I know will never look down on me.. he knows me very well and he very well knows how much my family means to me." He said and dashed out from there. Tew, Wad and Oak ran behind but Em stood in front of me throwing daggers at me.

"P'Arthit.. do you really not remember what day is today.?" He asked me.
"What is it today.? There nothing special about today if I am not wrong." I with a normal voice. I was really dumbstruck when Kong stormed out.
"Then let me remind you P'Arthit.. Today is the day when Kong lost his parents last year." He said with a gritted teeth. My eyes widened in shock.. 
"And you broke your promise to stay by him.. and above that.. you call him cheap.?" He said.. I felt really guilty.. I moved towards the direction he left but Em stopped me.

"You better stay away from him.. he could not stay at his home because he remembers every detail because of his photogenic memory.. that is the reason he came here trying to stay normal. Yesterday was the first time he cried after a year of staying strong.. I and P'Gun.. his sisters and your parents felt happy that at least he is opening up a little.. and you managed to push him back again.. Don't you dare show up in front of him.. you might be my senior here.. but he is my brother.. I won't let you hurt him." Em said and left. 

I fell on my knees. My friends tried to console me.. and talk to me.. But I just took out my phone and saw the number of calls my parents did and messages they send me. If only I saw then and did not ignore them.. things would have been different. Pa even sent me photos when they were at grave.. and Kong's photo when he was crying.. he even texted me asking me to come there 'please.. Kong needs you.' 

My friends also saw all the messages. They also could not utter a single word.
"Sorry Arthit.. we must have at least stopped you when you were loosing control.." Knot said.
"It is not your fault.. it is me.. I spoiled everything between us with this. Last year on this day.. he stood strong in front of everyone.. while loosing himself when he was with me.. he did not cry but showed his miserable feelings at least.. I was the only one who saw him breaking.. but now.. I lost.. I lost him and everything we had." I replied.

All the images of us playing.. running around happily.. his cute face and the dashing smile. His blushing face when I tease him.. all ran in my head. I remembered how he dealt those who became power hungry trying to take over what his father built.. I knew how much he values family, relations and friends.. but I lost my mind seeing him sleeping and not coming to the session.

Kong's POV

I stormed out of there.. I came towards the parking place. Tew, Oak and Wad followed me here. I just leaned on to the car hid my face.. I did not want to cry.. but I am surely not ready to talk.. My emotions were about to burst out.. The tears were at verge of coming out.. they could not see my face but they were soothing me from behind. I heard Em's voice after sometime.

"Kong drive us to the dorm.. we will stay in your room." He said sternly. Knowing that there was no room to argue.. I wiped the tears away and unlocked the car.
"Guys get in.. I know you will have doubts about whose car it is and how he know P'Arthit and all.. wait till we reach his dorm." Em said. The three sat in the behind seat while Em sat in the passenger seat. I drove all of us to the dorm building. Everyone were silent. After reaching the dorm.. I just went into washroom. 

I heard Em saying me to let me be alone for sometime.. he would answer their question.
"Kong and P'Arthit know eachother.?" Oak asked.
"They have known eachother since the day Kong was born.. Their parents are best friends since childhood." Em replied.
"Why is Kong so miserable today.? Did something happen today.?" Wad asked.
"Today is the day he lost his parents last year.. today is the day he stood strong for his two elder sister without even shedding a tear in spite of being in the accident spot and seeing his parents leave their last breath." Em said.

"Mm.. Em why is here and not with his sisters.?" Oak asked.

"Yesterday.. we actually went to his house.. my parents and P'Arthit's parents along with his sisters and a cousin brother were also there. Kong has a photogenic memory.. so compared to others.. he remembers each and every moment with his parents in that house.. He still remembers the exact second to second of what happened during and after accident.. how his parents suffered and screamed in pain. He texted me saying he did not want to stay there.. maybe the memories kept on playing in his head and could not stay there." Em said. I could not help but imagine that day again. I started splashing water on my face. 

All of them fell silent. I came out of the washroom and sat beside Em and slept on his lap.. he did not speak anything but just put his hand in my hair. I looked at my friends who were having tears in their eyes. 

"Guys.. relax.. I am okay now." I said trying to assure them but earned a hit from Em.
"You brat.. how many times should I tell you that don't act strong in front of me." He said. I stuck my tongue out. They chuckled seeing it.

"Kong.. we still have one doubt... it is okay if you don't want to answer.. we will understand." Tew said hesitantly.
"What is it Tew.?" I asked.
"Mm.. who exactly are you.. I am pretty sure the car you drove cannot be bought by a normal university student who is studying on scholarship." Tew asked while Wad and Oak nodded.
"Before I answer that.. Promise me that we will be the same and it won't effect our bond and above that no other person should know about it." I said sternly while Em nodded.
"We promise. " They said.

"Have you heard about Siam Polymer?" Em asked. They all nodded.
"What do you know about it..?" I asked.

"Hm.. It is the largest company in Thailand.. It is always favorable to the employees and I also heard that they don't run it for the sake of money.. but they do the project which will be useful to the people.. Also last year the owner of the company Mr. and Mrs. Suthilak died in an accident and the company was taken over by his youngest child, his son. while his daughters who are elder are looking after the branch in the other countries. It was all over news but.. they did not reveal their faces." Tew said a little unsurely.

"What you said is absolutely correct Tew.." I said. 
"What does that have to do with you Kong.?" Wad asked.
"The youngest son is none other than Kong.. his cousin P'Gun represents him in the meetings.." Em said it. The shock was evident in their faces.

"He took over the company the immediate next day his parents died to at least save his parents hardwork from power hungry people.. and later after proving himself.. he managed to kick all of them out who meant harm or looked down on his sisters and him after his parents died." Em added.

"Kong.. we are sorry for your lose Kong.. we can't undo your pain.. but we will promise to stay with you and help you face them.." Tew said while hugged me.

"You are not just a friend but my brother from now Kong.. and you will be the only family I have other than these three." Wad said joining the hug. We froze listening to him.

"Relax.. I lost them when I was four years.. except the surname and their faces with the help of photos, I don't remember anything else." He said with a bitter chuckle.

"Let us be together forever.. let us be friends and  brothers and each others family." Oak said cheerfully. That night we all spoke about out our childhood and our families. I felt at ease. P'Tina and P'Lina said that they would visit tomorrow. There was no hazing so I asked them to send the location and also told them that he will introduce his friends. My friends agreed to meet P'Tina and P'Lina tomorrow.

The next day.. we made it to class just in time.. our night out effected us... but all of us are feeling better and happy now. We went through the classes trying to stay awake. We took turns to note down the notes. At lunch although I saw P'Arthit.. I avoided him. I did not even spare a glance at him but I greeted them. P'Arthit attempted to talk to me.

"Kong.. I am .." he was talking but I cut him off with a glare.
"I am sorry for skipping the session and loosing the cool P'Arthit.. I will correct myself and stay in my limits." I said cutting whatever he was saying. I know he will apologize but I did not want to here that.

"Kong please.. it really slipped my mind about what day it was." He sounded desperate.
"I don't mind P.. If I really wanted to be angry also I can not.. because I know you.. I understood why you did not come.. but what you spoke yesterday made it clear that I don't know you anymore and I can't understand that how much ever I try.. I don't blame you P.. so please don't feel guilty.. Let us start a fresh P.. I hope I can be your junior." I said and left before he could speak anything else.

Arthit's POV

He left.. he did not even let me apologize.. above that he wanted to be my junior.. but he is not a mere junior to me.. I felt tears in my eyes. I sat down on the table along with my friends.
"Arthit.. I guess you messed up pretty badly." Tay said.
"Pretty badly" I said with a dull voice.
"Arthit.. the way you reacted yesterday was so you.. then why did he say he did not know you." Tutah asked.
"When I am with him.. I listen to him.. I don't shout or loose temper.. I spoke after listening to everything.. never did I speak rashly or coldly to him.. In all the years we spent together I can count the number of times I have lost my cool and that to not before listening to him. Also he was the only one who could cool me down if I lash out at others." I said with a bitter smile. They all looked at me with surprised faces.

"Ai'Arthit.. if you are still in love with him.. find a way to apologize to him." Tutah said. 

Am I in love..? YES I am pretty much in love with him.. I have been in love with him.

"I can only love him and no one else.. but I don't know how to apologize." I said putting my head down.
"It is okay.. be true to your feelings and we will help you this time." Knot said while others nodded. I am thankful that I have them in my life.

"But Arthit.. are you sure he is a bearer.. I mean look at him.. he is handsome.. tanned skin and dashing smile." Bright said. I take it back.. I regret meeting him.
"Shut up Bright.. he is mine." I said while smacking his head which earned a series of teasing. We decided to go to the nearby restaurant today evening after college as there was no hazing.

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