Free At Heart(transgender sto...

By PrinceDamonWolf

146K 5.8K 2.4K

This story is about a ftm transgender named Kodi. Kodi is just transitioning to pass completely as male, and... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One

Chapter Three

10K 393 231
By PrinceDamonWolf

Free At Heart chapter three

"Oh! I'm sorry!" I looked up into the eyes of the most handsome guy I've ever seen. He had his hand extended to help me up. I took it gratefully.

"I-It's o-okay!" I stuttered. I quickly brushed off my clothes, a blush creeping up my neck as I realized he was still standing there, watching me.

"So, what's your name?" he asked. I gulped. Damn nervousness!

"K-Kodi.." I mumbled. His eyes lit up in recognition. As did mine. I just remembered who he was-

"I'm Cody" he said. The popular kid, Cody. That's who he is. My name twin, with a different spelling.

"Oh. Hi" I said awkwardly, pretending I wasn't aware of just how popular he is.

"So you're really that new kid, Kodi, aren't you?" he asked.

I was about to answer when the popular girl, Rei, hugged Cody's arm.

"Hey, honeybun!" her eyes narrowed when she saw me, "who's this, baby?" Ugh, were they dating?

"This is Kodi-"he looked like he was about to say something else, but she cut him off. She let go of his arm and stepped forward, her eyes locked onto me, glaring intently. I gulped, nobody liked to be the victim of Rei.

"Who do you think you are, hanging around my darling Cody?" she asked, voice full of venom, forcing me to take a step back. I would really like that ice cream right about now.

"It was just an accident!" I protested. Wait, why am I in this mess anyway? I didn't do anything wrong. I shouldn't even have to try and defend myself.

"It sure looked like you were trying to kiss my prince right then. What are you, gay?" she glared. Now I snapped.

Puffing out my chest in complete confidence, I matched her glare, "well, listen here, princess. I just bumped into him and that is all that happened. But, think all you want, that's the truth. I don't have time to deal with your selfish ways." Seriously, where is that ice cream when I need it?

Something told me she didn't like my statement because she slapped me hard across the cheek, enough force that I fell onto my butt. Yep, that was going to leave a handprint. If we didn't have everybody's attention before, we sure had it now.

"Think again before you say something that'll piss me off" she hissed under her breath.

Still on the ground, I smirked, "think again before you pick a fight, sissy." She just about exploded at that.

"We are now enemies" and with that, she stalked off, "come on, Cody!"

"Sorry about this" he mumbled before following after the spoiled princess.

Everybody was still staring as I got up, so I snapped, "what are you all looking at?!" They looked away quickly. The bell rang and I hurried to my last class, Science.

"Hello" the teacher, Mrs. Linda, mumbled. I quickly introduced myself as Kodi. It's been such a long day that I almost forgot it was my first day still. And I've already made an enemy. Well, you can't please everybody, I guess.

And then walked in "Princess" Rei. I had already taken a seat at the back. She stopped in front of my desk.

"You're in my seat" she glared.

"Your seat is one over" Mrs. Linda said. I nodded and moved my stuff. So I'm doomed to sit next to Rei. That's lovely.

I pulled out my notebook and began to take notes, doodling on the side. Drawing a little helps me to think better and process what I've just learned.

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