Twin Mafia's Lover.

By lovingthemafia

759K 27.7K 1.9K

An innocent boy capture the heart of a Twin Mafia leader. #btsfanfic #bxb #bottomtae #taekook More

23 (M)


8.2K 342 34
By lovingthemafia


Everything is going great. I continue going to school like I wish to do and I'm glad none of them know what happened during my absence.

To be honest, I still have that anxiety, anxious when I'm in the crowd but I know I have to fight or I will be forever scared to be out. I don't want it to be my weakness and stop me from living life right now.

I never once asked anybody about what happened to my parents because I feel like I know the answer--they are far from fine or maybe dead but I just don't want to know. I'm safe that's all what matters.

"Hey should wait for me."

"I'm hungry.. You're late!"

"I'm sorry baby... Bogumie won't be late anymore ok?"

After returning Bogum has been acting like this, very clingy and very daring and I found it a bit uncomfortable but I let it slip.

"I heard our next class is cancel because the professor had some emergency." Bogum said while eating his lunch.

"If thats the case, I will go to the library to finish the pile up of assignments." I said muching my sandwich.

"I'll go with you." I just noded at his statement.

School end up like always, having both twins picking me up with their black mate range rover.

"How is today's school baby?"
After putting down my beg, I pop my head in between Jungkook who is behind the wheel and Jungguk who sit next to him and gave both of them a kiss on their cheek.

"Great as always. I manage to finish a few assignments too!" I announced happily.

"Good Job love, I bet you're going to be the best student like me." Kook said and Gguk snort.

"woah really?" I asked excitedly. Never thought a mafia heir is goog at studying. "what about you Gguk?"

I turn my head to look at him.

"honestly..... Barely pass my exam."
He put his head down.

I kiss Gguk. "Its all in the past now Ggukie! You are a great mafia leader and businessman now!"

"Thank you baby... Unlike certain someone..." Kook and I laugh at his remark.

"Love, we still have some work to do at Jeon Corp, where do you wish to go? Your place, our place or stay with us?"

After some thinking I made my mind.

"I think, I'll go with you so I can finish some more assignments but can we have some takeout? I'm hungry."

"Anything my baby request."

Reaching their office, we head up straight to the top floor to their office.

"Love, you can use my table for you assignment and someone will deliver your takeout later."

Gguk who carried my beg place it on the table.

"Are you guys heading somewhere?"
I ask when I saw them picking up a few folders like they are going to leave.

"We have a meeting love, still in the building."

Both of them kiss my head before they left.

I feel relax on Jungkook chair and start my task immediately. Instead of taking my laptop I used Jungkook computer and it's not the first time anyway.

A knock on the door and i reply with come in.

"Mr. Kim, your food is here." Its their secretary who deliver the food.

"Thank you." I reply with a sweet smile and she too has a warm smile on her face.

"Enjoy." Then she leave.

Aftet ravishing all the take-out, I continue on my school work until its all done. That's when I realise, its been couple of hours since then and my boyfriends are not here yet.

I decide to lay on the couch while waiting for them and soon Its all black.

Opening my eyes on a bed at my own room. I don't have to think how I got here. I can guess by heart.

Getting ready again for school but only to be told by dad, that he is the one to drop me off because the twins aren't available.

My phone rings as I get to my class.

"hello love..."

"Where were you? Will you pick me up?" I am already seated at my place and I saw Bogum make his way to sit next to me.

"I'm sorry love but me and Gguk had to leave out of the country for work. Joonie hyung will pick you up latet okay...?"

I don't feel good about this. I am always confident because I know my protector was always close. Only the twins can me feel safe.

"For how long will you be gone?"

"About 4 days love, take care if your self. I love you."

The phone change hand when I heard Jungguk voice this time. After a sulking moment we hang up and I know I am about to cry now.

The whole day, I'm feeling anxious, I don't know why but I did.

As promised, dad fetch me up. I do feel good to see his face waiting for me as soon as I walk out.

"Hey pup... How's your day?"
I like it when he call me that, make me feels like I am his blood.

"Good just a bit boring, we have a new professor but he is not very good at teaching I guess. Everyone was sleepy during his class."

He laugh showing his deep dimple.

"So do you?"

"I didn't but I end up doing self study since he didn't bother at what his students do."

I shrugged up.

"You are a good student pup, they are lucky to have someone like you."

"Thanks dad!"

The next morning is the same too, Dad drop me off at school after Mommy Jin nagging about how I don't take my breakfast right.

It wasn't so bad to have dad drop me off amf and pick up sometimes.

The day went on attending class after class and having lunch with Bogum who always calls me baby but I just shrug it up.

"Baby, the new professor want to meet you at his office." Bogum told me after he came back from the library.

"About what, when?"

"I think about the report, you know how all the professors really look up to your reports. After lunch."

There is a few cases where the professor would like to know the reference of my report and discuss it further with me. They always said I have a good point of view from others that allows me to write in more interesting way than others.

"I guess, I have to go then."

Making my way to the office, I already have in my hand another hardcopy of the report with all the references.

I knock on the door that have a silver plate name "Yoo Jae Suk", When I heard a faint come in from inside--I open the door to meet the boring Professor.

"You requested to meet me sir?"

"Yes I did. Sit down." Then he just stare at me without saying anything.

"Wha..what it is about sir? Is it report? Anything wrong?" I started to fidget in my seat. Nervous.

"Its not... You are perfect.. In every way.. Smart, beautiful... Sexy..."

I am right now considering to dash out until I heard the door open and when I turn its Bogum with a sly smile on his face.

Next on, I struggle to breath--darkness....

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