THE CORE FIVE|| Descendants/J...

By badbleepofficial

1.8K 22 12

"Do you ever shut up?" "Do you ever leave me alone?" "I'll leave you alone when you shut up." In which Mal tu... More

- Playlist -
- Cast List -
- Chapter two -
- Chapter three -
- Chapter four -
- Chapter five -
- Chapter Six -
- Chapter seven -
- Chapter eight -
- Chapter nine -
- Chapter ten -
- Chapter Eleven -
- Chapter twelve -
- Chapter thirteen -
- Chapter Fourteen -
- Chapter Fifteen -
- Chapter Sixteen -
- Chapter Seventeen -
- Chapter Eighteen -
- Chapter Nineteen -

- Chapter One -

292 7 0
By badbleepofficial


Hey, yeah it's me, Serena Facilier, daughter of Ursula and Dr. Facilier, little sister to Uma and twin sister to Celia. Right now I am working at my Mom's shop with my best friend, Julie Ahi. If you ask, 'If you're Celia's sister, where is your Dad?' don't worry. I get that a lot. You see, my father only wanted one child to have to take care of, so while my twin got the fun, happy parent who actually loves her, Uma and I got our mother. Mom always favored Uma over me, but now that Uma is banished from Auradon and lost at sea, she's being nicer to me, just in case there's a chance that I can get her out of this hellhole.

I have an....... Okay relationship with my Dad. I see him every once in awhile on the streets, and when I need money he gives me some. I just think he feels bad that he isn't ever there for me and Uma. Uma on the other hand, she hates him. He's tried to talk to her and give her things, but her pride always got in the way of things. Uma is pretty fond of Celia though, we both are. Before Celia and Dizzy left the isle, they were both in our friend group. Along with Willie, Jafar's second son, and Carrie and Bobby, Gizelle Tremain's kids. Gizelle, Carrie, and Bobby moved to the other side of the isle, we haven't seen them in awhile, and Willie, we kind of just grew apart. We still talk sometimes and go to school together, we just don't hang out as much.

Oh yeah! Let me introduce you to the rest of our group. You know, the ones that stuck around. So, before I knew Julie, which was not a long time, I knew Reggie. Mainly because Harry was friends with Uma and he had to drag Reggie everywhere he went. For the first eight years of our lives, Reggie and I hated each other. Mostly because we were forced to hang out with each other because our siblings didn't want to deal with us, but we always got on each other's nerves. Until one day, Gil was making fun of me and calling me shrimpy junior, Reggie stuck up for me and we've been super close ever since.

With Julie, it was pretty normal. We both sat down in the sandbox on the first day of pre-school. We started throwing sand at each other and she set the teacher's hair on fire with her powers and I used my water powers to make her slip. That day we knew that we were gonna be friends for awhile.

Luke and Alex, I met through Reggie when we were six. He brought them over with Harry one time when Julie was over. Actually, it was one of the reasons he hated me so much, he thought his friends were gonna ditch him for me and Julie. I thought it was hilarious, so I laughed in his face and told him I hoped they did. A little evil, but we live on the isle right?

Anyway, back to now. Julie and I both work for my Mom at her Fish N'Chips shoppe. Alex, Reggie, and Luke started a band called Sunset Curve, they play at my Mom's shop almost everyday. Julie and I actually have an on and off little band called Double Trouble. After those traitors Mal, Evie Carlos, and Jay left, we raided their old hangout place and took it over. Now Sunset Curve practices their and we have sleepovers there a lot, but yeah, that's pretty much everything you have to know.

"Hey Jules! You get Lady Tremain, I'll get Mother Gothel!" I yell over the counter.

"Okay!" She says as I make my way to Mother Gothel's table.

"What do you want?" I ask emotionlessly, I hate this woman more than my mom hates Ariel. She comes in every day and asks for the usual. She doesn't even have a usual.

"Gimme the usual." She deadpans, giving me the stink eye as I walk away, Julie meeting me back at the counter.

"You know what to do." I tell her, ripping the paper out of my pocket book and giving it to her so she can give it to my mother.

"Do you think she'll ever get tired of this?"Julie asks, obviously tired of doing this every day.

"Do you want an honest answer?" I ask back, both of us knowing the answer.

She thinks about it for a second, "No." she decides, walking into the kitchen and giving Mom the orders. She comes back and goes around the counter, taking the empty seat next to me, both of us having our eyes locked on the boys performing.

"After they finish their set, do you wanna get out of here?" I ask, glancing at her before turning back to the boys.

"I wish we could, but it's late and there are a lot of people here. Won't your mom get pissed?" Julie replies, turning to me. I turn to her.

"First of all, she loves you so she'll blame it all on me, and second, she doesn't even do anything anymore, ever since Uma left, she thinks that God has taken pity on her and given her me as an escape plan." I say laughing. She gives me a look that I have seen so many times before. It's her 'Stop pushing your luck' face.

"C'mon Jules just live a little! I mean we're 16, it's practically expected of us to do stuff like this. I bet I can get my Dad to give us some money too~" I say dragging out the too, "Please? For me?"

"Fine..... You suck Serena Facilier." She replies, getting up. Me doing the same.

"ORDER UP!" My mother yells from the kitchen.

Julie gets both trays and hands me one, both of us going in different directions. I drop the tray on Mother Gothels table, half of the contents spilling on it.

"Three silver coins." I say, holding out my hand. She hands them over with a glare. I give an obviously fake smile and go to the cash register, Julie already there.

"Thank you Ursula's Fish N' Chips! We're Sunset Curve!" "Tell your feinds!"

A chorus of "Hm"s and "Uh huh"s croud the room. The boys start in our direction and we look at each other and roll our eyes, grabbing towels. When they make their way over, we toss the towels in their faces and they give us playful glares.

"Okay boys, you get your stuff, Serena and I've got the van. We have to make two short stops though." Julie says.

"We don't even get a 'hi' anymore?" Luke asks sarcastically.

"Don't ask stupid questions, Huntsmen. Reggie, don't be stupid like Luke." I say.

"What about Alex? Why doesn't he get called out?" Reggie asks, Luke nodding along.

"Aaand here we are with the stupid questions. I already know that Alex is the smart one out of you three, we all do." I say, Julie nodding and Alex flashing me a grin.

"I hate you." Reggie says jokingly.

"You love me." I say back, "Now go, we'll see you in 10 yeah?"

"Yeah" They all say, Alex getting the keys out of his fanny pack and handing them to Julie.

We walk outside and are about to head towards the parking lot before bumping into someone. My father.

"Perfect." I whisper to myself, sneaking a fist-pump with Julie.

"Hey! Watch where you're goi- Oh, hello Serena." Dad says, tipping his hat in my direction.

"Hi Dad, we were just going to the parking lot. We were actually going to go to Frollo's Creperire." I say, pretending to reach for my wallet.

"Oh crap, I left my wallet inside." I lie, "Looks like I have to go get it. C'mon Jules. Talk to you later Dad."

"Wait! Here's fifty bucks. Someone probably stole it already." He says, handing me the money.

"Oh thank you, you didn't have to." I say, putting on a fake smile to hide my scheme.

"Trust me, I did. Well, good evening. Nice to see you to Julianna. See you on the other side." He says, walking away.

"Yeah, nice to see you Julianna." I say, making fun of my Dad and Julie as we make our way to the parking lot.

"Okay, first off, shut up because you know I hate my full name-"

I cut her off, "That's the fun part, duh."

"-and second," She starts, glaring at me playfully, "how did you lie like that and score fifty bucks in the process?" She asks, opening the car doors and getting in, me doing the same.

"It's a gift, now let's get some crepes-" She cuts me off.

"After the boys get here."

"Why can't we just leave them here? They're probably kissing up to my Mom right now, bonding over how awful I am," I say, rolling my eyes, "Plus, they're late. I'll give em' five more minutes."

"You sound just like your sister." Julie says, looking over at me.

"I don't know whether to take that as a compliment or a diss." I say, looking at her.

"Take it as both... Do you think they miss us? Do you think we'll ever see them again?" She asks, looking away from me and out the window. I look forward.

"Probably, they won't admit it though, and I know we will. She promised she'd come back for us. For all of us. However, I don't do feelings so let's drop this." I say, looking over at her. She looks at me and says,


We hear a tap on the window and it's the boys, pointing to the trunk, wanting us to open it. Julie presses the button and they open it.

"Took you long enough! We were about to leave your slow asses!" Julie shouts to them.

"Ha ha." Luke starts, closing the trunk, while Reggie and Alex open the car doors on each side, getting in with Luke following shortly after. "Drive."

"Don't get pissy Lukey-poo. We have to stop somewhere." I say.

"I thought you said two places?" Alex says, though it comes out as more of a question.

"You got lucky, now it's only one. Guess where." Julie says, glancing at the boys in the mirror before turning her attention back to the road.

"Hmm.... Crepes?" Reggie guesses.

"Ding, ding, ding! You guessed it!" I say.

"You are way too predictable." Luke says, Alex and Reggie nodding along with him.

"I like what I like and get what I want. Sue me." I say, rolling my eyes.

"Yeah, and she totally trolled her Dad to get the money for it." Julie says, her eyes never leaving the road.

"It works every time." I state proudly, the boys laughing.

"We're here, get our crepes." Julie says, stopping in front of Frollo's and unlocking the doors.

"I'll be right back, bub." I say, getting out and walking in.

"Frollo! It's me again, give me the special." I say. He goes back to make them and comes back.

"Aight, twenty bucks." He says, holding out his hand while giving me the bag full of crepes.

"Here. Bye Frollo, see you this time next week!" I yell, walking out.

"Unlock the door bub!" I say, knocking on the window. Julie unlocks it and I get in.

"Okay, let's get this show on the road!" Luke says.

Julie puts in an old CD and we all sing along, just soaking in the moment. Soon enough, we arrive at our lair, get out the crepes and start eating. Halfway through, I realize that I still have thirty bucks in my pocket so I get up.

"Hey, I'll be right back." I say to everyone.

"Oh, I'll come with, I have to put something away." Julie says, getting up and walking towards me.

We walk upstairs to our 'room' it's not much, just two sides with a bed on each and we decorated our sides differently. Spray painted the walls, put posters up, boxes and stuff. Y'know, the usual. I go under my bed to pull out my safe while Julie puts something in a box. I pull my safe out, but a Julie and my old dream box is on top of it.

"Oh my God, Jules, look at this." I say holding the box up.

"Oh no, what's in it. We haven't used that thing in years."

"Let's find out shall we." I say, pulling the top off. The first thing I notice is an envelope with my name on it in what looks like......... Uma's handwriting? I open it and sit in shock as I read it.


If you're seeing this right now, it means somethings happened. I'm writing this before I leave for Auradon, to get revenge on that lizard-looking traitor Mal. If your seeing this, it means that I got back to the isle, but on the low, just to write you this letter. If you are reading this, it probably means that you went through your old dream box. If you look a little further, you'll see my journal and plans to get revenge. Sadly, I haven't been able to do that on my own. However, you are the most cunning, determined, and evil person I know, so I need you to do it for me. Behind my journal, there is Malifecent's spellbook that Fairy Godmother thought she destroyed. You might be thinking 'Evil magic doesn't work on the isle, why does it matter?' it matters because there is one place on the isle where magic still works, but no one knows about it so you can't tell anyone except the rest of the core five. It's 2.3 miles behind Serpent Prep, in the dark forest. I need you to go in the envelope and get the necklace, it's Mom's extra shell that she gave to me. It gives you magic abilities. I'll know when you put it on because it sends messages to the main one when you rub it. This way we can communicate and I can guide you through your journey. You put it to your ear and listen when you feel a weird wave-like feeling.

Good luck lil sis,


"Are you okay?" Julie asks me, still looking over the note, "Should we tell the boys?"

"We can do that in the morning, for now, hand me the neclace." She hands me the neclace an when I rub it, it's like a wave of magic hits me, I put it to me ear and listen.

"Good Job," I hear, "Now go to bed. Night sis."

"Night." I say into it. Julie looks at me with a questioning look on her face and I nod.

"Tell the boys I'm going to bed. Night Jules." I say.

"Night Serena."

I climb into bed and clutch my neclace, afraid that if I let go, I'll wake up from a dream.


FIRST CHAPER DONE. WOW. This was a long one. I just had so much to write down lmao. Don't forget to comment, vote, and tell your friends! With that, so long my children, Until next time.

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