The last one standing A Jojo'...

By Timepassing

322K 13.1K 15.8K

Y/N is a lady and not one of a kind. Time means nothing to her and still she befriended the Joestar family, c... More

Author's Note
Phantom Blood
Phantom Blood 2
Phantom Blood 3
Phantom Blood 4
Phantom Blood 5
Phantom Blood Special: Dancing lessons with Y/N
Phantom Blood 6
Phantom Blood 7
Phantom Blood 8
Stand information HEAL:
Phantom Blood 9
Cover interpretation
Phantom Blood 10
Phantom Blood 11
Phantom Blood 12
Phantom Blood 13
Phantom Blood 14
Phantom Blood 15
Phantom Blood 16
Phantom Blood 17
Author's note:
Phantom Blood 18
Phantom Blood 19
Phantom Blood 20
Phantom Blood 21
Phantom Blood 22
Phantom Blood 23
Phantom Blood 24
Phantom Blood 25
Battle Tendency 1
Battle Tendency 2
Battle Tendency 3
Battle Tendency 4
Battle Tendency 5
Battle Tendency 6
Battle Tendency 7
Battle Tendency 8
Battle Tendency 9
Battle Tendency 10
Battle Tendency 11
Battle Tendency 12
Battle Tendency 13
Battle Tendency 14
Battle Tendency 15
Battle Tendency 16
Battle Tendency 17
Battle Tendency 18
Battle Tendency 19
Battle Tendency 20
Battle Tendency 21
Battle Tendency 22
Battle Tendency 23
Battle Tendency 24
Battle Tendency 25
Battle Tendency 26
Battle Tendency 27
Battle Tendency 28
Battle Tendency 29
Stardust Crusaders 1
Stardust Crusaders 2
Stardust Crusaders 3
Stardust Crusaders 4
Stardust Crusaders 5
Stardust Crusaders 6
Stardust Crusaders 7
Stardust Crusaders 8
Stardust Crusaders 9
Stardust Crusader 10
Stardust Crusaders 11
Stardust Crusaders 12
Stardust Crusaders 13
Stardust Crusaders 14
Stardust Crusaders 15
Stardust Crusaders 16
Stardust Crusaders 17
Stardust Crusaders 18
Stardust Crusaders 19
Stardust Crusaders 20
Stardust Crusaders 21
Stardust Crusaders 22
Y/N L/N Art
Stardust Crusaders 23
Stardust Crusaders 25
Stardust Crusaders 26
Stardust Crusaders 27
Stardust Crusaders 28
Stardust Crusaders 29
Stardust Crusaders 30
Stardust Crusaders 31
Stardust Crusaders 32
Stardust Crusaders 33
Stardust Crusaders 34
Stardust Crusaders 35
Stardust Crusaders 36
Stardust Crusaders 37
Stardust Crusaders 38
Stardust Crusaders 39
Stardust Crusaders 40
Stardust Crusaders 41
Stardust Crusaders 42
Stardust Crusaders 43
Stardust Crusaders 44
Stardust Crusaders 45
Stardust Crusaders 46
Stardust Crusaders 47
Stardust Crusaders 48
Stardust Crusaders 49
Stardust Crusaders 50
Diamond is Unbreakable 1
Diamond is Unbreakable 2
Diamond is Unbreakable 3
Diamond is Unbreakable 4
Diamond is Unbreakable 5
Diamond is Unbreakable 6
Diamond is Unbreakable 7
Diamond is Unbreakable 8
Diamond is Unbreakable 9
Diamond is Unbreakable 10
Diamond is Unbreakable 11
Diamond is Unbreakable 12
Diamond is Unbreakable 13
Diamond is Unbreakable 14
Diamond is Unbreakable 15
Diamond is Unbreakable 16
Diamond is Unbreakable 17
Diamond is Unbreakable 18
Diamond is Unbreakable 19
Diamond is Unbreakable 20
Special Chapter; Y/N x reader
Diamond is Unbreakable 21
Diamond is Unbreakable 22
Diamond is Unbreakable 23
Diamond is Unbreakable 24
Diamond is Unbreakable 25
Diamond is Unbreakable 26
Diamond is Unbreakable 27
Diamond is Unbreakable 28
Diamond is Unbreakable 29
Diamond is Unbreakable 30
Diamond is Unbreakable 31
Diamond is Unbreakable 32
Diamond is Unbreakable 33
Diamond is Unbreakable 34
Diamond is Unbreakable 35
Merry Christmas
Christmas Specials
Diamond is Unbreakable 36
Diamond is Unbreakable 37
Diamond is Unbreakable 38
Diamond is Unbreakable 39
Diamond is Unbreakable 40
Diamond is Unbreakable 41
Vento Aureo 1
Vento aureo 2

Stardust Crusaders 24

1.2K 56 69
By Timepassing

What happened previously:

"I am happy brother...." He turned around, smirking, her right eye now replaced by a red gleaming eyeball. !"BECAUSE I CAN FINALLY EAT YU!!" she bit his left shoulder tearing out a piece of flesh with her teeth brutally, blood splattering everywhere as Polnareff screamed in pain and agony, coughing up blood as her sharp fingernails were rammed into the side of his neck, he fell to the ground as he summoned silver chariot driving her off as a pool of blood formed under him on the cold ground.

"Sher....ry...." He whispered in horror his heart shattering into thousand pieces.

"I am sorry that I bit you brother." She said voice dripping with sarcasm. "I am afraid my body is still underdeveloped. But if I eat your flesh I will return to normal." She stated voice ice cold. "It is okay if I eat you, right? You always did what I asked you to~" she leaped at him biting his leg before hiding in the high grass again.

"CAMEO!" Polnareff screamed in top of his lungs as the Stand appeared with a poof sitting on the bare tree looking at Polnareff amused.

"You rang?"

"You bastard!" Polnareff cursed.

"What? Do you have a complaint? I granted your wish, didn't I? Granting whishes is my power after all. The rest is up to you." Cameo stated plainly.

"Then I will tell you my third wish!" Polnareff raised his le hand trying to sit up, he gritted his teeth his heart fighting with his rational mind...." Make my sister....." tears formed in his eyes.....It hurt so much...."Make my sister...." Memories flashed in front of his eyes again, his heart was aching, he could not handle it... it felt like it was being torn to shreds.....Her monstrous form, her adorable smile like she used to look at him....hw she used to be.....Tears streamed down his face. "Make....Let my sister rest in peace! Return her to her grave!"


"I do not think so." Cameo replied smugly.

"What?" Polnareff's eyes widened in horror.

"You still do not get it do you Polnareff? I am a Stand! I am the Stand represented by the Judge ent card! I extract wishes from the deepest corners of the human mind and manifest them from the coil below. You created your sister from your own yearning! And since you created her I cannot undo it. This match goes to me! By the way, I recall you saying something about a third with but you have already made your third wish...."It trailed off.

" not mean....him?" Polnareff whimperedhorrified

Judgment Part 2

"Quite the traumatic experience isn't it? Being eaten alive by your own sister." Cameo chuckled. "When a man uncovered his deepest desires all of his weaknesses are laid bare. You gave nary a thought to the departed nature of bringing one back to life. Everyone wants to believe that their loved ones are still alive somewhere. You hope that they will suddenly pop in tomorrow and say Good Morning." Cameo snickered as Polnareff gulped. "By the way. You said something about a third wish but if I am not mistaken you have made said wish."

Polnareff's eyes widened in horror gasping...."You do not mean...."

"You wished for Avdol to come back to life!" Cameo declared dramatically. "HAIL TO YOU!!"

The third smoke explosion went off as Cameo disappeared from sight leaving Polnareff who looked around frantically noticing the Egyptian Fortune teller standing tall a few meters away from him, intimidating as the Frenchman hurried back on his feet in fear as Avdol leaped at him while Polnareff screamed:

"No....he is.....Avdol!"

In that moment Avdol attacked him ripping opened Polnareff's chest with his finger nails, Polnareff being flung away slowly bleeding out.

"Av...dol...." He whispered weakly as he landed harshly as Avdol's right ring finger and index finger crumbled away.

"My fingers..." Avdol gritted out observing them "They have.....crumbled to pieces Polnareff!" He shouted at the silver haired male. "I blame you for this! Because of your bumbling I ....ended up like this!" 

He lifted his white headban revealing a gaping hole in his forehead as he glared at him as Polnareff's body was shaking, trembling like a leaf in the chilly night breeze his eyes wide in terror memories of the day where he.....

"Avdol....I made you...I" Polnareff pressed out guiltily.

"You will pay for this Polnareff! And you will do it with your flesh!" Avdol announced voice booming as he jumped din the air attacking Polnareff in almost inhuman speed.

"I will get better if I eat right?" Sherry asked cutely jumping u to them "Right? Big Brother!"

They tore off chunks of his shoulder as Polnareff screamed as their red eyeballs gleamed dangerously in the darkness, turning to Polnareff and starting to walk owards him agonizing slow, like predetors on the hunt.

"What is the matter, brother?" Sherry slurred staggering.

"Stay away from me!" Polnareff yelled desperately "Stay away! Both of you....Please go back to your graves!" He pleaded.

"Why? You are the one who brought us back." Sherry asked calmly not stopping.

"The time has come for you to enter your grave!" Avdol stated grimly s Polnareff flinched back his eyes widening in realization.

I was so panicked I forgot to summon Silver Chariot. How could I have been so caught up in my wish that I neglected to use my stand?

He saw both of them were going to attack him as he summoned his Stand. "Get away from me!" He screamed but in that moment his Stand was suddenly being held back by the mechanical Stand Cameo of the Judgment card!


"Please? Oh no! You do not have any wished left!" Cameo snickered as Sherry's stand Avdol's teeth embedded themselves in Polnareff's body as Polnareff wailed as blood splattered everywhere his Stand becoming transparent.

"I have already granted you three wishes. You do not get any more!" Cameo stated as Polnareff frantically tried to pry off Avdol.

"Stop it!" From the corner of his eyes he saw his beloved sister biting his right leg hungrily.

"HAIL TO YOU!!" The Stand laughed watching the disturbing display in sick amusement. "Go ahead. Writhe and scream to your heart's content! You are in the middle of nowhere. You friends by the shore won't hear you. No one can save you now!" Cameo's voce you now!" Cameo's voice was slowly tuned out by the Frenchman as his strength left him his arms falling to the ground feeling too heavy to lift them up again as he stared up seeing the beautiful waxing crescent moon and the beautiful delicate blue flowers blowing gently.

It is no use. This is the end....He readied weakly staring up seeing the shining stars so cold and so far away. His crimson blood splattering on the grass blades and flowers. I am going to die. I am finished, slowly his vision blurred as he gasped for air, he felt no pain anymore as he glanced at his sister and Avdol devouring his body, brutally, hungrily.

"Sherry...Avdol..." He mumbled softly. I suppose it is what I deserve. It is only fitting. Avdol it is like you said. You died because of my actions; he looked back up to the sky.

His sapphire eyes bring with tears....And so....I have accepted my fate....

In that moment is eyes widened in shock seeing another Avdol approaching and fighting the other.

My vision must be going. I am seeing double. He rubbed his eyes weakly. It looks like there are two Avdols. But when he looked again the double was gone as he chuckled in disappointment.

Of course there is not another one, he grinned pained his heart aching. If I am seeing things, guess it means the end is near. The blood loss is taking its toll. I am hallucinating. Al right....This is it. I will have to tap out early. Goodbye Mister Joestar, Kakyoin, Jotaro....and...y/N, I am so sorry for not listening to you. I am always ignoring your advice and I always end up in trouble, I never seem to learn....He chuckled weakly. You lost everyone close to you, Y/N, over and over again, look at me how pathetic I am compared to you. You lost them all and will lose them are you still able to move on and seem so strong?...Why am I so pathetic, I did not even endure half of your pain..she too lost her family, her lovers, her friends so many times...I....will pray for your victory and for your happiness.

He listened to the rustling of the grass. As for you Avdol....I will atone in the next world....

In that moment Avdol moved trying to attack Polnareff but it was restrained by no other then- Polnareff's eyes widened as suddenly the real Avdol smirked crashing the double's left hand.

"What?? Impossible!" Cameo screamed popping up out of nowhere.

"I was right! I knew I saw another Avdol!" Polnareff exclaimed sitting up. "My eyes were not playing tricks. Besides the dust and dirt version....there is another Avdol!"

"MAGICIAN'S RED!!" Avdol declared as his stand destroyed the fake burning it swiftly as an explosion went off.

"How? He was supposed to be dead!" Cameo yelled floating in the air. "He was stabbed by the Hanged Man, Centerfold!"

"How the hell is he alive?" Polnareff shouted as Avdol smiled at him teasingly clicking his tongue. "Mohammed Avdol!"

"Yes, I am!" Avdol smirked posing.

"Is it really you?" Polnareff asked incredulously as Avdol clicked his tongue again. "Is it the real you?" Polnareff inquired carefully his body trembling.

"Ponareff you have not changed the slightest. You still lose all common sense when it comes to your sister." Avdol scolded.

"No! You are supposed to be dead!" Cameo yelled in disbelief. "Hanged Man sunk his blade into your back and Hol Horse put a bullet between your eyes killing you on the spot, not even Y/N would heal you after that!"

"You are right about my being shot. Right in the forehead but because I was stabbed in the back for a moment my face ways looking up and the bullet only grazed me." Avdol stated smirking. "I suppose this is what one would call a blessing in disguise. Hol Horse's bullet broke my skin scraping my skull. It did not reach my brain. It only grazed me." He said smugly "But I did completely lose consciousness.....SO you call yourself Cameo of the Judgment card?" the Egyptian man addressed the Stand. "Hell is near so prepare! HELL TO YOU!!!"

"I know it was only my third wish but still...." Polnareff whispered tears in his eyes. "It is really him. It came true!" He smiled happily

"Mohammed Avdol is indeed alive and well. You would call this bad news." Avdol stated calmly. "Shouldn't you scurry away to inform Dio and your fellow Stand user compatriots about my return?" Avdol taunted the Stand "Well shouldn't you, cameo?"

That is right! I have to tell them, Mr Joestar, Y/N, Jotaro and Kakyoin! I have to let them know! Polanreff thought grinning.

"This very surprising news to be sure." Cameo replied confidently. "But I can spin it this way: Not only did Judgment's Cameo slay the idiot Polnareff. He also succeeded in eliminating Avdol, who was actually alive!" He leaped at them. "I cannot wait to tell them the splendid news!"

"MAGICIAN'S RED!" Avdol manifested his Stand sending a kick at Cameo but it dodges throwing Magician's Red at the tree as Avdol gasped in pain.

"The Stand....It is far more powerful than expected." Avdol huffed.

"Careful." Polnareff warned him. "It is not just his power. He has got incredible speed too!"

"Come now Avdol is that the extend of your abilities? It appears sharing my news will be even easier than expected." Cameo stated leaping forward. "May fortune..." he grabbed Sherry. "Be with you both!" He threw her over to Avdol as her body's majority crumbled at the impact she had with Magician's red as Polnareff dived forward in horror. "HAIL TO YOU!!!"

Polnareff held Sherry in his arms as she spoke up gently: "Hey brother."

"No. My Sherry.....Sherry....died." He trembled before he slowly stood up making up his mind. "This is right you are....nothing but....a hunk of dirt!" He manifested Silver Chariot piercing her chest as he gasped.

"But brother..." she whispered softly as her face started to crack her body turning into dirt tickling to the ground as a shadow cast over Polnareff's eyes while Avdol walked over to him.

"Apologies. I take back what I said about you not changing." The fortune teller aid.

"No you were right. I am the one who should apologize. ....I suddenly remembered something Y/N told me once when I told her about my sister, ...she smiled at me and asked me to remember that Sherry cannot be replaced by anyone else so I should hold her close to my heart. I did not understand what she meant I thought...... but now I do, no hunk of dirt pretending to be Sherry can ever replace my beloved sister, if I did I would ruin her memory, it would insult her. Y/N is right; no one can replace her, my Sherry."

Avdol sighed patting Polnareff's shoulder gently:"Lady Y/N is really wise; she knows what she is talking about. I admire her greatly her mental strength is unparalleled." He hummed....She saved me after all....

Suddenly Cameo leaped at tem from behind as Silver Chariot and Magician's Red were thrown into the air together with their users as the landed harshly the hard ground while Cameo laughed sadistically.

"This battle has already been decided." He crossed his arms "No matter what Y/N told you to help you out she is not here to rescue any of you. Isn't it hilarious everyone of your little group somehow depends on her, she is definitely the strongest and supports you but without her you all gave flaws...she always has to run after your guys like a mother tending to some pathetic brats" You can do nothing without her!" He laughed as Avdol's eyes dilated in anger as Polnareff clenched his fist, furiously. "Avdol! I would like to hear your three wishes." Cameo stated floating in the air casually. "You wish is my command." He mocked him "Until I pt you to rest for good that is! Go ahead! You may as well give it a shot! As I said you get three wishes."

"Bastard! He insulted us!! He is making fools of us!" Polanreff gritted out fuming. "Just ignore him Avdol! You do not have to make any wishes! Avdol are you listening to me?"

"What?" Cameo shouted

"My wishes, Can't you hear? I wish that I had four wishes." Avdol repeated.

"You cannot be serious." Cameo replied his green metallically ways gleaming.

"Are you denying my wish?" Avdol yelled "Cameo you are the one who offered them! I am going to make sure you keep our promise! You should learn from Y/NN!" He manifested Magician's Red going to attack him.

"You still insist upon this futile contest of power? Your kicks are nothing!" Cameo said cockily blocking he kick with his arm as suddenly the armor cracked falling off. "WHAT?!"

"That is the way! Super!" Polnareff cheered as Avdol posed with his Stand proudly clicking his tongue.

"My first wish was to make you cry out in agony." Avdol revealed "And it came true."

"This is madness! Your strength! How are so much stronger!" Cameo screeched.

"You know I recently awakened from my deep slumber when the bullet hit my skull I was send into coma you see. Today was the first time I used my Stand for two weeks and I am still testing out how strong I am able to attack however I am slowly getting the hand of it again, I was testing you earlier. Sine I took a plane here the trip was rather easy!" Avdol stated.

"That is Avdol! Still the best!" Polnareff laughed as Avdol turned back to the enemy.

"Now for my second wish!" Magician's Red suddenly started to strangle Cameo with his flame whips making him cry out in pain "I wish for you to cry out in utter terror! Now for my third wish....Cry in Regret!" Magician's Red kicked Cameo's back full force up in the air as the Stand suddenly vanished in another explosion of glittering smoke.

"Damn that bastard! He is running away! Wait! Get back here!" Polnareff cursed running after him.

"Shhh. Polnareff, quiet." Avdol whispered as Polnareff stopped going back to his friend as both of them took cover in the high grass. "With that kind of power and speed....given the rule of Stands the user must be hiding somewhere nearby Let's look..." Avdol explained as they started to crawl

"Is he here?" Polnareff replied voice hushed.

He should be hiding out very close to us." Avdol answered as then Polnareff parted a few grass blades seeing a pipe stuck in the ground.

"Hey, could that be-"He blurted out.

"Shh!" Avdol scolded as both of them walked up to it Avdol picking a leaf putting it over the pipe carefully as it got blown away from the air coming in and out of the pipe as Avdol now stuck his finger in the pipe shaking as he put it out.

The Stand user is hiding underground? Why you-! You are going to pay! Polnareff thought. How dare you use my sister? Time to show you hell! HELL TO YOU! Bastard! He gritted his teeth fuming barley containing his rage as he suddenly got an idea.

"I can think of a few things to drop in..." Polnareff hummed. "Like dirt and sand.....A Spider, ants too and a lit match..." Avdol watched nodding as smoke came out of the pipe and coughing sounds. "Bastard! I hope you are ready. Your suffering has barely begun!" Polnareff exclaimed.

"Hey Polnareff." Avdol piped up. "I think I need to go to the bathroom." He smirked mischievously. "Come on! How about it my friend? Shall we engage in the timeless ritual of male bonding?" He winked while Polnareff blinked confused until he was hit with sudden realization catching up.

"Somehow I made it out of this mess alive!" A male voice sighed in relief, the enemy Stand user, but little did he know what he was in for as the wound of zippers disturbed the silence.

"Come on, Polnareff! Let me hear you laugh!" Avdol grinned laughing. "Laugh my friend!"

"Avdol..." Polnareff sweated nervously. "It seems like you are the one who has changed. You would have never thought of doing something so perverse." Polnareff grinned. "This is not a result of you being shot in the head, is it?" He watched Avdol laughing loudly as he joined.

"That is it! Aim that thing!" Avdol instructed.

"Right!" Polnareff snickered as the enemy came out of the ground spitting out the disgusting liquird they drained down the pipe as he immediately backed away from them throwing away the shovel on his knees.

"Please forgive me!" He begged.

"Finally, my fourth wish. It is..." Avdol stared down at him grimly " not grant you a single one of your pitiful wishes. My Magician's Red forgives no one. Especially you, how dare you insult us and Y/N?"

Only a second later the enemy was left completely burned and defeated.


Back at the beach you were having a small mental breakdown with Kakyion and Jotaro to comfort you: "I should not have let Polnareff go alone....Where is he? Is he alright? I am going to kill him when he is completely fine and just sulking!" You huffed punching the tenth boulder in frustration the others did not perform well with your anger, left completely destroyed after a few punches.

"Hey guys! You will never believe it! Guess who I ran into?" the Frenchman's cheerful voice snapped out of it.

"Polnareff! We have been worried about you! Thank god you are finally here or else Y/N would have gone on a killing spree!" Joseph shouted relieved.

"How did you get those injuries?" Kakyoin questioned looking to you nervously, deep inside hs heart he was happy that Polnareff was injured because now you would not kill him. The lesser evil it is, He sighed.

"Was it an enemy?" Jotaro scowled as you looked up glaring, a dark aura surrounding you but it vanished as soon as you saw the terrible state he was in.

"Who cares about my wounds?" Polnareff grinned from one ear to the other taking you aback. "Ready? Now do not be too shocked Jotaro? Promise you won't throw your back our in surprise Kakyoin! Who do you think I met out there Mr Joestar? Prepare to be blown away Y/N!" He closed his eyes making a dramatic pause. "Tum-ta-da-da! Here he is! That sly bastard Avdol was still alive! Doo-do-doo!"

Everyone kept silent as Avdol came from the undergrowth casually.

You sighed...

"Well, we should probably get going." Joseph decided picking up his bag as you did the same as you walked over to Polnareff.

"Hey let me fix you up, you look horrible." You stated bluntly, leaving no room for complains.

"Here let me help you carry our luggage." Avdol smiled at you as you smiled back.

"What a true gentleman you are, but I can handle myself perfectly, however I am sure Jotaro and Kakyoin would appreciate your help."

Avdol only chuckled as he walked to both teenagers as you manifested HEAL.

"Hey Avdol. How have you been doing?" Jotaro smirked as Avdol smiled genuinely as you followed after them leaving a healed and speechless Polnareff.

"Hey!" He called out to you.

"Has it really been two weeks? We are lucky to all be alive, well most likely to Y/N fixing us up every time." Jotaro chuckled.

"Hey!!" Polnareff shouted.

"Jotaro you are still in your uniform? Don't you ever get hot? Y/N, say something." Avdol replied.

"I think it suits him." You closed your eyes as Jotaro blushed lightly but it went thankfully unnoticed dues to the darkness.

"Hey just hold up a second guys!" Polnareff yelled. "I told you to hold on a second you assholes" He screamed as you emitted a dangerous aura making him gulp nervously. "....And Y/N.....What is with these laissez-faire attitudes? A man we thought was dead was alive! How can you just brush it off like nothing ever happened?"

"Oh, sorry about that Polnareff. When I told you I buried Avdol in India I ma have lied."Joseph replied indifferently.


"Mr Joestar, Jotaro and Lady Y/N were the ones who brought me to the hospital where Y/N healed my wounds hidden from the enemy, but due to the bullet grazing my skull I fell into a coma and slept for one and a half weeks." Avdol explained you nodding in confirmation. "Thanks to Lady Y/N, I feel like nothing happened at all.

"You assholes....and Y/N, you have know Avdol was alive this whole time and you did not tell me?" Polnareff screeched feeling betrayed.

"I told them it was a bad idea." You muttered under your breath. "....But they had a point...."

"Kakyoin, you too?" Polnareff turned to the red head.

"I only found out the day after all happened. It was imperative to not let the enemy know while he was utterly defenseless. You have a big mouth so I suggested..." Kakyoin noticed his tongue had slipped and corrected himself swiftly."....sorry, since you can never tell a lie on the spot, I suggested we keep it a secret from you."

"If you would let the secret slip, Avdol would not have been able to recuperate in peace." You told him gently. "We were planning to tell you as soon as we knew he was safe but we did not think you would run into him first."

"Oh yeah Avdol! Your dad is on his island! Let's tell him you are here!" Polnareff realized enthusiastically.

"Oh, that was just me in disguise." Avdol said as Polnareff tripped landing face first as you grimaced.

"Say what? Then all that was for show? You did not have to go that far! How dare you leave me out of the loop?!" He whined.

"I take it back. It is funny to watch." You did your smiling face behind your glowed hand.

"Now, now. There is no reason to cry." Joseph tried.

"I am sorry I did not think you would be this hurt." You smiled.

"I apologize as well. But I had a very good reason for coming for this island in disguise." Avdol stated.

"Yeah, it was partially so the enemy could not find out but Y/N and I had Avdol do some shopping for us." Joseph revealed.

"What kind of shopping?" Polnareff sniffed.

"It was a very conspicuous acquisition. So I disguised myself as a wealthy Arab gentleman." Avdol said calmly.

"All right, everyone! Let's climb aboard and head out! Come on, cheer up already Polnareff." You clapped your hands together. "It is almost here and Jotaro try to cheer up a bit will you? This is going to be a great surprise especially for you, I hope." You sled at the Highschool delinquent as he looked at you in confusion. "You want to become a marine biologist after you finished your studies, if I remember correctly." You smirked as he tilted his hat down his face unreadable for anyone but you. "I hope you like it."

"Look everyone it has arrived." You pointed at the sea as a giant submarine emerged from the depths.

"A submarine?" Polnareff nearly fainted at the sight.

"That is right! From here on out we are riding to Egypt in this!" Joseph declared proudly.

"You have got to be kidding me! How did you guys afford it-?" Polnareff asked you as you smiled.

"Oh this time I did not pay anything at all, I made Joseph pay instead." You pointed out. To pay my silence, the destroyed planes, the food he still had to pay over the years, casualty fees, the mechanical arm he got without my knowledge.....He finally paid it all off. You chuckled darkly. It felt really good not to pay. You felt oddly satisfied.

"Come on Jotaro let's get in! I carry you guys over the water!"

-> To be continued ->

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