Guns and Ammunition [] TFATWS

By itsanothernobody

231K 10K 2.5K

"Guns and ammunition make bullets out of you. You speak dynamic fiction, I see right through that too. When I... More

Twenty One
Twenty Two
Twenty Three
Twenty Four
Twenty Five
Twenty Six
Twenty Seven
Twenty Eight
Twenty Nine


6.7K 311 15
By itsanothernobody

Chapter Nineteen:

It was dark when they arrived in Madripoor, and even deeper into the night when they began their journey to Zemo's location. The man been insistent that they all changed, to fit the part he told them needed to be played. Bucky wore tight gear he always wore, all dark colours and form fitting. Zemo remained in the same attire he had on the plane, the most different change in appearance was both her and Sam. He wore a full burgundy suit, blue and yellowing detailing covering every inch. It was finished off with chains wrapped around his neck, sitting carefully on his chest. 

Josephine hated her outfit, and the more she thought about it, she wondered why he had an array of extra woman's clothes on his private plane. She wore a tight fitting dress, a sleek black asymmetrical hem as Zemo had implied "It will be good if you need to start running." Yet, the heels she wore were so high she could barley walk in them, it was challenging enough focusing on not falling over. Not to mention the chill, her bare shoulders were freezing in the night air. Her hair was bushed, pin straight as it cascaded down her back to her elbows. That part was nice, her hair had been incredibly knotted. 

"We gotta do something about this." Sam huffed, adjusting his blazer as they made their way down a bridge. "I'm the only one who looks like a pimp."

"Only an American would assume a fashion-forward Black man looks like a pimp. You look exactly like the man you're supposed to be playing. The sophisticated, charming African rake named Conrad Mack, aka the Smiling Tiger. 

"He even has a bad nickname."

Josephine pursed her lips, "What the hell am I supposed to be doing in all this?"

"Don't scrunch your face, dear." Zemo looked at her, "You'll smudge the makeup."

She scowled at him, "I'd prefer if the answer was nothing."

"Your job is to stand there and look pretty. Don't say a word, but keep your head up. If you appear nervous or scared, they'll sniff it out."

"Great." She muttered, now they were mingling with even more criminals with little to none moral compass. 

"You smell it?" Zemo asked after a few moments of silence.

The city was lit up in front of them, just beyond the bridge lived wild lives and a dangerous underground. The skyline seemed so futuristic, the buildings tall and unusual shapes. The tallest of them were lit up with different colours, making the sky glow with them all. 

"Yeah, what is that?" Sam huffed, "Acid?"

"Madripoor. No matter what happens, we have to stay in character. Our lives depend on it. There's no margin for error."

A car rolled up in front of them, blocking their way. Josephine hadn't even seen any vehicles on the road for that matter, and how could one show up so sneakily. 

"High Town's that way. Not a bad place if you want to visit, but Low Town's the other way."

They approached the car, Bucky was the first to get in. She followed Sam to the other side, sliding in the middle. No one complained this time, they all got in and kept their mouths shut. The vehicle took off towards the city, the driver staring straight ahead. Everyone kept there gazes forward, unmoving as they drove along. Josephine shifted uncomfortably, trying to maintain her calm. It was difficult to breathe in such a tight dress, and her nerves were starting to kick in. This was much worse than their meeting with the Flag Smashers, at least that group felt like they had morals, despite trying to kill them. 

It was silent the entire way, rain staring to pour as they entered a tunnel. Engines revved on either side of them, and she couldn't help but sneak a glance out the window. Motorcyclists circled them as they approached another tunnel, wearing glowing green masks and guns strapped to their waists. She looked back out the windshield, deciding it was better to not acknowledge the activity around her. 

They turned off as a crowded street appeared, packed tight with ridiculously dressed people. The vehicle coming to a stop next to a metal stairwell, leading up to a walkway bridge above the party that seemed to be going on. Josephine shuffled out of the car, keeping close to Sam as they followed Zemo up the steps and onto the bridge. Bucky trailed closely to Zemo, face void of any emotion. Was that what the Winter Solider had been like? 

The city looked unreal as she looked out, colourful lights and music blaring into the nights sky. It looked as if it was out of a video game, the lights and wires dripping down closer to the streets. As they made it to the end, the other scene unfolding in front of them was more bizarre. Large men covered in tattoos milled around while people traded money for bags of what she assumed had to be cocaine. Figures held loaded guns in front of them, patrolling what, she didn't know. 

A large neon sign hung low above an alley, Princess Bar it read as Zemo turned towards the opening. Josephine kept her expression bland, trying to fit in with the groups of druggies and men with missing teeth. The air smelt putrid, of blood, drugs and body oder. Never in a million years did she thing she'd ever be in a place like this. 

"Here we are." Zemo mumbled quickly, shoving his way through people. The bar was more packed than outside, which seemed impossible. Every single person in there looked more scary than the last, and she couldn't help but wonder how many human beings these folks had killed or how many were on the run with murder charges. Zemo added a string of words as people stared between him and Bucky, the only one in English she could understand was Winter Solider. She held her head high, trying to muster any confidence she could scrounge up from her normal lack of it. 

When they reached the bar, the top incased with long mirrors lined with white lights, a burly bartender wandered forward and nodded at Zemo who had rested his arms lazily on it. "Hello, gentlemen. Wasn't expecting you, Smiling Tiger."

Both men leaned on either side of Zemo, she hung back behind Sam, hoping her passive look was working. "His plans changed." Zemo said, "We have business to do with Selby."

The bartender eyed Sam, looking unbelievably suspicious as Sam nodded. He turned, reaching over behind him and undid a lid, pulling out a very dead snake. She stared, noticing the other containers filled with various reptiles. He plopped the snake on the counter top, grabbing a knife and cutting it open. She looked to Sam, who seemed very alarmed as he shot Zemo a look.

A small glass was filled with clear liquid as he dropped a chunk of snake gut into it, sliding it too Sam. He picked it up, staring at it. "Oh, yes, I love these." He gave another glare to Zemo.

Zemo was given a drink, to which he cheered Sam and smiled, "Cheers, Conrad."

He downed it instantly, while Sam brought the now brownish liquid to his lips and paused. "Mhmm." He muttered, throwing the drink back with a face of mild disgust. He nodded slowly, giving the bartender a thumbs up. Josephine was thankful nobody was offering her anything, or else their facade would quickly crumble. It was hard enough ignoring all the stares she could feel burning into her back.

"I got word from up high. You ain't welcome here." 

They all turned, a fairly tall scary looking man was glaring at Zemo. 

"I have no business with the Power Broker, but if he insists, he can either come and talk to me..." Zemo paused, motioning to Bucky who now looked mildly angry. He remained quiet, only looking around at the crowd with his signature stare. The man addressed him, eyes narrowed. "New haircut?"

"... Or bring Selby for a chat."

The man turned quickly, disappearing back into the crowd. Bucky glared at Zemo, "The Power Broker, really?"

"Every kingdom needs its king." Zemo said, "Let's just pray we stay under his radar."

"Do you know him?" Sam asked, leaning his back against the counter, observing the changing atmosphere. 

"Only by reputation. In Mandripoor his is judge, jury and executioner."

Josephine tensed as another man approached behind Zemo, another glare on his face. She wondered if that was all these men's permanent expressions. Though, Zemo seemed entirely unfazed as he looked to Bucky. "Winter Solider." He said, finishing off his sentence in a string of what she assumed was Russian.

Bucky pounced, metal arm flying into the man, ripping it away from Zemo's shoulder. He twisted his arm back, pushing him into the crowd. People turned, backing away as Bucky swung his other arm around and flung the guy onto the ground. Cell phone flashlights lit up the space, every set of eyes on the Winter Soldier as another man lunged. Bucky took care of him in a blink, soon enough more men tried to take him on. It seemed effortless to Bucky as he took out a handful of guys in an instant. Zemo shoved another in, to which was met with the Winter Soldier's foot as he went flying into a table. 

"Didn't take him much to fall back into form, did it?" Zemo mumbled. 

He was throwing punches left right and centre, the same blank look on his face. Bucky grabbed a guy by his neck, marching him over to the bar where he flung him down, grip tightening around his throat. 

The sound of guns loading made her tense, both her and Sam gazed around as people held out their lowered weapons, ready to shoot them all dead. 

"Stay in character, or the whole bar turns on us." Zemo whispered to Sam who had put a hand on Bucky's arm, to which he took back quickly. He then stepped closer to his soldier, saying a string of words in another language. 

"Selby will see you now." The bartender said.

Bucky's grip released from the mans neck, and he gaze found hers. She wondered what her face said, what her expression told him. Because in that moment, she realized that she truly had no idea who Bucky Barnes really was. 

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