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Chapter Fifteen:

They had found Sam on the other side of the building, waiting amongst a gaggle of police and their vehicles. As Bucky and Josephine approached the man, a siren went off. The group turned to spot John and Lemar leaning against one, smiling at them. "Gentlemen. Josephine. Good to see you again."

Doubt that. She thought wandered over in between both men, all looking displeased. And not really.

"Look, if we divide ourselves, we don't stand a chance, you guys know that." John said.

Sam rolled his eyes, "So what do you got?"

"Well, the leader's name is Karli Morgenthau. We've been targeting civilians who've been helping Karli move from place to place."

Lemar nodded, "They geotagged a location, then scrambled the signal. But our satellites have found their symbol popping up in various displaced communities all across Central and Eastern Europe."

"We think she's taking the medicine she stole to one of these camps."

Bucky leaned against the car, "Well, there are hundred of those all over the planet since the Blip. So, I guess you'll have to look real hard."

"Good thing I have 20/20 vision, huh?" John joked, meeting his angry gaze.

"Where is she now, Walker?" Bucky snapped.

John pushed off the vehicle, voice raising, "No, we don't know, Bucky. It's only a matter of time before we find out."

"Things are really intense for you, aren't they, Walker?"

Josephine moved closer to him, nudging his right arm, the one made of flesh and bone. Sam stepped up as well, "Take it easy, Walker's right, alright? It is imperative that we find them and stop them. But you guys have rules of engagement and all kinds of authorizations you need to get. We're free agents. We're more flexible. So it wouldn't make sense for us to work together."

Sam turned as Bucky stepped back, moving towards the sidewalk. She trailed behind, glancing back as John's lips formed a tight line. "Well, word of advice then." He said, waiting until they all had stopped, waiting for him to continue. "Stay the hell out of my way."

Josephine broke out into a fit of laughter, clapping her hands. "Oh shit. Wow, okay Mr hot shot. You're funny. Have a nice night Johnnie, wish you the best--"

A hand grasped her arm, pulling her quickly up the street. Bucky watched her as they went, "What was that about?"

"His ego is too big for his tiny brain." She shrugged, chuckling. "That title, the whole Captain America bag, it's gonna mess him up."

"What do you mean?" Sam asked.

She waved her arms around, "The whole thing, it's way too much pressure. He's gonna crack. I mean, they literally just picked another white military dude and handed him a shield and a title. I guarantee they didn't do any real research, just picked out one with the most medals who seemed like a decent guy. They're trying so hard to recreate Steve Rogers, but you can't. It's impossible."

Bucky shook his head, scratching his jaw as they went. He still looked annoyed, but she believed that was his default expression at this point. And it was easier to be annoyed or angry than let people know what you're really feeling. 

"When we get back on the plane, I'll try to geotag Karli, see if I can bypass any blockades and find a location before they do." Sam sighed as they turned into a parking garage, "We don't know how many super soldiers she got with her, or how many more she's planning to create so we need to be prepared."

Another sleek black car pulled up in front of them, slowing to a stop. A window rolled down, a man turned his head and said nothing, eyes covered by a pair of black sunglasses.

"This is ominous." Josephine muttered, stepping closer to Bucky. "I don't like it."

The doors unlocked, Sam went ahead and got into the passenger seat. She wondered if he had scrambled to get them a ride while her and Bucky had been stuck with Dr Raynor.

"I guess we get in." Bucky muttered, carefully opening the door. He held it for her as she sat down, scooting to the other side as he got in. The driver made no small talk as he put the vehicle back into drive and made his way towards the exit.

"We are going to the airport, right?" Bucky questioned.

The driver turned, gazing at him. She didn't see his other hand move to the lock mechanism, but the doors clicked loudly as they locked into place. "You're not leaving here alive."

Josephine held her breath, staring wide eyed at the driver as Bucky seemed to enter fight mode. Sam's laughter broke his daze as the man turned and looked between them. "Ya'll are so gullible. Take your glasses off, Ivan."

"Ivan?" She questioned as the man did slip off his sunglasses to reveal a younger man. He had a jagged scar down the side of his face, a stark contrast from the pale shade of his skin.

"Friend from the force. Lives around here, he owes me a few favours, I thought I'd cash one in now." Sam grinned, amusement dancing in his eyes. "You should have seen your faces, man! Woo! Gotcha good!"

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