Twenty Four

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Chapter Twenty Four:

Josephine had never seen an explosion, nor had been involved in one. Typically, she stayed away from scenes like this and the people it attracted, yet here she was.

Her gaze had been stuck on Wilfred Negal when the explosive hit. Her vision went blind, nothing but bright white as arms wrapped around her, pulling her tightly against his frame. Her shouts melted with everyone else's, vanishing within the violent boom that shook the lab. She hit the ground hard, Bucky's large frame overtop her. A jolt of lighting flashed down her arm, her head meeting the flooring with dull thud.

"Josie," Bucky whispered, eyes squinting down at her through the smoke. "Hey-- are you hurt?"

"No." She groaned, head throbbing as the other's grumbled around her. Sam questioned Zemo's location, but she was still seeing spots as Bucky pulled himself up. The lab around them continued to shake violently as he helped Sam up, shoving him towards an exit, which happened to be a large hole in the wall. He helped Sharon next, then leaning down and bringing her to her feet as if she was nothing. His grip remained around her waist as he rushed them out, covering her as another explosion shook the building. They were out, ducking under a fallen container as the others already had their weapons out, waiting for anymore movement. Figures emerged from the smoke, hoods up and faces concealed, guns at the ready.

"Wait for my signal." Bucky said.

Sam surged forward, firing a few shots as he ran to another set of containers. Sharon followed quickly, Bucky cursing under his breath. Josephine dashed by the opening, jumping as a few bullets flew past her head.

"How you like living here?" Sam questioned, motioning for her to get down. Josephine did, crouching behind the debris.

"It's not terrible." Sharon huffed back, just as Bucky leaped over to them, hunched over underneath a tipped container.

"I thought we were going left!"

Sam's brows knotted, "You went the wrong way!"

"I was clearing the way!"

"I went first-- you were supposed to follow me!"

"And where are we now?"

Josephine shifted to her knees, peering over the wreckage. Figures were still there, clouded in smoke, but it seemed who remained had decreased. She wished she knew what she was doing, to offer help in any way. Cowering behind rubble, she felt awfully useless.

"It's in every action movie!"

She shook her head, another boom shaking the ground. It shook beneath her, sending her sprawling a few steps away. "How many times is that going to happen!" She yelled, holding a hand to her head. Drops of red stained her fingertips, she could feel the liquid seeping down her face. The others were knelt down, peering back out at the scene. A man in a purple mask dropped to the pavement, a gun in his hand, meeting every mark as men dropped like flies.

"Come on." Bucky ushered them, "Let's go."

She didn't need to be told twice as she jumped up, rushing behind Sharon and Sam. They turned down a path of undamaged shipping containers, gazing around with alarm as they went. Metal pinged off metal, nearly landing in Sam's neck as he threw open the nearest door and dragged Sharon in. Josephine stumbled in next, turning when Bucky failed to join them. She peered out the door, watching as he picked up a long metal pole and tossed it in front of him. It went right through a woman, attaching her to the wall behind her.

"Bucky, come on!" She yelled, grabbing ahold of his arm and pulling him in. She shoved him farther into the dark space, slamming the door behind them. "Does this always happen?"

"What? The explosives or people always trying to kill us?" Sam questioned.

This lifestyle was insane, if you could even call it such. "Both."

"You've got to be kidding me."

Bucky sucked in a breath, turning back to the door and kicking it open in one swift motion. He stepped out, eyeing their surroundings. The only thing she could hear in the sudden silence was tires screeching on cement as a car pulled up in front of them. Zemo sat in the driver's seat as he came to a stop, looking over at them with a smug look on his face. "Supercharged."

Sam glowered, "You're going back to jail."

"Do you want to find Karli or not?"

"He's right. We need him." Bucky sighed, pulling open the passenger door and taking a seat. "And there's only two of us and about twenty of them."

Josephine trudged to the other side, getting in the back. Unlike Sam, she knew there was no point in arguing.

"Fine. But don't you think about pulling shit like that again!" Sam huffed, joining her in the backseat.

"I wouldn't dream of it."

Sharon sighed, shutting Sam's door with a click. "Well, that was one hell of a reunion."

"Come back to the States with us."

"I can't." She shook her head, "Just get me that pardon you promised."

"Thanks for everything." Sam hollered as she strode away.

Josephine sucked in a breath, "This has certainly been an experience."

Sam shifted in his seat, eyeing the one in front of him. "You're not gonna move your seat up, are you?"

Bucky snickered from the passenger seat, "No."

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