The unknown soldier.

By MoonxNighttimewriter

2.7K 35 10

Natalie, (referred to as nat or just insert your name there if preferred.) is the unknown daughter of Han and... More

Here comes the Boom
The man in the thoughts
Off, off, and away!!
A warrior's tale.
The craft.
Dance with me.
Lost and Found
Secret pt 2.
Tea and Tears
New Mindset
Kylo Ren
The reach
Inner voice

On our Feet

73 1 0
By MoonxNighttimewriter

I just want to say thank you so much for 300 reads, this is so much more than I thought I would ever get. Thank you for sticking with this book for so long. Now back to the story :-)


The next two weeks it was about Poe during the day, and during the night it was about me. I would help Poe with his calisthenics, much to his complaints, and then at night, he would insist on taking care of me.

"Poe, you have to bend your leg." I scolded him as we worked on his mobility. He frowned, but his eyes never darkened. "But I'm tired." Shaking my head I eventually finished everything with him, I stood and put away the equipment we used. Turning around to go back to Poe, I noticed he wasn't there. 

"Poe?" I questioned when I heard a creak on the floor behind me. Whipping around I saw him standing there, with a grin on his face, before his large arms swooped me up. "No, Poe!" I cried as he plopped me on the bed. "Stay." He pointed to me as if I were a dog, but I obliged. He came back soon with a little lunch bag, and sat across from me, pulling out a salad and fork. 

"open up wide!" He sang, stabbing the salad. I did and he shoved the fork into my mouth. He got excited when I finished the entire salad. Then he grabbed me and brought me to the bathroom where he brushed out my hair and braided it. "Tomorrow I get to fly," he said happily. "You want to join me?" He asked as he finished the braid. 

"I would love to." I smiled. Poe got all excited before practically shoving me out the door. "You will be late to meet Lea!" He said. I laughed as I made my way up to the waterfall. Closing my eyes I embraced the crisp air and smiled at the familiarity of the mist on my face. 

"Good, you are early," Lea said as I approached her. "Ezra has something for you." She left and I made my way up to the Jedi. "You have come far with your training these past few weeks. I have created something that you may like." He placed in my hands a black leather box with the symbol of the Grey Jedi. 

He raised his arms slightly and my relatives came out of the mist, forming into semi-solid bodies. My grandfather and grandmother, my father, Master Obi-wan, and Master Yoda along with Ezra's master Kanin. They stared at me with proud eyes, and Ezra motioned me to open the box as he went to his master's side. Slowly, I took off the cover of the box and unwrapped the silk white fabric that encased a beautifully crafted lightsaber. It was simple looking but still beautiful. Made of silver, it had blackened grooves running the length of the handle, and in the middle was the Grey Jedi symbol, its wings flying proud and the saber glowing black. 

"Try it, darling," Obi-wan said eagerly. I ignited the blade, and black light exploded out of one end. There was a second button and it ignited the other side. "A duel saber, representing balance." My grandfather said. Twisting the blade in the center it split in half giving me a saber in each hand. "A split saber represents a choice." My dad said. "And a black saber represents power and restraint." My grandfather said with a smile. 

"Are you sure I am ready?" I asked Ezra. He smiled and nodded. "The saber will only respond to you, now. No one else." My father's eyes were teary as he watched me swing the saber around slightly. The hum of the blade felt familiar, yet a distant memory. "Strong one, she is. Train well, you did." Yoda said to Ezra who bowed in honor. 

"A strong blade for a strong woman." My grandmother said as she took my grandfather's hand. "Indeed, a strong woman you are." My mother said. She stood next to my father's form. Small tears fell from my eyes and I wiped them away. "Now, once flyboy takes to the sky in two days, you will stay here as he and Finn go undercover in the Starkiller. You are in charge of communications and rescue." My mother said. "We can't risk your brother sensing you." 

I nodded. "Poe Dameron seems like a nice boy, we have been watching your relationship with each other grow for quite some time now," Padame said. "Ah, yes. Love is such a wonderful thing don't you think?" Obi-wan said in a dreamy tone. "But if he does anything I will come to life and shove his pilot stick so far up his ass that it will come out of his mouth," Anakin said menacingly. 

"Woah," I held up my hands. "I thought we left the whole revenge and murder plot behind in the land of the living?" He smiled and laughed before his face grew stern again. "I'm serious." I cringed and nodded, not meeting his gaze. "Natalie?" My father said, causing our eyes to lock. "I want you to know how proud I am of you and Ben, even if he did fall down the wrong path. If you could speak to him..." I nodded and gave him a hug as his spirit form started to fade. 

"We will be with you, my grandchild." Anakin pressed his forehead to mine before going back to the spirit world. "The force is strong with you dear child, do not lose your way." Obi-wan gave me his fair share of warning. The last one left was Kanin. "Ezra has done a great job training you. From what he came from, let's just say this was the least  I expected out of him." Ezra frowned and Kanin laughed. 

He placed a hand on Ezra's shoulder. "I am proud of you kid. See you soon." He faded off as well. Ezra stood proud as my mother leaned into me. "Let's get you back before flyboy gets suspicious. And don't let him see this." My mother handed me the box. I nodded. "I won't." 

Making my way down back to Poe's room I made a pit stop in my mom's room to hide the box. When I would use it? I don't know, but I knew that a time would come soon. When I arrived back at Poe's immediately I was tackled by him. "I missed you!" He sang. Laughing I hugged him back and the warmth of his chest made me want to stay there forever. 

"You, sir." I said pointing a finger at him, "Need to sleep because you are going to be flying tomorrow and there is no way I am letting you in the air without a decent night's sleep." He sat like a wounded puppy on the ground pouting at me. "Do you want to fly or not?" I asked him, sticking my hip out to the side and crossing my arms in the best 'fight me' look placed upon my face I could muster. 

"Fine." He sighed pushing himself from the floor. "But you are coming with me!" He shouted, slipping his arms underneath me, and threw me on the bed before belly-flopping on me. "Ow!" I cried. "Ah! I'm sorry-" he said planting a kiss on my nose. "Sleep, Poe!" I said sternly curling onto my side. The bed sank down and his large arms pulled me in close to him. "I love you," I whispered. "I know." He chuckled. 

The next morning I went to wake up Poe but he was already gone with a little note on my clock telling me that he was at the food court already. I rummaged through some clothes and found grey cargo pants and a black form-fitting cropped short sleeve top with a camo jacket and black boots. Comfortable for flying. 

When I got to the food court I was ambushed with a hug from Snap. "Good morning sunshine and what are you up to on this fine day? I bet you're excited to get away from Flyboy." He giggled like a fifteen-year-old girl. I flashed him a toothy grin as I grabbed a bagel. "Actually I am going flying today. Just have to be out there in case he needs something. Not just away from him yet." 

"Listen, if you need an escape from him Beaumont, Finn, and I got you." He gave me a thumbs-up as we walked to our table. The rest of the crew was already there. Poe looked exceptionally good today. His skin shone and his hair was super fluffy. His stubble was nice and shaped as well. "What are you two giggling about?" he inquired as he slipped an arm around my waist when I sat next to him. 

"What can't two friends just gossip?" Snap asked suppressing a giggle. Poe looked at him and raised an eyebrow as I bit my lip giggling. He looked back at me and I couldn't stop laughing. To be honest, I don't really know why it was so funny but I guess it was the fact that Snap couldn't keep a straight face and giggled like a six-year-old. 

Snap started choking on coffee and Finn slapped him hard upside the back. Beaumont pretended to resuscitate Snap and before we all knew it, we were all laughing. A big grin washed over my face. Man, I had missed this. "So, you are going to be flying with us today?" Beaumont asked. Nodding I swallowed the last of my bagel. "I am, and I have to warn you, I am pretty rusty." 

"Well then I have one thing to say," Finn said dramatically as he stood. Knowing what he was going to do I shot out of my seat as well and banged my hands on the table as we locked eyes. "Race you!" We shouted in unison as we sprinted off to the hanger leaving three dumbfounded pilots behind. Our maniac laughter rang through the base as we sprinted as fast as we could. There was a quick pounding of feet as Poe raced past us. 

"What?!" Finn shouted. "He's hot and he's fast?" I panted out. "You got the whole package!" Finn shouted at me. We eventually made it to the hanger just on the heals of Poe. "You-" I pointed at him. "Run really fast." Poe tried to laugh but he was out of breath. "Just years of practice." Beaumont and Snap arrived too, out of breath. We all stood around awkwardly before parting to the x-wings. I found mine. It was an older model but the engine and paint were all new. Hopping in I strapped on my helmet and turned on the comms. 

The roar of the engine made my heart flip and I started guiding the ship off the ground and into the air. "Let's land some G's boys!" I said into the com. There were some whoops of joy from the four of them as we ascended into the sky. Flicking a few tabs I got the thrusters working and I shot off into the sky. "Hell yeah!" I shouted, doing a roll. Flying was so freeing. As I soared above the ground I took in the beautiful planet. 

Trees sprouted up everywhere, their luxurious green leaves glinting in the sun as the wind made them dance.  Green grass flowed over the rolling hills, and little huts composed of wooden logs and mud clustered together in little villages were bustling with bright vibrant colors of fabrics hanging out their windows, and little kids ran after the x-wings with all their might. Seeing their awe-struck faces I couldn't help but maneuver down to the ground. 

The others saw what I was doing and they followed suit, landing and opening the cockpit so the little ones could climb in. "That's the black squadron!" One little kid said in awe. A smile cracked on the faces of the others as they were bombarded with questions on what it was like to be a pilot for the resistance. There were two boys though, they were identical twins, and they approached Poe. Both of them were tall, their dark skin glistening with sweat, and their long hair was braided down their back. The two approached Poe. They looked to be no younger than 20. 

"Hello, Commander." One said, holding out his hand. Poe took it into a tight handshake. "My brother and I have always wanted to be part of the Resistance. Our father was part of the Rebellion. He died in the fighting to take out the Death Star, and we hope to follow in his heroic steps." Poe's eyes lit up at their story as he took them by their shoulders and started to talk to them more. 

That's when I felt a tug on my pant leg. Looking down I met the gold eyes of a little girl. I lowered myself to my knees so I could be closer to her. "Hello!" I smiled at her. "Are you a pilot too?" She asked me and to her excitement, I nodded. "Do you think I could be like you one day?" Her face, so full of hope in a time that seemed so lost and in ruins, made my heartbreak. My brother is my brother, yes, but my brother is the cause of this destruction, chaos, and death. I knew what I had to do if turning him didn't work, I would have to kill him. For this girl's sake. 

"yes, I do believe you can become a pilot like me one day. No doubt about it." I smiled and her rosy cheeks turned upwards as she gave me a small smile. She then took my finger in her small hand and tugged me to a house. "I have something I want to give you." She said, turning to face me. "Stay here." I nodded and sat in the dirt road outside of her hut, when she came out again she was holding a little clay necklace. 

It was on a dark leather string, and knotted in it were dark red, yellow, and green beads. On the middle of the string was a big white bead, and hooked through it in a crescent moon shape was a curved piece of bone, that had delicate engravings on it. I turned the piece around so I could read the words.  The Warrior, Our Savior.

"My momma and I made it. She told me I would sense the right person to give it to, and it's you." She twirled her curly blonde hair in her fingers. That's when something tickled my brain. "What do you mean that your mom said you can sense it?" 

She looked at me quizzingly before taking a deep breath and leaning into my ear, covering one side of her mouth with her hand. "She says I'm special." She took another shaky breath. "She says I'm special with the force." My mind exploded. Another force-sensitive child? How long has she had it? Has my brother found her already? "Y-you-" I couldn't form words. "Where is your mom?" I asked her as gently as I could. 

She took my hand once I put on the necklace and she pulled me to a pregnant woman in a long brown dress. "Momma." The little girl pulled on her dress to get her attention. She looked down and then up at me. Her eyes softened when she saw my necklace. "She must have told you." I nodded. "Do you mind if we go somewhere more private?" She nodded at my urgency and told the little girl to play with her friends and the Pilots. I was guided back to the house the little girl brought me to. 

Her mother sat me on a couch and she sat in a chair across from me. "How much did she tell you?" She sighed. "Well, she told me that she made this necklace which is spectacular by the way, and she said..." I looked around and leaned in a little, lowering my voice. "She said that you told her she was special with the force." The mother sucked in a breath. "Diana was always a gifted child. When she was first born, immediately started walking, and if she couldn't reach something, she would stare at it intensely and it would move in her favor." 

So it has been all her life..."How old is she?" I asked. "Eight." It's been too long. Too long she has been untrained. Too long she has gone unmonitored. But then again, did my brother know. "This is going to be hard for you to hear." The mother's eyes were already filled with tears at my words. "Your daughter may be under the noses of First Order. It would be my recommendation that she be taken back today to the base, and be watched by Lea herself. We have a great Jedi on our base who will be able to teach her." 

"How do you know she will be safe? What if they find her and no one notices? How do you even know it will be safe for a force-sensitive child?" 

"Because..." I said.  I am one. You did tell your daughter to give the necklace to the one who she sensed, right?  The mother said nothing, stunned at the fact I reached her into her mind. "Your daughter is strong, very strong to the point where if she doesn't get the training she needs now, she could be very easily persuaded to the dark side." 

She nodded. "I-i need to get her things..." She stammered as she stood, grabbing a few pieces of clothes. "And Maam?" I placed my hand gently on her arm. "If, you happen to notice anything that Dianna did when she was a baby with the child you are about to have, report it to us right away, but speak with us directly. Preferably me or one of the Pilots outside. This way we can be sure that no first-order access will be gained." 

A few tears escaped her eyes and she nodded silently. "Please wait here." She said, before rushing into another room. She came back and handed me a backpack and a blue dog stuffed animal. "There are clothes and her blanket in here. This is her stuffie, she can't sleep without it." I nodded and turned to leave, but she grabbed my wrist. "Please keep my baby safe." I nodded and squeezed her back. "I will lay my life down for hers if it comes to it. She is the next generation." 

The two of us walked back out to Diana. "Diana." The mother said sweetly, "You will be going with this woman here to the resistance base, they are going to teach you-" 

"To be a pilot?!" The girl cut off her mother, her golden eyes full of excitement. "Sure." The mother sniffed, forcing a smile amidst the tears. "I love you pumpkin." She whispered. "Love you, momma." She said, then I took her small hand in mine. "Ready to go?" I shouted at the others who gave me thumbs up but an odd look at the extra girl who was climbing into my cockpit. I placed her on my lap and strapped both of us in, making sure she had her stuffie. 

The engine started to rumble and Diana trembled with anticipation. I flicked on the comms so I could talk to them. "Three, two, one...lift-off!" Diana shouted to the amusement of the others. 

"Seems like we got another pilot on our hand's boys," Beaumont said. 

"She's got the spirit!" Poe exclaimed at her little giggles. 

"I call taking her shopping!" Snap giggled. "We can get matching helmets!" 

"As long as she is NOTHING like Poe, I am good." Fin laughed. 

"Hey, that's mean!" Poe snapped. 

I laughed at their commentary as we went back to base. On the way, I informed them of what was happening, and why we were bringing her back. What I failed to mention though was that I was force sensitive and that she could tell. 

We landed and Lea was already waiting for us. Diana skipped up to her and gasped audibly when she saw who she was standing in front of. "hello little one." Lea smiled and knelt on the ground. "What is your name?" 

"D-Diana." She said timidly and Lea laughed, taking her small hand as she stood. "There is no need to be afraid of me my child. Natalie told me to take good care of you." Shit. I forgot to tell her my name. Diana's head tilted in confusion. "Who is Natalie?" Lea pointed at me and she opened her mouth in a silent oh. She turned back to Lea. "I trust her. She's the savior." Lea gave me we will talk about this later look and walked away talking to Diana. Sighing I leaned up against my x-wing in exhaustion. "Something is on your mind." Poe slid up next to me. "Trust me, there is always something on my mind." 

"Is it me?" He puckered his lips as he leaned into me. Pressing my hand against his face I pushed him away. "Ok sweaty pack it up. And no flyboy, not only you take up my mind." He smiled. "Ah! So I am in there." I sighed walking away. "Only sometimes." 


"You get a small, small portion of my brain Dameron." 

He pouted as he walked next to me. Smirking to myself I planted a kiss on his cheek raced off into the setting sun. "Race you back!" 

"Hey, no fair!" I heard him shout after me. My legs flew underneath me as I sprinted as fast as I could back to Poe's room that now was honestly inhabited by both of us. I saw his door, it was so close...and then my feet were taken out from underneath me. "Poe!" I cried. "Again?!" His joyous laugh rang out giving me butterflies. "Seriously, how fast can you go?" I groaned in annoyance as he carried me into the room. 

"For you? As fast as you want." He added with a wink. "Ew, you creep." I rolled out of his arms, and I threw my jacket into the corner. "What's on the agenda for today?" I asked him, making myself in a comfortable ball on the bed. "Well for one we have to take my child out of the tools bay, he has been there all day." He placed a little kiss on my forehead as he pulled my head into his chest. "Then we should get dinner." Another kiss. "And get the ships ready for the mission tomorrow..." We both were silent. 

"You come back to me alright?" I asked him with a little sniffle. "You almost didn't last time." He propped his head up slightly with his hand as he played with my long hair. "I know, I know, but this time...I will be alright?" I nodded and looked into his caramel eyes. "let's go get your kid." He laughed and rolled off the bed. We walked side by side to the bay. People waved and said hello, as well as wishing Poe luck on the mission tomorrow. 

When we entered the bay there was a series of chaotic beeps as BB-8 rolled as fast as he could to Poe. "Buddy!" He cried, getting on all fours, roughhousing with the droid. "Your child is excited to see you." I giggled and BB-8 bumped into my leg. Beeping a few words I couldn't understand. The past week I had been trying to study droids' languages but I hadn't gotten that far yet. "Translation?" I asked Poe and he smiled. "He said 'I want to say hi to my mom.'" A grin crossed my face.

"Hey, little guy!" I said, rubbing his head. He beeped a bit and I understood him. "I missed you too!" We sat on the ground for a little while longer talking to the droid before a messenger came over. "Natalie," I stood at attention. "The general needs you." I nodded as he left. "Sorry guys," I said to the two visibly pouting boys. "I'll see you later." 

Dusting myself off I made my way to the headquarters. A large metal building always bustling with people running, working on cases, working on perfecting upcoming missions and landing coordinates, as well as those monitoring the sky. This is where it all happened. This was the place we put our trust into. 

"Natalie." Lea's voice rang out. "Come." I followed her figure to a separate room where we usually had our meetings. In there sitting on the floor was Diana. She looked up as the door opened and ran to me, giving me a hug. "I missed you." Her little voice said sweetly. "Already?" I laughed, scooping her up in a hug. "It's only been an hour!" She giggled as I swung her around, eventually placing her on the ground so we could get to business. 

"As you know Diana is force sensitive." My mother addressed me. "It is important that we keep her out of the First orders grasp as long as we can. This means we cannot tell anyone about this until the mission tomorrow is guaranteed to go smoothly. She will be trained by Ezra, who was already informed of this." She took a breath and continued. "Diana knows you are force sensitive, but everything else, she does not know. She is sworn to secrecy." 

"Now, it's time to call in Poe." She stepped outside and called for a messenger. The same one as before. After telling him her message he ran off, soon coming back with Poe and BB-8. 

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