Swan | H.S

Από legallyharryy

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Swans are known for their grace, beauty, love, trust, and loyalty but what happens when you open the danger w... Περισσότερα

Must read.


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Από legallyharryy

So you wanna start a war.

After my shift was over I rushed to my car to put on a hoodie hiding the new bruising mark on my arm. I didn't want Tyler asking questions because I really wasn't in the mood to talk about it, it's already been a rough night all I wanted was to go home and sleep that's all. As I wait I rest my elbow against the door leaning my head on the window see everyone coming out one by one talking to one another, my eyes then land on the dickhead from earlier seeing him shake my dads hand before walking off and making eye contact with me. I freeze in my seat seeing a small grin curve onto his lips sending me a small wink before looking away.

I couldn't even react because the passenger door swings open seeing a smiling Tyler hop in. I glance over her with a smile, she raises her eyebrow once she sees I'm wearing a hoodie. "Aren't you hot in that thing?" She question while putting on her seat belt.

"They Um had the AC by the bar on the whole night" I lied pulling out of the parking spot quickly playing my music so she wouldn't have to ask anymore questions. Eventually we arrived home sooner then I thought since their was no traffic thankfully. I dragged myself through our front door switching the lights on in the apartment before throwing my shoes off my feet in the corner next to the door. I hear Tyler walk behind me closing the door and proceeding to do the same thing.

"Tyler?" I turn around to face her crouching down trying to remove her heals sending me a struggling hum. "Did my Um my dad mention to you and the girls who those guys were that came in with him?" I ask her nervously pulling on the ends of my sleeve as she stops what she's doing and looks up at me.

"Yeah, they work for some agency I don't really remember they did talk to us for awhile about some things but their words went through one ear and out the other, as usual." She pauses finally removing her shoes standing up straight to face me. "The rehearsal were actually auditions, I guess the agency works with some A List performers and clothing lines and were looking for upcoming stars I don't know something around those words." She explains to me as I send her a small nod.

It didn't make sense, and I had a horrible gut feeling. Normally agency's are suppose to be professional at all times and what I witness was not professional in the slightest. Something seemed off. Maybe I'm overthinking and I just needed some rest.

"Oh" was all I could let out looking up from my feet to meet her eyes giving me a concerned look. "Um I-Im really tired I'm going to sleep..." I stutter quickly leaving her sight and rushing to my room taking a deep breath as I shut my door. I quickly strip of my uniform placing on just a big t-shirt and leaving myself in my panties, I was too tired to wear parents.

I grab my uniform off the ground walking into my bathroom and placing it in the laundry basket turning around to walk back into my room but stopping as I catch a glimpse of myself in the mirror. Slowly turning around the once red mark is now turning into a darker shade of red lifting my sleeve over my shoulder to get a better look. You could see his finger prints that wrapped around my arm, all five of them from how harshly he was holding onto to me. I slightly grazed my finger over it letting out a sigh as I pulled my sleeve back down walking back to my bed laying down and staring up at the ceiling. As much as I tried shutting my eyes and trying to sleep, I couldn't.

All I could see when I closed my eyes was the man staring at me with that nasty look while holding me tightly and every time I looked around I was alone with him.

I groaned softly turning on my lamp on my night stand then reaching over on the other side of my bed to grab my computer pulling it on top of my lap. I bring my thumb up to my lip nervously bitting it as I search on google. I didn't know where to start or what to search because I have no information on this guy besides knowing what he looks like.

• • •

I jumped out of bed hearing my door being knocked at almost falling out of bed at how loud it was getting. I let out a small groan wipping the drool from my mouth tiredley walking to my door. "Jesus fucking Christ I'm right here." I mumble tiredly rubbing my eyes to see a panicked Tyler standing in front of me sighing in relief to see me.

"I've been knocking for a decade trying to see if you were alive in here, It's 2 in the afternoon." She sighs crossing her arm over her chest widening my eyes.

I was up almost all night trying to find this guy and after all the digging I found exactly what I was looking for. Adam Heart CEO of Hearts Agency, worked with celebrity's and actors but mainly performers like our showgirls helping them get onto Broadway etc. It was disgusting to read that he mostly worked with women and there was no doubt in mind that what he did to me he's done it on many occasions I couldn't allow someone like that to be around the show girls. I was planning to head over to my dads house and let him know everything, my father is a horrible dad but I know he wouldn't allow such things to happen as long as he was in charge.

I ended up eating breakfast/lunch with Tyler before getting ready throwing on some leggings and a oversized crew neck with my white Chunky shoes. I skipped on the makeup because there was no used I wasn't seeing anyone important. I grabbed my purse off my hanger along with my keys and my phone rushing out blowing Tyler a kiss goodbye before waking down to the garage and getting in my car. It was as if I was in a movie when the main character discovers something that will change the fate of the earth but only has a short amount of time left to do it. I should really stop watching old movies with Tyler.

As I pull into my parents driveway I notice my mothers and fathers car but there's a third car parked out front I've never seen before. I raise my eyebrow in confusion but shrug it off walking inside to hear small chatters coming from up the stairs then looking to my right to see my mother sitting down in the living room watching TV.

I really didn't want to have any conversation with her right now, the only conversation I wanted to have was with my father. I sneak upstairs knowing exactly where he was, his office like always. But from what I'm hearing he wasn't alone there was another voice in his office that caught my attention. I quietly knock on the door hearing the voices from the other side come to a stop then hearing footsteps approaching the door as it swings open. I come to contact with my father who's staring at me with a confused expression.

"I'm in the middle of something." He clears his throat as I look over his shoulder to see the familiar face from lastnight, the person I'm here to talk about Adam Heart. My heart skips a beat feeling my chest tighten as he grin at me, I look up at my dad quickly avoiding any eye contact feeling my throat swell from fighting every urge I had in me to cry.

"C-can we talk in private it's u-urgent." I stutter feeling the palm of my hands sweat, god I didn't know my body could produce that much sweat.

He looks at me for a minute before looking over his shoulder mouthing some words that have Adam get up walking through the door making sure his finger tips graze against my skin causing me to flinch at his touch squinting my eyes shut before rushing inside my fathers office quickly. My father closes the door behind us giving me a strange look at my jumpy behavior. I stood quietly trying to find the right words but it seemed like my mind went blank once I saw Adam was here. God I could gag all over this white carpet right now-

"What's so urgent you had to interrupt my important meeting." He sighed walking around his desk while taking a seat looking up at me waiting for my response.

Okay come on Valentina you got this, you're twenty put on those big girl panties.

He's your father he has to be on your side. Why wouldn't he believe you?

I took a deep breathe pulling my crew neck off standing their in a cropped tank turning my hips to show him the bruise forming on my arm. His eyes widen a bit leaning closer to look at the bruise before pulling away leaning back into his chair.

"Who did that to you?" He quietly asked still looking at the bruise on my arm. I pull the crew neck back over me snapping my father out of his daze making eye contact with him.

God it was so fucking hard to read his facial expression.

He always had that fucking cold look on him even when he was happy.

"The person standing outside your office at the moment, he Um" I pause a bit feeling my voice crack but clearing my throat right after. "When I was on my break he tired getting my attention but I ignored him because I wasn't interested and told him I was busy that's when he got Um p-physical and grabbed my arm- he then proceeded to t-talk to me inappropriately and G-grope me" I mumbled the last sentence feeling the lump in my throat, looking up from the ground messing around with my finger as he runs his hand through his face processing everything I just told him.

"Adam is a professional man who would never do such a thing, I think your mistaken his kindness for som-" my heart dropped as I let out a soft chuckle feeling my vision become blurry staring at him with my jaw dropped blown away by what he just said.

"W-what?" My voice cracked as my dad proceeds to get up walking over to me.

"Mr. Heart would never do such a thing, accusing him because your upset with me and just want my attention is unacceptable Valentina, and not how your mama and I raised you." He shake his head approaching me while I step back letting out a laugh now shaking my head at him as a tear streams down my eye.

I couldn't believe this I was angry, tired, upset, sad, and disappointed. My father was a complete ass but I never would have thought he would do such a thing like this. I was stupid for coming here. I felt more alone then I did before because no one was standing by my side. I couldn't even think of the words to say I was so shocked by his words the only thing that came out of me were tears.

"You've got to me fucking kidding me." I mumble to myself looking at the ground as I wipe my tears quickly looking back at my dad who's giving me a dirty look.

"Excuse you?" He raises his eyebrow placing his hand on his hip.

"You heard me, you've got to be fucking kidding me?" I raise my a voice a bit. " Fuck your attention, I've spent twenty one fucking years without it what makes you think that all of a sudden I'd want it now? Not only did that man out there your defending sexually assault me but touched me again today right in front of you!" I was yelling now, I didn't care I was tired of being quiet all the damn time.

"Lower your voice down Val-"

"No, I will not you want to know why? Because my whole fucking life growing up in this hell I kept my mouth shut and did everything I was told to do but news flash I'm not a child anymore, I'm a women. A wonderful ass women that made it on her own not with your help nor mamas so fuck you! Fuck mom! Fuck this house! Fuck your stupid club." I continue to yell letting out a frustrated groan right after feeling the warm tears now storming down my cheek but quickly wiping them away. He doesn't say anything but stand their in silence.

"I think you should go." Is all he says walking to the door letting out a sarcastic laugh following right behind him.

"Of course that's all you're going to say... That's all you ever say." I huff shaking my head grabbing the doorknob before he could swinging it open startling the dickhead in the hallway looking between my father and I. But before I leave I turn on my heals looking my dad in the eyes one last time.

"I quit." I mutter through my gritted tooth pushing past Adam and running down the stairs and out the front door to my own car. Slamming the door shut letting out a loud groan I slam my hand on the wheel. I cuss under my breath pulling out of my parents driveway making sure my wheels screech on the cement as I drive away. All I could do now is cry I had no angry left in me.

I don't think I would have ever seen the day I finally told my parents how I really felt, well at least not like this. It's like all these year I've been quiet they've been pressing every button in the book and it's all just building up till soon enough I explode. Just like that I reach my breaking point I was tired of always sitting in silence and nodding when men were talking or not acting lady enough, I was tired.

Although some part of me knew that the next couple of days will be hell but apart of me felt free.

I finally felt free.

Honestly thought this was going to be a boring chapter but this chapter will mean a lot in the future just remember that ;)


Fuck men.

That's all I got to say for this author's note I'll see all you beautiful people on Sunday or Monday :) I have a busy weekend so I won't be able to post sorry babes be safe <3

*forehead kisses*


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