Deep end

By Wintershadowassassin

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Jimin is an upcoming solo singer with a passion for the sea. When his Grandfather goes missing when a storm h... More



3.3K 308 107
By Wintershadowassassin

"Normal" - Jimin's language
"Merman" - merman's language
"Sign language" - understood by both

Author POV

Jimin helped Yoongi down the steep cliff path to the sea. Latte had taken to following them down, Yoongi hissed at him every few minutes when he thought that Jimin wasn't paying attention.

It made Jimin internally laugh, he had to hold it in externally sometimes as well.

"Finally" Jimin said when they got down onto the beach. He helped Yoongi till he was standing with his feet unsteadily in the sea.

Jimin pulled the hat off the merman's head and the cool towel from his shoulders. With him standing in the water the call reached out to his other mates.

They came hurtling through the water to greet him. Taehyung launched himself out of the water in front of Jimin, he took him down with the weight of his body. Till Jimin was lying on his back in the shallow water, sand getting into his hair.

Taehyung nuzzled his face with his cheek.

Jimin turned his head to watch as Yoongi's human body suit of scales morphed together and his legs became the black galaxy tail Jimin had come to associated him with. He sighed in relief, swimming out to sea briefly to do some laps of the water, letting it rush over him in cool waves. Till he returned to the shallows beside Jimin once he was done.

Though he was shoulder barged out of the way by Jungkook who was just as eager to greet their human mate.

"Hi" Jimin said in his own language as Jungkook rubbed his cheek against his as best as he could around Taehyung's body.

Taehyung hissed at him briefly, showing a row of sharp teeth. Jungkook hissed back and with that they ignored each other. The hissing match seemed to be an agreement that they would each take half of Jimin's body.

Jimin had sat up in the shallows by now and was just letting the over enthusiastic mermen absolutely drench him. He reached up to brush some of the loose wet sand from his previously dry hair. Now it was clumped together with sea water and sand due to Taehyung crashing into him.

"I need to go" Jimin signed to them.

He pulled himself out from underneath Taehyung's tail and body. Not missing the navy merman's noise of disappointment.

"Why you go?" Hoseok signed to him. His green hair hanging down into his eyes but Jimin could see them through the curtain, fixated on him.

"My home is damaged, I was fixing it" Jimin signed back.

"Damaged?" Namjoon signed quickly.

"There was storm as while ago. It damaged my home. So I was fixing it." Jimin responded.

"Why don't you come live with us instead" Taehyung declared. He looked excited as he signed the words.

"I'm fine, the repairs are going well" Jimin replied.

"But you can come stay with us" Jungkook insisted.

Jimin smiled and shook his head. He noticed the disappointment on all of their faces.

"I need to go, it is easier to fix in daylight" Jimin replied.

He reached down and rubbed his cheek for a few seconds on each of the 6 mermen's faces. They all leaned up eagerly when he did so.

"Bye" Jimin signed to them.

He headed up the beach, waving at them. He collected Latte on the way, lifting him up and clutched him to his chest. Latte nuzzled his cheek with his small furry head.

The mermen hissed at the cat. Watching Jimin's back as he disappeared up to the cliff path.


"The cat has infiltrated his home" Yoongi told them.

"The enemy is too close to him" Jungkook scowled.

Their faces contorted at Yoongi's news.

"It has clearly hypnotised Jimin to he affectionate towards it" Namjoon announced.

They all nodded at that.

"What was his home like?" Taehyung turned to look eagerly at Yoongi.

Yoongi who had been pulling on his earrings in his pointed ears turned his pitch black eyes on the group.

"Broken." Was all he said.

"Broken?" Jin piped up.

"The outside was shattered like when we used to battle pirates. The ships when the wood splintered. The house looked like that" Yoongi supplied. When he dropped his hands from his ears, after checking the earrings were firmly in place.

"Then it is dangerous to live there?" Hoseok asked.

"No, it was damaged but still safe enough to live in. I only got into the entrance didn't see the inside properly. I passed out, the sun was too hot." He revealed.

"And the cat lives there with him?" Jungkook was still focussed on the small furry beast that lived with their human mate.

"It would appear so, it followed me to the house. Jimin welcomed it will open arms" Yoongi snarled at the thought of the cat.

They all turned their faces up the news.

"Plus today it saw that I had a weakness to the heat of the sun when I passed out." Yoongi supplied.

"So the enemy knows that we aren't good at walking on the earth as humans do and that the sun is too hot for us to handle when not in the sea" Namjoon spoke his thoughts aloud to the group.

At Yoongi's firm nod, they all became silent.

"We need to get rid of the enemy" Taehyung declared.

They all nodded at that.

"But who knows what spell it has over Jimin. It may hurt him for all we know. It probably knows of our weakness for him" Jin piped up.

There was a consensus of nodding heads as they process that piece of information.

"But we have taken down pirates before, smashed the hulls of their ships in. Defeated the sirens when they attacked." Jungkook announced.

"But this cat is crafty. None of the enemies before us had ensnared the heart of out mate. It is a bigger threat than all of our past enemies." Hoseok explained.

"Then we must be cleverer than it" Namjoon stated.

And that is how the 6 mermen, some of the most dangerous predators of the sea, declared war on their human mate's cat, Latte.


I'm sorry I just love the rivalry between the mermen and the cat Latte. They are so oblivious.

So anyway I hope you liked the chapter.




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