🍎 O' Sweet Endless 💀

zangetsu13 द्वारा

28.3K 707 178

Creation is in need of repairs with the aftermath of Chuck's defeat. Taking on the mantle of New Death, Joann... अधिक

Main Cast
Joanna Kline
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15


2K 51 14
zangetsu13 द्वारा

Author's Note: I do not own Supernatural's, Teen Wolf's, Shadowhunters', Percy Jackson's Contents or any of its Characters as they all belong to their respective owners. Any other Content or Character you recognize from other TV shows, movies, or books also do not belong to me as they too belong to their respective owners. All Original Plot, Original Ideas, and OC belong to me.

Amara had both hands on Joanna's shoulders who happen to have both hands on Chuck's temples. Joanna's eyes a golden bright glow and Amara's were fully black as the black-eyed demons. Amara feels her twin's power of Light being transferred into her own being, altering her Dark nature so that both concepts of dualism can become Balance.

Joanna was being used as a means of a conduit if you like to call it that way. Amara's greater raw power enhanced the young Nephilim's current abilities to siphon not only Chuck, A.K.A. God's Light but also all of his primordial powers, rendering him mortal as the golden veins on his face that signified his powers were being drained and finished as Joanna let go of him and Chuck fell to the ground.

The glow of Joanna's eyes ceased, reverting to their natural blue-colored eyes. As for Amara, she shut her eyes closed as she allowed the new primordial power adjust properly. She reopened them. One her right is a blue glowing blue that resembled the glowing eyes of an angel and the other is her natural full black eyes. She closes them and they were back to their usual chocolate brown-colored eyes.

Chuck laid groaning on the ground as Chuck didn't know what this sensation is but for the first time except when his twin nearly left him in a near death state, his body is registering soreness, which was only the beginning to what he'll be feeling later on of his miserable life.

Standing from the sidelines are Sam, Dean, Cas, and Michael.

Earlier ago, a battle for Creation had once more begun the third time.

The first had been the Primordial War between Light and Dark where God and his four Archangels to beat the Darkness and lock her away.

The second was when Sam and Dean released the Darkness from her prison after breaking the Mark of Cain and it lead to Creation facing off against the Darkness which failed but in the aftermath, Darkness finally realized the true beauty of Creation and reconciled with her twin.

The third taking place today is ironic. Now it is the Darkness defending Creation against its Creator, with the help of two brothers, their angel, God's eldest son, and his granddaughter.

With how God or better yet Chuck is laying on the ground, the victor of this war is clear.

"What...what did you do?" Chuck asked, his voice sounding all rasp. Getting the 'God' sucked out of you can do that to a person.

Joanna and Amara deeply glared at him. Coming to their side are Sam, Dean, Cas, and Michael who also mirrored both women's expression.

"We won." Dean said coolly, fighting every urge to deck the weird squirrely dude as Amara had phrased of calling her twin as he has it long coming.

Chuck, who knows what happen. He can already feel it, or precisely cannot feel what use to make him what he is. "So... this is how it ends?" He turns to his sister. "And to think the first thing on your mind was to lock me up."

Amara gave an unreadable look. "Believe me, if it were the old me who thought of that idea, I'd say it would be a fitting punishment of retribution to make you suffer eons of loneliness and confinement, a concept that would have driven a mortal insane but even I couldn't do that you."

Chuck snorts. "Of course. All bark and no bite," He is kicked hard at his face, throwing Chuck backwards.

Everyone looks in shock at the person to have done that to Chuck. Where you would have expected Sam, Dean, or maybe Amara it was neither.

It had been by Joanna.

True, Joanna can be a little violent but that was when she had not been with a soul but aggression or violence are things she hardly expresses, or beating a person up, especially already one that has been defeated.

Well Joanna was revealing to everyone a new side of her.

Many have said she doesn't take after Lucifer but the thing is Lucifer has known to have a temper and that was before the Mark of Cain corrupted him. It only amplified his anger to the brink that anyone who makes him feel little invokes is 'he who hesitates, disintegrates'.

For three years, no one knew it but Joanna had been bottling so much anger inside of her. She just doesn't show it since she is good at hiding it, but with things finally over and the person behind making their lives miserable defeated, Joanna was finally expressing everything she held in as this wasn't about Sam and Dean's lives being manipulated and losing people they love.

She lost her mom, had killed an innocent man by accident and deprived his family without their husband/father, act irrationally, sacrifice her soul, and got Mary killed!

She had been used and worse is made into a tool to become a bomb! Which by the way she will deal with Billie when the time comes, for now the matter on hand is her main priority.

Joanna was done being used by people for her power and the perfect person to vent at is Chuck.

"I HATE YOU!" She kicks him again. Being supernatural, Chuck spat blood. Joanna marches over to him, grabs him by the collar and repeatedly punches him. "You manipulated our lives and for what? A stupid story?! Do you know what you made me do to Sam and Dean?! Do you know what we've all lost?! What you did to your sister?! What you did to... my father?! You turned him into a monster... just like what you were doing to me." She stopped being angry and whispered the last part, seeing how history is repeating itself.

Lucifer took the Mark of Cain and Chuck obviously knew it would corrupt him, allowing it to be easier for all of Lucifer's negative emotions to be surfaced as Lucifer without the Mark would have had those negative emotions but never voice them as going against God is suicidal but the Mark of Cain made Lucifer so arrogant that he didn't care for the ramifications and rebelled.

He had his entire family turned against him, labeled as a monster by angel and human, force to be imprisoned for eternity and later be killed.

It's exactly what would have happen to her. Sure losing a soul takes away your emotions and makes you feel nothing but lacking a soul is what got her being labeled as a monster by everyone and thrown into the Ma'lak box. It was just like Lucifer being locked in a cage and her being killed like Lucifer because she was a dangerous and powerful threat, her ending goes down in tragic.

Chuck robbed her of the father she didn't just want but what she needed and worse is she called him a monster because no one would gave Lucifer that second chance, at knowing some shred of family loved him.

Everything that has happened in all of their lives ends in pain and suffering because of Chuck, and she would be damn if she was gonna let him walk away Scott free without getting a broken arm!

Sam and Dean went to grab Joanna to pull her off of Chuck but she just shoved them away as she would not be denied of giving Chuck what he deserves. Joanna hissed at them. "Stay out of this!"

"Joanna, that's enough!" Amara grabbed Joanna, using her power to quell the girl's anger.

Joanna inhale deeply, feeling the hot fury cooling down. She no longer felt she were suffocating and was able to think rationally. Joanna glance to Amara and nodded. "Thank you," she looks to Sam and Dean. "I'm sorry."

Both understood where she was coming from and to be honest this had been the first time to see Joanna this angry before as it clearly shocked them to see this side of Joanna she had been hiding. Yes, she's been mad but never like this.

"Don't worry about it, kid." Dean muttered.

Joanna rubbed her temple. She turns to Chuck, whose nose is broken with blood leaking and had a black eye. He is sure to be feeling a headache as Chuck's head could not stop throbbing. "Ah, my head, you're just as violent and aggressive as he is and to think you helped put all of this together, a kid who is only three years old, this isn't the ending I wanted!"

You see, before Joanna could go with Dean to fulfill her last trial, instructed by Billie, hearing Dean say she wasn't family like how Dean views Sam and Cas, Joanna hadn't just pretended everything was alright and would mindlessly go through of becoming a bomb.

A little enlightenment had got her wondering why exactly is she dying for? For forgiveness? Yes, Joanna won't justify her losing a soul lead to Mary's death as that is on her and always will be, soulless, mind controlled or not, but over the past three years Joanna had noticed a repeating pattern revolved around her.

People using her for her power.

Asmodeus, Apocalypse Michael, Lucifer, angels, demons, Duma, Billie, and Sam and Dean. Okay, yes it was to help get their mom back from Apocalypse World but it was badly phrased by Sam and she recalled how desperate Dean had been by pointing a gun to Kaia's face.

Yes, it was all apart of Chuck's script but what if it hadn't? If that is all it took just to get one simple Dreamcatcher to comply, it goes to show anyone would with the right motive would do anything for power and her power is the ticket.

She was done being a puppet.

Just because she is three years old and doesn't know anything doesn't mean she will be taken advantage of. Joanna had been done playing stupid and doing whatever anyone told her to do and trying to be something she is not.

She isn't a hunter or Winchester and she would not fall into using lies all the time. Yes, speaking the truth can be bad as lies are needed, however, she had seen Sam, Dean, and Cas lie all the time and it hurts way more, not enough truth.

No balance.

Joanna decided if she would be smart and look at the variables they had where everyone is too blind to see, she would act on them.

Recalling how Amara said in the beginning it took four Archangels and God himself to defeat her, and seeing how herself being far stronger than any Archangel as her killing Michael and no doubt Lucifer as she forced him to speak the truth. It easily shows she is far superior than four Archangels combined and that was only her as a one year old.

Amara and her working together can defeat Chuck, so why must anyone die? Besides, the real reason Joanna didn't want to go through any of Billie or anyone's plan is because it wasn't right killing someone and lying to their faces and use them.

Joanna didn't want to betray Amara so Joanna secretly went to meet her and explain the whole truth. It's funny how the truth hurts sometimes but when you're not twisting the truth, keeping it for so long, and manipulating a person it isn't bad as it looks. Amara was upset but in the end, she still decided to help.

Michael had been fetched as it makes you wonder why anyone forgot about him, a powerful Archangel walking around, I mean this is all hands on deck. Joanna began to wonder if people were oblivious or plain stupid now that she was seeing things clearer of no longer being used as a tool.

When she confronted on Sam and Dean about not going through Billie's plan, there was arguing and Dean lashing out at her about how she killed his mom but Joanna decided for once to stand up for herself and not take all of Dean's anger anymore as enough had been enough.

She didn't vent her bottled emotions but she made it firmly clear that she would make it up to him but not in death and find another way for forgiveness but she was done being used as anyone's tool and reduce to self-loathing, having to blame herself for everything.

Like Amara, she will become a different person as it was time to grow up and no longer be an immature and stupid kid for she is not in a world to be a kid anymore.

So that is how we got from Point A to Point B.

Amara, Joanna, and Michael were able to overpower Chuck, far better than Chuck and the four Archangels had in the beginning and the finale was not to kill God or lock him away but to make God not be God anymore.

Sam sneers at Chuck's word. "I hate to break to ya, Chuck, how do you think we all feel at not getting what we want in life?"

Dean nodded in agreement. "Not so fun when it's you receiving the end of your bacon getting toast."

Amara snorts. "Like I said, just a child who whines when he has toy taken away and can't accept any responsibilities. Blaming it on someone to take the heat."

"Pot calling the kettle black, ain't ya sis?" chuck glared. "Considering you were whining when you got free and destroyed everything like some girl who stomps on another kid's toys because she is jealous."

Amara didn't react to his remark and gave him a bored look. "Spare me your witty retorts as I have no need of them. I told you, brother, I've changed into a better 'me'. While you stay the same and will always remain that way and if you do, you'll never go far in what life has in stored for you." Amara smirks.

Chuck's face fell as her smirk is devious. "What do you mean?"

"This is Plan B," Dean smirked. "Well Jo's Plan B."

Joanna nodded, not smiling. "Amara and I working together would help in taking you done, considering the last time you fought Amara, she fights like a berserker with no strategy or was arrogant, no offense." She turn to the primordial entity with her cheeks flushing in embarrassment.

Amara smiles and waves her hand in dismissal. "It's fine and it is true, which is what nearly cost me the second time our paths crossed as I had fought blindly and was arrogant in letting myself be sure that nothing in Creation can kill me and I was almost locked away, but like I said, I change and now I took a page out of your book brother by fighting smart. It helps that you were on your own and no one to come to your aid."

"You see that's the beauty of all of this Chuck," Dean voiced his turn. "The reason you got your ass-handed to ya is because you'll never have what we all have," Dean gestures to everyone around him. "Family."

"Fighting alone gets you far but having family gives you a reason to fight harder, something to love for." Sam said mockingly. "Guess we were reminded that we aren't alone."

Even after his beating and face of defeat, Chuck continues to smile and then chuckles. "You two have a way with words. This...this...this is why you're my favorites. You know, for the first time, I have no idea what happens next," No one laughed with him as even Chuck, not saying it directly but is admitting he has lost and accepts that and now knows what comes next. "Is this where you kill me? I mean, I could never think of an ending where I lose. But this, after everything that I've done to you... to die at the hands of Sam Winchester...of Dean Winchester, the ultimate killer... It's kind of glorious and will be if by your hands because I know you two have it out for me more than anyone here,"

A moment of silence is between the two brothers. Everyone else stands by as this was Sam and Dean's choice to decide what becomes of Chuck's face, but Joanna and Amara had a feeling what was in stored for Chuck's fate.

Dean steps forward, glowering down at Chuck's weakened form as he can now be harmed or killed like any man. the man who made his life a living hell. "Sorry, Chuck."

Chuck cowers, shielding himself from whatever assault came to him.

Joanna can't help at snort. She had been soulless when Dean pointed the Equalizer at her but come on, at least she had the decency to look straight at Dean's eye and accept her fate with dignity. Chuck here is acting scared, even at a would be painless death.

It was kind of pathetic.

Dean stared much longer and then walked away.

Chuck moves his arms away and looks in disbelief as he not only sees Dean walking away but his brother and everyone joining them. The former primordial is quizzical at this turn of event. "What?"

"See, that's not who I am," Dean turned back. That's not who we are."

"What kind of an ending is this?" Chuck raised his voice.

Sam turns to Joanna and Amara with a little concern. "His power. You sure it won't come back?"

Amara looks at her own hand and then looks to her brother, finding any trace of primordial energy. Nothing. "It's not his power anymore."

"And nor will it ever be or get the chance of regaining it by any means." Joanna added with seriousness. "All of his knowledge and secrets has also been taken. He's only smart with the supernatural as the average person. He can't perform any spells or speak in any language. He's harmless now."

With the reassurance he needed, Sam turns back to Chuck with confidence. "Then I think it's the ending where you're just like us and like all the other humans you forgot about."

"It's the ending where you grow old, you get sick, and you just die." Dean said coldly.

"And no one cares. And no one remembers you. You're just forgotten." Sam voiced, revealing the true fate for Chuck as he lost everything and now he will live a life where no one will ever know he existed in the first place and will only remember him as this weird squirrelly dude.

"Oh and for the record brother," Amara gave a cruel smirk. "Joanna took the liberty in discussing how to further your punishment as human."

For the first time in a long while, Joanna gave this disturbing smirk that she only did when Sam found her in her nursery room or when Clark's mom confronted her. A smirk that would make any demon or her father Lucifer proud. "Amara was familiar with a woman you dated in the past named Becky and we happen to find Becky and her family and she was on board with tarnishing your reputation as Chuck Shurley. As of right now your bank accounts have gone frozen and books have stopped publishing. In other words-"

"You're broke." Amara finished with her own smirk.

Now this is where Sam and Dean gasp and cover their mouths from laughing their ass off as not even they could have thought of this punishment. It's bad enough Chuck will probably be ditched out here in the middle of nowhere, having to walk back to the city and hitchhike and might end up getting robbed on the way but to now have all of your bank accounts and credit cards rendered useless and your lifework thrown out the window.

Wow, that's cold, even for them.

Chuck's eyes nearly gouge out in cartoon style and his jaws fell. "You did what?!"

"I think we're done here." Joanna muttered as she turned. "I want to leave now."

"You heard her," Dean said. "Time to leave this joint."

Chuck looks back and forth at everyone. His eyes land on Castiel and Michael, especially Michael. "My sons, you wouldn't abandon your father?"

Cas gave Chuck the stink eye. "Father? Fathers don't use their own children as pawns or desert them. You abandoned us and I once thought it was because we failed you, now I see that you left because you only cared about yourself. Sam and Dean were right, you lost because you lost your own family, I'm not even sure I am your son anymore, goodbye Chuck."

A last ditch effort, Chuck turns to Michael, his eyes filled with hope, knowing that somewhere inside his eldest son will always remain as the good son. "Michael?"

Michael stared. What once was the father he looked up to and always craved to impress so he may be the favorite because that is what a good and loyal son does, Michael didn't see that, instead all he saw is a cowardly, weak, and horrible person in front of him that's worse than even a demon. And if spending time with Adam taught him anything about fathers, Michael saw now that his entire family was destroyed, all of Heaven. Responsibilities falling onto his and Raphael's shoulders, straining them of preparing for future battles, keeping everyone in line, and what's worse, he had to banish his own brother, who had been right about their father. He was the one to betray Lucifer and was all because he decided to continue to be blind and impulsive just to act on his father's behalf.

Too much damage has spread and if he continues to try to make good on his father's favor, not learning how to grow, Michael would only hurt himself and others further. He was done playing the good son and it was time to take a page from Dean's book. "Farewell Chuck, I pray to fate have mercy on you for retribution is bitterly sweet."

Michael turned away and walks, leaving Chuck distraught and proceed to ramble like a madman. "Guys...guys...wait."

Sam, Dean, Cas, Joanna and Amara get into the Impala, while Michael teleports, no doubt to meet them back at the bunker and that the Impala is too crowded, as for seeing it pointless in take a long trip in a car.

The engine turns on and the Impala drives off with Chuck trying to move towards them and falls to the ground, crying out for them. "Guys...guys! No, wait. G-Guys...guys, wait! Guys, wait! Guys, wait! Wait, wait, wait! Please wait! Guys!" Chuck stumbles down and falls to the ground, panting heavily. They way he was calling out to them was not begging for them to go away but rather in a pitiful manner at trying to command them to play their parts by the book as in the end Chuck couldn't stop changing his old ways and is force to watch as he is abandoned as the Impala drives away and becomes nothing more but a dot.

In the end, he screwed up.


Michael was seated and hears the door to the bunker open. Everyone had arrived back home as they can finally relax for God has been defeated. The first to start relishing in joy is Dean as he kicks his legs in the air and throws some fist.

"Wooo! Ha, we did it!" Dean cheered. "We can finally live our lives in peace."

Sam nodded with a chuckle. He did share the same level of joy as his brother but not express it in the same manner. "Yeah."

"Still, to everyone that we lost along the way." Dean said solemnly.

Sam shared his solemn.

"Not everyone." Both turn to Joanna weakly smiling and waving and along with her stood Cas giving an awkward smile and Amara who looks indifferent.

Dean curled his lips. "I suppose we won't be celebrating this party alone."

"And with Chuck not writing our story anymore," Sam answered. "We get to write our own. You know, just you and me going wherever the story takes us. Just us."

Cas goes a little miff, feeling left out. Dean glances at him and shakes his head. "What are you talking about? Cas is gonna be with us and so is Jo, right?"

Joanna looks at her own feet if they interested her. "Uh Dean, I know we defeated Chuck and I told myself that by doing this in order to set you and Sam free it would help you to forgive me about-"

"Okay, stop right there." Dean cut her off by raising his hand and spoke in a calm manner.

The atmosphere in the room grows tense. Sam and Cas exchange awkward glances. Amara and Michael remain by, in truth not really caring about what went on between Joanna and Dean, well that was Michael since he and Adam don't exactly like the two brothers with being locked in a cage and all.

Amara on the other hand felt the need to stand close by with Joanna. She didn't know why but something about the girl made her feel intrigued, added Joanna had come clean to her about her supposed demise. Amara just kept quiet to see how things would unfold.

Dean and Joanna have a hardship relation with one another as neither got along in the beginning and even when they begun, it just came crashing back down. One knew the other can kill him right now if she wanted but wouldn't as she loved him, even if she knew her dad hates her for killing his mom.

"Listen, kid I just wanna say thank you, for beating Chuck. I admit I was skeptical with your plan since the last time we did something like this didn't turn out too well," Dean spares a glance at Amara's direction who catches this and whistles innocently. "But it actually worked out. As for forgiveness,

"Look Dean, I realized now that even after Chuck is beaten, killing Mary," Joanna's face saddens she grits her teeth and clenched her fist tightly, she felt her nails digging into her palm. "I can't expect you too forgive me so soon and I accept till the day I die that if you can't forgive me... I'm okay with that and I will carry that with me forever." She whispered.

Dean calmly exhales. He walks towards Joanna. The Nephilim girl shuts her eyes, wondering if a shove or punch is coming but instead she feels two strong arms wrap around her and embrace her tightly.

Joanna has her jaws hanging, confused as to what's happening. "I don't understand?"

"Listen, you did all of us one helluva job at finally setting us free from Chuck's puppet show and for that we're all grateful. I won't lie that I am a little bitter for what you did but my mom would probably smack my head and for what I said about you not being family. I was wrong for even saying that and I never should have. A wise man once said family don't end in blood and honestly if he were here, he'd also smack my head as well." Dean chuckles as he knew his world's Bobby and mom would have straighten him out for how he treated Joanna, considering the times when he acted like an ass such as Sam running off with Ruby, Bobby gave him one helluva lecture.

In fact, he recalls on what Bobby told about him and his dad. "They way I've been treating you, even from the start when I blamed you and made it easier for me to be angry at, I wasn't thinking like me, I was thinking like my own dad would have done. I guess I took after him, but not the best parts of him. I want to say I'm sorry."

Joanna listened in silent. She then hugs Dean back in the same strong embrace as Dean gave. "I'm so sorry for everything I did to you."

Dean shakes his head. He reels his head back so he and Joanna can look in each other's eyes. "No, I'm sorry and what I want to tell you is this and you listen good, you don't have to die for me so I can forgive you. Don't be like Sam, Cas, or me. Don't be Winchester stupid. If you believe you think you want me to forgive you don't die, live, and for the record? I forgive you."

Her eyes widen as she heard those three words. Joanna's lips trembled. She tries to speak but found it difficult as she feels her throat closed in on her and instead buried her face into his shoulder, breaking down. Dean sooth the back of her head. Joanna replied with her voice somewhat muffled. "You forgive me? Then why do I feel like I don't deserve it?"

Her chest kept feeling this odd pain. Her mind was saying that this can't be real. How can the man in front of her even begin to hug, apologize, and forgive her for the pain she caused?

Dean stops embracing her, places his hand on her shoulders not too tightly to hurt her but to emphasize that he wants her to hear him out loud and clear as his eyes carried a sternness in them. "Because family isn't just about making you feel good or bake you an apple pie, family makes you miserable and comes with sacrifices but for all that it is worth, having family and having their love to be there for you whenever you need it, which is why I forgive you. How else do you think Chuck lost because he doesn't have what we have and a bastard like him doesn't feel guilty for all he's done but you do. You're no monster kid, you're a savior, just like your mom and Cas said you would become." He smiled sincerely, a rare moment for Dean to do as they were having a chick flick moment.

The pain and illusion she kept believing was like this fog that has been lifted. Joanna cries even further, this time they were tears of joy as she smiled with a mixture of sobs. "Thank you, thank you so much... dad."

Dean feels what people would say their heart stopped for a moment and is welcomed by this warmth inside of him. "Thank you and I love you."

"I love you too." Joanna replied back as they hug some more.

Those watching were touched by this beautiful scene between father and daughter that it actually made them break into tears. Not even Amara and Michael can keep a dry eye as even they were engrossed by this.

Sam rubs his eyes, feeling happy that Dean and Joanna put aside their differences and talked it out as they should have from their hearts. He hears sniffing. Sam turns to his left and sees Cas crying. "Cas? You're crying?"

Unlike some of those people that try to put up a macho act and pretend they have dust in their eyes, Cas nods in agreement. "I am. I've never experienced anything like this. I-I never felt this so happy in my life. Deep down, I've always wondered, ever since I took that burden, that curse, I wondered what it could be? What my true happiness could even look like. I never found an answer because the one thing I want...it's something I know I can't have. But I think I know...I think I know now. Happiness isn't in the having, it's in just being. It's in just saying it.

Pausing in their embrace, Dean looks to Cas and cocks his head as he couldn't help at being intrigued at what the Seraph is talking about. "What are you talking about, man?"

Cas wipes his eyes and continues to smile. "I know. I know how you see yourself, Dean. You see yourself the same way our enemies see you. You're destructive, and you're angry, and you're broken. You're "daddy's blunt instrument." And you think that hate and anger, that's...that's what drives you, that's who you are. It's not. And everyone who knows you see it. Everything you have ever done, the good and the bad, you have done for love," He said.

Dean is surprised by this. Sam and Joanna nod in agreement with smiles on their faces.

"You raised your little brother for love. You fought for this whole world for love. That is who you are. You're the most caring man on Earth. You are the most selfless, loving human being I will ever know. Cas cried a lot more. He walks over to Dean. Joanna sees they're about to have a moment so she lets them have it as she stepped aside to be with Amara's side since she felt rather close to her for some odd reason she can't explain.

Amara listens in on this. While she was bitter for Dean lying to her and going to stab her in the back, she was starting to feel that bitterness quell as the Seraph explain for what drives Dean doing what he does as even she had seen Dean to be destructive and angry, sort of like how she once was.

"You know, ever since we met, ever since I pulled you out of Hell...knowing you has changed me. Because you cared, I cared. I cared about you. I cared about Sam, I cared about Joanna...I cared about the whole world because of you. You changed me, Dean." Cas sadly laughs. "I love you."

Happy moments are happy endings people get, unfortunately some don't allow this.

From the wall of the bunker, black ooze manifest into a portal and a figure steps out. A woman with blonde hair and a face Sam, Dean, and Cas recognized. "You heard him folks, he said it, now lets tell him what he's won," she smiled cruelly, along with rubbed her hands together as the manical villain 'it' is. "A one way ticket to the Empty."

Everyone is caught off guard by this

"Meg?" Sam utters in shock. Right away he knew that this wasn't the demoness as the presence he felt made goosebumps appear all over his arms that Sam wanted to be the hell away from this thing that appeared as 'it' was creeping him out!

"Not exactly. Just your friendly neighborhood Cosmic Entity, coming to collect debt that is due."

"Whoa, whoa, whoa," Dean stepped in front of the fake Meg. "Listen lady, I don't know who you are are why you look like Meg but we just won after beating God, you heard me, we beat God, so whoever you are why don't you take your rip-off Halloween costume home and walk back where you came from or else we'll make you sorry."

The Shadow sneered and then snapped her fingers with a deranged grin. "Oh that's right! He didn't tell you, did he?"

Cas grimace, along with Joanna, realizing he never told anyone outside of Joanna who had been there present about making a deal with the Shadow, nor did he realize that he had discovered his 'true happiness' and now the Shadow is here to take back what is rightfully it's.

Dean scrunched his face in annoyance. "Deal? What deal?" He and Sam whip their heads "Cas?"

"He didn't say? Figures, not surprise since you lot always lie something big and juicy. Hard to believe this is how you operate for so long." the Shadow quips.

Dean outright pints at it with a glare. "You shut up and you," he turns to Cas. "What is she talking about?"

Cas looked away shamefully, not saying anything.

Joanna stepped in front of Cas, on the behalf of his defense as she knew that the only reason this is happening is because Cas made a deal to save her. "When I died and went to Heaven because I didn't have my grace to make me a pure Nephilim, the Shadow didn't think I belong there and that I belong in the Empty, so it tried to come after me and was going to before you can bring me back until Cas made a deal to save my life."

She was going to explain the rest when Cas placed his hand on her shoulder. Joanna looks to him. Cas shakes her head. "It's fine, you don't have to explain, I should be the one. I made a deal. For Joanna's life, I would allow the Shadow to take me as I was the only person to ever escape the Empty but it would not take me only when... I discover my true happiness and I've just done that."

The Shadow clapped it's hands in delight. "Righto, my unicorn, now come along. A deal is a deal or... do you not wanna go? because if you don't I will take you there by force."

Cas stared grimly, knowing there was no way he was going to escape his fate as he did honor his deal but no one in the room with him were going to have none of it. Sam, Dean, and Joanna came to his defense and stood right between Cas and the Shadow with heated glares.

"You ain't taking Cas nowhere," Dean said firmly. He didn't care if this is another cosmic being. They beat the G-Man himself so they can certainty beat this Shadow or whatever it is.

The Shadow dramatically groaned. "Ugh! I don't have time for this nonsense." She waves her hand Sam and Dean are thrown away but Joanna barely budges as she was using her willpower to stand her ground. The Shadow quirked a brow at the young Nephilim's attempt. "Look kid, last time you barely were a tickle, what makes you think you have any chance at all against me?"

Last time she had no grace, this time she has it, only Joanna knew that she was hardly a match against Shadow, even with her recent growth in power. That didn't mean she would stand around and not fight. "Maybe I don't, but still won't stop me from trying."

The Shadow gave a lopsided smile. "That's cute but if you wanna join him, I'd be more than happy as I want you as well, considering you were free loathing in my domain." It goes to take Cas.

Joanna stands her ground, ready to fight the Shadow as it shot a black ooze tendril at her only to be intercepted by a dark shadow tendril, knocking the black ooze tendril away. Both Joanna and the Shadow are dumbfounded. Whipping their heads to the side they see it was Amara who had several tendrils conjured and carried a displeased face.

The Shadow for the first time ever showed hint of fear at seeing the primordial entity, not realizing she was present. "Ah hell, not you."

Amara shot the shadowy tendrils at the Shadow, piercing its body. The Shadow screamed in agony. Amara reeled her tendrils back, leaving bleeding black ooze from the Shadow's wounds. She made certain it wasn't enough to kill her like she had down to her twin years ago as she wanted it to suffer pain.

It fell on both knees, left to lick its wound as Amara walked over to it and gripped tightly at it's neck, raising it up in the air. The Shadow knew Amara was stronger than it. It had no chance and with her having God's power, it was nothing. "Yes me. So we meet again. I must say out of all my brother's worst creations you by far are and always will be his greatest failure when he first began his first draft."

"Wait, what are you talking about? Does it not predate you, along with the Empty?" Cas frowns in confusion.

Amara turns to Cas and scoffed, having the urge to laugh. "It, predating my twin and I? Rubbish. No, I'm afraid this sore sight of a pathetic creature is nothing more but a big fat liar. Can't say I'm surprise as it did take after my brother's 'best' side. The Shadow and Empty is not older than Chuck and I. Speaking in writer's term, you can say the Shadow is my brother's first attempt of creating his fictional character and the Empty is nothing more but Chuck's trash bin for all his wasted and forgotten work."

Cas and Joanna were slackjaw at this. Chuck's first creation and the Empty is nothing more for Chuck's trash land? The concept that their afterlife is where all the trash goes once they have outlived their usefulness is discomforting.

"I knew it lied to me when it tried to get me to sleep, just to crush my hopes of escaping," Cas muttered. "But I did not expect to ever gaze upon Chuck's first creation."

"I have." Michael who had been silent this entire time finally speaks as he joins them with a blank look. "My father told me that in the beginning when he was trying to create the first sentient life, even he wasn't perfect as we all fail and so he failed to perfectly create what you see before you. A Shadow, it has no design, no trait, no personality, or shape, just empty. A shadow of what it could have potentially become only to be crumpled up like a piece of paper and thrown into a trash pin, which is how the Empty came to be, a place for Chuck to hide all of his work that failed to live up to his expectations, to be smeared in black ink so no one can find it."

The Shadow snarled angrily, never feeling so pissed in its life as if there is one thing it hated is to be deserted by its creator like common trash and left to rule over a place full what is actually garbage fuels the roaring fire inside it. "Speak for yourself, wannabe failure of a son! He abandoned you just like he did with me and everyone else in this shit stain of framework! You're not special!"

That was a blow to Michael's self-esteem as lately he is starting to feel less than he used to now that he's not the so-called favorite or loyal son anymore and is starting to see how fallen he has become. "You're right," he whispered. "I am not special, just as no one is perfect. You on the other hand are far below from even imperfection, abomination" Michael hissed.

Amara grip tightly on the Shadow's neck, making it wheeze. "I recommend you leave now or else you die today."

The shadow snarled. "You can't take away what is mine, the angel and Nephilim have already been tainted by my domain. They are my right!"

"You're right according to whose law, huh?!" Dean challenged as he stood back up and got in front of Cas and Joanna to shield them. "They don't belong to you or anyone and you have no right to take away Cas or Joanna! They belong here!"

"With their family!" Sam said as he went to stand with his brother to protect his family.

The Shadow narrowed its eyes. It then looks to Amara. "Why are you helping him?" It points at Dean. "He was going to betray you by throwing you under the bus and would have done it with a smile, hell! He would have thrown everyone's lives just so he can murder your brother! Doesn't that make you want to destroy him? C'mon, don't lie, you know you want to." It taunted, hoping it can turn the tables by getting Amara to turn her attention to Dean while it can escape.

Amara glances at Dean's direction in silence, who Dean stares back, awaiting to see what the primordial entity shall do. Amara sighed tiredly. "You are right, I am mad for lying to me and I would love nothing more to destroy him right on the spot."

The Shadow gave a twisted grin when it choked as Amara applied pressure. It looks in shock to see Amara smirking. "I've changed. I am a destroyer because I destroy to keep balance in check, not because I crave destruction or I am prone to lash out of short-temper. If I learned anything, it's that I have many things new to learn, like for instance, the word of angel who I once thought to be pathetic and worthless," she looks to Cas, aspired by his speech about Dean's motivation for why he fights. She turns to Dean. "And a Nephilim that realizes family doesn't throw each other away and family can still hurt each other. I now know that Dean is a good man and fights for love and I too am at fault for why he was angry for I brought him pain of trying to make Dean live in the past by giving him what he wanted and not what he needed. After all that, I can forgive him and know that we may never be lovers but as dear friends who will help each other out." She gave Dean a fond smile.

Amara had given up that false dream that she and Dean will ever be more than friends.

"You on the other hand know nothing of love, forgiveness, and compassion. You lie to get what you want and take it because you feel like you can," Amara brings the Shadow's face close to hers and gave a dark glare. "You will cease your deal with Castiel for he matters to Dean and his family a lot. They are under my protection, as is Creation. If you try anything to harm anyone to get what you want, I will erase you from existence and make it so anyone can no longer remember you ever existed, now get out of my sight!" Amara threw the Shadow hard on the floor.

The Shadow glared heatedly. It dug its fingers to it's scalp and ruffled it's hair violently of being denied of what it wanted, again! It walked towards the portal in defeat only to stop and point at everyone. "I vow that one day I will come for you all and you shall be so-"

A golden wave of telekinetic energy shot at the Shadow and knocked it into the portal from where it once came, closing it up and never to be seen again.

Everyone turns their heads to see Joanna with her hand up and eyes glowing. They revert back to normal and shrugged at their stares. "What? It annoyed me as it talks too much."

Sam is gobsmack. "You were annoyed?"

Joanna shrugged again. "I try my best not too."

"Well then I guess that settles that." Dean muttered, this time glad that they were all getting a happy ending. He turns to Amara with awkwardness, rubbing the back of his head sheepishly. "About what you said?"

Amara closed her eyes, huffing. "Dean, please don't and just shut up for once." Dean closed his mouth. "I am upset, yes but not angry. I understand why you did it and I suppose I deserve it for trying to ease your anger by bringing your mother back but we were both wrong. I should be mad, however, if you can find it in your heart to forgive her," she gestures at Joanna. "I can find it in mine to forgive you as we know a thing or two about family hurting us. Lets just say me saving Castiel calls us even." She giggles.

Dean chuckles, rubbing the back of his head as he is glad everyone is letting bygones be bygones. "Okay then. So who wants pie?"

"Hold up, there's something I have to do." Joanna grumbled with furrowed brows. People can see Joanna is pissed, which is something Sam and Dean found intimidating despite her adorable and innocent features.

Dean whispers to Sam. "I feel bad to whoever ticked her off."

Sam nodded in agreement.


Billie cleared out all the contents of her table in frustration.

Standing in the room alone with Billie is Jessica with her back straighten for whenever Death is frustrated, no, the correct term would be furious, people should be scared. Terrified that makes you wanna shit your pants is when the Original Death acts so casual, talks in such a normal tone that it freaks the hell out of you when Death will say 'I'm going to kill you'.

The reaper did not want to be in the way of Billie's fury, even if it was nothing compared to her original boss.

Billie banged her fist on the table. All that planning! All that coordination of getting things in the right place, probability, wasted!

Her chance at setting things back to the way they should is gone!

How did thing go wrong? Oh wait, she knows how! It was giving that damn Nephilim her soul back. Being soulless made it easier for her to be manipulated and it became a lot more when she got it back as she anticipated the girl overwhelmed by her guilt and shame of killing the Winchester's precious mommy, and the girl being a naïve three year old girl, she was easy to manipulate, damning the consequences.

She was suppose to be turn into a bomb by going to Adam the First Man, gain his rib that contains divine energy so that it can set off the fuse within Joanna into becoming a metaphysical supernova that in turn would create a blackhole so powerful not even Chuck and Amara can survive, and Dean would play along as well for he was too narrow-minded to even care of the consequences or her using this as a means of becoming the New God.

An explosion to kill two primordial beings isn't going to be a small radius, it would have destroyed the Earth. This is a supernova bomb after all, one that is juiced with cosmic energy, so it would have destroyed the entire solar system, if not, the Milky Way as well and once she becomes New God, she would create a world where everyone agrees on the rules.

Now it was ruined.

Billie is angry that now she had the knack to reap something and that is to reap the Winchester, their pet angel, and that stupid girl for backing off!


Billie only turned around in time to hear a familiar angry voice yell at her and is knocked back by a powerful force due of being caught off guard. Billie skidded across the floor while Jessica yelped.

Recovering, Billie and Jessica turn to see in surprise of Joanna standing in her office with her eyes glowing bright than ever and her hands curled into a fist, most of all she is angry!

"How did you get in here?" Billie demanded as she stood back up, not intimidated by the Nephilim.

Joanna scowls as she walks towards Billie. "Not important, I only know what is important is you manipulated me. Played with my grief so I can kill myself and everyone!"

Billie examined the girl and hummed. "So you figured it out? Didn't you? About what with you exploding have done."

Joanna grits her teeth. "I would have killed more than just Chuck and Amara, the entire planet would have been destroyed. I did research on supernovas and blackholes when I was bored and when I cleared my head, I realized that there is always a consequence and becoming a cosmic bomb would have been dangerous! You wouldn't have cared if humanity dies."

"And you do?" Billie retorts.

"Yes! You're suppose to be Death, I thought Death cared about the Natural Order, how you wouldn't want to kill people before their time?"

Billie sneers. "Can't make an omelet without breaking a few eggs, girl. It's the price of fixing everything the way they're suppose to be."

"In your opinion." Joanna hissed. "You tricked me, you tricked all of us, used us like puppets, just like Chuck! You're no better than he is!"

Billie gave a bored look, not fazed by the girl's tantrum. "You done? Because I've got business to take care of, starting with you." Billie manifested her scythe. "You just had to wise up, didn't you? You couldn't continue to be the self-loathing, naïve, and brat that blames herself every time she screws up, but no, now you're becoming what you were always meant to be only you won't ever see that day happen as Death has come to claim your soul. O' a sweet death I'll be sure to deliver to you to the Empty."

Jessica who is standing in the background looks back and forth at the two women who in her eyes are titans ready to clash. She goes to take cover in the bookshelves, watching afar as things were about to pop off.

Joanna clenches her fist tightly as she was ready to fight Death. She has faced angels, demons, monsters, Apocalypse Michael, Lucifer, and even God himself. Only she is on her own here. This would not be an easy fight. Joanna looks at Billie's scythe. It was the one weapon that can kill Billie. She needed to get to it but that would mean snatching it from Billie, which also won't be easy.

Billie threw her hand, sending a force to push Joanna off her feet. Joanna is flung a far distance, crashing into the bookshelf, sending the death books on the shelves to fall off.

"I'm gonna clean that up after I've cleaned your dust," Billie said in a sing song tone as she walks over to Joanna, laying on the ground groaning. "You never should have come alone. As expected, you're just like Dean, acts first and never thinks."

Joanna glared at Billie. "Good, then I am glad I am just like my father." Joanna held her hand and fired another telekinetic wave. Billie braces herself as she is pushed back. "Because I also took after his stubbornness of never backing down from people like you."

She plants her heels to the ground so she isn't push way back. Joanna stands back up and adds more power.

Billie continues to hold her ground. Quickly, Billie raises her scythe in the air and slams in to the ground, generating a powerful force to cancel out the telekinetic waves. Both stared hard at each other. "Alright, I'll admit this won't be too anticlimactic as this will probably be a little fun. Maybe I'll spare you and once I'm done with you, I'll force you to watch as I reap your family and shove their souls in the Empty."

That only fuels Joanna with brittle anger at the thought of Billie taking her family. "You will not harm them!"

Billie smirks cruelly. "Actually... I think I'll destroy their souls. That way their stupid resurrections will finally come to an end and I will bring the Final Chapter of the Winchester saga."

Joanna roared and fired a blue energy blast from her palm. Billie thought she can take the blast head on only to her shock the blast was so powerful it knocked her back meters away, along with her dropping her scythe in the other direction.

Anger is a good motivator as it makes a person stronger and unlocked her a new Archangelic power. It gave her the window of opportunity she needed as Joanna spots Billie's scythe laying only a few meters away from her. She glanced back at Billie. The energy blast had damaged Billie, she had hurt Death!

Billie rubs her chest as the blast hurt her. She glares heatedly at Joanna and looks to her scythe, Both met each other's eyes, knowing what the other is thinking.

The two dash for the Grim Reaper weapon. Using her cleverness, Joanna uses her power, she fired another blue energy blast as she was still angry that like before, she fired another perfect energy blast right in front of Billie, stopping the reaper in her track.

Joanna swipes her scythe, raised it high in the air and strikes down at Billie. Billie narrowly avoids being killed by her own weapon. The blade only manage to cut a tiny speck of her hair. Joanna didn't let up as she continued to swipe at Billie, hoping to at least inflict a cut.

Billie evades each strike, not wanting to get harmed. Needing to narrow the space, Billie backs into the bookshelves. Joanna follows but finds it difficult at slashing Billie from side-to-side, so she was limited to vertical swipes.

"You think you can kill me? Me?" Billie rants. The second Joanna strikes down on the ground, Billie shot both hands at the handle and tugs hard only Joanna grips tightly on the weapon. Both were engaged in a game of tug of war of getting the weapon. "I am Incarnation of Life and Death and you are just a girl!" Billie wins the tug of war by using the end part of the scythe's handle to knock Joanna in the gut, making Joanna grunt in pain, automatically letting her hands go of the handle. Billie regains her weapon and uses the end part to hit Joanna in the face.

Joanna fell backwards. She quickly regains conscious just in time to see Billie bringing her scythe down at her. Joanna spread her legs apart, the blade nearly a inch away from striking between her lower regions as this usually happens to men of almost getting this close to having their balls hit. Joanna scurries back as Billie tries to strike her with the scythe.

They move out of the bookshelves and Joanna find herself back against Billie's table. Billie brings her scythe down at her again. Joanna rolls out of the way, kicks Billie in the legs, making her lose her footing and punches Death in the face!

Billie stumbled back as that hurt! Billie spat, revealing she was bleeding from her lips. Joanna had made Death bleed. "Y-You made me bleed." She said in a low and dangerous tone.

Joanna gulps, realizing she angered Billie. "Uh... sorry?" She winced as Billie rushed at her. Joanna kept dodging, barely she might add. With her newfound anger, Billie was striking faster that she kicked Joanna in the gut to knock her back to the ground and struck Joanna at her right leg.

Joanna cried in pain as the blade pierces her flesh, though that is not what made it painful. She can feel something eating away at her flesh. Lots of blood is pouring out of her leg. Billie rip out her scythe from the Nephilim's leg and smirked in satisfaction as it was all over.

With a tear in her bloody stain jean, Joanna can see the skin of her leg slowly rot. Joanna could not keep a few tears from shedding as the pain hurt to much! "W-What's happening to me?!"

"You're dying." Billie answered, wiping her scythe clean of the Nephilim's fresh blood coated on the blade. "All it takes is one small cut and that's it, you're dead. Right now you're leg is rotting, soon it will travel throughout your body, shutting down all motor function, and organs will fail as they too will rot. You'll die a slow and painful death, knowing what it feels to be laying on death's bed. Did you really think you can come to my house and pick a fight with me? You're beyond your league, girl. You can't defeat me."

Joanna gripped on her wound to stop the bleeding, even though she just heard she was going to die regardless of her attempt. Joanna hung her head down and then does something unexpected.


Billie raises a brow at this. "Are you laughing?" Indeed. Joanna hung her head back up and laughed. Annoyed, Billie wanted to know what the foolish girl who is going to die find so amusing? "What's so funny that I don't see?"

Joanna clams down and smirks. "You're right, I can't defeat you, but she can." Joanna gestures her head for Billie to look behind her.

Billie does this and face-to-face is Amara who is not so pleased. "Oh sh-."

Amara responds by striking a blow to Billie's face, sending Billie off the ground and impacts hard on the wall that it creates cracks. Billie's body slumped down on the ground and groaned. Billie weakly glances up to see Amara approaching her with a boredd look.

Billie searches for her scythe to defend herself only to find she didn't have it.

"Are you looking for this?" Billie looks in shock to see Amara now held her scythe. "I bet it makes you feel powerful, just as you craved for power like a human craves for oxygen. We've haven't been properly introduced but you already know me just as I know you, the one who orchestrated my death so you can claim the power of my brother and I, yes?"

Billie doesn't reply as she for the first time is stiffened in fear. As Death, she can sense someone is going to die and it ain't Joanna.

"Well, I would like to tell you that your days of reaping lives are over, along with manipulating people's lives. As New God and true embodiment of Death, I hereby relieve you of your duties."

"No wait!" Billie raised her hand to defend herself and cry in plead though they were drown out by her screams as Amara first sliced her hand off. Billie's hand falls to the ground and turns to dust. Billie didn't get the chance of sulking in pain as she feels a prick in her stomach. Looking down, she was struck by her own scythe, just like the Original Death.

She only has time to meet with Amara's cold and hard gaze as she crumbles into a pile of dust.

Death was dead once more.

Amara dropped the scythe as it too turns to dust like its former wielder. Amara didn't bother to say any words as she blew the dust away with a gust of wind as she didn't want to watch anymore of this disgrace from the being who claims to be the true Death.

She hears agonizing groans that snaps her attention. Joanna!

Joanna is withering on the ground, unable to stop herself from screaming. Amara rushed over to her and gasped. Joanna looked very pale and coated in sweat. Amara examines her nasty wound. "Hold on," Amara rolls the jean sleeves up and is mortified. Joanna's lower portion of her leg looked awful. The entire thing has become rot as the flesh is decayed.

"Make it stop! It hurts too much!" Joanna whimpered loudly.

"Don't worry, I'll stop the pain." Amara places her hand on the leg and draws all of Joanna's pain into her own being. Black veins appear on Amara's hand. Amara breath calmly. Being the embodiment of anguish, pain to Amara is relishing by feeding on snacks but Joanna's pain didn't make her feel happy as it allowed her to feel Joanna's emotions.

The girl is scared of dying, not precisely death itself but rather dying of being taken away from the people she loves.

"Amara, I don't want to leave my family." Joanna pants, finally calming down as Amara continued to take away her pain. "Please don't leave me to die."

Amara gave a sad smile and placed her hand on the girl's shoulders. "I won't. I will make sure you do not die today for you are still needed." Amara can easily heal Joanna, fixing her wound and take away the scythe's effects but then a second thought came into Amara's head.

With Billie now dead, a new Death would be needed. The fear of a reaper taking Billie's place didn't sit well with Amara. What happens if the next reaper turns out to be like Billie? No, Amara didn't trust any of the reapers to become the New Death as none of them deserved that title for they were nothing more but phonies, much like the other ones that once existed in the other universes.

There was only one Death worthy of that title only he is now once again apart of her after she had been freed of her prison and had died. No, his time of being Death is over.

There will be a new Death today but not a reaper, not anymore. Amara looks at Joanna and an idea forms in her head, though she wasn't gonna like doing what comes next. "Joanna, listen to me, I know this is selfish of me for doing this but tell me, do you care about humanity?"

Joanna looks in confusion. She weakly nods. "I mean of course I do. I care about humans."

Amara smiles. "Good and you've already have died, which means you have experienced both life and death, correct?" She can tell as Joanna has that scent that she had died. That scent never leaves a sentient life that has experienced death and has been resurrected. It in a way makes them an agent of Death.

"Yes... why?" Joanna looks in suspicion.

Amara sighed. She takes Joanna's hand and looks her straight in the eye with seriousness. "Because what I am about to do will not only save your life but ensure the reapers are under new management."

"What are you saying?"

"Joanna, will you be honored of becoming Death?"

Joanna is taken aback. Now there's something you don't hear everyday. "Y-You want me to become... Death?"

Amara nodded. "I will only do this out of your consent and if you say no, I understand and will heal you, regardless of your answer. The choice is yours to make."

Becoming Death? Joanna never thought it would turn out like this. I mean sure, becoming Death sounds like a huge responsibility but should she become Death? Either way, Amara will heal her. "I-I don't understand, why me? I'm just a kid."

"From what I've seen you're more than just a kid. You're a good person. You love humans just as you love your family. You've also proved to be capable of being a smart person who knows when to be honest. You also know what it means to live and die. I believe what being Death has become lost now and that perhaps it needs a person who is compassionate towards life, not someone that is apathetic towards it."

Joanna pursed her lips to give a good and long thought. She firmly looks at Amara and nods. "I'll do it, what do I have to do?"

Amara winces. "This next part may hurt a little."

Joanna scrunches her face. "What do you-" Joanna's voice is cut off as Amara punches right through her chest and ripped out her heart. Joanna gasped. She looks down at the hole in her chest and the beating heart Amara had in her hand, who gave an apologetic look. "Y-You killed me."

Amara leans in and kisses Joanna on the forehead with a regretful look. "I am so sorry but this is how the process must work in order for me to do the next step."

Joanna is laid down gently. She stares at the ceiling, feeling her pupils dilate and breathing slow down. Even though her heart had been ripped out, the dying spark of her grace is what keeps her alive for the next few seconds. "It's funny, I don't feel pain, I don't feel anything. Is this what dying really feels like?"

Her grace implodes. Joanna's eyes and mouth were engulfed in a bright light as she screamed. The room is filled with light and dies out. Amara covers her mouth, feeling her stomach fill with thick mud as laying on the floor with her eyes wide open but lost of life is Joanna with her wings scorched on the ground.

"I am so sorry." Amara apologized. She then places Joanna's heart on top of her chest. Amara moves both her hands a few inches apart from the Nephilim's body right before closing her eyes. "In order for new life to be reborn, one must die so rebirth can begin. Joanna Kline, as New God of Balance, I hereby make you the new Incarnation of Life and Death. Arise Pale Rider, become the new Harbinger of Death." Amara chants as her hands emit a glow and is transferred into Joanna's body.

Seconds pass. Nothing.

Amara is heard muttering, giving a countdown. "Three... two... one."

Joanna's eyes shot wide open and gave out a loud gasp.


Dean is pacing in the bunker. Sam and Cas were sitting down, feeling impatient and worry.

Michael had left to go take care of Heaven as it needed an Archangel to stabilize its power due to the low number of angels, so he was not needed here.

"I can't believe we agreed to let her go, why did we let her go?" Dean question to his brother and friend.

"Joanna wanted to handle this on her own." Sam replied.

Dean scoffed. "It was stupid of her. To go and kill Death? Y'know, the three of us have down some stupid things over the years but this one takes the cake. Letting a girl go fight Billie? Why didn't we stop her?"

"Because it is what she wanted." Cas answered, sharing the same sentiment as Dean as he too wondered why he allowed Joanna to go on this suicide mission.

"Well we never should have and if we did, we all should have gone with her!" Dean yells.

"Dean, calm down. Amara went just in case. She's stronger than ever now she's the New God, which any of you think her becoming the New God with how she tried to destroy us all years ago is such a good idea?"

Dean calmed down to what his brother said and sighed. "Amara has changed, that I can tell. I rather have her be God than Chuck. I honestly though the kid would take Chuck's powers be the top dog. Man, I hope she's okay."

Sam sniggers. "Worried about your daughter?"

"What? Aren't you? I mean she is a daughter to you after all?"

Sam stops teasing and nodded with seriousness. "Of course she is. I'm worried just as you are. Look Dean, from what I can tell, Joanna is growing up. This world, our world has a thing were there is no such thing as young or old, you're just smart and alive. Joanna, is starting to become a grown woman and she set us free."

Dean stopped pacing and smiles proudly for the long way she's come in such a short time of her life. "She sure is and set us free. I just hope she does come back."

"Of course I will, Dean." Whipping their heads at Dean's direction, Dean turned around and sees Joanna right behind him, who is waving at her. "Hi Dean."

The three men sighed in relief until they stared at Joanna and eyes were wide.

"Joanna... what happened to you?" Sam asked in shock.

Joanna stood in front of them, fine and alive except that's not why they were gobsmack. It was her 'new' look that has them speechless.

She wore full matching black clothes that consist of a black tank top with a black leather jacket over it that is complete with large sets of pale Ankhs cufflinks on the sleeves, black pants, multi strap knee high boots. Her fingernails were painted with black nail polish and around her neck is a Ankh necklace.

On her right hand, middle finger is a pure silver ring with a white stone set in it and in her left hand she held a black umbrella that is strapped closed. Joanna's hair is nicely down with wavy and curls, along with her wearing red lipstick and a little mascara.

{Author's Note: Imagine her in these wardrobes, added with the designs to her clothes.}

The three didn't know what to say of this new look of the girl that stands before them. It looked like Joanna but its as if she had gone all emo and looks so mature might they add.

Joanna gave a shy smile with her cheeks turning red with how long they stared. "Do you like the new me?"

Cas is the first to break the silence. "Joanna, what happened to you?" He repeated Sam's question.

Joanna breath coolly, ready to reveal the big news with a toothy grin. "I sort of... I umm, well you're looking at the new and improve Death."

Three jaws fell right to the center of the Earth from what she had said.

"I'm sorry... you're WHAT?!" Dean shouts.

"Must you yell, Dean?" Appearing next to Joanna is Amara, who rubbed her ears to emphasize of how annoyed she is to hear Dean shout so loud, even though her ears didn't hurt.

Dean glares at her. "You. Explain."

Amara shrugged casually. "It's simple as she said. Joanna is now the new Incarnation of Life and Death, added she is the new Pale Horseman."

Sam stutters. "Joanna is Death? How?"

Joanna and Amara share a flinch. Joanna steps up with a nervous chuckle. "Funny you should ask, Amara may have and temporarily... killed me by ripping my heart out."

"WHAT!" Sam and Dean exclaimed.

Joanna held her hands up. "It was the only way for me to become Death as I had to die first."

"I don't understand, why would you wanna become Death, in fact why did you make her the new Death?" Cas shot a glare at Amara. What was the primordial entity scheming.

Amara matched Cas' glare. "I assure you that I am not scheming anything," Cas blinks with a stupefied look. "Yes, I can read your mind and I will tell you that I did not do this without consent. Joanna was stabbed by Billie's scythe and she was dying."

"You were what?!" Dean exclaimed, narrowing his eyes at the young Death, who gulped under his gaze.

Joanna nervously whistled, pretending nothing is wrong.

"It's fine, I healed her as she became Death." Amara assured.

Dean chuckles, which didn't hint that was a good sign. "Oh that's nice n' all but there's one thing you left out. Why make the kid Death?"

Amara huffed. "Because as young as Joanna may be and still has much to learn, a person like her with a heart is what is needed to become the new embodiment of life and death."

Joanna placed a hand to her chest where her heart is located. "Uh Amara, I can't feel my heart beating. Am I undead?"

Sam, Dean, and Cas go wide eyes and look at Amara.

Amara sighed irritably at the young Death. "I don't mean literally. As a figure of speech. Also you're now an amortality being if you must now. Your life is connected to mine. If I die, you die and if you are stabbed with your own scythe, your physical form will only be temporarily scattered until it can reform itself."

Joanna hummed, glad that was cleared up, much to the dismay of the three men in the room that Joanna is not technically alive and her life is dependent on Amara, which is okay since nothing can kill Amara at this point.

"Joanna shows she is capable of love towards life and understands the value that sometimes some rules aren't meant to be followed and require to bend them when needed. I am certain she can comprehend when life must die so that new life can be brought into this world and guide souls to their proper afterlife," Amara elaborated, smiling at Joanna who flushed under her gaze.

"Amara, you're making me blush." Joanna said shyly.

Dean gazed at Joanna, still at disbelief from all of this. "And you're cool with being Death? You do know that's a big responsibility, trust me I know." He recalled the time he became Death for one day and screwed up badly.

Joanna nodded with a certain look. "It's so strange. It's like I now have knowledge of life and death. I understand what it represents. Life is something to be cherished as you only live once in a life time and shouldn't be wasted as that is why humans are not immortal. Death is fertility and rebirth. Death isn't a disease, it is a sign of resting in peace at last, a blessing in disguise to allow a new life to have the chance at starting a life." She explained professionally and conviction.

Dean is agape. "Well alright then. You've got the brains, by the way what's with the umbrella and get up? You going through a phase of being a goth or something?"

Joanna shrugged, not understanding the teenage joke Dean made. "I guess it came with the new position as Death. I like it. Black looks good on me. Oh and this umbrella, its not really an umbrella, watch." Joanna held the umbrella up and morphed. In its place where two silver design scythe sickles, each held in one hand.

Joanna swung them in the air, performing a few impressive moves as wielding scythes proficiently seem to have come with the position as Death as well. "My own scythes brandish to my appeal, I like them."

She grinned like a kid that got a new toy, which disturbed Sam and Dean as Joanna was not one known for having delight in weapons.

Joanna return her scythes back into its umbrella form. She then opens it up and raises it above her head. "Plus I don't have to worry about the rain."

Dean shrugged and spares a glance at his brother and Cas. "Alright then, guess you're suited up, still is this the right choice?" Still having doubts for a young kid becoming the New Death.

"Would you rather have someone like Billie in charge." Amara spat dryly.

Dean shakes his head hastily and gave a thumbs up. "Nope, we're good."

Sam approach Joanna. "So what does this mean for us?"

Joanna looks at her family, the three men who have each been a father to her in their own unique way. "I may be Death but I am still me. Just Joanna. I'm still a Nephilim with the power of Death." Joanna glowed her eyes, however, instead of their golden color they were now a glowing pale white, emphasizing her transformation as Death.

Sam snorts with a chuckle. Any hunter or person would find it unnerving that a powerful entity like Joanna existed and now with the power of Death at her disposal, she's stronger than ever and she'll only get stronger since her Nephilim powers continue to grow everyday since she has yet to reach full maturity. But Sam didn't see that, all he saw is the same girl that had been raised under their roof for three years. She is harmless as a kitten and yet strong as a lion.

The only thing matters is character and how she acts.

"Yes you are. Is this a goodbye, cause it kind of feels like one with your new job?"

Joanna shakes her head. "No, I will visit. Right now I wanna check out my new office as that is where I will be working. I'll be around, learning what it means to be Death and help Amara clean up all of Chuck's mistake."

Amara hummed in agreement. "And I will help teach you to control all of your powers."

Joanna beams at the aforethought. "Thank you." She turns to her family. "I appreciate for all you've done for me but I guess this is where I now must fly out of the coop or spread my wings?" Not certain if she said any of those correctly.

"Just remember to visit." Dean chuckled.

"Of course and I'll bring snacks. I don't know why but I have a craving for fried pickle chips for some reason. Goodbye." She waved at them and teleports away.

Amara does so as she waves her goodbye. "I suppose I ought to be going as well. I must attend to Heaven as my first order as God or Goddess." Amara left with a pondering face and had her finger to her lower lips.

The bunker was empty with only Sam, Dean, and Cas in it. Kind of feels strange as it was just the three of them like it had been before Joanna came to live around here. It felt like a piece is missing.

Regardless, the three were proud of Joanna as they knew she was going to do great at her new job.

"So now that all this is over, I'm starving. Say Sam, lets get a dog." Dean said with a little cheeriness.

Sam arched a brow. "A dog? Since when you do like dogs?"

Dean shrugged. "I don't know, I just feel like we should. Maybe a Terrier Mix, probably name it Miracle."

Sam and Cas roll their eyes in amusement and laugh. The three laugh as they were finally free and can do whatever they want because it was their life to decide and no one else's.


Sitting at her new office, Joanna breath in and out, relaxing as this is her first day as Death. Her umbrella resting next to her chair. On her desk is a photo portrait of her and her family, all smiling. It consisted of Sam, Dean, Cas, her, and Mary.

Joanna takes the portrait in her hands and curled a fond smile. It piece of home for she will still see them. Right now it was time to get to work. She sets it back where she took it and sees Jessica approaching with two books in her hand.

"Did you get them as I asked?"

Jessica smiled. In truth, she had no qualm in Joanna becoming the New Death as it was all the same with her, plus she had a distinct feeling she will make a better Death than Billie. "As you requested. I hope you find what you are looking for."

Joanna nodded with a grateful smile. "Thank you. You may go now."

Jessica smiles back and leaves Joanna alone.

The young Death exhale coolly and takes a look at both books. After long minutes of taking a turn at checking them out, Joanna closed the last book with a bright smile on her face. "That settles that. Looks like they are in good hands. Now I'm hungry." Joanna steps out of her chair, grabs her umbrella and leaves to go buy some lunch as reading sure worked up an appetite.

Resting on the table were the two books. Death books and labeled on them were the person's name of their respective book.

Sam Winchester and Dean Winchester.

{Distant future; Mortal-Earth}

Clary was gagged with a piece of cloth and her wrist and legs are bond by metallic cuffs. She laid on an stone altar. Her surrounding location is one of those undisclosed places from horror movies where the pretty girl is tied up in a dark and lonely room without no one to call for help and know that you're here, and that the killer will arrive at any moment to begin the horrors of torture.

A door opens, showering the room with light. Clary turns her head, struggling to breath properly with her heart racing and she is gagged, so she can't relax. Stepping into the room is where you'd expect some obscured man dressed in black, all mysterious and perhaps carry in some sharp tools was neither of those things.

Instead, Clary is greeted by a gorgeous woman of straight shining black hair, brown-colored eyes that were stunning, yet held an icy and collected look, red full lips, and pale skin. Her body shape is slim and lovely and she wore a white dress that a person of royalty would wear. "Hello, Fairchild, it is a privilege in finally meeting Valentine's daughter."

Clary tries speaking but her voice is still muffled. Lilith walks to her and remove the gag, allowing Clary to breath fresh oxygen an say what is on her mind. "Who the hell are you?!" She exclaimed.

The woman doesn't respond right away, instead she caresses Clary's face with her soft hands, except there is nothing warm about her touch as it was cold, same as the coldness in her eyes. "You can relax as I am not going to harm you."

Clary wanted to laugh at that claim. "You had me gagged and shackle here, and you're saying you don't wanna hurt me? I think you need to rephrase your wording when you kidnap someone."

"Forgive me for the abduction but how else was I going to get you to come? Certainly not out of your free will for if you were to learn what I am, you'd either fight or run. Running is a preferable choice." She smiles, giving Clary taunts.

"What do you want with me?" Her restraints could not be budged.

The woman smiles wider. "My name is Lilith. I'm sure you've heard of me."

Clary stares in silent. "Doesn't ring a bell."

Lilith sighed with an almost irritation. "I suppose its fair as many wouldn't recognize the true identity of the significance my name holds. Are you aware of the story of Adam and Eve?"

Who hasn't? "Yeah," Clary gave a strange look. "Adam and Eve, the first humans of the garden and are how humans came to be."

"But do you know that Eve wasn't Adam's first wife?" Lilith cocked her head, hoping the ginger hair figures it out.

Pondering, Clary thinks hard. Since becoming a Shadowhunter, Clary had made it her goal to look back at religious books, notably Adam and Eve's story and the various lore surrounding it. Her mind clicks. Clary was slackjaw. "Wait a second, you're Lilith, as in Adam's-"

Lilith nodded and cuts her off before she can finish that sentence. "Yes, girl. I am Adam's first wife. Created from the same dust as him and the bastard who left me barren," she hissed venomously at that last part.

Clary knew much about Lilith as she needed too. Lilith was Adam's first wife but had been cast out of Eden because she would not be submissive to her husband and then she became a demon, spawning creatures of the night, and consorting the Archangel Sammael.

The fact that a demon took her captive and it happens to be the infamous first woman of the Garden showed Clary that she has gotten herself in a tight and dangerous spot. There is no doubt in her mind Lilith may seem beautiful and harmless but if she's a demon, the demon, she is a Greater Demon. "Why did you kidnap me? Why would the first lady want with me?"

Lilith continued to caress Clary's cheek and then hair, while humming. It look to be Lilith was finding herself enjoying how smooth, soft, and pale Clary's skin felt, along with her hair. She could smell how wonderful the scent is. "Nothing much, yet. I'm sure you're familiar with your late brother, Jonathan, yes?"

Clary pants, wanting to move her head away so Lilith can stop touching her but Lilith would force her head back in place and continue to allow her hands to touch her cheeks and sniff her hair. It was creeping Clary out and causing this horrid feeling to form in her with how Lilith leers at her.

She is snapped out of her thoughts when Lilith brings mention of her brother, post-mortem. It had been a month since Valentine and Jonathan were killed and her made her wish to Raziel to bring Jace back.

"What about Jonathan?"

Lilith smirks deviously as she at last finally stopped touching Clary. "I'm not going to hurt you if that's what you're thinking or something worse. Don't worry, everything is done out of voluntarily on your behalf. As for Jonathan, I believe I should have said my 'son'."

Clary's eyes nearly bulge and gave a 'what' face. "You're son? No, Jonathan is my brother. He is the son of Valentine and Jocelyn."

A hard smack is given across Clary' face. Clary's head is turned to the other way and hissed. She turn back to glare hard at Lilith who matched her glare.

"Don't you dare speak of that woman's name to me! She abandoned Jonathan due to fearing what he would be one day capable and when that bastard Valentine was unable to tame the boy, he sent him to me in Edom where I would become Jonathan's one and true mother."

"You mean you raised Jonathan?"

Lilith brushed her hair back with pride. "I am the only person who could raise and teach my son how to control his gifts, giving him my motherly love."

Clary scoffed. "Raised him right... into a psychotics creepy killer."

"My son is perfect in his own way." Lilith said blatantly.

Clary eye rolled at that remark.

Lilith gave her a cold glare. "That Shadowhunter who broke your heart when he admitted of having feelings for another girl killed my son and I want revenge, along with bringing my son back."

Clary flinched at the reminder. A few weeks after Valentine's death, Clary had been called in by Jace to meet up with him. She thought it would be getting back together and go on a date. That's not what happened. Instead, Jace broke the news to her about how he met another person and has developed feelings for this new girl.

To say the news hurt Clary is an understatement. Clary dreamt of getting back together with Jace only now that wasn't possible if Jace is after another girl and that's saying something since the whole Seelie Court mess proved she desired for him. Looks like that wasn't true anymore. Too demoralized, Clary did not catch onto the Lilith's last part of her sentence about bringing Jonathan to life.

"My personal life is none of your concern."

Lilith clicked her mouth with her tongue, smirking smugly. "Oh you poor, poor girl. Had her heart crushed by the boy she desired. It seems he did not return the mutual feelings. How sad. Like history repeating itself, the man you love will always betray you and take away what you hold precious, just like my husband took away my ability of having children and now Jace Herondale took away your heart."

"Shut up!" Clary hissed.

"First that Daylighter and now Jace, ooh will Clarissa Fairchild ever find love again?" Lilith mocked in a sing song voice.

"Shut up!" Clary shouts angrily.

Lilith purred in delight. "Watching you easily give into your rage because of a weeping heart brings an enticing scent I relish in taking. This will make things easier for what I have plan for you." From out of thin air, a knife appears in Lilith's hand.

Clary looked quizzical as to what the First Demon is planning. She sees Lilith make a cut on her palm and starts bringing her bleeding hand right above her face. "Hey, what are you doing?" Blood starts dripping, the droplets falling on her forehead. "Hey! What are you doing!"

"What does it look like I'm doing? You see as of right now my influence is proceeding to work on your former lover's vulnerable mind, a consequence being resurrected thanks to your effort in making a wish from the angel Raziel. Thanks to you his demonic protection runes cannot stop me. He will become my loyal owl to do my bidding while working among your ranks as I plan to bring my son back from the dead."

Clary looks in horror. Some blood falls on her eyes. Clary hissed as she feels this blood is not ordinary blood. Her head throbs. This is demon blood, the very same that turned Jonathan into what he once was and Isabelle into a junkie. What has her horrified is she finally paid attention to Lilith's intentions. "No, you can't bring Jonathan back! I won't let you!"

Lilith cackled. "Oh really? And pray tell how do you plan to do that, Fairchild, when you will be under my servitude as you've had a taste of my blood, blood that made Jonathan special."

Making it an effort to break free, Clary fussed and cries for help. "Someone! Help me!"

"It's no use," Lilith sneered cruelly. She used one hand to grip roughly at Clary's face and forced her mouth wide open, bringing her bleeding hand over her mouth and lets the blood drip. Clary is wide eyes and begins to taste the warm metallic flavor on her tongue. "You will willingly follow me, offer me my love and loyalty, giving into your darkest and pent up rage that you bottle in. Now feed on mother's blood as it will make you stronger."

Clary tried fighting the dark impulses surfacing. Lilith steps back and watches as Clary hissed, giving off inhuman grunts. Clary was much stronger than this but with having her heart broken, losing people she loved and those who had been around were nothing more but monsters had Clary give into her dark impulses, allowing the demon blood to overcome her, corrupting her pure angel blood with pure demon blood. And this being pure demon blood from the First Demon herself, it worked a lot faster in seconds.

She stopped fussing at last and closed her eyes. A few seconds passed nothing happens. Clary's eyes shot open, both fully black. A smirk curls up her lips.

Lilith smiles, placing a finger to her lips in content. "How do you feel my new warrior?"

Clary cracks her neck and smirked at Lilith with wickedness in her eyes as they revert back to normal. "I feel free my queen. Like I don't have to carry all this luggage of my mom dying, losing family or about anyone I love. I'm free at last." She giggled.

"Excellent." Lilith goes to undo Clary's restraints, allowing Clary to stretch her body. Lilith takes an observation at Clary's form. "You are a beautiful creature, for a human."

Clary snorts. "Why do you think Jonathan was attracted to me? Even my own brother couldn't resist me. Jace is an idiot as he doesn't know what he's lost."

"How I agree. There's a reason why chose to go with this plan. I had a distinct feeling Jace would not be able to focus on his task with you in the way, even if his heart beats for another, so I decided why have one servant when I can have two powerful ones. Both Shadowhunters given pure angel blood and under my control."

"You're right about that. I just want to stretch and test my new powers for a ride."

"And you will, but I believe I would like to do a test of my own if you don't mind." Lilith said with a lustful look in her eye as she rubbed her hands on Clary's shoulders.

Clary raised a brow with a smirk, knowing what her queen wanted. "Oh? How may I be of service to my beautiful queen?"

Lilith smirks as she had her hands wrapped around Clary's neck, who in turn wraps her arms around Lilith's waist, grinding her body against the demoness. "Kiss me."

"As you wish."

Their lips locked tight, feeling their hot breaths onto each other. There was nothing passionate, tender, or over about the kiss as it was only pure drive of hunger, lust, and dark impulses. Their tongues violate each other's mouths, plunging them down their throats and allow them to dance contest of dominance.

Both reel back with a dark twinkle in their eyes.

"How well did I satisfy your needs, my queen." Clary asked, her voice hoarse.

Lilith caressed Clary's cheek with one hand and the other goes to grope at her chest, earning a soft delectable moan from the ginger hair woman. "Performed with excellence, but now I crave for something more. I have something special for you that I believe you will find enjoyable."

Clary tapped her hands like a little girl as she was excited. "Ooh, do tell?"

{Author's Note: The Mature Content will contain a little G!P Smut Scene. If you do not wish to read this part please skip this part until you find another message bolded like this one.}

Lilith giggles, licking her lips. "Why don't I show you." Lilith chants some form of incantation and moves her hands right between Clary's legs.

Clary wondered what Lilith chanted as it was some kind of ancient language. She feels her body overcome by this increase in high sexual desire and a weird itch between her lower regions. Clary didn't panic as she has seem to lost any emotion of concern and awaits for this new development her queen has planned.

She now felt her pants to be way to tight as something new was different about her and Clary had a feeling what it was as soon as Lilith had finished speaking the incantation and rubs her hands right at the area, forcing her to erupt in pleasurable moans. "Oh my queen, is that what I think it is?"

Lilith only smirks. She gets down on her knees, something Clary takes glee in. She watches as Lilith remove her pants, brings them down and allows the new part of herself to be set free.

Swinging between Clary's legs is a cock that is nine inches long and her balls hanging. Clary moaned as she feels Lilith brush her face on her new appendage and use her soft hands to stroke the length. "Oh my queen that feels amazing. Thank you for this incredible gift. So this is what the other side feels?"

Lilith hummed lovely. "You're cock is perfect." She saw precrum is leaking from the head. Lilith closed her eyes and licks it off with her tongue, humming even more. "You taste good as well." She gave the head a kiss while stroking and using the other hand to massage Clary's balls.

"Ah yes, please worship my cock my queen. Let me give you my love."

Lilith smiled delightfully as it has been a long time since she has been bedded as even she needs to have her relief. She wrapped her luscious lips around the head and twirls her tongue to entice louder moans from the ginger hair.

She bobbed her head as this isn't her first time taking a cock this big. She feels her mouth getting stretched out the further she takes in the size and feels it hit the back of her throat. Clary threw her head back and grunts as it was nice having her cock in her queen's warm and wet mouth.

Lilith continued to bob her head, producing gagging sounds. Her moans generate vibrations that increases Clary's pleasure. She opened her eyes and stared up at clary, who looked down at her, both their eyes meeting each other. Lilith feels her nose touch Clary's toned stomach and her throat bulges as she took the entire length whole. Staying like this for a minute, Lilith pulls out, gasping for air while leaving a thick trail of saliva.

She continued again by sucking on the head while stroking and then licks the side of the length.

"God, you're so beautiful with the way you're sucking my cock," Clary smirks as she played with Lilith's hair.

Lilith then moved to lick her balls and suck on them, tugging them roughly. Clary bites her lip of having her sac tugged. Lilith smiles at how she was pleasuring her lover. "You like me mouth sucking on your cock and licking your balls?"

Clary purred. "Baby, you know I love it."

Both giggle. Lilith went to start sucking on Clary's length when a ringing tone makes them pause.

Clary groans. "Excuse me for a sec." Clary digs into her pants that were laying on the floor and checks her phone. She checks to see who is calling her and she saw it was Jace. "Ugh, speaking of the Devil, can you wait for a minute?"

Lilith gave an annoyed look.

"Hello?" Clary answered.

"Clary?" Jace's voice is heard from the other line, voicing in concern.

"Oh hey, its you. What do you want?" Clary asked in irritation. She then gasped. Looking down, she sees Lilith continued to gag on her cock. Lilith stopped for a moment to smirk at Clary and winks at her.

"Clary?" Jace asked again as Clary left him hanging.

Keep it professional, Clary replies. "I'm here."

"That's good. I was worried about you."

Clary's brow twitch and snapped at him. "Oh were you really?"

Jace sighed tiredly. "Clary, I know things between us haven't been great."

Clary gritted her teeth in anger. Oh how she wish to plunge her Seraph Blade in his gut for hurting her. She then feels her anger quell as she feels Lilith smother her pretty face all over her balls. "Y-You're right. T-T-They haven't."

From the other line, it can be shown Jace was furrowing his brows from how Clary stuttered. "Clary, are you alright? Everyone here has been worried about you as you didn't come home."

Clary gulped, swallowing fresh oxygen to keep herself in control but it proved futile as she looked down and eyes bugged out as Lilith removed the upper portion of her dress to reveal her perfect size breast and wrapped then around her cock and starts shaking them up and down. "Oh fuck!"

"Excuse me?" Jace asked, dumbfounded by such language from Clary.

"Nothing! Just hurt me foot from kicking a wall." Clary laughed as if things were normal.

Lilith continued to smirk as her boobs hugged the rod while she sucked on the head.

"Oh okay, well I just wanted to call in to see if you were alright."

Clary rolled her eyes at that statement. "I highly doubt that." she muttered, making it clear for Jace to have heard that.

Jace shut his eyes with a grimace. "I know you're mad. Isabelle told me to give you some space."

"Yes, will you mind?" She snapped, raising her voice from one, being mad at him and two, oh shit, Lilith now rubbing the head of her length on her nipples.

"Okay, just come home safe. Alec is calling Isabelle, me, and you to brief over a mission. We need you back here.."

Clary nodded with an eye roll. "Whatever, I'll be there in minutes.." She cancels the call and groan loudly. "Fuck, you naughty girl." Clary bent down and wrapped her hand tightly around Lilith's neck, squezing tightly, earning a moan from Lilith as she made her face lean towards hers. "Teasing me like that while I'm on the phone. I ought to punish my queen but unfortunately we'll have to cancel this meeting short as people will start to worry about me."

Lilith huffed in frustration but knew the ginger hair is right. She did not want the institute to suspect anything. "Next time I expect you to have your schedule clear, do you understand?"

Clary flashed her new black eyes and smirked evilly. "Anything my queen demands I will serve it."

"Good," Lilith smiled. She puts back the upper portion of her dress and wiped her mouth. She performed another incantation.

Clary's cock and balls vanished, making her normal. Again.

{End of Smut Scene}

"Ahh, I really like them." Clary pouted with sort of sadness, not caring her female anatomy had been altered.

Lilith chuckles. "Do not fret for next time I will be sure to give you the best time of your life by the true and First Woman of God's creation.

Clary shivered in anticipation. "Can't wait."

"Mmm, now then, My first order is simple. Behave normal as your goody two shoe former self would have behaved and also report back to me with any relevant news that would concern me. Do you understand?"

Clary gave a small bow. "I understand my queen. I live to serve you."

Lilith smirked evilly. "Good, now go."

End of Prologue

And that is how Joanna became the New Death. She's going to enjoy her job a lot.

Also the identity of the Shadow and Empty, if you all have checked out my Random Book, a while ago I published a theory on who the Shadow and Empty is, so its based off of that as I will use that origin for the Shadow in all of my Supernatural stories that I have.

I have seen stories that deal with the aftermath of season 15 and when it comes to the Shadow, I oddly notice that people go with it being stronger than Amara and Chuck or New God Jack and that no one has power over the Empty and a deal must be made (like a theory of how Chuck brought back Cas multiple times in the past) such as rescuing Cas from the Empty, which is weird but its their story and I respect it as its one of those 'for the sake of the plot'.

The Shadow admitted it was a lie about no one has power over the Empty and when it came to the Shadow lying all the time, I was incline to believe in the nonsense it says, so God and Amara do have power over the Empty and the Shadow can't make the two do whatever it wants and it predating them, someone else made that point that it is not older than them and I agree because again it lied too many times and has several limitations on what it can do.

A may have hinted who is Original Death really is but that is story for another time.

Hope you enjoyed the story.

Make sure to vote if you loved the chapter. Please comment if you have any opinions or ideas you wanna pitch in for the story to make things interesting, I will read comments. Please comments on what you liked or dislike about the chapter to improve future updates.

PM if you would like to discuss privately and I will answer you the best I can about your thoughts or questions.

Stay safe and enjoy your day.

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