Lost Soul


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Freak. Human-obsessed. Insane. These are the words the Endermen use to describe little Mellohi. Sweet, innoce... More

Chapter 1: Mellohi Has Trauma
Chapter 2: Enderwalks Are Dangerous
Chapter 3: Crashland in the Sand
Chapter 4: Blood, Sweat, Tears, and Vomit
Chapter 5: Caution! Skeletons in the Woods!
Chapter 6: Help Can't Come Soon Enough
Chapter 7: Don't Wander Into A Massacre
Chapter 8: Trouble Stirs the Army
Chapter 10: Execute the Executioner
Chapter 11: Please Rescue the Suffering
Chapter 12: Liars Tell the Truth
Chapter 13: Stal is a Flower
Chapter 14: Ghostbur Has Blue For You
Chapter 15: Mellohi is Lost
Chapter 16: Mellohi is Found
Chapter 17: Dream Doesn't Have A House
Chapter 18: Problems Were Caused...on Purpose
Chapter 19: Betrayal is Never an Enjoyable Experience
Chapter 20: Doomsday
Chapter 21: The Dust is Settling

Chapter 9: Technoblade Never Dies

412 23 9

As the Avengers moved throughout the world, through forests and deserts, they couldn't get that village out of their heads. That night, they slept in the trees, out of fear of the monsters lurking below. Thankfully, the spiders and skeletons didn't bother them as the next day arrived swiftly.

They continued on their way, not speaking a word. All were lost in their own brains as the next village came into view. Natasha pointed it out, but her step faltered. This village had suffered the same fate as the last.

Bruce managed to hold back his vomit this time, numbed by the scene they had previously left. Everyone stalked into the bloody scene before them, and the same mess greeting them as the other village had. Only this time, no survivors were present.

The smell wasn't as bad, so the group could tell this massacre was more recent. The thought of getting closer to the serial killer sent chills down their spines; it sent goosebumps up their arms.

They arrived in the middle of the day, but decided to set up camp anyway. Picking a relatively spotless house, Nat, Clint, and Bruce pitched makeshift beds, drawing sheets and blankets from the ones in the village that weren't quite as bloodstained as the rest.

Steve took to burying the residents once again, dragging them into a pile and starting the process of digging. Tony decided to search the village for anything useful, such as tools, food, and valuables. Steve rebuked him for stealing, but Tony said the village was dead, so they wouldn't mind if he took things to help him and his friends out. Steve looked horrified, but let it be.

As Tony was rifling through what seemed to be the blacksmith's chest, his eyes widened. In his hand was one of the largest, most vibrant blue diamonds he had ever seen. He also found an apple made of solid gold. Along with those, he discovered a beautiful iron sword and an iron chest plate that was perfect for protection. He slipped it over his head, noting how it's weight rested snugly on his shoulders.

He strut up to his comrades, displaying his newfound riches. They were shocked at the size of the diamond, but confused as to why someone would make an apple out of solid gold.

Bruce said Tony should try to take a bite out of it. Tony thought that was ridiculous. It was solid gold, after all. It would break his teeth.

The darkness came, and then it went. The five set out once again, but just before they did, they spotted a trail of brown. Tony thought it was shit, but Nat informed him that it was dried blood.

They followed the trail for as long as they could, but it fizzled out at the edge of another forest, just beyond the village. Losing the trail frustrated Clint, but Nat told her friend that it meant they were on the right track, despite how gruesome it seemed.

Once again, the Avengers resumed their journey northeast. They were all exhausted, smelly, and littered with scratches and bruises. Their feet ached from walking way more than usual, and they were covered in blisters. Their shoulders pained them from carrying those heavy backpacks filled with their survival supplies. Their minds cried out for the dead.

The forest they were in was massive, spreading across hundreds of acres. Extremely tall trees reached for the sky, and the air was scented with pine. Moss and podzol blanketed the forest floor, squishing beneath their weary feet. It was a nice break from the rough ground of that beyond the taiga.

To the Avenger's surprise, a wolf pack lounged in front of them, ignoring the human's presence. They froze, questioning the hostility of these magnificent creatures. Feeling confident, Clint went up to the nearest, a pup, and held his hand out for it to sniff. The pup began yapping energetically, to which the rest of the wolves joined in. The wolves were strangely domesticated. Clint wanted to keep one as a pet, but Steve said that they shouldn't take it from its natural habitat.

Nat pitched a makeshift tent just beyond the wolves, recognizing the hue change in the sky. Steve started a fire, but instead of carrying out their normal routine of eating in silence, Steve decided to tell them amusing stories from his time away at war in 1945. Everyone was surprised Tony's eyes didn't get stuck staring at his brain. Clint told them of how he met his wife, and funny stories from his childhood.

As the mood grew light, and the sky grew dark, the five began to speak of spooky fables and tales. They were all enjoying the peace their comrades offered. The darkness passed over their heads, up until rattling and groaning could be heard in the shadows. Moving to inside the safety of their 'tent', the stories and folktales continued till they couldn't speak any longer. Exhaustion overtook them; they lost the battle to keep their eyes and ears active.

Then came morning on the fifth day. Swiftly they packed, disregarding the piles of rotting flesh and bones littered throughout their campsite. The zombies and skeletons did not bother them while they were sleeping, but it gave them satisfaction to see the charred remains on the ground.

The complaining had dwindled down quite a lot, because everyone knew they couldn't do anything about the situation at hand. Tony took a little more convincing, but eventually quieted down.

The wind was wild that day, as if it was trying to warn the newcomers of a danger lurking ahead. They didn't get the hint, only frustrated at the air whipping their loose items and hair around. But despite all that, they couldn't deny the beauty of the place.

Finally, after six days of walking, aching nights of sleeping on the ground, and three villages flooded with blood, the Avengers finally spotted a beam of light and a castle in the distance. They jumped for joy, because they could finally have a long rest.

As the walked the walls of the castle, they noticed it's kingdom expanded farther than they expected. The five stared in awe at all the buildings. People milled about, speaking with one another and completing tasks of the day. Those who noticed the Avengers mainly shot them strange and intrigued looks as they passed through the beautiful brick house in the middle of the pond, but one woman came up to them with something in her hands.

"Hello!" she greeted happily. "You must be new here! I'm Niki! I have some leftover sweets if you want them."

She offered the plate of cookies, pies, and cakes to them. The group's mouths watered, and they thanked Niki for her hospitality. She waved to them, and they went on their way.

The castle could wait. The Avengers wanted to explore the whole place. To the left of the brick house was a strange, alien-looking, portal-type thing. Straight ahead, they could see so many incredible buildings, like a UFO with a swirling green and purple beam of glass beneath it. Tony marveled at how structurally unsound it was, and how it was still standing.

Suddenly, loud shouts and the rattle of chains came from behind the Avengers. The swiveled around to find the strangest sight yet. A man dawning an LAFD beanie was sitting atop a gorgeous chestnut brown horse. Behind him were a teenager with ram horns jutting from his forehead, a fox who behaved like a person, and the tallest man the five had ever seen. He seemed to be split in half.

Those four peculiar beings had something even more peculiar shackled behind them. It was a man sporting bright pink hair, and upon closer inspection, tusks and the ears of a pig. His eyes were blood red, and he did not look happy.

The man on the horse spotted them and halted abruptly. The two groups had a staring match, unsure of what to do with each other. The Avengers worried they were harboring away a criminal.

"Newcomers!" the beanie man hollered excitedly, dismounting the horse. "Welcome, welcome!"

The Avengers glanced at each other, puzzled by the situation at hand.

"Where are we?" Steve asked the man. "Is this the kingdom of DreamSMP?"

The strange people laughed, aside from the man in the chains. The beanie man replied, "This place is no kingdom, although I suppose Eret's castle may be misleading."

Steve looked like he wanted to push the matter, but Nat beat him to her own topic. "Are we allowed to know your names?"

"Of course!" Motioning to himself, then his men, he loudly declaired, "I'm Quackity! The fox is called Fundy, the ram, who is also the president of L'Manburg, our country, is named Tubbo, and the Enderman with memory problems is Ranboo."

"And this is Technoblade," Tubbo, who also had a massive amount of explosion scars, piped up, pointing to the pig man. Technoblade merely grunted in response.

The Avengers froze.

"Did you say 'Enderman'?" Tony interrogated.

"Mhm," Ranboo nodded. "I am an Enderman. Well, half."

"We're looking for an Enderman," Clint told them. "We found multiple villages filled with bodies. We suspect this Enderman named Mellohi killed them."

"We want to bring her to justice," Tony growled.

Ranboo blanched, but before anyone could say anything, Quackity interrupted them all. "Lady and gentlemen! That can wait. For now, how would you guys like to witness a historical criminal trial?"

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