Percy Jackson in MHA

By percabethjackson11

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The summer after the giant war, Percy Jackson and Annabeth Chase go to the My Hero Academia-verse on a quest... More

Chapter 1: An interdimensional quest given by the goddess of magic
Chapter 2: Quirk training ft. Izuku Midoriya
Chapter 3: The entrance exam
Chapter 4: First day at UA
Not a Chapter: Percy and Annabeth's quirks
Chapter 5: Combat training
Chapter 6: Class reps and the USJ!
Chapter 7: The sports festival!
Chapter 8: The sports festival! (part 2)
Chapter 9: Internships
Chapter 10: Final exams
Chapter 11: Training camp
Chapter 13: Hideout raid
Chapter 14: Ultimate moves
Chapter 15: Provisional hero license exam
Chapter 16: The trauma talk and meeting the big three
Chapter 17: Work studies
Chapter 18: Shie Hassaikai
Chapter 19: School festival (part 1)

Chapter 12: Training camp (part 2)

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By percabethjackson11

Percy and Annabeth were surrounded by the 'Vangaurd Action Squad'. Interesting name, it sounded like a comic book to Percy. He shook his head to get out of his ADHD rambles to focus.

He realized something and gasped and looked at Izuku who looked back at him. They shouted at the same time, "Kota!"

The Vanguard Action Squad either didn't hear or listen to them, and started rambling about Stain. Annabeth interrupted. "If you're so dead set on Stain's ideals, didn't you see that he recognized Percy and I as true heroes?"

The lizard one looked surprised. "So you two are Athena and Riptide. I'm not sure if I should be upset that you two for capturing him or impressed that you got acknowledged by him."

Percy blasted water at the lizard, Spinner, to shut him up. Spinner flew backwards and crashed on the ground. He got right back up and snarled. "Apparently the former works best."

Spinner lunged at Percy and drew his blade, which just looked like a bunch of weapons taped together to Percy. Percy uncapped Riptide and parried his attack.

Spinner stepped back, probably wondering where the heck Percy got his blade from.

Percy smirked. It was always a bad move to give your opponent a chance to attack. Spinner was so focused on trying to analyze Percy for weak spots that he hardly had time to react when Percy jumped at him and brought his blade down on Spinner's wrist, making the lizard man cry out in pain and drop his weapon.

Percy wasn't doing this to harm him too horribly, but instead to get him defenseless. Percy stomped his foot to create an earthquake, and making Spinner even more vulnerable since he was off balance.


Annabeth yelled at him to knock him out, and Percy did so. Percy held Spinner's head in a bubble of water, only releasing when he was sure that Spinner passed out. Percy tied him up and completely incapacitated him with a water rope.

Annabeth looked at the person who called herself Magne. She might be a problem, since her quirk data said that she could magnetize people to make them attract a person from the opposite sex (A/N: I don't know if it's sex or gender because they're different things). The weakness was that it wouldn't affect anyone outside a 4.5 meter radius. Annabeth yelled to Percy, "Percy! Put Magne 5 meters above away from everyone!"

Percy complied, and Annabeth sighed. That was one problem out of the way.

The fight happened within the span of just a few seconds, so the villains were frozen in awe. Percy yelled at Mandalay. "Mandalay! Izuku and I are going to get Kota! Don't worry about us, just keep everyone safe!"

Annabeth told at them to hurry, before heading off to help the others. There had to be more villains in the forest. She gave the other villaine a good kick to the head before running off.


Percy and Izuku ran to the cliff that Kota liked and saw a huge person about to smash their fist into Kota's face.

Izuku jumped to save him, and Percy stopped the punch of the guy with muscles outside his body.

The guy who looked like an older and meaner version of Bakugou grinned. "Welk, you two were both on the list."

Percy winced. They had come to keep Kota away from any villains, but one already was there. Izuku started sweating nervously, so Percy slapped his head and glared at him. That shook him out of his thoughts, and got him refocused. Percy put Kota on his back and got ready to fight or run.

The villain smirked. "You're Midoriya and Jackson, right? This is perfect. We were told to take the initiative and kill you two. I'll make sure to torment you both thoroughly, so show me your blood!"

The villain jumped at them, and Percy dodged with ease, bringing Kota with him. Thankfully, Izuku had done so as well.

Percy gave Kota to Izuku and drew Riptide, then slashed at the villain's arm. The villain smirked. "My muscle is too dense to be cu-"

The exposed muscle dripped blood. The villain shrieked, probably more in shock and less in pain. Percy smiled. Celestial bronze must have worked on him since this was Hecate's personal dimension. Percy dumped water on himself then got ready to fight once more.

The blond villain lunged at him, completely forgetting about Izuku. Percy went back and forth with the villain for a while. Percy was so thankful he had doused himself, since the villain was extremely fast.

Izuku had placed Kota in a safe and hidden spot next to the fight, and ran back to Percy. Just as the villain almost got a lucky hit, Izuku came and lunged at the villain. The villain smiled. "At least my muscle works against this brat."

He swiveled and punched Izuku, making him fly back. Percy had already taken this opportunity to go to Kota and heal him of any bruises he had, while reassuring him. Percy looked to the place where Izuku was. 'Crap. I can't leave him alone for more than a minute, huh?'

Kota lunged out of Percy's grasp. "Water Hose... Papa... Mama... Did you hurt them like that, too, before you killed them?"

Percy pushed himself in front of Kota. He'd have to talk to him about common sense, since he didn't seem to have any. Percy controlled the villain's cells, a hard task since the larger amount of cells needed a higher concentration.

Percy used Riptide to get in a few hits, making the villain shout in pain. Percy released him, and the villain went barreling at him. Percy lunged towards him as well, using a martial arts trick he learned to redirect his attack towards the ground.

Izuku lunged towards him with 100% of full cowling. The villain slammed into a wall, but Percy didn't let down his guard. He didn't know if the dude could get back up. To Izuku's obvious surprise, he did.

He ran at Izuku with his muscles wrapping around him, and punched him, but not without retribution from Izuku. Izuku was using his broken arm to punch him back.

Percy jumped and landed on the man's head. He held his sword against his neck, and since the villain knew what the sword was capable of, he tensed. This allowed Izuku enough time to use 1000% of One for All. The villain smashed against the wall with enough force to level a small mountain.

The villain slowly got back up. Now Izuku looked shocked, and was trembling. The blond man raced over to Kota and pushed him onto the ground. "I'll kill this kid if you don't let me kill you."

Percy watched Kota tremble in fear, and something snapped in him. Percy glared at the blond man, and brought tons and tons of gallons of water above him. Izuku had told him at a later time that his eyes glowed green, but darker than the color his healing water normally glowed.

He launched the water towards the villain with enough force to completely crush a reinforced fighter jet. The man looked like he wouldn't be able to fight anyone for a very long time.

Izuku, who was swaying, looked back at Kota. "Sorry about your parents, Kota. They ended up leaving you behind, but there were many lives saved because of what happened to them."

Percy ran over to stable Izuku, and quickly healed him. Once he finished, he glanced at Kota. "I had a friend named Charles Beckendorf... he was incredible, and sacrificed himself to take down a ship full of dangerous villains. I regret his death every day, but he ended up saving more lives than he ever knew of."

Kota started crying. "Even though you both don't know anything, why did you do so much...?"

Percy grinned back at him. "Because we're heroes! It's our duty. Now come on mini water me, let's go save the rest of them!"

Izuku ran with Kota in his back, and Percy ran with a huge ball of water over his head. It was thrice the size of the huge one he used during the entrance exam. It took his complete focus to sustain it, so he couldn't carry Kota. Percy thought back to what the villain said.


Percy smacked the blond villain across the face. He looked offended, before a look of rage came upon his face.

Izuku jumped in the way and kicked him.
with his normal usage of OFA in his legs. The villain looked at Izuku. " Instead of killing you, I'll capture you instead, and that Bakugou kid..."

Flashback End

The villains wanted to capture Bakugou? His friend? The one that was finally fixing his mistakes and leaving his horrible past behind? Not on Percy's watch. Especially when the Kiribaku album was nowhere near complete.

While running towards the others, Percy and Izuku saw Mr. Aizawa running next to them. They skidded to a stop. Since Izuku took notice of Percy's intense concentration, and started explaining the situation to Mr. Aizawa. "Mr. Aizawa! I'm glad you're okay, but there are lots of villains. Jackson and I took care of three, but we don't know how many more there are. We also know that they're trying to kidnap Kacchan, Jackson, and I. Jackson is going to put out the fires while I tell Mandalay."

Mr. Aizawa stopped him. "Midoriya! Do you not remember Hosu?"

Percy looked over with sweat building up from his concentration. "Well, this is private land so we didn't think it mattered."

Mr. Aizawa sighed. "Hush, water problem child. Anyway, I need you to tell Mandalay that the students are allowed to use their quirks to defend themselves and others."

Izuku nodded. Percy told Mr. Aizawa that he was going to the center of the fire to spread the water and stop the fires. Mr. Aizawa nodded and told him to be safe and heal anybody he could find if they were hurt.

Percy ran towards the place where the fire was burning the brightest. On the way, he healed anybody he saw.


Izuku rushed to the clearing where Mandalay was, only to find that Magne was knocked out cold and Spinner had somehow escaped his water jail. Just as Spinner was about to launch his sword in Mandalay's head, Izuku used Full Cowling to stop him and knocked him out.

Izuku looked to Mandalay. "Mandalay! Kota's okay! And here's a message from Mr. Aizawa we need you to broadcast! Everyone in Class A and Class B can use their quirks and engage in combat, by the name of the pro hero Eraserhead!"

Mandalay tensely nodded. She broadcasted the message, and Izuku could only hope everyone recieved it. Mandalay told Izuku to run, but Izuku needed to tell her about Kacchan. "Mandalay! Please tell everyone one more thing! At least one of their targets is Kacch- Bakugou! Katsuki Bakugou! The one who tied for third place in the sports festival!"

Izuku told her this then ran to help others in the camp. He heard Mandalay relay his message. "Everyone! We have discovered one of the villains' targets! It is one of the students named Katsuki Bakugou, who tied for third place in the UA sports festival! Bakugou should try to avoid combat and acting independently. Understand, Bakugou?!"


Somewhere in the forest Katsuki was raging. He was told to fight, then immediately not to. 'Damn Telepath. But... what would Shitty Hair or Water Dumbass want me to do... or Blondie or Raccoon Eyes or Soy Sauce Face or Dunce Face? Or even Deku?'

'Dammit... I'll guess I'll try to stick with the others.'

Just as Katsuki turned around to find some people, some things shot at him. They looked weird spikes. He might have been hurt if Icyhot hadn't used his ice to stop them. "Dammit... thanks, Icyhot."

Half n Half looked shocked, so Katsuki ignited a small explosion to snap him out. "Come on Icyhot! Let's kill this bastard!"

Freezerburn snapped out of it, and agreed. He told Katsuki to help the person behind him while he fought, and Bakugou reluctantly agreed. 'Dammit Water Dumbass. Why'd you have to tell me to be nicer! Now people will think I'm nice! Disgusting! I have a reputation to uphold.'

The man who shot weird things at them kept shooting, while Flame n Freeze used ice to counter it. "He's good at using the terrain with his quirk. We also need to not use flames since it'll just add to the forest flames."

The man revealed himself to be Moonfish, a convict that used teeth to shoot the things at people. Katsuki decided to stick to small explosions, while Todoroki used his ice.

Suddenly, Katsuki felt droplets of water tickling his skin. Where the fuck did it come from?! There were certainly no clouds before. Unless...

The rain enveloped the whole forest area, and Bakugou instantly knew that it was Jackson trying to put out the flames. (A/N: Someone pointed out that the old version of what I had written would've killed everyone, so I changed it. Thanks for telling me!)


Percy felt hungry.

After talking to Mr. Aizawa, Percy had ran to the center of the flames. There were a few injured that Percy stopped to heal. Once he reached the center of the flames, he had a few minor burns, but nothing he couldn't heal. Percy created an ice shield around him, that he kept remaking when it melted. It sounded like an inconvenience but it worked well. It took a lot of his concentration, but he got through it.

He got to the very center, where the fire looked like it originated from. Percy had the huge ball of water very high in the air, so no villains would see it. He closed his eyes and focused.

Percy spread out his senses. He could sense every living creature, but he focused on the humans. His stomach grumbled loudly and it hurt to continue, but he had to. He guided the water in the air so it'd spread a few meters beyond every human he sensed in this area.

Gritting his teeth, he tried something he'd never down before. He evaporated the water and it turned into clouds, particles joining together with the pollution in the air to form droplets. Percy shook with effort, and he fell down onto one knee. He... had to keep going!

For Annabeth. He was doing this for Annabeth... and everyone else too, of course. He couldn't succumb to stupid things like exhaustion or fatigue. Sighing in relief, he let go of his concentration on the newly made clouds above him. They seemed to burst free, causing heavy rain to soak their area.

That was exhausting. Percy sat down and heard yells and shouts from everywhere, some upset they got completely soaked, and others happy that the fire problem was gone. Percy smiled and looked up, but regretted when he clutched his stomach and started slightly shaking. The rain seemed to slow down. The droplets on his face energized and refreshed him, allowing him to get back on his feet and look around. The purple fog Percy vaguely saw seemed to disperse due to the water.

Wait... purple fog! It might be another villain! Percy raced over, and found that Kendo and Tetsutetsu had taken down the villain together once his gas was weakened by the water.

He smiled at them, then ran to find Izuku or Annabeth while his stomach was grumbling louder than Zeus' temper tantrums.


Annabeth was searching for anybody she could help. She analyzed whatever was in front of her, gaining a migraine that felt likes knives in her brain, but it was worth it. She found Ragdoll, and a villain. She went to them, and found the villain about to kidnap her..

She was knocked out with blood everywhere, and a villain Annabeth found out was called Twice was holding her. Twice's quirk seemed very powerful, so Annabeth was uncertain if what he'd do to Ragdoll. Annabeth held her hand out. "Stop right there, Twice!"

Twice looked at her. "Okay. OF COURSE NOT! Here, you can have her. YOU'LL NEVER HAVE HER!"

This confused Annabeth, until she used her analysis quirk on his past. Apparently, he had made too many clones of himself and they killed each other, leaving him confused on if he was the original or not. Breaking any part of his body tremendously scared him since if he was a clone then he'd die by breaking a part of his body. Annabeth also found out that his a weakness of his was taking off his mask. This gave Annabeth an even bigger headache, but she pushed it aside.

While Twice was fighting himself, Annabeth rushed at him and pulled one of the beads on her camp necklace. She usually kept it on her nightstand, but she decided to bring it with her on the trip.


"Tyson! You're here!", yelled Percy. "How's the general of the cyclops army job been?"

Tyson smiled. "It's been fun, brother! I made this!"

He shoved a bead to Annabeth. "Brother has pen! Annabeth has bead!"

This confused Annabeth, until she realized there was a tiny button in it. She carefully strung it onto her necklace, then pressed the button. Her drakon bone sword emerged from it. The mechanism impressed Annabeth. "Thank you so much, Tyson! So this is why you wanted to borrow my sword!"

Tyson nodded happily. "Yes! Now you can fight easier!"

Flashback End

Annabeth lunged at Twice with her sword, and made a cut along his head. It didn't actually touch his cranium, just his mask. The effect was instantaneous. Twice dropped to the floor and screamed, trying to cover his head. He was fighting himself, so Annabeth took Ragdoll and ran.

Apparently neither of his sides liked that. He seemed twice as strong as before, so Annabeth had to try to cover his head again. Annabeth tore part of her sleeve to wrap around his head. He stopped shaking and looked at her with gratitude, but he was knocked out once he turned to her.

Annabeth stood behind him with her hand raised, since she'd chopped his neck. She grabbed Ragdoll in a fireman carry pose, and sprinted to find either Percy, or other help.

She found Percy first. He didn't notice her, until she yelled. "Percy, come quick! And get your healing ready!"

He rushed over faster than Annabeth thought possible. "Annabeth! I was so worried! Are you ok? Did you get hurt? Who did it?!"

Annabeth shook her head. "I'm fine, but Ragdoll's not! Please heal her!"

Percy used water from his nearly empty flasks. After a few seconds, Ragdoll gained conscious. Percy's healing refreshed her, and she looked ready to attack. She realized what happened, sincerely thanked them, then ran off to help people.

Annabeth and Percy had the same idea as Ragdoll. They ran the other direction and looked for people to help. They found Shoji very quickly. He bleeding and sweating hard.

Percy got to work and started to heal him. Annabeth silently thanked Recovery Girl for making him heal 60 people per day at the hospital. His stamina for when he healed people was much higher.

Shoji stopped him before he was done, though. "Thank you Jackson, but it's fine. The arm that got cut off was a duplicate, so it doesn't matter. Tokoyami, though..."

Annabeth questioned what he meant, and Shoji responded. "His quirk goes out of control in the darkness, and his emotions trigger it. When he saw my arm get cut off, especially since it's night, Dark Shadow took over. He kept trying to hold it back but it burst free."

Annabeth glanced over and saw Izuku. "Izuku!"

Izuku rushed in their direction. "Everyone! I told Mandalay to relay the message, and now Bakugou should be trying to be safe. What's wrong?"

Shoji explained what happened. Izuku looked tense, and stepped backwards, stepping on a twig. A 'ROARR' was heard from behind him. They found Tokoyami getting completely overwhelmed by Dark Shadow.

Percy put water around Tokoyami to suffocate him. Tokoyami choked, and Dark Shadow retreated back into his body. Percy looked guilty as Tokoyami passed out. He quickly took the water out of his lungs and healed him.

Tokoyami sat up, looking confused. Percy held his out hand, which Tokoyami grabbed to pull himself up. "Sorry bro... you were kinda raging and we needed to stop you."

Tokoyami smiled and apologized, which everyone refused to accept since he didn't need to apologize because it wasn't his fault.

They wandered around, until they saw Bakugou and Todoroki. Annabeth found out that the person they were fighting, named Moonfish, had a quirk that let him control his teeth which could extend.

Izuku used One for All to punch Moonfish's face, breaking his teeth off. Izuku threw him into a tree, where he landed upside down.

Bakugou and Todoroki looked surprised to see the four there, but thanked them for getting rid of Moonfish without causing too much harm to the surroundings. Percy ran up and squeezed Bakugou. "Bakugou! I thought you might have gotten kidnapped!"

Bakugou scoffed. "As if I'd led the villains capture me."

Percy rolled his eyes. Annabeth walked over and formed a plan. "Alright everyone, we need to protect Bakugou. Let's form a circle and walk like that, keeping Bakugou in the middle."

Everyone agreed. Percy and Tokoyami stayed in the back, Bakugou in the middle, and Annabeth, Shoji, Izuku, and Todoroki were in the front. They ran into Tsu and Uraraka, who had fended off the villain Toga.

Annabeth talked to them, when a few water walls were formed in front of the group. Izuku looked to him. "Jackson? Whats wrong?"

Percy looked tense. "Something came our way, and hurtled towards us."

A villain showed up. "Correct! I'm Mr. Compress! I'm here to take Bakugou!"

Annabeth smirked. "Not without a fight."

The villain agreed. He tossed marbles at them, and Percy out up more walls. Annabeth realized that he didn't know if the marbles were harmful or not, so Annabeth analyzed his quirk.

Wow. Why did all villains have such powerful quirks? Annabeth told Percy about Mr. Compress' quirk. "Percy! He can transform anything he touched into a tiny marble. If he touched one of us... Anyway, he needs to touch whatever he tries to compress."

Percy nodded. And promised that he would not touch him. Unfortunately, Bakugou didn't hear Annabeth because of his explosions. He lunged towards Mr. Compress, only to get captured. The villain also snuck behind Tokoyami and took him as well. Annabeth tensed. They couldn't have either get captured!

Percy shot water at the guy, and Todoroki shot ice. It was funny to see the guy gape when a tsunami and a glacier headed his way. Mr. Compress somehow floated above it.

Annabeth vaguely noticed Yaoomo and a Class B student named Awase attach something to a Nomu like creature, but Annabeth was more focused on saving her friends.

They chased Mr. Compress and Izuku jumped at him with Full Cowling, using OFA to give him a punch to the head.

Shoji grabbed two marbles from Mr. Compress' pocket, and released them. One was Tokoyami, but the other was a decoy. A purple warp gate appeared, that all the villains jumped into. Mr. Compress released Bakugou's marble, only for Dabi to grab him and drag him through, wanting the others to feel helpless.

Bakugou was taken by the villains.

Vlad King had called emergency services, and fifteen minutes after the villains left, ambulances and some fire trucks arrived. Of the forty students, fifteen were unconscious and in serious condition from the villains' gas, and eleven others had major or minor injuries. Thirteen were uninjured. And... one was missing. Of the six pro heroes, only one was in serious condition after recieving a hard blow to the head.

Annabeth watched as the paramedics just gaped when Percy went around and healed everybody. He didn't even look tired!

Meanwhile, on the villain side, three were caught red-handed and arrested. Mustard, Muscular, and Moonfish. The others had disappeared, probably due to Kurogiri's warp quirk.

The forest training camp had ended.

Word count: 4143

A/N: Hey guys! Sorry about being so damn flaky with these, but I have a huge paper due tomorrow. It's worth a huge part of my grade, so I'd appreciate it so much if you guys could be patient. Thank you so much to everyone who reads, votes on, or comments on my chapters. I literally smile in delight every time it happens. Thanks for supporting me everyone! See you in the next chapter!

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