The Black Coyotes Pet

By OnceUponABL

228K 7.4K 593

❤️ (BxBxBxBxBxB) polyamory ❤️ Elliot Flynn Greenway is a somewhat normal college student. He's twenty two, ha... More



3.6K 127 6
By OnceUponABL

After a while of us doing nothing but switching seating and sighing Quinn came downstairs with Tristan. He was holding his wrist but he wasn't dragging him down here although Tristan was walking with his head down.

"I'm... sorry." He wiped his eyes with the palm of his hand. "It's not your fault." I said softly. I wanted to cry seeing him cry. "It's really not." Liam said. "I... know that I just wanted to apologize because I am sorry." He sniffled. "It's just as much anybody else's job to keep each other safe as it is yours." Levi said. I nodded and looked at Tristan. He smiled sadly and looked down again. Quinn pulled him into a hug. "You should go make yourself some tea and relax." He rubbed his back. Tristan nodded and walked back upstairs.

Quinn watched as he went up and turned back to us. "Um... they're trying to find us and knowing my father once he does he'll give us a certain amount of days to give him what he wants or he will come and get it himself. So, we shouldn't go out or do any jobs for anyone for a while till I can figure something out for us."

"But Quinn what does he want?" I asked.

"He... That doesn't concern you. Don't worry about it."

Levi got up from the chair he was sitting in. "I'll make dinner." He said. Chase stood up from sitting against the wall. "I gotta go talk to Chance." Quinn and I watched chase walk to the stairs. We looked at each other. "Is he..."

Quinn shrugged and came over to stand between my legs. "I don't even know."

"When are we going to..." I looked down. He chuckled. "Patient."

"I am I am I am."

"No you're really not but that's okay I'll teach you." He squeezed my cheeks. "Um, do I... have to sit in my own seat?" I tilted my head. Quinn looked up and twisted his lips to the side, thinking. "Hmm... no but you have to behave yourself."

Him saying that made me not want to behave myself but I kept my thoughts to myself. "Um yeah." I bit my lip smiling. He narrowed his eyes at me. "Alright, don't hate me if you get yourself in trouble."

"I won't."

"Also, just in case your uncomfortable or want me to stop come up with a safe word."

"A safe word." I shivered. "What're you... um okay how bout..." I looked around the room for inspiration. "Red." I said looking at the color of the fabric covering the chairs then at him. He nodded. "Works for me."

"What about yours?"

"Me? I don't... um green."

I chuckled. "But green means go." He shook his head. "Not in this case." He put his hand around my neck and pushed my chin to looked up with his thumb. Then after looking into my eyes for what seemed like forever, he pressed his lips onto mine. It was a short lived kiss but he pulled away slowly.

I gave him a small smile, biting my lip.

"Don't do that." He said softly, pulling my lip down with his thumb. "Don't do what?" I bit my lip even more noticeably this time. He opened his mouth to say something but instead he turned around and started walking. I raised an eyebrow. "Are you trying to ignore me?" I chuckled. He said nothing and started to up the stairs. I hopped off the table, following him.

"I will straight jacket the both of you if you don't calm the fuck down." I heard Tristan yell as we opened the door to the basement. "What's happening?" Quinn asked as we got into the living room. Tristan sighed. "The twins are having one of their fights again."

A clanging sound was heard in the kitchen.

"You fucking idiot!" Levi yelled. Quinn went to the kitchen. I looked at Tristan. "Are you okay now? Did Quinn apologize to you?" I questioned. He chuckled and ruffled my hair. "To answer both questions simply, yes."

"Will the twins get over this?"

"It usually doesn't even last an hour and ends up in a make out session." He said sucking the inside of his cheek.

"Have they...."

"Always been together? Yes. They've only ever had each other for a really long time." Tristan looked at me. "They ran away from their family and found us. Surprisingly, because we usually find other people."

"You mean Quinn does because didn't he find you?"


Then more commotion from the kitchen.

"I don't-!"

"Don't yell at me." Quinn used his scary voice.

I flinched and got chills.

"Everybody is just stressed from the news about Quinn's father so it's probably not as big a deal as they're making it se-... El, what're you... doing?"

I shook my head and felt a blush creep up my neck. "N- n- n- nothing. I'm gonna go s- sit." I turned around and walked to the dining room. Tristan chuckled. "Mkay." He said turning the other way.

I sucked in a breath and let it out slowly.

Why'd that happen right then? Quinn didn't really use that voice with anyone else but me except for that one time at Mr. Goldman's when he yelled at Chase. It wasn't that it was scary it was more authoritative.

My leg bounced with excitement as I was sitting in Quinn's chair.

He hasn't used that voice since I got in trouble at Mr. Goldman's. I didn't used to like getting in trouble but now I wanted to. What happened to change my mind? Quinn showing interest or being nice or-

"What're you doing?"

"Nothing." I look up then back down. Then back up when I realized it was Quinn. I stiffened. "Up." He said motioning with his finger. I stood up. "I thought you were ignoring me?" I smirked. "I... I did." He said.

I think he forgot.

"Sit pretty for me."

I blushed. "Yes sir." I dropped to my knees with my hands in my lap. "Why're you blushing, Kitten?" He chuckled. I shook my head. "I'm not." I looked up at him. He gave me a look.

"I- I- I- well I-."

"Save it." He said crossing his legs.

"Yes sir."

I saw Tristan's shoes stop at the doorway of the dinning room then he turned the other way. "Wh- where'd El go? He was here, wasn't he?" He asked turning back. Quinn pointed to me.

"Oh I see." He chuckled. "Did you get the twins under control?"

"Mhm... for the most part."

Tristan sighed. "Mind if I eat in my room? I know you like us to eat all together but I would like to see if I can track the group down by the email they sent me and I-."

"It's okay with me if that's what would make you feel better."

Tristan smiled and nodded. "I wanna help. I won't mess up like last time." Quinn closed his eyes for a while, sighing. "Tristan, you didn't mess up. It's not your fault that Hun...ter." He looked at me then back to Tristan. "I don't bla-."

"Quinn?" I didn't recognize the deep voice that filled the room and I looked to see who it was. "Gunner." I said softly then looked at Quinn who sat up and looked tense. He glanced at me. "Stay." Then he got up and followed Gunner to the next room.

Tristan made a concerned noise and walked away.

I was clear that this was a time of stressful Ed's for the group. Everyone was relying on Quinn because he was the leader and he's supposed to be the strongest. You could tell he was just about at his breaking point if you looked at him when he was alone. I wonder how much more he can take. Yeah, the rest of the group has a right to be stressed but it's Quinn's father, he's the one that had to live with the awful awful man. I wonder what he wants from Quinn even now that's it's been so long.

At least I think it's been long.

"Okay, then where's Chase?" I heard someone say as they walked past the doorway. "Here here." I heard his footsteps clomp past.

"I got... everything under control. I'm going to... to... just I got it. I got it." It sounded like he was reassuring himself more then anyone else. He came back and sat in his chair, sighing. He sat staring for a long time, thinking or trying to make it seem like he was okay before the rest of the group came in.

I rubbed up against his leg. He lifted his hand from his lap but didn't say anything. I felt his hand land on my head, running his fingers through my hair. "Come sit, baby." He patted his lap. I got up and obliged to his commands.

He wrapped an arm around my waist tightly pulling me closer and kissed my neck gently. "Th- that tickles." He moved his gentle lips up my neck. "Everyone's so stressed." He said softly.

"Incl- including you..."

A agreeing sound came from the back of his throat.

"So... mm~ use m- me to relieve your stress."

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