The Romanoffs

By Nicolee_Writes

696K 12.9K 2.7K

*MATURE CONTENT* Book 1 of The Romanoff Series The following story follows the life of Russian Mob Boss Nad... More

Author Notes
Chapter 3.
Chapter 4.
Chapter 5.
Chapter 6.
Chapter 7.
Chapter 8.
Chapter 9.
Chapter 10.
Chapter 11.
Chapter 12.
Chapter 13.
Chapter 14.
Author Notes Part 2
Chapter 15.
Chapter 16.
Chapter 17.
Chapter 18.
Chapter 19.
Chapter 20.
Chapter 21.
Chapter 22.
Chapter 23.
Chapter 24.
Chapter 25.
Chapter 26.
Chapter 27.
Chapter 28.
Chapter 29.
Chapter 30.
Chapter 31.
Chapter 32.
Chapter 33.
Authors Notes Part 3.
Chapter 34.
Chapter 35
Chapter 36.
Chapter 37.
Chapter 38.
Chapter 39.
Chapter 40.
Chapter 41.
Chapter 42.
Chapter 43.
Chapter 44.
Chapter 46.

Chapter 45.

7.1K 169 94
By Nicolee_Writes

We finally enter the hospital and I go running in, Aleksander and Nikolai are standing outside Nadei room just watching.


"Nicole. They won't let us in they won't tell us anything until you're here!"

I push past Ale and barge into his room, Nadei is laying on the bed with a bandage across his chest.

"Hello, gorgeous" Nadei sits up and smiles at me.

"Oh don't you hello gorgeous me you bastard! How the fuck did you get shot!" I run to his side and slap his arm.


"Oh my god, I'm so sorry!" I lay my head on his chest. My hand slowly traces his bandage, my eyes begin to tear up thinking how closely that is to his heart.

"My love, please don't cry I'm ok." He lays his hand on top of mine trying to console me, I sit beside him and just look at him imagining what my life would be like without him.

"What happened?"

"We were stepping off the jet when a shot hit my arm.....the next one landed in my chest."

"But......are.....are you ok?"

Before Nadei can answer the door opens and a doctor comes in. He's tall, tan has dark brown hair, and a matching beard. But he has bright hazel eyes.

"Nadei, nadei when will you learn to stop jumping in front of bullets." The Doctor walks in holding Nadei's chart in his hand.

"Who the fuck are you? Where the hell is Coni!"

The doctor looks to Nadei then to me with a raised brow.

"Cortez this is my wife Nicole, Nicole this is Dr. Cortez he's my private doctor."

"Cortez? Hablas español?"

The doctor nods his head and smiles "Si, Bonita porque?" {yes beautiful why?}

"Perfecto, dime que verdad si esta bien?" {Tell me the truth is he ok?}

"Nicole stop it."

I roll my eyes to Nadei and the Doctor chuckles. Coni walks through the door soon after.

"Cortez, I see you met Nicole, has she threatened you yet?"


"Nicole." Nadei pulls me closer to his chest holding me against him. "Do you hear that? That's my heart and it's still beating, I'm not going anywhere my love I promise."

I hold myself against him a little longer, just listening to his heart.

"I love you angel I'm not leaving you."

"I love you too."

I sit back up and rub away my tears, my heart broke the minute I heard he was shot. I can't lose him. Not now, not ever how could I be without Nadei?

"Ok, now that that's over." Dr. Cortez pulls out his stethoscope to check Nadei's breathing. I get up and plop myself onto the chair beside his bed.

"Hey, hun are you ok?" Coni walks over and lowers herself to my level.

"Um, yeah I'm fine. I just feel a little dizzy I'm sure it's just the stress from all this." I point to Nadei and chuckle.

"Let's go get you checked out quick."

"What? No, I'm fine trust me."

"Nicky please I'll feel better knowing your fine, besides Cortez has to check Nadei's vitals anyways."

I look to Nadei who smiles and nods me off. "I'll be fine, maybe it'll give you peace of mind to get checked."

"Fine. Don't die before I get back please." I roll my eyes and follow Coni to the room next door.

I plop myself onto the exam table, she begins by checking my breathing and blood pressure.

"When's the last time you had your period?" She continues to check me but I'm shocked by her question.

"Oh.....let me think. Um, we've been so busy with moving in so I don't know. Ooh, let me check my app!" I pull out my Period tracker up quickly. "Holy's been a month."

Coni lets out a soft chuckle before putting her stethoscope away. "Yeah that's what I figured, Gerald told me you threw up before coming here."

She leans against the counter with her arms crossed.

"I mean yeah I just found out my husband was shot so I obviously felt sick....." my eyes widen as I stare at Coni who has a smile on her face. "I mean. Right. RIGHT CONI JUST TELL ME IT WAS MY EMOTIONS!"

Coni opens the cabinet behind her and pulls out a little cup.

"Go pee in this cup right now!"

I hop off the table grabbing the cup from her hand and dash to the bathroom.

Coni dips a little stick into the pee cup and just watches, her back is turned to me so I have no idea what's going on. But I sit there and wait, thinking if I could be pregnant right now. But how? We've been trying for so long how can all of sudden I'm just pregnant???

"Nicole! Nicky hello did you hear me?"

I snap back into reality with Coni holding the little stick up.

"What does it say?"

"Babe there's two lines. You're pregnant."

"I'm what! IM WHAT!"


"Hello, printsessa are you ok?" Nadei sits up in his bed.

"I'm pregnant."

Dr. Cortez freezes before looking at Nadei shocked, Nadei just starts laughing uncontrollably.

"That's funny Nicole."

Coni walks in behind me and the room is silent, Nadei's laugh starts to turn into soft chuckles as the realization starts coming over him.

" she."

Coni nods her head with a huge smile on her face. He jumps out of his bed ripping the monitor wires from his chest the machine alarm starts going off but it doesn't stop him.

"Nicole are you pregnant?"

I nod my head looking up to Nadei and smile. "We're having a baby"

Tears fill his eyes, he drops to his knees instantly and starts kissing my belly.

"A baby? I'm going to be a father?"

Dr. Cortez turns the machines off, he pats Nadei on the back before walking out of the room. Coni opens the door telling everyone they can come inside. Nadei is still on his knees kissing my stomach whispering he's going to be a father.

"Jesus Christ, are you two having sex already?" Aleksander jokingly walks in holding baby Maxim in his hands.

Coni walks over to Gerald and whispers in his ear, he looks at me with a look of joy on his face. I nod my head and Gerald immediately pulls me into a hug, Nadei gets up and sits on the bed tears filling his eyes.

"What's going on?" Nikolai holds little Dominic in his arms with Betty behind him.

"Oh my god." Jillian finally puts it together and starts crying. She pulls me into a hug congratulating me.

"Is someone going to say what's going on?" Franco chimes up.

Nadei proudly stands up and wraps his arm around me pulling me close to his chest.

"I don't know how to say this Nicole?"

"Fuck you want me to say!?!"

Nadei chuckles as he kisses my forehead, he clears his throat before standing straight up.

"Baby Romanoff is on their way."

Jillian and Coni start cheering, Ale has a huge grin on his face and Nikolai is standing there happy but shocked.

"Kroshka, you're going to be a mom!" Aleksander gives me a huge hug.

"I'm calling Vee right now!" Franco pulls out his phone and immediately FaceTimes Veronica.

"Hello, handsome did you miss me?"

"NICKY IS PREGNANT!" Franco excitedly shouts.

"Franco fucking Romanoff don't play with me you little son of a bitch!"

He turns the phone to me. "It's true Vee I just found out myself."

"Ahhhhhhhh!" Vee starts screaming so much she drops her phone.

Nadei wraps his arms around me and lifts me. "Angel we're having a baby!"

"We are Nadei!"

5 months later

"Nicole come on we're going to be late for our appointment!" Nadei paces back and forth in the foyer.

"I'm so sorry I'm at the stage where nothing fits me damn it!" I begin walking down the stairs and Nadei runs up to help me.

"You're not supposed to walk down alone! I need to help you!" He holds my hand guiding me down.

"My god Nadei I'm pregnant not missing a fucking leg!" I roll my eyes at how extra he's being.

Ever since finding out, I'm pregnant Nadei has refused to let me do anything. He helps me down the stairs, he runs me showers, and waits there to make sure I don't slip. He's constantly calling me throughout the day to make sure I'm alive.

He was cute at first now it's fucking exhausting!

"Are you comfortable my love? Should I tell the doctor to-"

"Jesus Christ Nadei I love you but shut up!" I pat his cheek because I know he means well but it's too much sometimes.

"I'm sorry. I just want to make sure you and Nadei Jr. are ok?" He gently rubs my belly and kisses my cheek.

"1. We're not naming him Nadei Jr. 2. You're so damn sure it's a boy aren't you?"

"Take a look at my family love, we mostly make boys!" He jokes.

"Ok, Mr. and Mrs. Romanoff are we ready to see that baby!?" My doctor walks in with a smile on her face. She starts prepping the machine and I lay back on the bed.

"Ok so here's the baby head, there are the hands and right there are the legs."

"So Doc tells me is that my little boy in here." Nadei's eyes are glued to the screens as the doctor presses down my stomach more.

"Well, Mr. Romanoff I am happy to say you will be having a sweet baby......girl."


I look to Nadei, he squeezes my hand but looks ready to pass out.

"I—I'm having a girl? How do I do? A LITTLE GIRL!"

"Oh my god, can I please record this I think you broke him!"

The doc and I both laugh as Nadei looks like he's about to shit his pants.

"Moya printsessa," Nadei whispers as he stares at my stomach as the doctor begins cleaning me up.

"Nadei are you ok?"

"Just realizing how my life is going to completely change." He sits down on the chair beside me looking both defeated and overjoyed.



As soon as we enter the house everyone is standing in the living room waiting for us. Little Maxim and Alexei are now old enough that they're running around, little Dominic quickly crawling behind his cousins.

"So what is it!" Jillian stands there holding Betty's hand waiting to find out.

"Uncle tell us is it another boy!" Aleksander excitedly perks up.

"'Nadei?" I hold his hand and pull him to my side, he's still completely in shock but the whole way over he held my belly speaking in Russian to the baby.

"Everyone, we're adding a little Princess to the family."

"YAS IM SO FUCKING READY TO BUY CLOTHES!" Jillian and Betty excitedly jump up and down.

"Fuck I owe Franco $1,000" Aleksander jokes as he walks over to hug me.

"Congratulations zaika, I'm sure she'll be one spoiled little princess just like her mother."

"I imagine she'll be worse!"

Everyone continues to give us hugs and congratulate us before we all sit down for dinner. I'm still in awe that we're having a baby, but now I can't believe that we're having a little girl. I can't wait to watch my little girl grow.

Five months later

"Oh my god get this god damn child out of me!" I have been in labor for hours now, I decided to go natural and I immediately fucking regretted that.

I should've taken the drugs as soon as they offered them.

"Relax my love, breathe ok, remember your breathing."

I pull Nadei by his collar bringing him closer to me "if you tell me to breathe one more time yo voy a matarte!" {I'm going to kill you.}

"I don't need to understand Spanish to know what you just said, Nicole!"

"Ok Mrs. Romanoff you're going to start pushing, we're going to start ok 1,2,3,4,5 beautiful now break."

"My sweet Jesus this little girl better hurry up out of my vagina!"

I drop my head back and Nadei softly kisses my forehead. He's holding my hand tight allowing me to squeeze it. My fucking legs are in the air giving the entire medical staff a damn free show.

"Ok, mom another big push ok 1,2,3,4,5 there you go push."

"I can't. Nadei I can't do this." I start bursting into tears, the pain is not like any other pain I have felt before.

"Angel you can do this ok. I know you can you're the strongest fucking person I know. And you're going to be an amazing mother. I love you so much, angel!"

"I love you too Nadei."

"Ok, mom push one more time, and baby will be here! Ready, let's go 1,2,3,4 there's her head 5,6,7 there are her shoulders!"

The doctor pulls my little baby girl from me and her sweet cry fills the room.

"Here she is, your little girl we're just going to get her cleaned up quick ok."

The doctor cuts her cord and carries our little girl off to the side of the room to check her.

"You did it, angel! You did it we have our babygirl."

"My baby."

"It's ok love they're going to clean her up."

I smile at Nadei but something doesn't feel right, I look up to the ceiling feeling my body pressuring more.

"Nicole. Nicole are you ok!" Nadei's yells but I can't respond. My body tenses up and I can feel myself ready to pass out.

"Doctor what's wrong with my wife!" Nadei screams and the doctor comes running back.

"She's bleed out her body is going into shock."

"What does that mean! What the fuck does that mean for my wife!"

"Mr. Romanoff please you need to give us space to work."

"FUCK SPACE THAT'S MY FUCKING WIFE WHAT IS WRONG WITH HER!" A nurse tries to push Nadei back but he continues screaming on the verge of tears.

"Sir look at me, we're doing all that we can for your wife right now it's best you stay here with your daughter ok."

Nadei nods his head to the nurse, she closes the curtain behind her. Baby Romanoff begins to cry again Nadei walks over to her baby bassinet. Nadei picks up his little baby girl cradling her in his arms trying to soothe her cries.

"Sh printsessa don't cry. Your mom is ok I promise, the universe wouldn't be so cruel to take her away from us just like that ok. You're so beautiful do you know that?"

Nadei rocks his little girl back and forth, her cries turn into soft whimpers until she's finally asleep in her fathers' arms.

"I love you printsessa, daddy loves you so much already I can't believe you're real. I waited so long for you, almost 42 years but I'm so happy you're here. You are so loved little one."

A few minutes later the doctor emerges from behind the curtain.

"Mr. Romanoff?"

"Yes please tell me my wife is ok?"

"She's fine, her body was bleeding and her placenta got stuck but we were able to remove it safely. The bleeding has stopped, she's slowly waking up now."

"Thank you. Thank you so much doc."

"Of course. You can see her now."

Nadei holds his little princess in his arms as he walks back to Nicole.

I slowly open my eyes, my body feels so tired but I see Nadei holding our little baby in his arms. I immediately bounce up.

"My baby! My baby!"

"Sh angel it's ok she's right here." Nadei walks over handing me our little princess.

She has a full head of brown hair just like Nadei, as she stretches and opens her eyes I see she has Nadei's dark blue eyes.

"She looks just like you."

"She perfect. So what are we going to name her."

"I've always liked the name, Juliana." I softly coo at my little princess. "What do you think princess do you like Juliana?"

"I think it's a beautiful name and fitting for her. What about her middle name?"

I smile up at Nadei, I've thought long and hard about exactly what her middle name will be.

"Juliana Katya Romanoff"

The biggest smile comes across Nadei's face, he sits beside me softly kissing my lips.


"Of course. She should be named after her strong grandmother!"

"I love it it's perfect. My little Katya." Nadie softly kisses Juliana's head, she immediately wakes up and looks right at him.

"Hello princess, did you know that was your papa kissing you?"

"I love you angel and I love you my little printsessa."

"We love you too papa"

Authors Notes:

Hello everyone, the time has finally come!

The next chapter will be the LAST chapter of The Romanoffs Book 1. It will officially be COMPLETE. As sad as it is, it's finally the time the story ends I will not write any more chapters, or bonus chapter 46 will be it!!!

With that being said I want to say thank you so much for reading the Romanoffs and getting it to over 200k reads. I never expected this story was meant to be a short story no more than 20 chapters. But it grew into a beautiful project I am so proud of and can't wait to write book 2!

Book 2 will focus on the children of the Romanoff clan but mostly focus on Juliana Romanoff as she is the heir to the Romanoff empire. I will not give more detail than that until the story is released. I have about 5 chapters ready to go and I hope to have more done by the summertime.

BECAUSE I am due with my own little bundle of joy in August 🥰 Baby Nicky Writes

Hence why I've been so MIA since November of 2020. That's when I found out I was pregnant and my life has been hectic since then! I'm now in my second trimester and I'm feeling much better now so I've been able to write more.

It was important to me to include infertility struggles in the story. I've struggled for 3 years to get pregnant, so I will not apologize for me being so distant. My life, my health, and my family will always come first!

So remember the next chapter is the last chapter. Book 2 will not be released immediately I want to make sure it's perfect before releasing it.

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