A Place for You & Me ・Bucky B...

By Mocha_Gangsta

3K 151 35

*Completed* This story follow James "Bucky" Barnes after The Avengers: Endgame. He tries to get back into soc... More

the session
coffee shop
a name
a friend
a night out
a conversation
a day at the park
game night
a day out
mutual feelings
sure thing
baby i'm a star
a dinner date
a dinner made
the real James Barnes
my girl
rainy day
a call
special package
dark january
a visit
a meet
at last


83 4 0
By Mocha_Gangsta

James leaves the park and heads home to try out his recipe. After reading the instructions and prepping the food, he attempts at making the meal. I have no idea what I'm doing, he thinks to himself.

After following the recipe carefully, he finishes preparing the meal, sits down, and tries it out. Not too bad after all. He takes a picture of it and sends it to Sam. A text returns.

I will be expecting that when I come back to visit

James smiles at the text and finishes his meal. 

After eating, he goes to his room and thinks about the day he had. The little boy at the park, the ducks, meeting Zoe by chance. He couldn't help but think about her smile every time she crossed his mind. He recalled the way she didn't care about his gloves and didn't stare at him. If only she knew. He also thought about how the zoo outing would go. What could he even relate to her about? 

He shook his head to avoid the thoughts, and decides to head to a library a few blocks away. He spent the remainder of his day reading books and writing in his journal. 

At 10:00, the library closed, giving him time to make it to the coffee shop. On the way there, he noted the briskness of the night. He arrives at 10:20 and saw Zoe cleaning up. He knocks on the door and she unlocks it for him.

"Hey, you're early."

"Yeah, the walk from the library wasn't long."

"Feel free to sit anywhere, I'm just finishing up."

He takes a seat and watches her go to and fro. Once more, he savors a view of the shop and takes it all in. This is his safe place. 

Lights begin to turn out in the back. Zoe grabs her keys and bag, walking up to James. 

"Alright, I'm good to go."

He gets up and leads her outside. She locks the door and they begin on their way.

"So, how did you end up at the library?"

"Just wanted to read a few books and engage my mind."

"Nice. Did you try your chicken recipe?"

"Oh, yeah! It turned out great," he reaches for his phone and shows her a picture.

"Wow, look at you! That looks amazing," her stomach growls slightly. 

"Was that you?"

She blushes. "Yeah... I forgot to pack a lunch today."

"You wanna stop somewhere and grab something?"

Zoe's heart stops for a moment. "No. It's okay." She glances at the ground.

"It's no problem, really."

"I just.." she stops herself. "Last night kinda shook me up." 

James notices her body language and sees her tighten up.

"Hey, I'm here with you. Nothing is going to happen. Okay?" He gives her a reassuring smile and she returns one. 

"Okay. Yeah. I would love to grab something. I wasn't able to cook anything at home either," she sighs softly, then adds, "I promise I'm a responsible adult." 

James chuckles lightly. "No big deal. It happens sometimes. There's a Chinese take-out place I always go to." 

Zoe nods in agreement. "That sounds amazing right now." 

She grins brightly and it makes James' heart leap. "Chinese it is."

They change course and James leads her to the Chinese restaurant.

On their way there, Zoe rubs her arms. 

"It's colder than I thought it would be tonight." 

James becomes nervous internally, wanting to offer her his jacket but feared showing his arm. 

"Hopefully this take-out will warm you right up." He tries avoiding the topic. 

Once they arrive, Zoe orders sweet and sour chicken with fried rice. As she goes to pay, James stops her. "I got it."

"No, James, you really don't--" He gives the cashier his money. Zoe smiles and puts her money away. "Thank you." They lock eyes for a moment, then the cashier breaks their focus.

"Sir, your change."

"Oh, thank you," James blushes slightly, grabbing the rest of his money from the cashier.

"I realized, I don't know your last name." He says to Zoe after putting the money away.

"It's Gray. What about yours?"

His lips tighten a moment. "Barnes."

"James Barnes," she puts out her hand. "Finally nice to meet you."

He takes it. "You as well, Zoe Gray. And you can call me Bucky." He notes how softly she grabs his gloved hand. 

"Okay, Bucky, since you're new in town, where are you from originally?"

"Well, I was born in Brooklyn and ended up joining the Army and have been everywhere ever since."

"Everywhere like where?"

"Uh, you know, England, Romania, Africa, Russia.." He trails off for a second. 

'Wow! That sounds amazing. Must've been fun going to those places."

"It was definitely... something." There is a short pause and Bucky clears his throat. "What about you? Have you lived in Chicago all your life?"

"Yep. Born and raised." 

"Any siblings?"

"I have.. had a sister." She pauses, looking down. "She died when we were young. My mother said her sickness couldn't be cured." Zoe fights back tears. "So, it's just me and my mom. Though, I don't see her much. We grew apart after my sister died. She just couldn't handle it anymore." 

James watches her face as she recounts her family history. 

"But," Zoe adds cheerfully, "I have my Atlas, and he keeps me company."


"Yeah, my cat." She smiles at the thought of him and pulls up a picture of him curled up sleeping.

"Aww, he's pretty cute for a cat."

"What do you mean?"

"I'm not too fond of them."

Zoe gasps. "Oh, no. We can't be friends. Atlas is an angel."

James laughs. "Well, maybe he can change my mind."

The order comes up, they grab their food, and James walks her home. At the door, Zoe grabs some money from her bag and attempts to give it James.

"No, I'm not taking it."

"Please, I can't thank you enough for helping me tonight."

"Your word is all the thanks I need."

"Alright." Zoe puts the money back reluctantly. 

James hands her the take-out. "Is there anything else you need before you head in?"

"No, I think I got it covered. I really appreciate it." 

"Okay. See you tomorrow, Zoe."

"Good night, James."

He walks away and Zoe steps into her apartment. After she showers and changes, she enjoys her meal. 

She smiles as she remembers the night. James Barnes

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