My Marked Soul

By JulieRockwell2

493 2 0

Tabitha was a senior in high school and was about to turn eighteen on Halloween. With her parents on a trip... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One

Chapter Twenty-Nine

12 0 0
By JulieRockwell2

Zeek checked out the house before I was allowed in, making sure it was safe for me. Once it was Zeek took my bags and I followed him in.

Shutting and locking the front door, I leaned against it, "this sucks Zeek" I said. He turned and looked at me, "I know it does, but unfortunately this is how things will always be my dear Tabs."

I went into the kitchen to see about the food and the fridge was bare, "Tomorrow I need to do some shopping," I said as I started to look in the cupboards.

"Whatever you need we will get" he said as he sat down and watched me move around the kitchen.

I wasn't sure how long I was going to stay but I knew I wasn't going back anytime soon, since Drake didn't feel our wedding was important enough to at least take a day off work and marry me.

Why should I rush back to an empty home? At least here I knew this was my home or was all my life until the time I went to live with Drake in the underworld.

"What do you want to do Tabs?" Zeek asked as he watched me, "well since you're stuck with me, want to see what is on television?" I asked. Zeek got up and I followed him out into the family room.

We both sat on the couch, and I rested my head on his shoulder when I found a good movie for the both of us to enjoy.

I felt myself being picked up and carried, next thing I knew I was being placed in my bed, and the covers pulled up over me.

"Stay with me" I whispered, not bothering to open my eyes, I knew it was Zeek, I could tell by his scent. His scent was of the woods after a rain, and campfire smoke. The two scents combined were a nice combination.

Without a word he slipped in bed next to me and I rested my head on his chest and fell back asleep, as he started to play with my hair.

I woke up to the sound of two terribly angry male's downstairs discussing who knows what at this hour of the morning. Getting up I noticed I was still dressed.

So, I went downstairs to see what was going on as soon as I hit the bottom step, I saw it was Drake and Zeek in a heated discussion.

"Good morning Zeek" I said as I walked by and went to the kitchen to fix my morning coffee, and I purposely ignored Drake, serves him right for stopping our wedding for work.

Drake stormed into the kitchen, "are you going to ignore me now?" He growled, I turned and poked his chest, "Yes, since your work was way more important than our wedding, and since you didn't even care enough about how that was going to affect me" I yelled at him.

Just then one of his guards showed up and talked with him for a moment before disappearing, "I have to go but this isn't over" he said, "you're right this isn't over and don't come back to me until your work is taken care of" I said with my back facing him.

"Is he gone?"

"Yes, he just left" as soon as Zeek said that I broke down and let the tears fall all over again.

Zeek was in front of me in a heartbeat, wrapping his arms around me, just holding me while I fell apart. "I wish he felt about me as you do Zeek" I said muffled into his chest.

"One thing about him Tabs, is that he has always been busy like this, I really don't think he knows how to turn it off and separate the two just yet" he said as he kissed the top of my head.

I looked up at him, Zeek took his thumb and wiped away my tears, "let's get you some coffee and we can go shopping and spend the day doing whatever you wish to do" he said.

"I like that" I said as I made the coffee and while that was brewing, I texted my parents to let them know I was at the house, and I was staying here for a while.

The only text I got back was "the house is yours anyway so stay as you wish" that was it. So, I no longer needed to text them. I wish I had known that the house was mine.

I took a shower and changed into a pair of jeans and a tank top, since it was now almost summer. Time went by in a flash while I was down below.

Once downstairs Zeek handed me a cup of coffee and we sat at the kitchen table making a list of items that we needed. It felt nice just doing the normal things again.

The day flew by in a flash it seemed like, we got enough groceries to last us about a month, after we put them all away, we decided to go out for dinner.

After dinner Zeek treated me to the movies, while walking home, Zeek grabbed my hand and took me to the beach. The moon was full, and the stars were shining like I had never seen them before.

As we were walking along the water, I looked over at Zeek. He looked so perfect as a human; one would think he was and not a full warrior demon.

Zeek was a very handsome guy, about six foot three, muscular built, but not overly done. Short brown hair that was stylish, blue eyes that seemed to sparkle in the moonlight.

His voice was the same though, deep, and rough but that is something that I have always liked.

I didn't even mind holding his hand, I felt safe with Zeek, in any form he chose to be in.

I noticed we were walking towards a cave, once inside of it Zeek put a cloth over my eyes. "Don't peek, I want to surprise you" he whispered in my ear as he tied it.

I smiled, always loved surprises but hardly ever got any so this was a treat for me.

"Okay you can take off the cloth" he said from a distance. I took off my blindfold and was speechless.

From the mouth of the cave, halfway in was lined with candles on both sides, and flower petals were everywhere. I followed the trail of candles and stopped.

At the end of the candles was a blanket filled with pillows to sit on and there were bowls filled with fruits and snacks and a tray of small sandwiches.

I looked up at Zeek, he wasn't human anymore, he stood before me in his demon form all proud. A tear escaped my eye, and he was before me in a flash.

"Did I do something wrong Tab?" he asked, all worried. "No this is perfect Zeek, I never had anyone do anything like this for me before and it is amazing and perfect" I said smiling up at him.

The smile he gave me was stunning, even in his demon form he was remarkably handsome.

Zeek took my hand and led me over to a pillow where I sat down, he sat next to me, we ate and talked about everything we could think of. I sat there for a moment and listened to the waves gently hit the shoreline.

It was the most romantic thing I have ever had done for me; this was something I had only read about in my books.

Zeek took out a device and I saw him scroll through a bunch of music which had me smiling. He selected a few things and the next things I knew soft piano music filled the cave.

Zeek stood up and held his hand out for me to take. I gladly accepted it, and he pulled me into his chest.

We slowly danced to a few songs without talking, just my head rested against his chest. His arms wrapped around me holding me tightly to him.

"I don't want this night to end Zeek" I whispered not knowing if he heard me or not, but I didn't care I didn't want this to end.

We stopped dancing and I looked up at Zeek, "Tabs, you do realize that we can be together, if you so wish but it has to be you that makes that call" Zeek said.

"What about Drake, I am to be promised him, and we are to be married" I said confused by Zeek's statement.

"I see he didn't explain anything like I asked him to, Tabs, Drake has a couple of girlfriends that he visits on his work retreats, which is why he is gone for a few days at a time, he stays with them" Zeek just dropped a bombshell on me.

"He does what?" I asked, blinking away tears that were threatening to come crashing out. Zeek bowed his head, "I wanted him to tell you, but he knew that you wouldn't hear of him being with others so he canceled his wedding until he could see what he wanted to do."

I sat down and went numb, so Drake has a few girlfriends that he shacks up with when he is away on so called business. Here I thought I was the only one for him.

Now I know why he canceled the wedding, he knew I wanted it to be only him and I, and he wasn't ready for that kind of commitment.

I sat there and looked up at Zeek. "Zeek, I want to permanently reside at my house in the human world, and I want to see where you and I go" I said.

Zeek bent down on his knees in front of me, "are you sure you want this Tabitha, all of what you said, about living full time in the human realm and giving us a chance?" Zeek asked.

I took a deep breath, "yes Zeek all of what I said is what I want. It is about time I started living for myself and not waiting for him anymore."

Zeek put his hands on either side of my face, and gently kissed me as if I would blow away at any moment. I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him into me.

His lips were soft as velvet, he was commanding but gentle, I pulled him into me wanting more from him, as if he knew what I wanted, I opened my mouth as his tongue danced with mine.

I let out a soft moan, he growled, and he laid me down, he laid down on his side and we laid there kissing. Nothing else was happening at that moment, but I was okay with that.

This just felt right.  

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