A Wonderful Adventure For Thi...

By ihavebecomepneuma

40.2K 658 896

What would happen when a metalhead guitarist reincarnates to a fantasy world? Read and find out. More

Registration, Introductions, And Amphibian Problems
Perverts, Panties, And Cabbage
Morning After, Practice, And A Dullahan
Gators, Tryhards, And Dullahan Again?
Alphonse, Floods, And A Layed Back Duet
Snow Sprites, Shogun, And Eris
Wiz, Restaurant, and Spirit House
Guy's Day, Sunset, And Succubus
1k Reads Special
Prison, Interrogation, And Justice For All
New Friends, Bath, And Duel
Gigs, Dungeon, And Party
Return, Proposal Problem, and Meeting
Vanir, Mind Control, And Solution
Inventions, Upgrades, And Lizards
An Unusual Duet, Fishing Buddies, And Roadtrip
Apology, Becoming One, And Angry Mob
Chase, Slime, And Final Battle
5k Special: Old Ties
Crimson Legend
Princess Of The Six Flowers: Chapter 1
Princess Of The Six Flowers: Chapter 2
Princess Of The Six Flowers: Chapter 3
Princess Of The Six Flowers: Chapter 4
Princess Of The Six Flowers: Chapter 5
Princess Of The Six Flowers: Chapter 6 and Epilogue
10k Special: Sick Day
The Ten Million Bride: Prologue and Chapter 1
The Ten Million Bride: Chapter 2
The Ten Million Bride: Chapter 3
The Ten Million Bride: Chapter 4

Caravan, Cultists, And Split

610 13 20
By ihavebecomepneuma

Kazuma: "Chicken race. A high stakes game where competitors charge full speed at an object, pulling away at the last second to demonstrate courage. And today, she has been chosen as the object."

(Y/N): "Keep your voice down, if she hears you call her an object, there's no telling how turned on she'll get."

Darkness: "Here they come Kazuma! They're going to hit me! I might not make it out of this one!"

Instead of ramming Darkness, the Hawk Kites did flips, splits, and all other kinds of stunts as they vaulted over Darkness. Somehow, she still found a way to be horny about it.

Darkness: "This sensation of almost being struck...Is this a new type of teasing? *pant* Males in heat are jumping over me!"

(Y/N): "For the love of Lemmy, please shut your fuckin trap!"

Kazuma: "Looks like we don't have to worry about her anymore."

Aqua: "Hey, Kazuma."

Kazuma: "Yes, we can switch seats."

Adventurer Guard 1: "Lightning!"

Adventurer Guard 2 : "Fire Ball!"

Adventurer Guard 3: "Blade Of Wind!"

(Y/N): "You call that puny bolt lightning? Haha, I'll show you lightning!"

(Y/N) threw his sword into a Hawk Kite as it ran, zapping it and killing it. He grabbed his guitar and started to play.

(Y/N) was having fun, it was clear. He was just jamming out as he killed Hawk Kite after Hawk Kite. The Hawk Kites were very fast. But the lightning was faster. By the end of the song, they all layed on the ground, slightly smoking. (Y/N) strapped Amelia to his back again, and pulled his sword out of the dead Hawk Kite.

(Y/N): "Damn, I wish there were more of them, cause that was fucking fun."

Adventurer Guard 4: "What was that?!"

(Y/N): "Just a little AC/DC, my friend."

Adventurer Guard 2: "How did you produce so much lightning so fast?!"

(Y/N): "Been practicing for years now."

Adventurer Guard 1: "That was amazing!"

Adventurer Guard 3: "You've got to tell us more!"

(Y/N) turned to the party.

(Y/N): "Hey, I'm gonna ride on their cart for a while."

Megumin: "Why?"

(Y/N): "Cause I've got some explaining to do."

He grabbed his whiskey, and started to walk to the cart with the other adventurers.

(Y/N): "It all started with these two brothers, Angus and Malcolm."

The caravan started to move again.

Megumin: 'I wonder how (Y/N)'s doing with those guys.'

Her mind was put at ease as she heard music from the carriage in front of them.


Megumin: 'I don't know why I even worried.'


At the next stop, everyone got out again. Suddenly, (Y/N) and the other adventurers jumped out of the wagon. They all put their arms around each others shoulders and swayed side to side as they walked.

Adventurer Guards & (Y/N): "Rock and roll ain't noise pollution! Rock and roll ain't gonna die!"

(Y/N) separated from them and walked back over to his own group.

(Y/N): "Those guys are a fucking riot!"

Kazuma: "I'm guessing you had a good time."

(Y/N): "Good booze, good music, good people."

Kazuma: "How do you manage to find a good time in any situation?"

(Y/N): "I don't know. I just don't really anything seriously. Makes life a whole lot easier."

Kazuma: "You take things seriously sometimes."

(Y/N): "Yeah, but we're on vacation, I don't have to now. I just go with the flow. It's gotten me in trouble before, but it's given me some great memories."

Random Man: "Excuse me, but weren't you the one who defeated those Hawk Kites?"

(Y/N): "Oh, yeah I was. Do you need help with something?"

Random Man: "No, I just wanted to thank you. Here, a token of appreciation!"

The man held out a bunch of money to (Y/N).

Kazuma: "No no! It's quite alright!"

(Y/N): "No, it's fine! If you're going to reward someone, make sure it's those other adventurers. They signed up for this, and to take their paycheck would just be scummy."

Random Man: "To think that adventurers like you still exist! Truly amazing!"

Kazuma and (Y/N) just laughed nervously and thanked the man.

Kazuma & (Y/N): 'Why does our party have to be the cause of every problem?'

Aqua: "Kazuma, (Y/N)! Get over here, they're serving food!"

The two walked over and joined the rest of the party around a campfire. Everyone quickly started to eat.

(Y/N): "So, what's you guy's plan for Alcanretia?"

Kazuma: "The hotsprings, obviously. What else would there be?"

Darkness: "I'd like to explore the city some before jumping to the hotsprings."

(Y/N): "Well there's gotta be something for a date spot."

Megumin: "Date spot?"

(Y/N): "Yeah, I'm gonna take you out on the town. Unless you don't want to."

Megumin: "No, I'd love to."

(Y/N): "Alright. I'll-"

Adventurer Guard 1: "(Y/N)!"

(Y/N): "What's up?"

Adventurer Guard 2: "You've got to play some more!"

(Y/N): "Well bring everyone over! I'll play some campfire songs!"

Soon the entire caravan of adventurers and drivers were gathered around.

(Y/N): "What to play...That's perfect! Alright, here's one I like to call, the Campfire Song Song."


After a night of good food and good music, everyone had gone to sleep. Late into the night, Kazuma shook (Y/N) awake.

(Y/N): "No...no...no!"

Kazuma: "Easy, you'll wake everyone. What's your problem?"

(Y/N): "You interrupted a really good dream. I was eating cheesecake with Chuck Schuldiner."

Kazuma: ".....My Enemy Detection is going off like crazy."

(Y/N): "Now that you mention it, mine is too. It's coming from behind those carriages."

Darkness: "You noticed the movement too?"

(Y/N) & Kazuma: "AAAAAHH!"

(Y/N): "Darkness! Please don't ever fucking do that again!"

Kazuma: "My heart nearly jumped out of my chest!"

Darkness: "Shhhhh! You'll wake the entire camp!"

Adventurer Guard 1: "Everyone up! There's something out here with us!"

Kazuma: "Too late for that now."

Soon, most everyone was up. Kazuma used Farsight, and gazed into the darkness at the approaching threat.

Kazuma: "Are those...people? No, they aren't moving like people. Something's wrong here."

(Y/N): "They look like people, but don't move like them? We're out in the desert...Please tell me that skinwalkers don't exist here."

Someone threw a torch in their direction, illuminating the "people".

(Y/N): "You've gotta be fucking kidding me."

Kazuma: "Zombies?!"


Kazuma: "Not the goddamn time (Y/N)! I'll go get Aqua!" 'We can finally make up for earlier.'

Aqua: "Why am I surrounded by undead the second I wake up?!"

Kazuma & (Y/N): 'Wait a second.'

Aqua: "You pitiful undead! Lost souls, rest in peace! Turn Undead!"

Kazuma: 'It's can't be.'

Aqua: "How unfortunate for you to turn up while I'm here! I'll purify every last one of you!"

Kazuma: 'No, it's just like before.'

Random Adventurer 1: "It's fortunate that we had a priest to deal with those undead."

Random Adventurer 2: "Such a beautiful priestess. It's almost like she's a goddess."

Kazuma: 'I'm so sorry.'

Random Adventurer 3: "It's rare to have zombies attack like this. But luckily, we had this Arch Priest to take care of them."

Kazuma: 'They probably wouldn't have shown up had she not been here.'

Random Man: "You saved us again! Now you have to accept this reward!"

Kazuma: "I'm sorry! We simply cannot!"


Aqua: "Hey, look!"

The carriage passed through the city gates.

Kazuma: "Dwarves and Elves! This finally feels like a real fantasy!"

Darkness: "The scenery is so much different than Axel. And the air is so clean."

Salesman: "Steamed buns! Steamed buns here!"

Megumin: "Those buns are supposed to be the local specialty. I hear they're quite tasty!"

Kazuma: "I'm impressed you knew that."

Megumin: "Alcanretia is also known as a health resort for adventurers."

(Y/N): "You're really knowledgeable, you know that?"

Megumin blushed a little and thanked him.

Kazuma: "If it's a health resort, then it ought to be worth the trip."

Darkness: "Out of all the cities father brought me to, this one is still the most beautiful. This should be a great hotsprings trip."

Kazuma: "We need to travel more often."

(Y/N): "I'm always down to travel. If it weren't for you guys, I wouldn't have stayed in Axel a week."

Megumin: "Why do you want to move around so much?"

(Y/N): "I was just born with a traveling bone."

Driver: "Enjoy your vacation!"

Kazuma: "Thanks pops!"

Megumin: "Jarippa...Jarippa is being taken away."

(Y/N): "Jarippa?"

Megumin: "That little red dragon on the carriage with us."

(Y/N): "You named it Jarippa?"

Megumin: "If you have a problem with my naming, then just say it!"

(Y/N) threw his hands up.

(Y/N): "I don't! I actually like the name!"

Megumin: "I see. Well it's fine then."

(Y/N) sighed. He never did like lying.

(Y/N): 'Yep, I'm totally naming our kids.'

Aqua: "Come on, let's go! You can ask me anything about this city! It's home to the Axis Church after all!"

Kazuma: 'The Axis Cult...'

(Y/N): 'That everyone avoids.'

A group of people ran over and excitedly greeted them.

Random Cultist 1: "Welcome to Alcanretia! Are you tourists? Adventurers? Converts?"

(Y/N): "We're-"

Random Cultist 2: "If you've come looking for work, there's a job promoting the Axis Church!"

Random Cultist 3: "If you accept the position now, you'll get the bonus of identifying yourself with the Axis Church!"

(Y/N): 'I'm fine now, but if they all are like this, I will not hesitate to knock these fucking goons to the ground.'

Then the cultists started to gush over Aqua.

Random Cultist 4: "Such beautiful light blue hair!"

Random Cultist 5: "And your raiment looks just like Aqua's too! It suits you!"

(Y/N): "Kazuma, we need to get the fuck out of here before I end up with assault charges."

Kazuma heeded the warning, and gathered everyone. The started to head off to find an inn.

Cultists: "Have a great stay, and a blessed day!"


After finding an inn everyone went to their rooms to unpack. (Y/N) only brought his guitar and a few extra pairs of clothes, so it didn't take him long to unpack.

(Y/N): "I can't believe I get this giant bed all to myself!"

Suddenly the door opened.

(Y/N): "I thought I locked that door?"

Megumin: "(Y/N)? What are you doing in my room?"

(Y/N): "What are you talking about? This is my room."

Megumin: "The innkeeper gave me a key for this room, so it's mine."

(Y/N): "I just so happen to have a key to this room as well."

Megumin: "Did they double book us?"

(Y/N): "Nah, it's probably just some cheesy fanfic cliché."

Megumin: "What?"

(Y/N): "Nevermind. It's not like we haven't slept in the same bed before, so it'll be fine."

Megumin: "I suppose that's true."

(Y/N) strapped Amelia to his back, and waited for Megumin to unpack.

(Y/N): "You wanna head out and see what we can find?"

Megumin: "On one hand, I'd love to. But on the other..."

(Y/N): "Don't worry, I'll protect you from those crazy cultists."

Megumin: "Ok then, I'm ready to leave whenever you are."


The city sure was beautiful. What wasn't beautiful though, was the countless conversion forms shoved into their faces. Walking through the street, a lady dropped a basket of fruit on the ground. (Y/N) and Megumin hurriedly helped her.

Random Cultist: "Oh my goodness, thank you so much!"

Megumin: "It's no trouble ma'am."

(Y/N): "We're adventurers, helping is our job. No matter how small the job is."

Random Cultist: "My, how admirable! I'll treat you two to a cup of tea!"

(Y/N): "No its alright, you don't have to do that."

Random Cultist: "No, I insist! I know of a really great cafe down the street run by the Axis Church!"

(Y/N): 'Oh fuck off. After we were nice enough to pick up your things. I bet she dropped them on purpose.'

(Y/N) gripped Megumin's hand.

(Y/N): "No it's alright, we need to be going anyway."

The cultist grabbed (Y/N)'s jacket. Megumin braced herself. She thought she was about to witness a murder.

Cultist: "I can give you a tour! I'll show you all the greatest spots to write your name! Starting with this paper here!"

(Y/N) shook the cultist's grip, and sprinted away with Megumin.

(Small Timeskip)

The two were catching their breath after running away from crazed cultists.

Megumin: "These people scare me."

(Y/N): "Understatement of the century."

???: "Help!"

Both heard the cry, and ran in the direction it came from. Soon two horrible actors came into view.

Random Cultist 1: "Help me! This man, who's probably an Eris Cultist, is trying to force me into his dark ways!"

(Y/N): "Come on, let's leave."

The two started to walk past the cultists.

Random Cultist 2: "Hey you! You're not part of the Axis Church, are you? If you were one of those super cool strong guys, I'd have to run away!"

(Y/N): "I'm just gonna squeeze right past you."

Random Cultist 2: "I have the blessing of the dark goddess Eris! If you get in my way, I'll let you have it!"

Random Cultist 1: "And all I have with me is this form to convert to Axis Faith! If only someone would come and sign this paper, that would make this man flee!"

(Y/N): "Believe me, I know how to make you both flee."

They walked past the two cultists, but the man reached out to grab for (Y/N). He swiftly turned around and gave the man a murderous glare.

(Y/N): "You fucking touch me, and I'll rip you apart."

The threat did the trick, and he backed off some. This gave (Y/N) enough wiggle room to grab Megumin and get away. They sat leaned against the side of a building, catching their breath once again.

(Y/N): "I'm starting to understand why those black metal guys started burning churches."

Megumin: "Please don't. You'll actually be a terrorist this time."

(Y/N): "Yeah, I won't. I'm just..."

(Y/N) trailed off as he heard some familiar music.

(Y/N): "You never give me your money."

Megumin: "What are you talking about?"

(Y/N): "You only give me your funny paper!"

He sprinted off in the direction of the music.

Megumin: "Wait! Don't leave me out here!"

She quickly followed him. She watched him duck into a random storefront. She followed him, but bumped into him not two feet from the door. He sat there watching a young man around his age playing piano in the middle of this cafe.

Megumin: "What are you so worked up...for."

(Y/N) turned to look at her, a smile on his lips and a tear in his eye.

(Y/N): "This music...It's from my home."

Megumin: "Y-your home?"

(Y/N): "Yeah. Abbey Road, 1969. The third song on the B-side, starts the medley that closes the record."

Megumin didn't understand what he was talking about, but was happy for him nonetheless.

(Y/N): "I've got to talk to him!"

(Y/N) approached the piano just as the boy finished the song.

(Y/N): "Doesn't matter where you go, it seems there's always a fan of The Beatles."

???: "A fan of the who?"

(Y/N): "Not The Who, The Beatles. That song was a Beatles song."

???: "Oh, I didn't know that. I always knew it as a song my father taught me."

(Y/N): "A song your father taught you.....Tell you what, how about I buy you a drink. I'd like to talk to you you a little more."

???: "That sounds fine to me."

(Y/N) stuck out his hand. The boy stuck his out too, and they shook.

(Y/N): "I'm (Y/N)."

Paul: "I'm Paul."

(Y/N): 'This can't be a coincidence. He just played a Beatles song, and now he says his name is Paul.'

After ordering two cups of tea, the two started to converse by the piano.

(Y/N): "So tell me, where exactly is your father from?"

Paul: "He's a foreigner. He hails from a faraway country called America. He married my mother, an Axis Cultist. But we were never forced into Axis Faith."

(Y/N): 'Now I get it. He's not from earth, his father is!' "Wow! I'm from America too."

Paul: "That's quite interesting. I'd be interested in hearing about life there. He never told me much about it."

(Y/N): "You said he didn't tell much. What did he tell you?"

Paul: "He almost never talked about it. But when he did, it was about the men he said changed his life. John, Paul, George, and Ringo, and that's why my name is Paul."

(Y/N): "So your father taught you songs?"

Paul: "Yes, he's a much better pianist than I. But I try my best. I play in small restaurants and clubs like this to make some extra money every once in a while. Would you like to hear another song he taught me?"

(Y/N): "It would make my entire week."

Paul laughed and sat down at the bench. He began to play a song.

(Y/N) began to sing along with him, harmonizing with him, as Megumin made her way over. Soon, (Y/N) took the guitar solo, blowing the cafe patrons away with how well it mixed with the piano. Everyone gave a round of applause, and tended to their business.

Paul: "Amazing! I always felt like something was missing during that stretch, and whatever your stringed instrument is filled it perfectly!"

(Y/N): "It's called a guitar, my friend. And it rocks."

Paul: "Indeed it...does. Well hello there."

Megumin had finally been noticed. Something about her caught Paul's eye.

Paul: "Of whom do I owe the pleasure?"

Megumin: "I am Megumin! An Arch Wizard who wields the most powerful of magic, explosion magic!"

Instead of cringing, Paul just laughed.

Paul: "I like you. You've got energy."

(Y/N): "That she does. Hey, do you mind if I play your piano really quick?"

Paul didn't take his eyes off of Megumin.

Paul: "Go ahead. I'd love to hear you play."

(Y/N): "Alright, I only know one song. I learned it cause it's the only one from Sabbath that my mother actually enjoyed."

(Y/N) sat at the bench and began to play.

Paul: "So what brings such a beautiful girl to a place like this."

She ignored that comment, and (Y/N) was too busy singing to hear it.

Megumin: "I'm here on vacation, with my adventuring party."

Paul: "I see. If you'd like, I could give you a tour of the town."

Megumin: "No that's alright. We're perfectly fine figuring it out on our own."

Paul: "Well at least I have you here with me now."

He swept her off her feet and began to dance with her, in time with the music (Y/N) was playing. Everything happened so fast that Megumin was simply confused. After the song, (Y/N) looked up to see Paul with his arms around Megumin, dipping her and leaning in for a kiss. The next thing he saw was red.

(Y/N): "Woah woah woah!"

He quickly got separated the two, and managed to keep mostly composed.

(Y/N): "What fuck do you think you're doing?"

Paul: "Isn't it obvious? I'm dancing with dear Megumin."

Megumin: "I-"

(Y/N): "Well your dear Megumin isn't yours! She's mine, so back the fuck off!"

Paul: "Oh come now, she's her own person. She doesn't belong to anyone."

(Y/N): "Listen pal, you're testing my patience here."

Paul: "Besides, if she were to belong to someone, it most definitely wouldn't be someone as foul-mouthed as you."

Paul flashed him a grin, and grabbed Megumin's hand. He went to kiss her hand, but all he kissed was (Y/N)'s knuckles. Everyone in the cafe let out a collective gasp. (Y/N) watched the boy fall to the ground, holding his face. Soon, two burly men were trying to escort (Y/N) out. He shook them off and stormed out himself. Megumin looked at the boy on the ground one last time before chasing after (Y/N). She found him muttering to himself, walking aimlessly through a crowd of people.

Megumin: "(Y/N)! I can't believe you did that!"

(Y/N): "Believe it! I'd do it again!"

Megumin: "You didn't have to punch him! You could've have just told him off!"

(Y/N): "I've tried that before! Newsflash! It didn't work! Maybe if I'd slugged him..."

People were starting to stare at the fighting young couple.

Megumin: "Do you have any idea how embarrassing that was?!"

(Y/N): "Do you have any idea how worried I was?!"

Megumin: "What are you even talking about?! Does some random person threaten you so much that you-"

(Y/N): "Would you get the fuck off my back?!"

Megumin: "Why are you so mad about this?!"

(Y/N): "Cause you're fussing me out in the middle of the street! I'm feeling things I ain't felt in a long time, and it's far from good things!"

Megumin: "Talk to me about it! I'm supposed to be your partner, tell me, what's bothering you this much?!"

(Y/N): "If I tell you, will you fucking drop this?!"

Megumin: "Yes! Just let me know what's happening! I really don't understand!"

(Y/N): "For fucks sakes, my first girlfriend!"

Megumin's entire train of thought came to a screeching halt.

Megumin: "Wh-what?"

(Y/N): "You wanted to know! It's because of her! I loved her, and she hurt me real fucking bad! That's why! So yeah, I was threatened! And I've got damn good reason to be! So just fucking leave this be!"

(Y/N) saw the sad look in Megumin's eyes, and instantly felt horrible for snapping at her. He turned around and started to walk away.

(Y/N): "I'll meet you back at the hotel. I need to be alone for a while."

Megumin reached out, trying desperately to grab onto him.

Megumin: "(Y/N), wait!"

It was too late, he'd already disappeared into the sea of people.

Megumin: "D-don't leave."

After walking for a while, (Y/N) reached out to whoever he could find.

(Y/N): "Where's the nearest bar?"

Random Cultist: "It's just on the corner. You look like you need it, too."

(Y/N): "Thanks, jackass."

Random Cultist: "Or I have a better solution. If you sign this form-"

(Y/N): "Finish that sentence and I'll slug you so hard your mama will feel it."

The cultist quickly scurried away, and (Y/N) walked to the outside of the bar. He cut his eyes at it, and squeezed his fists.

(Y/N): "Not this time. I gotta figure this out sober."

And so he kept walking. He'd fucked up big time, and he needed to find a way to make it right. But first, he'd have to deal with memories that scarred him deeply. God only knows where he walked off to, thinking, remembering, hurting...

Bum bum bummmmm! A conflict! Now we need a resolution. Which we'll get soon, because I already have most of it written. I really hope it isn't too cringe though. Anyway, you can thank Pubjonah1 for this idea. He suggested a piano man to come in and try and take Megumin. And that's what sparked this whole chain of events. A little bit of cringey angst, some fluff that I'm pretty proud of, and then...

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Anyway, fun fact. One time I sang the song at the beginning of the chapter, I Told You So, at karaoke. I made a couple people cry by the end of the song, and that is the greatest musical compliment I've ever recieved. I wrote and recorded a song today, my first one with actual lyrics. Pretty proud of it actually. Well with all that out of the way, I hope you enjoyed, and I'll see you in the next chapter.

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