The Last Black (Hermione Gran...

By tobyjames16

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After a traumatic start to the summer, (Y/N) Black needs to get home. The trauma of his infection seems to e... More

Author's Note
PROLOGUE: June 1995
CHAPTER ONE: July 1995
CHAPTER TWO: The Order of the Phoenix
CHAPTER THREE: August 1995
CHAPTER FOUR: The Birthday
CHAPTER SIX: The Rescue Mission
CHAPTER EIGHT: September 1995
CHAPTER NINE: A New Defence Teacher
CHAPTER TEN: Luna Lovegood
CHAPTER ELEVEN: Detention with Dolores
CHAPTER SIXTEEN: An Unexpected Meeting
CHAPTER EIGHTEEN: Dumbledore's Army
Author's Note

CHAPTER TWELVE: The Shrieking Shack

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By tobyjames16

"Are you really going to eat all that?" Bridgett asked, sticking her nose up at the mountain of bacon and sausages which I had piled onto my plate. The morning after my meeting with Dumbledore I had found two brand new badges rested on my bedside table, along with a small, sealed envelope. Every single one had been exchanged and were now made out of steel rather than silver. This meant I could spend time with Bridgett without feeling nauseous. She had been a little mad at me at first since I hadn't spoken to her, but I just passed it off as being unwell. Bridgett wasn't a stupid girl; she definitely knew something was up, but thankfully she let it slide.

"I am going to eat all of it," I replied bluntly with a mouthful of sausage, "I'm starving." She rolled her eyes and returned her attention to the baked beans on her plate.

"How was detention with Umbridge last night?" she then asked, scraping the last of her beans onto her fork and shoving them into her mouth.

"Fine," I lied.

It had been the exact same as every other night. Thankfully I'd managed to cover up the cuts on the back of my hand by pulling down my jumper sleeve or sticking my hand into the pocket of my trousers. Harry and I shared detention with each other each night, and it had become almost a tradition now that we'd take the longest route back to Gryffindor Tower so that we could chat. By the sounds of things, Hermione had become a lot more distant from her friends and was spending more time than usual in the library. I tried my hardest not to care though. Perhaps if she hadn't had been so needy then she wouldn't be so sad right now. The only good thing to come out of Umbridge's detentions was not having to go to prefect duties. This meant I had a viable excuse to miss patrolling with Granger. I knew I'd have to find a new excuse for the next one, because I wasn't going.

"What about the Quidditch try-outs then?" Bridgett then asked whilst she put her knife and fork together on top of her empty plate, "you still want me to try out for beater?" I was still shovelling bacon and sausages into my mouth.

"YES," I exclaimed, causing a little piece of sausage to fly out of my full mouth.

"Honestly Black!" Bridgett laughed, "you're eating like an animal!" I choked at her words and swallowed the food in my mouth.

"Sorry," I apologised politely, "but yes please, I think you'd do good."

I wasn't holding try-outs for every position. Some team captains did this. Roger Davies for example was making all of his team try out for their positions again. I didn't have the time, nor the effort, for this though. Instead, I was holding try-outs for beaters only. The list of potential beaters was almost endless. Every single Slytherin who wasn't already on the quidditch team was trying out, even my cousins Daphne and Astoria.


By ten o'clock I was stood in my quidditch uniform along with my teammates, looking out over the group who were trying out for the position of beater. I'd been successful in persuading Bridgett to try-out and now she was stood in the crowd of potential beaters, her hair tied up behind her head and adorned in the spare Slytherin quidditch robes we'd handed out. She looked pretty good in quidditch gear and her platinum locks tied up loosely behind her head in a messy ponytail.

"Right," I began my speech awkwardly, "so basically, we're just going to play a few small games, I'd like you all to pair up and then you will play together." Immediately the crowd began to get into pairs. Bridgett looked at me worriedly, but then Violet Rosier stood next to her with a wide smile on her face. Bridgett rolled her eyes in my direction, causing me to chuckle a little bit. She'd never liked the Slytherin girls in our year; or any of the girls in our year for that matter; in fact, Bridgett didn't like girls at all, except maybe Hermione who she had tolerated.

"You'll play, I'll pick the best one and then the best will play, and by the end the winner will be the new Slytherin beater," I announced. All the applicants nodded their heads in understanding. "Burke, Rosier, you two are first!" I exclaimed before walking towards the stands and climbing up the stairs to take my seat. A few Slytherins sat here and watched intently as they watched the try-outs. In my hands was a piece of parchment in which I recorded how many times they had saved a team member from being beaten. In a perfect world I could have held try-outs with another team and also recorded how many times they had aimed a bludger at another team's player.

Once the ten minutes of the 'mini-game' was up I walked down onto the pitch. "Sorry Rosier, Burke did better," I announced. I heard Terence Higgs scoff in the crowd, as well as Draco who was sitting out of the try-outs due to there being no use of a seeker. "Probably just because they're mates," he said loftily.

"Do I need to hold try-outs for a new chaser Higgs?" I barked at him, a little too aggressively. I always felt myself getting more and more angry towards the full moon. "And do you fancy another punch in the face Malfoy?" I grabbed his collar and pulled his face up to mine. "I know what your father is," I spat before looking him up and down in utter disgust, "don't give me another reason to kick you off of this team."

"Greengrass, the older one that is, and Goyle!" I exclaimed, "you're next!"


Finally, by half two in the afternoon I'd managed to narrow down the competition to two people: Bridgett Burke and Astoria Greengrass. Everyone who had tried out was staying to see who my final decision was. Many people thought that I'd choose Bridgett just because she was my best mate, but Astoria was a surprisingly good beater. For such a small girl she had an amazing swing. Bridgett had even begun to get competitive now, and I could see she was trying a lot harder than she was a couple hours ago. Eventually though, I came to my decision.

I lifted up my wand into the air and sent out green sparks, I would have whistled if I could, but I could not. Everyone flew down back onto the pitch and dismounted their broomsticks. "Thanks to everyone who's tried out," I thanked politely, "lots of team members leaving this year, so feel free to try out next year. But..." I paused to let the tension build. "Sorry Burke, Greengrass beated you," I chuckled a little at my pun and Bridgett smiled. It wasn't as though she were desperate to be on the team anyway. Astoria shook Bridgett's hand and I saw the both of them exchange a smile, which let me know that I had made the correct decision. "Greengrass, if you'll come with me, I'll measure you up for some proper quidditch robes," I then said before walking off into the spare changing rooms.

Astoria followed and I pointed her towards the space in front of me. I conjured a tape measure from the end of my wand and began to measure her shoulders. "Father talks about you and your mother a lot," she said quietly as I made note of her shoulder length.

"You don't even call her your aunt," I chuckled sadly, "sad isn't it." Astoria nodded her head and then pulled up her arms so I could measure them.

"I mentioned how nice your mudblood girlfriend was," she said, "and none of them talked to me for a week."

"That's not a nice word Astoria," I told her, "it's muggle-born."

"Oh," she let out, "I'm sorry."

I couldn't be angry at her. Astoria was a fourteen-year-old girl who'd been raised in a world where saying those sorts of things was considered normal. "You're forgiven," I smiled as I spun her around so I could measure her height, "I just wouldn't say it again if I were you."

"I won't," she replied honestly as she stood up straight so that my measurements would be accurate.

"That's all," I smiled, "welcome to the team!" Astoria beamed proudly.

"Thank you," she grinned.

"Practices are every Sunday from ten till eleven, beginning next Sunday," I told her.

"Why not tomorrow?" She asked curiously. Of course, I wasn't going to tell her that the team wouldn't be practicing because I would be asleep due to the full moon.

"Hufflepuff, have it booked I think," I lied.

"Oh, alright," Astoria replied, "thanks again."

"See you," I called as she left the changing room.

"Bye (Y/N)."


Come seven o'clock I had finished my dinner and was just leaving The Great Hall. Professor Umbridge was stood beside the main staircase, her chubby arms crossed, and her eyebrows raised. "Come wait here Mr Black," her high-pitched voice ordered, "we will wait for Mr Potter together." The knot in my chest tightened, and suddenly I wished I had Steve to calm me down, or Luna Lovegood, maybe.

"I can't tonight Professor," I told her as my mind searched for an excuse.

"And why not?" she questioned, her pitch rising.

"Oh!" Madam Pomfrey called as she descended the staircase quickly. One of her hands was holding up her skirt whilst the other was holding onto her headdress. "Mr Black, here you are!" she breathed heavily in relief, "come along won't you." Professor Umbridge grasped her chest at this and seemed to stand on her tiptoes.

"Mr Black has detention tonight," she hissed at the healer, "he will be going nowhere."

"Oh," Pomfrey let out, her eyes rolling, "and I suppose a detention is more important than a family emergency!" I had never heard the matron deliver such sass. It was rather impressive. "Mrs Black is expecting her son in Hogsmeade within the hour," she proclaimed, "or might you want to deliver the news to her that she won't be seeing her son this evening, Dolores?" Umbridge took a step back, her left eye twitching uncontrollably.

"O-of course not," she stuttered, "we will just have to re-arrange it for tomorrow evening."

"I don't think that will be such a good idea," Pomfrey piped up aggressively. I was rather enjoying watching the frog lady getting taken down.

"Well then as long as the message has sunk in," Umbridge now stared at me, "then I shall relieve you of this detention this once."

I nodded my head nervously. "Well then I think I shall deliver Mr Black to Professor Snape now," Pomfrey announced. Umbridge nodded her head reluctantly and made her way into The Great Hall, presumably to search for Potter.

I followed Madam Pomfrey out of the castle and out of the grounds. The sun was already setting, and I could see the full moon in the pale blue sky. "I'm sorry I couldn't be there any sooner," she apologised sincerely, "some second year was jinxed and needed my attention."

"Don't worry about it," I forgave her whilst we both jogged towards the whomping willow.

Once we reached it, Pomfrey took out her wand from within her apron and pointed it towards the swaying tree. After she cast a simple incantation, we were able to move closer to it and down beneath its roots. "Now I assume Remus has told you how we used to handle this when he was here," she said between heavy breaths; we were practically running towards the end of the earthy tunnel now.

"Yes," I replied, once we had entered the last door and I was able to breathe.

"I will lock this door, but as soon as the sun begins to rise, I will be here to collect you," she assured me, "there's a bed, and plenty of blankets, also a first aid kit under the bed." I nodded my head in understanding.

"Can you do me one thing though?" I asked, and the healer nodded her head. "My cat, Steve, she doesn't know where I am. Can you look after her tonight and bring her in the morning?" Steven didn't know what I was, and what I must endure each month. She had never spent a night without me since I'd gotten her.

"Of course, dear," Madam Pomfrey agreed, "now try get some rest, Remus always said it was worth lying down on the bed and closing his eyes for a while before the transformation took place." Remus had never told me this, but I believed her.

"I'll see you in the morning, yes?" I asked Pomfrey worriedly, I didn't want to wake up alone.

"Yes dear," she half-smiled, "and then you can rest all day." I nodded my head and then the door closed.

I was completely alone in the shack.

It was an awful little place. There was no furniture, or warmth. Just plain walls and boarded up windows. I felt sorry for Remus who had to spend all of his full moons in here for seven years, albeit with friends. The bed Pomfrey had told me about was small and the sheets stunk of damp, but I removed my clothes and lay down on it anyway. I hadn't forgotten what Lupin had told me about not having any clothes in the morning if I were to keep my clothes on.

For about five minutes I just waited, dreading the immanent torture.

Then in started.

Everything went dark as my eyes closed and the flesh on my back ripped open so that my spine could reshape. I shrieked in agony as my fingers retracted and then extended once more so that my claws could be seen. My neck cracked and my hips clicked. I stood up off of the bed onto my hind legs and screamed. Two of my claws dug into the flesh on my face and dragged themselves down my right cheek. This outburst seemed to relive the pain a little, so my other hand went to dig its claws into my chest. I was suddenly distracted by the sharp hiss of a cat. I turned around to see what it might have been. All I could see was a shadow though. I thought it might have been Steven, but the shadow was far too large, and the hiss far too deep.

I didn't have any more time to figure out who's cat it might have been.

My eyes closed once more as my ears extended and my face transformed itself. When they opened, I wasn't myself anymore.


The wolf howled loudly, its voice reverberating off of the weak walls of the shack. He was given no reply, however. He howled once more, hoping for an answer from his alpha. There was no reply. After the third howl, there was a timid meow from the corner of the shack. The wolf took a few steps back, knocking into the bed frame with his tail. Out walked a tabby cat, who bowed her head to the wolf before mewling loud into the air. The wolf howled in reply, although he began to whimper at the absence of his alpha.

The tabby meowed authoritatively before resting a single paw on the wolf's. The wolf starred into the green eyes of the smaller animal and bowed his head before howling once more. The cat responded in a loud mewl.


Once the sun began to rise the fur covering my body began to receed into my flesh. My bones cracked and moulded back into shape. The claws on my left hand dug themselves into my waist and tore open the skin across my torso. Now I wasn't just experiencing the pain of the transformation, but the pain of my skin being torn open by sharp claws. Blood began to pool out on the floorboards I was stretching on. My whole body continued to contort itself in unnatural ways for a few minutes until all my energy had been drained and I was left naked and sore all over. Not one part of me could move with ease, but the thought of Madam Pomfrey walking into the shack and seeing me with no clothes on persuaded me to crawl towards my crumpled-up uniform and robe. I'd just managed to slip my legs into my trousers and feed my arms through the sleeves of my shirt, when the door to the shack opened, and in walked Madam Pomfrey carrying a familiar looking cloak.

The healer walked up to me quickly and crouched down. She tutted sympathetically whilst inspecting the scratches on my chest. "Oh dear," she muttered, lifting up my chin with her soft hand and taking notice of the two long cuts which stretched down from the corner of my right eye all the way to my collarbone. The cloak she had been carrying was now around my shoulders, and I recognised it to be the one my mum constantly wrapped me in. It was an odd sort of olive colour, but it was extremely warm. "Your mum sent this last night; she thought you might want it," Pomfrey explained, before looking at the marks on my face once more. Steve had come along with her, and was now curled up in my arms, trying her hardest to reach my cheek so that she could give me a kiss. She obviously knew I was hurt, because her eyes looked sadder than usual.

"Is it bad?" I asked her, my voice shaking slightly. Whether this was due to the pain, or the cold, I did not know.

"Of course not," She replied, but I could tell from her tone that this wasn't fully true.

"Can I see?"

Madam Pomfrey pulled out a small compact mirror from her pinny and handed it to me. I took it off of her with an unstable hand and clicked it open.

I looked a lot paler than usual. My uncut hair was shaggier than usual and looked very dirty. Two long red scratches plagued the right side of my face and they stood out due to my pale complexion. "I look hideous," I stated, my voice faltering a little bit at the end. I'd never been too bothered about my looks, especially nowadays. But now I didn't even look like myself – it was like that first morning in Grimmauld Place all over again.

"You are not!" Pomfrey scolded.

"Will it fade away?" I asked worriedly.

"I'm afraid not," she said sadly, "werewolf scratches can't be healed in the same manner so many other injuries can be." I nodded my head in understanding.

Pomfrey buttoned up my shirt and wrapped my tie around my neck so I wouldn't lose it. After that she helped me pull on my robe before throwing the olive-coloured cloak over my shoulders. "Come on," she said caringly, "I have chocolate and tea in my office."

"What about pain relief?" I questioned as she helped me onto my feet, and Steve jumped up onto my shoulder. She was so soft, and as she nuzzled me with the side of her head I realised how grateful I was to have her.

"Yes, that too," she chuckled.


The healer's office was cosy, with a burning fire and comfortable armchairs. In between the two chairs was a round coffee table, with a piping hot pot of tea, as well as a small sugar ball, a jug of milk, and two fragile looking teacups. "Here we are," Pomfrey smiled as she hung up her cloak on a hook. I didn't take mine off; I was still very cold. "Now sit down and I'll see what I can do," she instructed. I obeyed and sat in the armchair closest to the fire. Steve jumped down from my shoulder now and curled up beside the fire. I unbuttoned my shirt so she could inspect the lacerations and she drew out her wand from within the pocket of her skirt. "Now this is a rather archaic technique, but Remus always reacted positively to it," she explained, "just tilt your head back and open your mouth." I did as she said as she pointed her wand just above my tongue. "Lenio," she spoke softly, causing small opal-coloured droplets to drip from the tip of her wand and onto my tongue. I swallowed and almost immediately the pain in my body began to dissipate. "Feeling better?" She asked with a small smile before taking the seat opposite me. Her wrinkled hands went for the tea set and she poured us both a large cup, before using her wand to levitate a tray of chocolate biscuits over to us.

I took the teacup from her and thanked her before taking a small sip. It was piping hot and burnt my tongue a little, but I didn't complain. It was almost as good as the pain relief she had just administered. Pomfrey motioned to the chocolate biscuits so I helped myself and dipped one into the piping hot tea and nibbled on it. "Remus gave me chocolate," I told her, "that also helps." Pomfrey let out a high-pitched chuckle.

"And who do you think taught him that?" She questioned with a proud smile. "How was your night?" She then asked.

"I think I missed him – Lupin," I explained, "I didn't scratch myself or anything last time, but this time was a lot worse. Also, I think there might have been someone there, a cat." Pomfrey seemed interested in this but did not ask any more questions.

"Well Professor Snape will have wolfsbane potion prepared for the next full moon," she comforted, "hopefully that will be the last night you ever have to spend in that shack."

I nodded, "thank you Madam Pomfrey, would you mind if I went to bed now? I'm very tired."

Not only was I tired though I wanted to get back to the Slytherin Common Room before people began to wake up. Bridgett had her ways of sneaking into the boy's dormitory and the other boys were suspicious of me as it was; I couldn't deal with them making up any more insane theories about me. Only a few days ago they had begun to speculate whether or not I had actually been imprisoned during the third task, or if I'd just escaped the school 'for attention'.

"Will you be alright on your own?" The matron asked me worriedly. I nodded my head.

"I have Steven," I explained to her.

"If you have any problems do not hesitate to come and see me," she then said, getting up and seeing me to the door of her office.

"Thank you," I thanked politely, before leaving the office and making my way down to the dungeons.

Thankfully nobody had awoken just yet, and I was able to slip in undetected.

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