My pet wolf (BxB)

By TransFrog02

15.6K 450 49

In this time anyone who was part animal were sold to be slaves. Callum is one of those animals, he is part wo... More



1.2K 35 0
By TransFrog02

I sat on the wooden floor with a grey carpet as I watched Ruben get dressed in outfits that I see people his age wear usually a bit after three in the afternoon.

"Do not cause any trouble as I'm gone alright" Ruben told me as he fixed his red tie. His voice sounds a bit stuffy.

I nodded and rubbed my eyes.

"I'll be back before four"

I nodded again and watched him leave the room closing the door behind him. What now? This is the same thing as I was in the pet shop, but now I'm in a closed room.

There was a knock on the door catching my attention quickly. I shifted into my wolf form as the door opened showing a tall girl with light brown hair coming in. Without acknowledging my existence she laid in Ruben's bed and got in her phone.

Who is this girl and why is she in Ruben's bed? I heard a meow and right besides me was a ragdoll cat. The cat sniffed me and I growled at it.

"Oi pup, don't touch my cat" the girl snapped her fingers at me.

The cat tried scratching my face hissing at me. I barked at the cat as it started to run out of the room. Growling I chased after it at full speed.

We ran down a flight of stairs into a room with a huge sofa and a huge tv over a fireplace. The cat jumped up on top of the fireplace and licked its paws. I growled and barked at the cat trying to get it.

"Callum, don't hurt Tiny, she's just a kitten" the mom came in picking me up.

I kept growling at the cat as the mom petted my head.

"Oh dear, you're head is bleeding, did Tiny scratch you?"

I wiggled out of her arms plopping to the ground shifting to my human form.

"Did she start the fight?" She asked.

I nodded and glared at the cat growling once more.

"She isn't a hybrid like you, she's just a normal cat"

"Normal cats are still the same as hybrids, they just can't shift" I whispered looking back at the mom.

"How about you tell me about the wild as I help your cut alright?"

"Yes ma'am, but who's that girl in Ruben's room?"

"That's Clair, she's Ruben's older sister, she hides in there so she doesn't have to do her work"

I nodded and the mom took me into the bathroom to help with the scratch on my head.


I got out of the doggy bed and walked out of the room into the halls. Ruben was on the bottom steps shouting at his parents. That's really rude of him. He shouldn't be shouting at them, does he not realize the love and support they give him?

"I DIDN'T WANT A STUPID PET, IT'S JUST A WASTE OF MONEY" Ruben stomped up the stairs in anger. He noticed me and he kicked me making me yelp.

"RUBEN" His mother shouted for him.

I whimpered and shifted into my human form looking at the damage he gave me. He kicks really hard.

"Are you alright Callum?" His mother asked me coming up the stairs.

"Y-yes ma'am, I'm fine, it's been a while since I've been in the wild so it hurt more than it should" I smiled at her. "May I ask why he's upset?"

"We enrolled you into the same school as him so you wouldn't be locked in the house and so you could get a better education of the human world"

"I see why he would be upset, but isn't hybrids illegal in stores other than pet shops?"

"They've been changing laws recently so no, not anymore"

I nodded as she patted my head going back downstairs. I walked back to Ruben's room and I found him sitting on the floor by his bed. I shifted into my wolf form and walked up to him with a small limp on my front left paw.

Ruben looked at me with sadness and disgust in his eyes. I put my head on his leg looking up at him.

"Get out of my room you stupid mutt" Ruben nudged me off of him.

Whimpering I walked out of his room and he closed the door behind me. I laid down by the door like a guard dog. I heard sniffling from inside Ruben's room and some mumbling. I tried hard to not howl in sadness and pain. I hid my howl with loud whimpers.

Ruben's dad came upstairs and knocked on his door.

"Ruben, let Callum in now" Ruben's dad demanded.

"No it's okay, he wants to be alone and I'm fine with that. It's good to be alone sometimes" I told him shifting into my human form.

"You're whimpering Callum, you need to be in your room with Ruben"

"I'm whimpering because Ruben's sad sir, he's having strong emotions and that's effecting on mine"

Ruben's dad sighed giving up on reasoning. He walked away into another room which I'm guessing is his. I laid back down on the ground and as I did Ruben opened the door.

"In now mutt" Ruben grabbed me by my collar dragging me in.

Ruben locked his door and stripped down to nothing but his underwear. He turned off the lights and a little nightlight glowed by my dog bed.

"Hurry up mutt I'm tired" Ruben got into his bed.

I turned into my wolf form wagging my tail jumping up onto his bed. Ruben curled into a ball with me in the middle of him. Looking up at him I noticed that his eye is slightly purple. Did he bruise his eye?

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