Lost Soul


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Freak. Human-obsessed. Insane. These are the words the Endermen use to describe little Mellohi. Sweet, innoce... More

Chapter 1: Mellohi Has Trauma
Chapter 2: Enderwalks Are Dangerous
Chapter 3: Crashland in the Sand
Chapter 4: Blood, Sweat, Tears, and Vomit
Chapter 5: Caution! Skeletons in the Woods!
Chapter 6: Help Can't Come Soon Enough
Chapter 7: Don't Wander Into A Massacre
Chapter 9: Technoblade Never Dies
Chapter 10: Execute the Executioner
Chapter 11: Please Rescue the Suffering
Chapter 12: Liars Tell the Truth
Chapter 13: Stal is a Flower
Chapter 14: Ghostbur Has Blue For You
Chapter 15: Mellohi is Lost
Chapter 16: Mellohi is Found
Chapter 17: Dream Doesn't Have A House
Chapter 18: Problems Were Caused...on Purpose
Chapter 19: Betrayal is Never an Enjoyable Experience
Chapter 20: Doomsday
Chapter 21: The Dust is Settling

Chapter 8: Trouble Stirs the Army

430 23 32

The sunlight crept over the hills on the DreamSMP. Little Mellohi slept soundly in the bed Philza made for her, exhausted from the week's events.

The night before, Phil had taken her to see everything on the SMP, and to meet most of the people. They had gotten sweets from Niki, which had calmed Mellohi's rumbling stomach, fought off monsters, and explored all the interesting structures along the Prime Path.

Out of all the people she met, her favorites were Niki, the beautiful woman who was kind to everyone she met, Tubbo, the dyslexic ram child whom Phil said was one of his adopted sons, and BadBoyHalo, who—despite his terrifying demonic appearance—was the sweetest person Mellohi had ever met. Phil also told her about one of his biological sons, Tommy, who shared Mellohi's energy. She thought that was really cool, because it meant he was a kid. When she asked to meet him, Phil told her that he had been exiled.

But as they wandered through the dimly lit streets, Mellohi still felt down. Stal was all alone, and who knew what those humans did to her camp. That night, her mind took longer to fall asleep than normal, despite the help of her voices.

The golden rays of sun bounced off Mellohi's face, causing her to stir. She raised a hand to her face, shielding her eyes from the blinding light. Groaning, she propped herself up on her elbows with her head thrown back.

"Morning, little Mellohi!" Lavender greeted.

"Hey, Mel!" Sebastian addressed. "How'd you sleep?"

"You are my mind," she mumbled wearily. "Certainly you know better than I."

"You slept terrible," Dexter bluntly said.

Mellohi rolled her violet eyes. Reaching for the bedside table, she snatched the temporary blindfold and swiftly tied it over her eyes before Phil awoke.

"You're up early," Philza remarked, sipping his tea. Mellohi flinched, releasing a small Enderman screech. Phil let out a hearty laugh, one that made the space seem more cozy. "Sorry! Didn't mean to startle you."

"No, no," Mellohi giggled. "It's alright."

"Do you mind telling we who you were talking to?" He raised an eyebrow, crossing the room to hand the Enderman a cup of the steaming liquid. She stared into its swirling depths, once again captivated by the thin layer of foam.

"Mellohi?" He chuckled.

"Oh!" Mellohi jumped, as she forgot Phil was there. "I was saying good morning to Sebi, Lav, and Dex."

Phil shot her a confused glance.

"My voices," the Enderman corrected.

"Ah," the winged hybrid replied. "I've had experience with voices."

"Really?" Mellohi eagerly asked.

"Yep," he replied. "Technoblade has voices in his head."

"Can we go meet him?"

"We would have to leave now."

Mellohi shot out of bed, handed Phil her untouched tea, and proceeded to get ready as fast as she could. She had collapsed in her new clothes last night, so there was no need to change. Using her claws, she clumsily combed through her messy indigo hair and tied it out of her face. She retrieved her backpack filled with all the essentials, minus her axe, which Quackity had taken. Finally, she clipped her wooden sword to her waist.

"Do you know how to use a sword?" Phil looked at her quizzically.

"Mhm!" Mellohi nodded vigorously. "I trained myself! I've only ever used a wooden one, though. I don't think my techniques are traditional."

"We can get you some proper training with Techno." He motioned for her to follow, gripping a sparkling purple compass in the other hand. "Come on, little one. We've got a long journey ahead of us." 


They traversed mountains, forests, and crossed an ocean. By the time they reached edge of the snowy tundra, the sun had set and risen once again. Phil and Mellohi had taken a break to rest through the night, and when they woke, a light snow dusted the ground. They still had a little ways to go before they reached Technoblade's cabin.

Mellohi shivered, the cold seeping through her clothes. They were made for the chilly weather of L'Manburg, but they were certainly not built for the tundra.

"Cold?" Phil remarked as he saddled his bag onto his back.

"Mhm." Mellohi's teeth chattered.

"Well, get warm soon," Dexter snapped. "We're slowing down up here."

Phil zipped opened his backpack, pulled out a quilt, and tossed it to Mellohi.

"Thanks," the Enderman sighed, throwing the quilt over her head like a cloak. She hunched over, pretending to be holding a cane.

In a faux old woman voice, she murmured, "I'm an old lady! My elbows will be frozen solid by the time we get out of this cold." For added effect, she sniffled, swiping her arm across her nose.

Phil laughed warmly, and Mellohi grinned. She straightened up, the quilt slipping off her head. Phil ruffled her hair lovingly.

"Remind me to introduce you to my wife sometime," he said, a twinkle in his eyes. "Now come on. We still have to make our way across the ice."

The duo made their way to the snow line, a place where the weather seemed to switch abruptly. Mellohi halted suddenly, throwing an arm out to stop Phil as well.

"What is it?" he asked, sounding slightly worried.

"We are adventurers," she informed him confidently. "We are about to cross the border to an ancient land that hasn't been civilized for centuries."

"What?" Phil questioned, amused.

Mellohi took the hybrid's hand, gripping it firmly.

"On three," the Enderman said.




On three, they both lifted one of their feet, and brought it down on the snow. Phil grinned joyously, enjoying Mellohi's child-like innocence.


In the distance, smoke could be seen. An Enderman scream left Mellohi's distorted lips, and she began sprinting toward Techno's home.

"Wait!" Phil cried.

The Enderman didn't seem to hear him.

"Dammit," he cursed, dashing after Mellohi. He made his way through the deep snow, spotting the child in front of the cozy cottage. She was on the ground, a few meters away from a humanoid pig, a gash in her stomach.

"Techno!" Phil hollered fearfully.

Technoblade whipped his head toward the call. Upon seeing Phil, he straightened out of his offensive stance. Confident that Mellohi wasn't going to attack, he moved to greet the winged hybrid.

"Hey, Phil," Technoblade said. The Piglin hybrid's bubble gum pink hair was in its traditional braid that day, framing his face and tusks well. His regal red cape fluttered slightly in the wind. He flashed Phil a small smile, revealing abnormally large canines. "How've you been?"

"All well and good," Phil replied in his crisp accent. He rushed toward Mellohi's side, confusing his friend. Examining her wounds, he breathed a silent thanks when he realized her wounds weren't fatal.

"What are you doing?" Techno wondered in his smooth, monotone voice. He peered over Phil's shoulder, tightly gripping his shimmering, purple—almost black—sword. "It'll harm you, Phil!"

"She," the winged father corrected, tenderly—but with strong arms—scooping the whimpering child up. He tried to adjust to the awkwardness of her tall and lanky body to better fit his grip, but to no avail.

"Pardon?" Techno responded.

"Her name is Mellohi," said Phil, carrying her into his friend's cabin, "and she's with me."

"Do you mind telling me when and why you decided to adopt another orphan?" Techno grumbled. "An Enderman, no less."

"I haven't adopted her formally, I found her three days ago, she isn't an orphan, and I did it because she was lost and confused," Phil replied instinctively as he dressed Mellohi's wound.

Technoblade sighed exasperatedly. "That's how you found Tubbo and Tommy."

Phil nodded, finally finished with Mellohi. The girl cowered behind him, not so eager to see the terrifying piglin anymore.

"We came, not only to pay you a visit," Philza added, "but because Mellohi also struggles with voices of her own."

This caused Techno to hesitate. "What kind of voices?"

Phil looked down at little Mellohi. Though he could not see her eyes, he could feel the unease radiating off her. She couldn't pry her attention away from Techno, even when her name was called.

"Can you tell Technoblade about your voices?" Phil placed a hand on her shoulder, and she flinched at the sudden touch.

Warily, she mumbled, "I have three voices."

"And what are they like?" the winged hybrid encouraged.

"I named them Sebastian, Lavender, and Dexter," she murmured, gaining confidence. "Sebi was the first one, and the leader of the three. Lav is the kindest one, and the most encouraging. Dexter is my sassiest voice. Very sarcastic and a little bitter."

Sebastian and Lavender thanked Mellohi for her kind words, whilst Dexter began to shout. The Enderman jumped again.

"Sorry, Dex," she replied. "You're kinda mean."

"You have actual conversations with your voices?" Techno seemed surprised. Mellohi nodded. Techno hummed in reply.

"You don't?" the Enderman inquired from behind Phil.

"There are too many," Technoblade grimaced. "Can't keep track of 'em all, unless they all say something in unison."

"What are they saying now?" Mellohi wondered, creeping out of her hiding spot in the crook of Phil's wing.

Techno gripped his sword hilt. "That they don't trust you," he growled. "Blood for the blood god."

This time, Mellohi did not shrink back at the malice in his voice. Instead, she took a hesitant step forward. "Mine don't trust you, either."

"So the feeling's mutual," the Piglin said, his flat voice full of the yearn for blood.

"Nope!" She made a popping sound on the P. "I trust you, silly!"

Techno glanced at Phil, clearly perplexed by the kid's abrupt change in demeanor.


"Philza told me about you," Mellohi grinned, standing right in front of Techno. She glanced back at Phil. "When he talked, he always got this glimmer in his eyes. I can tell that he is very proud of you."

Technoblade seemed to be at a loss for words.

"So if Phil can trust you, then why can't I?" she asked him.

"Because I'm a monster," he snarled. Mellohi did not flinch back, because she saw the loneliness swimming in the back of his blood red eyes.

"If we are speaking on technical terms, then I am as well," she replied. "I am all the monster you claim to be. But even though I've committed unspeakable acts, that doesn't mean I have to let them control me."

Techno scoffed. "What kind of acts could you have committed to rival mine?"

"I met Phil informally with an axe to his throat," she replied nonchalantly. Technoblade's face morphed into that of masked horror. "Before that, I had committed mass murder in three villages, all in less than a week. I've done much more, but those are the most recent events."

"How old are you?!" Technoblade cried. The Enderman noticed a bit of admiration in his eyes, though it was gone before she could be sure.

"I am ten years old!" she yipped.

"You and I are going to have a very long conversation." He shook his head, astonished.

And that they did. As the day faded into night, Mellohi offered her child-like wisdom to Technoblade, and they traded stories of their wrongdoings. Techno was beginning to develop a strange sense of attachment toward the kid; he had never met anyone like her. Mellohi learned that Techno lived so far out because he had tried to destroy L'Manburg, and they did not like him at all. This brought Mellohi confusion, because she adored Technoblade.

Soon, they all turned in for the night. They  slept soundly, pleased with the day's events. Mellohi and Phil departed that next morning, because Phil did not want to make the people of L'Manburg suspicious of his whereabouts. Over the hills, mountains, through the forests, and across the ocean they went, safely returning to their home.

Phil had Mellohi unpack her things. Just as they finished settling back in, a dull but frantic knock bounced off the walls. Phil frowned, a look of concern replacing his previously calm demeanor. He opened the door, and outside stood the people Mellohi met the week prior.

Quackity, the man with the beanie, stood at the front. He seemed very angry. Tubbo, the terribly scarred ram hybrid, stood to his left. He radiated uncertainty. Ranboo, the half Enderman, was placed at Quackity's right, and he looked quite uncomfortable with the situation. Finally, Fundy, the fox man Mellohi knew almost nothing about, stood at the back.

"Gentlemen," Phil greeted flatly. "What can I do for you?"

"Shut the fuck up, Philza Mincraft," Quackity snarled. "You've been placed under suspicion of treason by visiting the Blade."

"I can assure you I've done nothing of the sorts," the winged hybrid replied frustratedly.

"Liar!" Quackity screamed, startling Mellohi, who jumped to her feet to help Phil if needed. "Now step aside, old man. We're going to search this damn house until we find what we're looking for."

Quackity shoved Phil out of his way, stalking into the quaint little home. Mellohi teleported across the room in a heartbeat, blocking the army's path. Quackity shot her a look of distain.

"Move, kid," he snapped. "Or you will be moved."

"I won't let you." She threw her shoulders back, appearing larger than she really was. "You have no right."

"We have every right," Fundy growled, backing Quackity up. Jerking his thumb at Tubbo, he stated, "Mr. President has authorized it."

"Mellohi," Phil murmured, beckoning her to his side. "It's alright."

Reluctantly, she moved to his side. He wrapped an arm around her shoulder and watched as Quackity's army tore the house apart.

The Enderman's voices were going haywire, trying to get her to do something.

"I can't," she mumbled. Phil perked up, but refrained from speaking when he realized who she was talking to. "I have to listen to Phil."

"Mel, please," Sebastian begged. "This isn't right and it isn't just."

"I know, Sebi."

"Beat 'em up!" Dexter cried. "Enderman rage!"

"No, Dex."

"Mellohi, you have to," Lavender pleaded. "If they find what they need, they will hurt or even kill Technoblade."

"They will not harm him," Mellohi replied confidently. Quoting, she said a bit too loudly, "'Technoblade never dies!'"

"Shut her up, Ranboo!" Quackity demanded.

Phil protectively wrapped his damaged wing around Mellohi as Ranboo crept up to them. The little Enderman had to bend under Phil's wing.

"Listen, I don't want to hurt you," he mumbled. "Please be quite so I won't be forced to."

Mellohi shrugged, contemplating whether she should be rebellious or not. It turned out she wouldn't have to.

"Hey, Big Q!" Tubbo called, meeting Quackity on the first floor. "Look what I found."

In his hand was a shimmering purple compass.

"Well done, Tubbo!" Quackity cheered. Mellohi glanced worriedly up at Phil, who paled considerably.

"Philza Minecraft," Quackity snarled. "You and this insane excuse for a child are officially under house arrest."

He motioned to his friends. "Butcher Army!" he hollered. "We've got a pig to slaughter."

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