The Vampire Next Door

By rachel2k22

13.7M 412K 93.3K

He had spent centuries with only himself for company, he fed, tortured and killed that was his life and he li... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter twleve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter twenty-five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three (FINAL CHAPTER)
Info for new story

Chapter Sixteen

365K 12K 2.7K
By rachel2k22

Chapter Sixteen

Paige woke from the feeling of being lifted off the ground, she opened her eyes and realised she had her head buried in Seth’s chest as he took her into the bedroom and laid her down on the bed gently. He lifted the sheets and covered her before going back over to the window and closing the heavy curtains to block out the sunlight.

She watched him through tired eyes as he stripped down to his boxers and climbed into the bed next to her, pulling her against his firm chest and wrapping a strong arm around her waist. She settled her head back on his chest and dropped back off to sleep again. She started to have a dream where she was back at home and Zak was there, but there was something different about him, something almost sinister.

He stalked towards her and that’s when she noticed that it was his eyes that were different, they weren’t the usual dark blue, they were black, and the rims of his pupils shone red. She instinctively backed away from him as he cornered her and smirked coldly. He stepped closer and her back hit the wall trapping her, he caged her in with his arms, one either side of her head, and then he leaned in and sniffed her.

“What are you doing?” she asked shakily, as he trailed his nose down her neck taking deep breaths.

When he spoke, she froze, his voice was deep, and raspy it was nothing like what he sounded like, the sound was deep and sounded like a growl.

“You can run, but you can’t hide. I will find you and when I do I will kill that bloodsucker and you will be mine!” he growled out, then he ran his thumb down her cheek and she gasped as she saw that his short fingernails had been replaced with sharp claws.

The claw scratched her cheek, and he smeared the blood on her cheek, as he leaned into to kiss her he laughed menacingly. Paige woke from the dream and bolted upright in the bed.

Seth looked over at Paige, her back was to him, but she was panting and clinging onto the bed sheets, “What’s wrong?” he asked sitting up, he turned her to face him and his eyes widened at the sight of the scratch on her cheek.

“You’ve scratched yourself,” he said tilting her head to the side.

Paige couldn’t stop the tears that streamed down her face and she shook her head furiously, “He scratched me.”

“Who?” Seth asked in confusion.

“Zak, he was different, it felt so real.” She whispered she must have scratched her own cheek she thought as she lifted a hand to her face and touched the drying blood.

Seth was in shock, Ipes had somehow managed to invade her dreams and it worried him that in her dream he had managed to cause her physical pain. He knew what he needed to do though, he would go and see a white witch she could bless Paige’s dreams that way Ipes wouldn’t be able to hurt her.

“What did he say to you?” he asked in concern.

“He said I can run but I can’t hide and he will kill you and make me his,” she told him, the worried look on his face only frightened her more.

“Is there something you’re not telling me?” she asked as he pulled her back against his chest.

“Yes there are some things you need to know, but I don’t want to scare you. You need to know that there is nothing to fear while you are with me, I will not let anyone hurt you, even in your dreams.”

He didn’t have any choice anymore, he had to tell her the truth it was unfair to keep it from her, she needed to know the danger she was in, so that she could understand his reasons for wanting to keep her so close. He wasn’t bothered that he had finally let her get under his skin; he couldn’t deny what she did for him, how she made him feel he had never felt so alive, than when he was with her.

“We’re soul mates, you are destined to be mine,” he told her with a sad sigh; he couldn’t imagine how disappointing that must have sounded to her, to be destined to be with such a creature that he was.

Paige raised her eyebrows, “That’s why you haven’t killed me isn’t it?”

She was struggling to get her head around it; she had always believed as a child that there were such things as soul mates. She had always liked the idea of a couple loving each other unconditionally and being faithful to each other for all of their lives, but that was before she grew up and discovered just how twisted the world was, a place where couples cheated and lied throughout their relationships. It was before she discovered that was even more to the world than she had ever thought, a world where vampires and demons and who knew what else that roamed around in the shadows.

“I can’t kill you, but I am supposed to turn you into what I am and I can’t do that, I can’t let you hate me,” he said opening his eyes and staring straight into hers.

The way he looked at her made her shiver with delight, “You’re torturing yourself with all of this hate and you haven’t once asked me what I actually think of you.”

He didn’t need to ask what she thought of him, her thoughts were exactly what he thought they would be, messed up. He shook his head as she looked at him softly and smiled. He couldn’t deal with how sweet she was, not when he had treated her so despicably, he bit her and hurt her. Just because he wanted to prove, how evil he was.

“I don’t need to ask you, I read your thoughts. I confuse you, you don’t know what I’m going to do next, and as much as I scare you with how unpredictable I am there is a part of you that likes It.,” he told her.

He was right, it was what she thought, she was deeply attracted to him, but was terrified of what he was and what he could do; his looks and his deep husky voice drew her in, but as quickly as he could be soft, gentle and alluring he could be so cold, ruthless and heartless.

“Do you want to turn me?” she asked him, clutching the sheets around herself tightly and turning so that she sitting opposite him as he leaned against the headboard.

“Yes and no. Yes because it wasn’t until I met you that I realised just how lonely this life is, eternity on your own is a dark and depressing thought, but no because you don’t deserve this punishment.” He informed her.

“Neither did you, it wasn’t like you asked to become a vampire, you didn’t have a choice I do.”

“You do yes, but you have no idea what being a vampire is really like, but tomorrow night I will show you and we will see how appealing the idea is then,” he growled.

She was living in a fantasy if she thought that it was all sweet and lovely, there was nothing nice about the life he led. He didn’t care who he killed he didn’t give them a second thought, they were his food and it was as simple as that, he had killed families, tortured them made them watch as he ripped through their parents, children, old people. He didn’t care how old they were or how kind they were, without their blood, he wouldn’t survive, and he enjoyed hearing them plead and beg for mercy something he didn’t give.

Paige sighed loudly, and he was back the harsh, cruel Seth. She could always tell when he was annoyed with her and if she was honest it didn’t take a lot to piss him off, it was whenever she tried to tell him that he wasn’t evil that he felt the need to prove otherwise.

“You’re always trying to prove something aren’t you!” she hissed raising her voice.

“And you’re always testing my patience!” he spat back; he got out of the bed and walked to the bathroom slamming the door behind him.

He paced around in the bathroom, his temper building she was so naive to think that he was a sweet man; he wasn’t some stupid human that was going to bring her flowers and declare his love to her every second of every day. The sooner she got that the better he thought as he clutched the counter, cracking the marble. He walked over to the huge bath that was sunk into the floor and turned the taps on, but if it was peace he was looking for then he had another thing coming as she banged on the bathroom door and stormed in intent on continuing their little argument.

She wanted the ground to open up and swallow her as she realised he was naked, her blushes were spared thankfully by the amount of bubbles that were in the bath but she was still deeply embarrassed.

“Sorry,” she muttered looking away.

“Do you make a habit of walking into people’s bathrooms?” he snapped.

He was highly amused at the red tint to her cheeks, it made her look so adorable, but it was just another reminder of how fragile she was. She turned to walk away, but stopped before she got to the door and spun back around glaring at him.

“As much as you make a habit of picking locks and walking into people’s bedrooms uninvited!”

“Touché,” he chuckled as she turned on her heel and stormed out of the room.

“Idiot!” she muttered to herself, forgetting that his hearing was sensitive and he would have heard her.

Seth was relaxing in the tub when a shrill scream from Paige had him jumping up, grabbing a towel and rushing to the source of the scream, what he found when he opened the door made him laugh so much he nearly dropped the towel. Paige was standing on a chair looking as pale as a sheet and the sight of a spider scurrying across the plush cream carpet made him shake his head, the things humans feared always amused him.

“Please get rid of it!” she pleaded.

“Sorry but this idiot is going back in the bath,” he said walking away.

She bit her lip in anger knowing the only way he was going to get rid of the spider was by apologising for calling him an idiot and apologising when she was right was not something she liked to do.

“You’re not an idiot,” she told him, he stopped and picked the spider up letting it walk over his hand and turned to face her.

“Don’t patronize me Paige, I know that’s what you really think,” he told her tapping his head knowingly.

She didn’t know how she was ever going to get used to him being able to do that, then a thought occurred to her, she was willing to get used it which must have meant she wanted him in her life. He heard those thoughts too and without another word he walked over to the window and threw the spider out, the sunlight that streaked through burnt his hand slightly and he winced. She immediately jumped down from the chair and rushed over to him, running her hand over his burnt skin.

“It’s nothing,” he murmured, and she watched in amazement as the skin healed before her eyes.

He nearly laughed at himself, he had burnt himself with holy water for her and now he had risked the sunlight just to get rid of a goddamn spider and yet he still tried to deny his true feelings. He took her hand in his and dragged her to the bathroom with him.

“You want me to get in there with you?” she asked in shock, but that would mean stripping in front of him.

“I think it’s about time we stopped fighting with each other, there are vampires, and a demon that are looking for us that will revel in the fact that we can’t even go five minutes without an argument.”

He surprised her when he turned his back on her allowing her to undress and get into the hot water, her naked body underneath the cover of the bubbles that were in the bath, but he then dropped the towel and got into the bath without a care in the world, she closed her eyes, and opened them again when she felt him sit down.

She let out a loud gasp as he wrapped a hand around her ankle and pulled her to him, she tried to grab onto something but there was nothing and before she could even attempt to stop him, she was sitting on his lap facing him, very aware of the fact that they were both naked. He ran his hand across her ribs and down to her hip then back again sighing loudly at the warmth of her skin against his hand.

He kissed her neck, trailing tender kisses from her neck to her jaw, finally stopping on her lips and sliding his tongue into her mouth, he moved so that both his hands were holding her against his chest and his kisses became more dominating and aggressive.

This was it she thought as he lifted her gently, they were actually going to have sex; they were going to give into the tension that had been building from their first meeting, but just as his hand slipped beneath the water a loud crash from outside stopped him.

“What was that?” she gasped as she heard another bang.

Seth looked towards the door and listened again, “Ipes!”

“Who the hell is Ipes?” she asked as he pushed her back and climbed out of the bath dressing quickly.

“Your gardener Zak, he’s been possessed by a demon, that demon is Ipes,” he told her as he passed her a towel and she wrapped it around herself.

She didn’t get the chance to ask another question as the bathroom door flew open and something hit Seth with such a force that he crashed into the wall with a sickening crack.

Vote, comment Fan :) and Happy new year everyone

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