Lost Princess and the Dragon...

By FairyAngxl

155K 5.8K 1.4K

Luciana Euclifia is the long lost princess of the Celestial Kingdom. Sting is her older brother, the Prince o... More

Author's Note
Chapter 1・Princess Luciana Euclifia
Chapter 2・Missing Princess
Chapter 3・The Pink Haired Visitor
Chapter 4・Ice Wizard
Chapter 5・Punishment
Chapter 6・Misleading Encounter
Chapter 7・Jealousy
Chapter 8・Memories
Chapter 9・Flames vs Light
Chapter 10・Melted Clothes
Chapter 12・Burning Hot
Chapter 13・Unveiled Memories
Chapter 14・Unvarnished Truth
Chapter 15・All Coming to an End
Chapter 16・Celestial Spirits
Chapter 17・Reunion
Chapter 18・Embarassing Moments
Chapter 19・Flame God vs Lightning
Chapter 20・Water Blues
Chapter 21・Fire Dragon vs Flame God
Chapter 22・The War Ends
Chapter 23・The One Magic
Chapter 24・Happy Endings

Chapter 11・Trouble in Town

5.7K 224 63
By FairyAngxl

Lucy's POV

"Hahaha wait up for me! You know I'm not a fast runner like you!" I said running after a little salmoned hair boy. He still didn't stop and kept running farther and farther away, looking like he's about to disappear.

"No! Don't leave me behind... wait for me!" I begged for him, but he kept running.

As I see him running further, his body started to seem transparent. "Why? Why are you leaving me like this!?" I asked. "No... please don't leave me!" I begged bursting into tears as I kept running after him.

I suddenly tripped trying to catch him. I looked up to see if I could still see him, and I did. But he looked different somehow. As he walked close to me, he didn't look like the little salmoned hair boy I was chasing after. He was all grown up now.

I still couldn't see his face, the sun blinded my eyes from seeing it. I looked up and he was standing there with his hands out.

"Let me help you," he said with a bright smile that warmed my heart.

I grabbed his hands and stood up. I looked at him and I still couldn't see his face. I feel like if I find who this person truly is, then I'll be able to see him.

Mmm... salmon hair and a smile that warms my heart. This sounds like someone I know. Then a familiar face popped out of nowhere and reminded me. And his face started to become clear.
I gasped as I realized who it was. "Na-"

"Lucy!" my eyes shot open as I see Onii-san looking at me with a vexed look. "O-Onii-san!" I sat up in surprise "What're you doing in my room?" I asked picking up my pillow and throwing it at him, but sadly, he caught it.

"Since you're not waking up to get ready for your job... I woke you up," he said and my eyes widened. "Oh my gosh! I totally forgot!" I yelled as I pushed him out the door to get changed. "Oh and by the way, I'm coming with you too," he lastly said and went downstairs.

"I hope I'm not late and Natsu hasn't woken up up yet," I told myself as I ran to the bathroom to wash my face. When I got out of the bathroom, I quickly changed into my maid uniform, white knee-socks, black flats, brushed my hair, and put it in pigtails. I took a quick look at myself and rushed out the door.

I then remembered my dream as I ran out. What was I about to say? Ugh! I'm so forgetful once it comes to these! I pouted trying to remember, but I couldn't put my finger on it. I'll probably remember it later.

I finally arrived downstairs and heard my brother yell. "Hey! What about breakfast?" Onii-san asked me as I ran past through the kitchen, smelling the eggs. Just smelling the food made my stomach grumble. "I'm late already, and I'm suppose to wake the prince up!" I yelled as I opened the door.

"Ooh I really hope he isn't up yet," I thought running through the forest. "I told you that I'm coming with you!" I heard onii-san yell from behind me. I turned my head around and I saw him catching up to me as I run.

"I'm sorry, I couldn't have time to wait for you," I apologized. He just rolled his eyes.

As we arrived at the town, everyone looked very busy, and it was crowded too. "Well I'll leave you here now. Good luck on your grocery shopping," I smiled at him and waved goodbye.

I quickly ran towards the castle hoping Natsu isn't up yet.

When I arrived, I noticed that he isn't outside. I ran towards his room when I heard Virgo call out to me. "Lucy!" she said. I stopped running to look at her. "Why are you late? You were suppose to wake up the prince 15 minutes ago," she told me. I bowed down apologizing and explained that I over slept. After she forgave me, I ran to Natsu's room. Wow, I'm doing a lot of running that usual today.

I knocked on his door and I heard Gray respond. "Come in."

I slowly opened the door and saw that Natsu was still in bed and Gray and a red haired girl in an armor, standing next to him. "How come you didn't wake him yet?" I asked them, but thank god they didn't.

"It isn't our job to wake him up, it's the maid's. So if he doesn't wake up, we wait till he does, or for the maid to wake him," the red haired girl responded. I wonder why she's here? I didn't see her the other day.

"I'm sorry, I oversept," I explained "My name's Lucy Heart by the way, what's yours?" I asked the armored girl. "It's Erza Scarlet, nice to meet you Lucy," she responded.

I walked near Natsu's bed and patted him. "Natsu, wake up," I said wiggling him a bit, but he didn't open his eyes. '"Natsu," I said louder. He moved, facing the wall and his mouth was open with a smile, and a drool. Is this how a prince sleeps?

"Natsu," I said again a bit louder than the last, but he still wouldn't wake up. Okay I see how it is. I leaned in closer to his ear as I was about to yell. "Na-!"

He suddenly opened his arms and pulled me close, making me fall on top of him. He then moved back to his original position, facing the other side, me still in his arms.

I looked at both Erza and Gray who were covering their mouth, holding back their laughs. "Help me!" I whisper-yelled as I tried to free myself, but they just stood there. "Remember we're not suppose to be the one to wake him up," Gray snickered.

I looked at Natsu, who's face was so close to mine. My cheeks started to heat up as I noticed that our lips were a few inches apart. "N-N-Natsu!" I yelled this time making him open his eyes, looking directly at me. "L-Lucy!" he yelled in shock. His face turning red as I was freed from his grasp.

"Why were you in my bed?" he asked getting up from the bed. "You kinda pulled me as I tried to wake you up," I explained, my cheeks still burning up. "Oh... I'm sorry," he apologized as he bowed down.

I was suddenly in shock when he bowed down to me. "Please don't bow down to me, you're the prince, and I'm your servant," I said, my blush disappearing.

He looked at me with a serious face. He walked towards me and held both of my shoulders. "You're not a servant to me Lucy. You're more than that, and you're someone special in my life," he said looking directly in my eyes. My blush started up again when he said those words. 'Someone special?' Is that like confession!?

"I-I'm glad that you t-think of me t-t-that way," I stuttered as I looked down in embarrassment.

"Ahem!" Gray and Erza fake coughed. "If you guys are done with your lovey-dovey talk, then Prince Natsu, you go down and eat some breakfast so you can start your morning duties," Erza commanded. "Also Lucy, obviously you have to follow him everywhere like me," Gray added rolling his eyes.

"And what's wrong with following me around?" Natsu asked with a raised eyebrow. "There's nothing wrong with it at all! Gray is just being silly over here," I said backing him up. "Don't whine, and Juvia's coming with us right?" I whispered to him and he nodded.

"She follows me everywhere," he whispered back.

Normal POV
With Zancrow

"Mmm... what should I cook for lunch?" Zancrow asked himself as he thought of things that he can cook. "I can either cook, Katsudon, Zosui, steamed rice with furikake, or Omurice.... I can just cook all of it so we can have left overs for dinner and for tomorrow," he shrugged and bought the ingredients to make the food.

As he bought some of the ingredients, he sensed a familiar smell that wasn't suppose to be hear. "Excuse me, can you hold onto my things for a moment? I'll be right back," he said to one of the food sellers and quickly hid somewhere.

He scanned through the crowd and finally spotted that someone, and that was Sting. "I thought he only comes here on Saturdays and Sundays!" he thought as he tried to escape. Luckily, he always escapes from him when he came on days other than Saturdays and Sundays.

He tried to run from one house hold to the next food stand, repeating the same thing, without getting noticed. But he started to feel like he was in danger..... "I can sense his presence coming," he whispered.

Sting's POV

"I know he's here somewhere," I said as I searched the town desperately. Since I was young, my keen of smell started getting better and better. But there was always this one familiar scent that lingered through the years that I can never forget.

And it belonged to the man that stole Luciana. I know he's here somewhere because every time I come to this town, I can sense his scent, but it's too faint to track down.

I started to smell the air some more and something interesting happened. I felt nostalgic. I can really sense his presence real close this time. Not like the other times, I could sense it, but I could barely take a good whiff. "I know you're here," I smirked and ran past through the crowd tracking down his scent.

His real close to me this time! "Once I find you, you're dead meat!" I smiled wickedly as I was getting closer.

His scent started to fade away again. He probably knows that I'm coming for him. You can run, but you can't hide. I'm not letting you escape!

I took a quick turn and saw a glimpse of long, spiky blonde hair. "Found you.." I smirked.


I hope you guys are enjoying the story still. I'm so happy that you guys are sticking around to read this, and wanting to read the next chapter. I'm sorry if the events here are slow and there aren't much NaLu moments.

I'll try to make cute NaLu moments in each chapter from now on so their relationship can develop more and their feelings will grow out of the best friends zone and into the romantic zone.

Well see you on the next one! Jā matane!

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