Shooting for a Star. (Star x...

By XLunarFoxX

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This is a Star Butterfly x (non-gender based) Reader (Which means the reader will be referred to as they/them... More

Author Note
This is for thanking people.
Star comes to Earth
2: Party with a Pony
3: Match Maker.
4: School Spirit
5: Monster Arm
6: The Other Exchange Student.
7: Cheer Up, Star.
8: Quest Buy.
9: Diaz Family Vacation.
10: Brittney's Party.
11: Mewberty.
12: Pixtopia.
13: Lobster Claws.
14: Sleep Spells.
15: Blood Moon Ball.
16: Fortune Cookies.
17: Freeze Day.
18: St. Olga's Reform School for Wayward Princesses.
19: Mewnipendance Day.
AN: Sorry...
Apology for putting the story on hold Special
Q&A Answers.
5K Special
21: Interdimensional Field Trip.
Looking back
22: Storm the Castle.
Special because I want to.
(early) 10k Special!
Special again :)
Another special
23: Mr. Candle Cares.
Incorrect Quotes nr. 1
Incorrect Quotes nr. 2
Incorrect Quotes nr. 3
25k special pt. 1
Incorrect Quotes pt. 4
24: Star on Wheels
Incorrect Quotes pt. 5
Incorrect Quotes pt. 6
Q&A Time!
25: Star vs. Echo Creek
Incorrect Quotes pt. 7
Another canon special
Incorrect Quotes pt. 8
26: Goblin Dogs
Incorrect Quotes pt. 9
27: Game of Flags
28: Sleepover
Memories: Royal Pain
New cover!

20: The Banagic Incident.

863 25 125
By XLunarFoxX

Hi again! Here with another chapter! Writing the thingy i always write at the start of a new chapter in a more cheery way than i'm feeling!
Anyways, i hope you enjoy!


*You are in Star's room, sitting next to a bathtub full of magazines, Star sitting in the tub. You are yet again wearing long sleeves on a summer day so your friends don't have to worry about you. You and Star are looking for something to do today.*

(Also Star is wearing clothes. I checked that before writing this.)

"No... No... Nope... Reading in the tub is not... a sure-fire fun way to spice up a dull day. Hmm... Today might be the day I face my biggest fear: Boredom... Maybe today is the day I renounce my vow to never have a dull day!" Star says, while flipping through the pages.

"Today, I will look boredom in its eyes, those beady little black eyes, like tiny little black fists, I'll look into those eyes and I will say... Oh wait, never mind, what's this?" Star says, 

*You peek over Star's shoulder, looking at what she found.*

"Oh! "The Banagic Wand, Earth's coolest magical treat." Earth magic! I swear to baby dolphin giggles, I will find the Banagic Wand before this day is done... or die trying. Or my name's not Star Butterfly! As you as my witness, I'll never go bored again! And anything else I'm supposed to say to make this official! Whoo-hoo!" Star says.

"So we go and search for an overpriced banana?" You say.

"Let's go!" Star says, jumping out of the tub, and dragging you out of the room. You wince as Star grabs you but you quickly hide it.

"We don't know where we're going." You say.

"Hmmm..." Star says, pulling you with her back to the tub to look in the magazine.

"Ah, "As featured on TV." But I saw it in this magazine. Hmm. Aha! A riddle. But I'm terrible at riddles. Need Marco." Star says

Wait what about me?!  You think, making an offended noise.

*Star pulls you with her into Marco's room, and just when Marco's about to hit the plank in front of him, Star replaces the plank with you. You quickly put your arms up to block, which startles Marco, which results in Marco hitting himself and falling on the ground.*

So i'm a human shield now?  You think.

"Earth magic. Look." Star says, showing Marco the magazine.

"That thing from TV?" Marco says.

"You've seen it?" Star says.

"Yeah, it's one of those late night commercials." Marco says.

"So it does exist. To the TV!" Star says.

"I can't. I've gotta get to my karate class." Marco says.

*Star drags both you and Marco with her to the TV, and turns it on.*

"You know Star, (Y/n) also knows how the TV works..." Marco says.

"And i also know how to solve riddles!" You say.

"And im not a human shield!" You say.

"Sorry (Y/n)" Star says, hugging you. 

"It's ok." You say, hugging back.

"Well, since you don't need me, I will go to my karate class." Marco says, starting to walk away, but Star pulls him back.

"Glitter Grenade Rewind!" Star says, shooting a spell at the TV.

Wait... DID STAR SAY GRENADE?!?!  You think, slightly panicking.

*The TV shows two kids on screen. You, Star, and Marco look at the TV.*

"It's so hot." One of them says.

"And I'm so bored." The other kid says.

"What are they gonna do?" Star says.

"The Banagic Wand! It's a little bit of banana, and a little lot of magic. Designed by leading freeze-ologists, the Banagic Wand uses state-of-the-art molecular ice-stronomy to frostulate your sizzle zones and CHILL YOU OUT!!!" The announcer says.

Wait what did he just say? i couldn't really figure it out because of all the garbage cluttering the sentence.  You think.

"I'm totally chilled out." The first kid says.

"There's enough Banagic fun "For all my friends to enjoy"." The other kid says.

"Friendship magic." Star says.

(And by the power of friendship, i will skip the rest of the chapter!)

Aaand done! Another chapter! I hope you liked it! Comments and feedback are welcome! Thank you for your time and see you next time!


Time spent writing: Long enough.

Alright enough with the joke, on with the story.


"Available at better stores near you." The announcer says.

"Better stores?" Star says.

"Supplies are limited! Get yours now!" The announcer says.

"Supplies are limited. Let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go!" Star says, putting a bike helmet on Marco's head and THROWING HIM OUT THE DOOR?!

"Ow..." Marco says. Then gets up and gets on his bike.

*Star puts another helmet on your head, you close your eyes and brace yourself. Star picks you up and... just walks out of the door and puts you down.*

"Thanks." You say.

*Then the TV explodes...*

"To a better store near us!" Star says.

"Did you hear anything I just said?" Marco says.

"A little bit of banana, a little lot of magic." Star hums.

"Star, I can't go now. And I'm not sure you have a firm enough grasp on Earth culture to go on your own." Marco says.

"Marco i will go with Star." You say.

"Even more reason to worry." Marco says.

(Insert offended (Y/n) noises here.)

*You hit Marco on his head.*

"OW!" Marco says. You huff.

"Hey, get out of our yard box, you scoundrel! Hide your dragon eggs somewhere else." Star says to the mailman.

"Okay, I'm ready. Let's go." Star says, jumping on the back of the bike.

"Wait what about me?" You say.

"Oh just hold onto me." Star says.

*You cling onto Star, praying you don't fall.*

"Marco, we're not moving. You push those little thingies with your feet." Star says, pointing at the pedals of the bike.

"Honestly, Marco, sometimes I wonder if you have a firm grasp on this Earth stuff." Star says.

*Marco paddles the bike slowly.*

"Oh, too slow. Bunny Rocket Blast!" Star says, shooting the bike with everyone on it, all the way to the plaza where the Karate Dojo is. 

*Star kicks the Dojo's door open and sees all the Karate stuff inside.*

"Karate class? Marco, we don't have time for detours. The commercial said we have to hurry while supplies last. Focus on the quest." Star says.

"This is where I'm going. Karate. I am not going with you." Marco says.

"Dear, sweet Marco. I commend him for making it this far on the journey, and vow to complete the quest in his honor. Good-bye, Marco." Star says. You tap on Star's shoulder to remind her that you also exist and would be happy to help her.

"Come on (Y/n)." Star says, dragging you with her to the Record store.

*You walk into the store and Star looks around, sees the cashier, and quickly pulls you into a hiding spot.*

Why are we hiding... You think.

"The store is guarded by a werewolf." Star whispers, after peeking around the corner.

"Are you sure?" You whisper back, but Star pulled you with her to the cashier instead of answering your question.

"We wish you no harm, werewolf. All we seek is the Banagic Wand. Is this a better store?" Star says.

"Uh, better than what?" The cashier says.

"More riddles. I wish Marco was still with us." Star says.

"Star i can also solve riddles!" You say, but Star already drags you with her out of the store.

(Timeskip brought to you by Star not listening to what (Y/n) has to say.)

*Star and you are running from a mob of angry employees from a pirate-themed restaurant, and Star spots a 'Better Store'. So she jumps into a shopping cart, pulling you with her, and you quickly hand the person who's cart you were stealing their groceries. Star then pushes off and the cart starts rolling down the hill, going faster and faster, and you almost get hit by a bus but Star rockets the cart upwards and over the bus, and you land right in front of the store, and right in front of Brattney.*

"Oh Brittney, you gotta help us! There's an angry mob after us! Could you just throw them off our trail and tell them we went that way? Thanks, bye." Star says, pulling you into the store.

Aaand that b*tch is gonna snitch on us... You think.

*You and Star look at a giant pile of banagic wands.*

Hmmmmm... Seems like nobody believed the commercial.  You think.

"They're magnificent, aren't they?" A random shopper says. Star grabs a box.

"You! It's time to pay for what you've done!" The barmaid from the pirate-themed restaurant says.

"Are they talking to you?" The random shopper asks you and Star.

"Mm-hmm." You say.

*The random shopper walks away from the scene slowly. The angry workers corner you and Star to the aforementioned "Banagic Wand" boxes pile.*

"Wreck my store?! I'll show you!" The barmaid says.

*You ready your scythe and Star aims her wand at the "pirates".*

"Ok guys, you need to chill out... The Banagic Wand. A little bit of banana, a little lot of magic. Designed by leading freeze-ologists, the Banagic Wand uses state-of-the-art molecular ice-stronomy to frostulate your sizzle zones and CHILL YOU OUT!!!" Star says, repeating the commercial for the Banagic Wand.

(Time skip brought to you by the transcript.)

*Marco opens the front door and enters the house.*

"Star, y/n, I'm back! Still wanna go...?" Marco says, then he looks around, only to see you, Star, and all the "pirates" eating banagic ice cream.

"Hey, Marco. We conquered our boredom!" Star says. The "pirates" laugh.

"Hey." Marco says.

"Here." You say, handing Marco a bowl of banagic ice cream.

"We went downtown by ourselves." Star says.

"I know, I was there..." Marco says.

"It was way easy... I guess you can say we've totally mastered Earth." Star says.

"Sorry, I underestimated you two."

"You underestimated us?" Star says.

"Ehmmm, yeah, I did. Sorry. This stuff looks delicious though." Marco says.

*Star pushes Marco's Banagic bowl out of his hands, making him drop it.*

"Why did you—" Marco says, but Star interupts him.

"There was a fly on it." Star says, and she walks away, pulling you along.

"Never underestimate your opponent Marco, but also never underestimate your friends." You say.

Aaand done! Another chapter! I hope you liked it! Comments and feedback are welcome!  Also, we're getting really close to the end of season 1! just 2 more chapters till Storm The Castle! 
Anyways, have a nice day/night!


Time spent writing: About 6 hours.

Next chapter: Interdimensional Field Trip.


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