When Worlds Collide | J. Hale...

By teensupernatural

12K 403 57

Faerynn - Ryleigh Salvatore, the younger sister of Stefan and Damon Salvatore, was just an ordinary girl livi... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Author's note

Chapter 6

710 27 0
By teensupernatural

A/N: So i'm gonna try and write this in a third person POV let me know what you think.

(3rd person POV)

Alice, Bella, and Ryleigh made the journey to Phoenix trying to keep Bella safe from James, while trying to keep Ryleigh from going after James alone.

The group of four waited in the motel room waiting for news from the rest of the family. As Carlisle and Esme were guarding Bella's house, and the remaining family members were trying to lead James on a wild goose chase. When suddenly Alice gets a vision.

"What do you see." Ryleigh asks the seer vampire worriedly.

"The tracker, he just changed course." She stated while grabbing a pencil and paper.

"Where?" They asked as Alice drew a picture on the paper. "A room full of mirrors."

Bella looks at the drawing after Alice was finished. "A ballet studio."

The two vampires turned their heads to look at the brunette human. "You've been here?" Ryleigh asks. The brunette nods her head. "I took lessons as a kid."

"Was your school here in Phoenix?" the Ryleigh asked the human, and she nods her head in answer. They all came to the agreement that they had to leave Phoenix as soon as possible. Alice went to check out, while Ryleigh and Bella stayed in the room to get all of their things together.

The two brunettes were packing their things in silence both worried about their significant others, and their safety. When suddenly the ringing of Ryleigh's cellphone broke the silence startling both of the girls.

Ryleigh goes to pick up the phone without looking at the caller ID. "Hello?"

"Ryleigh." Her blonde vampire states in relief.

"Jas." The brunette states with joy knowing that he's alright.

"Jas, Alice had a vision of James, and he's coming to Phoenix."

"I know, I'm coming there now. We're gonna go somewhere alone." The blonde vampire states.

"No." shaking her head even though he can't see her. "I'm not leaving until I get the justice I deserve." she states firmly.

He sighs deeply. "I know how much you want your justice, but I can't let you risk yourself. I won't lose you." he states in desperation. "Please, just come with me." he pleads to her. The brunette inhales deeply thinking over her options.

"Fine." She finally says after a long moment.

He sighs in relief. "Thank you, I'll see you soon. I love you."

"I love you too." and with that they end the call.

The brunette then turns back to the human who has a terrified look on her face. "Bella what's wrong?" she asks the human in concern. "James, he - he has my mom at my old ballet studio. He said I needed to go there, and bring you with me or he'll kill her." Bella stated with tears in her eyes. The vampire nods her head.

"Well I guess there's only one thing to do then." She states as she drags Bella out of the motel room.

They both make it downstairs hiding from the sight of Jasper and Alice who were still at the reception desk. The older brunette saw the cab in the front of the motel and grabbed the younger brunette's arm and dragged her to the cab before taking off toward the ballet studio.

The two brunettes finally exit the taxi in front of the dark, and deserted dance studio. The human brunette takes a deep breath and pulls out her pepper spray. Before she can take a step towards the building the vampire speaks up. "I need you to promise that no matter what happens if I tell you to run, then you run."

Bellas looks up to her in worry. "No I'm not gonna -."

"Promise me Bella!" the vampire interrupts her with desperation lacing her voice."

She slowly nods. "I promise." They interlock their hands, and head inside the studio.

The vampire pulls Bella behind her in an attempt to keep her safe when they hear the faint sound of a woman's voice.

"Bella? Bella?" Before the vampire even has time to think the human takes off running towards the voice.

Ryleigh sighs deeply. Disappointed, but not surprised with the fact that the human would willingly run towards the danger with a can of pepper spray.

"Bella where are you?" they hear the voice again and the brunette takes off running towards the human trying to find the noise. They hear the voice coming from a closet. The older girl pulls the younger one behind her before opening the door. They are met with a video being played of a young Bella and Renee.

"Don't you want to dance baby?" Young Renee asks.

"Everyone makes fun of me." Little Bella states.

"Bt you're a wonderful dancer." Renee states trying to convince her daughter.

"Mom I suck." suddenly I tense in both anger towards the man and fear for Bella's life as we hear laughter echo through the room. "That's my favorite part." The man states and the girls turn to look at him. "You were such a stubborn child, weren't you Bella."

"And you...." he states turning to look at Ryleigh "....you have no one here to protect you now, do you?" He tells her mockingly. Ryleigh clenches her jaw, and glares at the man.

"She's not even here...." Bella states. Ryleigh's eyes widen as the realization sets in. "No, he tricked you to lure the both of us here alone." Ryleigh states.

He laughs at both of the girls. "Sorry. You know, but you really made it too easy."

"So to make things more entertaining, I'm gonna make a little film of our time together." He tells them as he pulls out a video camera. "I borrowed this from your house. I hope you don't mind." He tells Bella, and she just stands there and stares at him.

Ryleigh pulls Bella behind her to shield her. "And action." he says.

"You son of a bitch." Ryleigh growls at him. She then kicks him and sends him flying across the studio. She turns to Bella "BELLA RUN!" She shouts, and thankfully Bella does as she's told and runs. Before she can get to the door James jumps in front of her. He grabs Bella and throws her across the room.

"Leave her alone!!" Ryleigh yells at him. James turns to look at her "Oh don't worry I'll be back for you." he tells her with a smirk after throwing her into the wall.

Ryleigh stands up and hears the sickening crunch of bone, and then she heard Bella's ear piercing scream of pain. Before he can do anymore damage Ryleigh vamp speeds at him, and tackles him away from Bella. She then straddles him and throws punch after punch at his face.

"You. Son. Of. A. Bitch. You. Ruined. My. Life." She states after each punch, and you can hear what sound like glass cracking after each punch. Before she can do anymore damage James kicks her into the nearest mirror. She collapses onto the floor with pieces of glass piercing her skin.

James then stalks over to Bella in an attempt to hurt her again, but before he can Edward comes in and knocks him away from her. Edward tries to go after James but Ryleigh stops him. "Take Bella, and Go!" She shouts at him. He looks at her conflicted as she stand up on her two feet. "He's mine." She tells him and he nods his head and goes over to Bella.

Ryleigh walks over to James and roundhouse kicks him in the face. She goes to punch him again, but he catches her fist and throws her into the pillar. Edward jumps to get away with Bella, but James grabs Edward and throws them both onto the floor. Edward, and James fight each other, Ryleigh gets up to help Edward, but James throws Edward into her and they both go flying across the room and Ryleigh hits her head against the wall.

Before anyone can react a blood curdling scream fills the atmosphere, and Ryleigh turns to look and sees James with Bella's wrist in his mouth. Ryleigh goes to stand up blinking the black dots out of her vision. She runs at James and tackles him off of Bella, she stand up and jumps on his shoulders from behind, and tries to pull his head off.

Before he can throw her off Jasper, and Emmett show up. "Hey buttercup, need some help?" He asks her with a smirk, she just glares at him, and he and Jasper hold James' body down as she finally pulls his head off.

Ryleigh then gets off of him, and goes to lean against the pillar steadying herself as the black spots start to reappear. Alice shows up and helps the boys set James' body on fire.

Jasper comes and walks in front of her. She looks at him in relief "Is it over?" She asks. He nods his head. "It's over my love." She sighs in relief and smiles before succumbing to the blackness in her vision and collapses in Jasper's arms.

Ryleigh was in Bella's room getting Bella ready for prom. Ryleigh is doing Bella's hair after already finishing her makeup, and Bella keeps moving in her chair. "Stop fidgeting, or I'm going to stab you in your head." She tells her firmly.

"Yes buttercup." Bella mumbles under her breath.

"What!?" Ryleigh questions.

"Nothing." Bella responds quickly. Ryleigh just rolls her eyes and shakes her head.

After a few more minutes of doing her hair Ryleigh finally finishes. "Alright I'm done, now go put on your dress." Bella gets up and does as she's told and then she comes back in the room.

"It looks ugly with this stupid cast on." Bella states with a whine.

"Nonsense you look beautiful." Ryleigh tells her with a smile.

"Now come on, let's head downstairs before your dad hurts Edward." They both laugh and head downstairs

They both head downstairs and the guys turn and look at Bella with wide eyes. Ryleigh smirks at her job well done as Bella blushes from the attention.

"I'll take care of her, Chief Swan." Edward tells Bella's dad

Chief Swan grunts. "I've heard that before."

Ryleigh snickers. "Don't worry Chief Swan if anything happens, I'll personally kick his ass."

Chief Swan laughs as Edward glares at her, she just winks at him.

"You not going to the prom Ryleigh?" Chief Swan questions

"Nah, prom really isn't my thing." She tells him

He nods his head. "All right, Bells. I put a new can of pepper spray in your bag." He tells her and Ryleigh bits her lip to hold in her laugh.

"Dad." Bella states giving her father a look.

"And....Well, you look beautiful." He tells his daughter.

"Thanks." Bella smiles at him.

"Alright, well, I'm leaving I'll see you guys later." Ryleigh says as she heads out the door.

"Bye Ryleigh." Chief Swan says.

"Bye buttercup." Bella and Edward say. Ryleigh turns around and glares at them which causes them to laugh. She just rolls her eyes and shuts the door.

Ryleigh heads back to her place to find Jasper already there, sitting at the edge of her bed. She just keeps doing what she's doing pretending he isn't there.

"What's with the silent treatment?" He questions with his eyebrows raised.

She looks at him and gasps, faking innocence. "Oh my goodness, I'm sorry, I didn't see you there. Usually people knock or wait for me to be home before coming into my house." She says with a smile. Jasper rolls his eyes and laughs at her innocent act.

He walks over to her and wraps his arm around her. "I know, but I think my way is fun." He says kissing her lips. She just rolls her eyes and kisses him back.

"Are you sure you don't want to go to prom." he questions her after they pull away.

She nods her head at him. "Yeah, prom really isn't my thing, and besides we have the rest of eternity to go to prom." she tells him teasingly. He just rolls his eyes.

"Besides, I'd rather spend the night with just you." She tells him and he kisses her again.

"You know, there is something that people do on prom night that we could do." She tells him suggestively.

He raises his eyebrows at her. "Oh yeah, and what's that?

"Oh I don't know....." She trails off as she pulls him into a passionate, and hungry kiss. He finally figures out what she's talking about and kisses her back just as hungrily.

They start walking over to the bed and he lowers them down as he start kissing her down her jawline, then to her neck.

They spent the rest of the night getting lost in each other.

Chapter 6 finally done!!!! Thank goodness, I kept putting it off until, but I'm glad I finally finished it.

I also started a new book it's called "The Lost Mikaelson" please go check it out and read it, you can find it in my works.

Please leave feedback on the story, and ideas for future chapter.

Please like and comment on my story because that's what inspires me to keep writing.

<3 love you guys!!

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