Lost in Hope / / Minsung

By Straightish_Kids

55.2K 2.4K 447

LMH : "We can't do this, I'm your teacher and you're my student" HJS: "Just have some hope in us, please" LMH... More

Lost in Hope| Intro
Lost in Hope| 1
Lost in Hope| 2
Lost in Hope| 3
Lost in Hope| 4
Lost in Hope| 5
Lost in Hope| 6
Lost in Hope| 7
Lost in Hope| 8
Lost in Hope | 9
Lost in Hope| 10
Lost in Hope| 11
Lost in Hope| 12
Lost in Hope| 13
Lost in Hope| 14
Lost in Hope| 15
Lost in Hope| 16
Lost in Hope| 17
Lost in Hope| 18
Lost in Hope| 19
Lost in Hope| 20
Lost in Hope| 21
Lost in Hope| 22
Lost in Hope| 24
Lost in Hope| 25
Lost in Hope| 26
Lost in Hope| 27
Lost in Hope| 28
Lost in Hope| 29
Lost in Hope| 30
Lost in Hope| 31
Lost in Hope| 32
Lost in Hope| 33
Lost in Hope| 34
Lost in Hope| 35
Lost in Hope| 36
Lost in Hope| 37
Lost in Hope| 38
Lost in Hope| 39
Lost in Hope| 40
Lost in Hope| 41
Lost in Hope| 42
Lost in Hope| 43
Lost in Hope| 44
Lost in Hope| 45

Lost in Hope| 23

1K 55 5
By Straightish_Kids

Jisung Pov

My phone dinged and the notification popped up.

One Notification

One unopened message from Unknown number

I opened my phone  and clicked messages.


hey, jisung

its seungmin, my classes are done

Okay its XXX dorm, if you want ill walk you

Change '???' to 'Seungmin'?

Yes or No



i'm outside of Statistics

I shot back a quick reply and slide my phone back into my pocket and made my way to the Psychology building. I walked fast and spotted Seungmin outside of the Statistic's. I called him over and smiled happily.

"Jisung" Seungmin walked over. "How was switching your major?"

We turned and started walking toward the dorm building.

"It was good. I start the Music Major next week." I replied.

"Music? I love music, I've done some song covers before." Seungmin said.

"Really? Can I listen sometime?" I asked, my interest had peeked. He blushed and shrugged his shoulders.


I smiled and we walked up the many stairs that lead to my dorm. We walked to the door and I pulled my key out, opening the door.


"Hey, Jisung" Hyunjin answered. I stopped and stared at him. Hyunjin?

"Hyunjin?" I questioned. "What are you doing and how did you get in?"

Hyunjin raised his eyebrows when he saw Seungmin. He held up a bag.

"Your clothes are in here." Hyunjin said. "You left the door unlocked so I just got in."

I hummed, a little suspicious.

"Felix isn't here?" I asked.

"Uh, not when I was here" He replied.

I hummed before realizing Seungmin was behind me. I turned to the side, stepping back so Hyunjin could see Seungmin.

"Hyunjin this is Seungmin, Seungmin this is Hyunjin. I met Seungmin on my way to head office. Seungmin, Hyunjin is a friend of mine,"

"It's nice to meet you, Seungmin." Hyunjin bowed and offered a hand. Seungmin took it with a noticeable amount of blush on his cheeks.

"Its nice to meet you as well. Are you older?" Seungmin asked.

"I believe so, I am 24."

"Ah, Hyung, I am 21."

They both smiled as I reached into my back pocket. Hyunjin took a seat on the couch and when I made eye-contact with him I rolled my eyes. He stuck out his tongue.

"Seungmin take a seat, feel at home, I'm just going to call Felix." I said.

I went to contacts and clicked Felix. I put the phone up to my ear and turned away from chatting Seungmin and Hyunjin.

Felix picked up my call and answered with a raspy voice.


"Felix it's Jisung, where are you?" I asked waiting for the answer. However I did not get one but instead a long pause.

"No where." He said shortly. I scoffed, gaining Hyunjins attention.

"Yah! Yongbok get your ass home before I drag it here myself." I stated, half joking, half serious. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Hyunjin perk up at the my sentence.

I heard an annoyed 'yeah, yeah' before the line went dead. I toom the phonr way from my ear.

"Whats his problem..." I mumbled to myself.

"Hey, 'Sung?"

"Yeah, 'Jin?"

"I thought you called Felix?"

I turned to him and gave him a confused look.

"Yes..? I did." I raised an eyebrow at him.

I walked to the fridge and pulled out 3 cokes. I set them on the coffee table and sat in front of the two older boys on a pillow.

"But you called him Yongbok..." Hyunjin trialed off, grabbing a coke and opening, passing it to Seungmin before grabbing his own.

I chuckled at his mistake.

"Yongbok is Felix. Felix lived in Australia before moving to Korea, Yongbok is his Korean name." I answered. I became more confused when I saw his eyes widened.

"L-lee Yongbok?" He stuttered out.

"Yea, why?" I inquired. "Do you know him?"

He look down and stood up. His face paled and the door opened, Felix standing there.

"He's my brother..."


Drama ~

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