||2 traitors in love||: Book 1

By Raythebookworm

30.2K 604 415

This is my first Ray x reader, so I am sorry if I misspelled or anything Y/n, a girl who is a really good sib... More

A day at gracefield house
Goodbye forever Conny
Just pretend and smile...
Did you go to the gate last night?
Sister Krone
A new enemy, a new sibling, 2 new sources.
A game of tag and..?
The secret is out!
The traitor is Ray! And so is...Y/n?!
Betrayal, Lying, Goodbye!?
This is a nightmare...
Did Y/n and Norman escape..?
Norman and Y/n's departure..?
Escaping or staying?
Our escape

Telling Gilda and Don

1.5K 32 5
By Raythebookworm

Later with Mama and Sister

"So, how has living here been?" Mama asks.

"Oh, this is a wonderful house. All the children are smart and well-behaved." Sister says nervously.

"I see. Lately you've been following instructions and being well-behaved as well." Mama says which makes Sister even more nervous.

"Yes." Sister says uneasy.

"It's good your trying to gain their trust, you've even played tag with them. I was worried because you were unpredictable, but it's been fine." Mama says and Sister looks down with anger.

"You're just insurance. The only reason I called for you in the 1 place was simply to make sure that the products are protected. So, you don't need to know which one knows the secret." Mama says with a smirk.

"Just pretend to be obedient, work hard, and act that you've grasped some sort of weakness over me." Mama continues.

"I would never..." Sister says.

"You have nothing else to do than be my pawn, right? But if you behave..." Mama says getting up from her desk and stands in front of Sister.

"I'll make sure that you can become a Mother, I promise." Mama says as she puts a hand on Sister's face cheek.

"Now, I know you're a smart girl. So, try not to make anymore mistakes." Mama says with a warning tone.

With Sister

She walks up the stairs and goes into her room.

Sister grabs her doll, Sister frowns and then growls in annoyance. She got so mad that she took off the head of the doll.

"That woman!" Sister says and throws the head and body of the doll on the ground and steps on them harshly.

"Just you watch! I'll drag you down! You witch!" Sister says now calming down, taking a deep breath and then laughs.

"And then soon, I will be a Mama here." Sister says.

(Personally if I were downstairs and I heard loud footsteps above me I would just ignore it and go on with my day/night.)

With me, Ray, Emma and Norman

Emma grunted focused on the cloths and Norman noticed.

"Emma." Norman calls out.

"Huh?" Emma says.

"We should start playing tag in teams from now on." Norman says.

"Why's that?" Emma asks.

"At this rate, most of them would die if they escaped individually." Ray says.

"Hey, Ray." Emma whines.

"They all have potential but they're still far from success." Ray says with a smirk.

"But everyone's movements aren't bad, remember I'm the one they have to run away from." I say.

"But we shouldn't let them run solo." Ray says.

"We'll make formations and run away in teams." Norman says with a smile.

"We'll play tag in a way it's similar to what the real escape would be like." I say happily.

"The real escape." Emma says in a low voice still in her thoughts.

"And I have another idea." Norman says making all of us look at him.

"Let's tell Don and Gilda. We'll explain the situation and have them lead the teams." Norman says and I started pondering some thoughts of what the outcome would be.

'What if they don't believe us?' What if they get really mad at us?' I think.

"What if they're Mama's informant?" Ray says.

'Even though me and him are the traitors, at least we have reasons why we picked to become traitors.' I say.

"No worries. Finding out who the informant is, and also winning them over. I can do those simultaneously. If Y/n does give me words of motivation, of course." Norman says and puts a finger on his lips.

"Oh here are some words, you're amazing, you're great, you're awesome, you can do it, you can find out who the traitor is." I say with a smile.

"And I've already made arrangements too, now that I remember." Norman says and Emma gasps.

"Emma." I call out.

"Hm?" She says and turns her head to me and Ray.

"For now, we'll tell you 100 types of formation patterns, so memorize them." Ray says.

"Wait, so you mean by ear?" Emma says which makes Ray smirk.

"You can't do it?" Ray says in a teasing manner.

"Easy peasy!" Emma says with confidence.

Later at the field with everyone

"I won't get caught this time!" A kid says.

"I can do it!" Another says.

"Okay, try not to get caught by me and Y/n for 10 minutes." Ray says.

"Go!" I say and they start running. Me, Ray and both of our groups played as the demons meaning that Norman's and Emma's groups were the escapees.

"Everyone, follow me!" Emma says.

"Let's win and surprise those 2!" Norman says and kids giggle.

"Let's do this!" Don says as me and Ray look at my pocket watch and then look at the forest.

As we were doing that, Mama was looking at us suspiciously.

In the forest with Emma and Norman

Emma and Norman we're running side by side, then Emma does a peace sign to tell them that they were okay so far.

There was a fork in the forest, Emma's team took the left and Norman's team took the right.

With Emma's team

Emma takes a few steps then stops and tells the others to stop, then she gives a smile and Phil giggles.

With Me, Ray and our team

Me, Ray and our 'demon' team were chasing Norman's team. He signaled to them to separate, which they did and went separate ways.

Norman right and Don left. Me and Ray look at each other and stop with the other children.

We both smirk, and I headed after Norman's little team and Ray goes after Don's little team.

"See you in a bit Emo boy." I shout.

"See you later, don't take too long." Ray shouts out.

"I won't!" I shout back which caused Ray to have a small smile on his face but quickly had an unfazed look on his face and continued chasing down Don's small group.


"That was so fun!" Phil says.

"Phil, you were good at running away." Emma says and I nod.

"Hey, can we do that again? I want to be leader for the next one!" Don says.

"Let's take a break for a little bit." Gilda says smiling.

Later with me, Ray, Norman and Emma

"It looks like playing tag in teams is going to work!" Emma says as Ray looks at Phil.

"Hey, what was Phil's score again?" Ray asks.

"Hm, let's see." Emma says thinking.

"He's averaging 203." I say knowing what Ray was thinking.

I loved Phil very much, mostly every kid, but I had to hide my feelings about it, but I knew that they all cared for me as much as I care for them.

"That's high for his age. But then again, Y/n got perfect scores when she was young too, well, younger." Norman says and I squeeze his face cheeks.

"Do you have to say that every time you have the chance? I'm smart I got that, I'm sure we all do, you should praise yourself more than just praising me!" I say and he laughs with a wide smile.

"He was 1 of the last ones remaining this time and also when we played tag with Sister." Ray says interrupting our little moment but I nodded none the less.

"Hm?" Emma says.

"And he's always looking for Y/n, you and Norman with sherry, too." Ray says and Emma then thinks hard about what Ray just said and then she gasps when realization hits her.

"Stop it! I don't want to suspect him, there's no way!" Emma says whines.


"This is life or death." Ray continues and Emma looks at Mama and Sister with our younger siblings.

"Hey, Y/n, Ray." Norman says.

"Hm?" Me and Ray say looking at him.

"Any progress on how to break the tracking devices? How much time do you guys need?" Norman asks.

"Let's see here." Ray says he thinks for a small while.

"About 10 days." I say, beating him to the answer and Ray nods.

"Then let's commence the plan 10 days from now." Norman says.

"HUH?" Me, Ray and Emma exclaim.

"We'll carry out the escape plan 10 days from now, on November 8th." Norman says shocking me, Emma and Ray, we all gasp except for Norman.

"W-Wait! Isn't it too soon? I mean, it's fine, but-" Emma says.

"It's not fine! It's been 2 weeks since Conny was shipped. The shipment cycle is at least every 2 months, so we should have about a month and a half. I thought the plan was to carefully prepare during that time!" Ray says as I put a hand on his shoulder, telling him to calm down.

"Yeah. Just as you thought that way, Mama's controlling us to think that way, too." Norman says making Ray gasp.

"So we need to outwit her." Norman says.

"And if we fail from being too rushed? Then what?" I ask.

"Either way, we need to escape before winter comes. As soon as we break the tracking devices, let's execute our escape plan as quickly as possible." Norman says.

"That means we have to do what's necessary in the remaining 10 days." Emma says and Ray tch's in annoyance.

"Let's talk to Don and Gilda tonight." Emma says.

Later at night

Mine, Ray's, Emma's and Norman's Footsteps were heard from downstairs, going up the stairs and then next to the library. Emma puts her hand on the handle and turns towards us.

"Follow my lead." Emma says surprising Ray and me.

"Huh?" Me and Ray say, confused.

But Norman nods and Emma opens the door.

"Huh? Hey, what did you want to talk about?" Don asks.

After explaining, again cause I'm lazy

"What? Human trafficking? Are you sure?" Don asks and Gilda gasps.

Me and Ray were on the ladder watching them, and Ray puts his head on my shoulder and i ruffle his hair.

"Yeah. All our siblings have been sold off to bad people." Emma says and Don gasps but then laughs.

"Pffft, there's no way. Come on." Don says laughing.

"But the walls, the gate, and our siblings who left and never write us letters..." Norman says.

"Oh, come on, now. So what's the punch line? What kind of prank is this? You almost had me for a second." Don asks and Emma puts her head down, silence then filled the room.

"Uh, hey, why aren't you guys not saying it's not true?" Don asks.

"Because it's true." Ray says making everyone look at us.

"What? Wait, then what about Mama?" Don asks.

"She's the one, who's selling us to bad people." Emma says.

"There's no way Mama would do such a thing! Take it back, Emma!" Don says putting his hands on Emma's shoulders.

"Don." Gilda says which makes all of us look at her.

"Emma loves this House and Mama just as much as the rest of us. So there's no way she would lie about that." Gilda says and Don looks at me.

"So, Gilda?" Emma asks.

"And I did think it was weird. The night that Conny left, You and Norman went to the gate, and-" Gilda says.

"You did?" Don asks Norman, to which Norman nods.

"Yeah." Norman says.

"Even if you broke the rules, both of you would usually apologize immediately, and everything would be back to normal. But you haven't done that yet." Gilda says making Emma gasp.

"Emma, you've become so serious now. But I couldn't ask about it." Gilda says and then starts crying.

Emma went over to Gilda and pat her back, trying to comfort her.

"Oh Gilda, no please don't cry. I'm sorry I made you worry." Emma says.

"Did you see it, Emma? Conny being sold off to those bad people." Gilda asks making Emma gasp.

"Yeah. But we didn't make it in time." Norman says.

"Ok, but Conny is safe, right?" Don asks.

"I don't know." Norman says which makes me and Ray mad about him lying.

"But how, how could this be?" Don asks as I cross my arms.

"I don't know if this proves anything, but for the past few days, these are our siblings' scores that I had Ray, Emma and Y/n to look into." Norman says holding up a piece of paper.

"Our test scores?" Gilda and Don ask.

"The ones who left are over 6 years old and adopted in the order of lowest scores first. Isn't that weird?" Norman asks.

"True, but not just Conny's scores, Hao and Ceddy too." Don says.

"You're right, Norman." Gilda says.

"Don. Gilda." Emma says catching their attention.

"Let's escape from here and go help Conny and the others. Let's all run away from here, together! Please help us." Emma says and they both think and then nod making Emma smile.

Later outside the library

Emma walks away, leaving me, Ray and Norman behind.

"Hey Norman, what was that all about?" Ray says and I nod.

"Is this not to your liking?" Norman asks.

"No, but what do you mean don't know? You should have said they died!" Ray says.

"That was the best way to smoothly get them to help us." Norman say.

"If they aren't the spies after all then this kind of lie is too cruel." I say with a frown.

"They're alive? You shouldn't have gave them false hope." Ray says.

"How and when are you going to tell them the truth? Can you even tell them the truth?" I ask, upset.

"I'll cross that bridge when I get there. We're still assuming they might be the spies, too. So I'm going to lay a trap." Norman says.

"A trap?" Me and Ray ask.

"I'll tell both of them where the rope is hidden." Norman says and Ray grunts quietly, clearly upset.

"I'll tell Don it's under my bed. To Gilda, I'll tell her it's in the ceiling of the 2 floor bathroom. Who will make a move? How will Mama find out? We can trace it from there." Norman says.

"And the ropes? If they aren't the spies, and there's nothing there, it'll get complicated." Ray says.

"I've made preparations for that, too." Norman says.

"So you're completely prepared, huh?" I ask.

"I told you both, The key is to outwit her." Norman says.

2 chapters in a day, am I amazing or what? 🤩

Now my dear readers/children, I fed y'all 2 chapters so now go take a break, read, go outside idk go do something else other than being on wattpad cause I'm sure some of y'all spend hours reading these types of fanfics.

Take at least a 30-45 minute break off wattpad and then come back.

If you don't do this then the monster from under your bed will come get you, maybe the closet monster will join in 😎

(I'm just kidding you don't have to listen to me after all, I'm not ur parent. But do take a few breaks here and there. Your eyes deserve some rest from the screen 🙃)

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