Escaping or staying?

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Ray's POV

"I've been thinking this whole time. What should I do for Y/n's and Norman's sake? The answer is..." Emma says.

"To do nothing." She says.

"Mama told give up and free myself of the pain. But...I will never, ever give up. I won't let them die in vain. Will you, Ray?" Emma asks and I chuckle, placing my book down on the table.

"So we're always thinking the same thing in the end." I say.

"Let's run away, Ray. We came here to talk about that."Emma says.

"I wanted to talk to you guys, too. These past 2 months, we couldn't really talk since we were worried about Mama watching us." I say.

"Yeah. We didn't want Mama to figure out our true intentions." Emma says.

"True intentions?" I ask.

"Yeah. Mama is really cautious. Even though we weren't doing anything, Mama never stopped watching us. But we can use that against her." Emma says.

"As long as she's watching me, I can keep her eyes away from everyone else." Emma continues and I gasp lightly.

"Don and Gilda, huh?" I ask.

"Yeah. I left everything to them. Training for the escape, and all other preparations." Emma says.

"How far along are you?" I ask.

"Everything is ready. Supplies, food, and warm clothing. We can escape anytime." She says.

"That's impressive. Now, how will you run away?" I ask.

"We worked that out too. We have a plan. Let's run away tomorrow morning, before you get shipped out." Emma says.

"Wait. It's reckless to go out during the day. The situation is different than before. We should escape at night when it's easier to hide." I say, Emma was about to say something but I cut her off.

"Hear me out. Sit down." I say and she sits down.

"Okay. There are 2 problems. 1st, Mama's watchful eyes. She's always watching us, and she's always keeping the younger ones close to her. It's the same during the day, and at night, the babies are in her room. In order to escape with everyone, we'll have to shake Mama off, and separate her from the little ones." I say and she nods.

I then pick up the old sketch that Y/n made a while ago.

"And then, past the wall is a cliff. We can't climb down from it. If we're escaping, it'll be through the bridge. But there's only 1. I'm sure there's security to begin with, and once they find out there's been an escape, the guards will rush over. Plus, it's by the headquarters. There's probably a lot of monsters there. So, what are you going to do?" I ask and she stays silent, I look at a box that was on the table.

"I think this is the best answer." I say, walking towards the box. I then open it up to reveal oil.

"Oil?" Emma asks.

"At night, we'll light the House on fire." I say.

"You're going to start a fire?" Emma asks.

"That's right. When Mama is distracted putting it out, we'll lead everyone outside, saying it's an evacuation. If we seal the door to the secret room, Mama can't notify headquarters. And headquarters will think it's a fire, not an escape. Then security won't go toward the bridge. That's when everyone will escape through it. As a bonus, I also hid 10 Molotovs behind some rocks in the forest." I say and she gasps.

"Molotov bottles!?" She lets out.

"Don't underestimate my 6 years of preparation. Throw those Molotovs into the neighboring plants on the way to the bridge. If all goes well, there'll be another fire to make security even scarcer. Since it's nighttime, no one will be in the forest. No one will die. So instead of tomorrow, let's run away tonight, right now." I say staring at her eyes, and she stared back at mine.

||2 traitors in love||: Book 1حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن