Our escape

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Ray's POV

"The kids under 5 aren't here." I say.

"We're leaving them here." Emma says and I gasp.

"I though about what you said to me before...1 more time." Emma says.


"Everything's going smoothly for now. Everyone down to age 5 is on our side." Don says.

"They were surprised, but I think everything will be okay." Gilda says.

"Our next training is underway too." Don says.

"Thanks you guys." Emma says.

"So, what do we do next? Should we tell them? The kids 4 and under." Don asks.

"Would they believe us?" Emma asks.

"And afterward, can they hide what they know?" Don asks.

"Not only that...I wonder if we can really take them." Gilda says.

"Huh?" Don says.

"It's not like I don't believe in Y/n's and Norman's plan. But it's a cliff, it's winter, and they are not here. Even after we get out there'll be unpredictable situations. I know it's a little late to say this, but maybe Ray's thinking is also correct." Gilda says.

"So you mean..." Don says and Gilda nods.

"We can't let them get killed because we took them with us." Gilda says.

"But if we leave them here, they'll get shipped out." Don says.

"I know! I know that, but..." Gilda says.

"Still, I can't leave them. Ray's right. Gilda's right, too. But...I don't want anyone to get shipped out anymore." Emma says.

"Same here." Don says.

"I want to take my whole family. Let's escape with everyone." Emma says.

"Yeah, but..." Gilda says.

"What's wrong?" Don asks.

"We'll...um...what about the kids in the other plants?" Gilda asks and Emma gasped.

"Is it fine for only us to escape. We've never seen them, but...not knowing anything, just like us. A family living happily..." Gilda says and then gasps.

"Oh, um, I'm sorry." Gilda says, moving her hands around in the air.

"What should we do, Emma?" Don asks.

"That's right. After all..." Emma says as she looked at the pen Y/n had given them a while back.

"Can you get Phil?" She asks.

A few minutes later

"Yes, Emma?" Phil asks.

"We have something to tell you. About the House and Mama." Emma says.

After explaining

"I knew it. So it's just like I thought." Phil says.

"Huh?" Emma lets out, clearly confused.

"I was thinking about it for a while. When we were playing tag, I was wondering what Sister meant by harvest." Phil admits.

"She was looking through Ray's and Y/n's drawers, oh and Norman's too, and Emma, when Y/n and Norman left, you were really scared of Mama. I always thought it was weird. So then...Norman and Y/n got harvested, huh? And Conny...and everyone...that's why you..." Phil says but gets himself cut off by his own sobbing.

||2 traitors in love||: Book 1Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant