By miniekins

317K 17.3K 16.3K

"If I spread your thighs apart, I expect that they stay open." Jimin's relationship with his boyfriend has al... More

30 || GAME ON


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By miniekins

Days have blown by. Jimin has never undergone such a complicated rush of excitement and fear, striking him both at once. He has looked forward to the show ever since the potential had been brought into light. Full house, Jeongguk said. Each seat will be occupied. The entirety of the floor will be covered.

Jimin doesn't realize just exactly how anxious he is until he lifts his hand to find that it's trembling. Promptly, it's enveloped by one of a much larger size. He peers up, meeting Jeongguk's soft brown eyes.

"I'm not forcing you to do this, Darling. It's up to you, remember?" Jeongguk's thumb drags over Jimin's knuckles soothingly. He lands a kiss against them.

"I want this," Jimin says, shifting closer toward Jeongguk on the sofa. "I really want this and I'm excited. But I'm also nervous. What if they don't like me?"

Jeongguk pulls Jimin into his lap. The latter's legs fall over his thighs. His arms circle his nape. "There's no possible way any of them could dislike you, Darling. How many times must I remind you that you're perfect?"

A flutter in his stomach. Jimin rests his head against Jeongguk's shoulder, burrowing into the crook of his neck. He inhales his scent and sinks further into the solid yet downy shape of him, wondering how he had gotten so lucky.

"How much money do you think we'll make tonight, Jeongguk?" Jimin asks and his lips drag over the man's skin.

"I think that tonight, we'll make the most we've ever made, Darling. And it's all thanks to you. My baby. My treasure." Jeongguk moves Jimin's head so that they're facing one another. He cups his face and leans in slowly, nipping at his bottom lip. The black haired man whines, looking into Jeongguk's alluring eyes.

"My pretty boy," Jeongguk mumbles while he pushes some of Jimin's hair back, admiring his downy complexion.

"I'm your pretty boy?" Jimin's voice is just as delicate as he looks, peering at Jeongguk reverently. His small hands move over his shoulders and tease the skin underneath his top, feeling the warmth of him.

"You are. Mine." Jeongguk flips them over, hovering over top of Jimin who lays breathlessly on the couch with parted lips and flushed cheeks. Fingers graze the exposed area of skin where his shirt has ridden up. Such subtle touches still manage to set his body aflame.

To drag Jeongguk closer is what Jimin yearns desperately for. There's pressure between his parted thighs and eyes boring into his own. He craves another taste, insatiable for the pressure of the blond's body flush against his own.

Jeongguk smiles, leaning down to place a wet kiss over the bared area of Jimin's neck. He rubs him through his pants, drinking up the delicate sounds flowing into his ears. Perfect.

"What do you say we head out, Darling? Before I get too carried away," Jeongguk purrs and his lips curve into a smirk.

"O-Okay." Jimin's actions betray his words as he reaches for more, pulling Jeongguk down on him. Their lower halves collide and the submissive moans quietly into their kiss, moving impatiently for some more.

"You're getting excited, Darling." Jeongguk chuckles, pulling back and keeping Jimin still be coiling his fingers over his throat. The smaller man looks up with watering eyes, through damp lashes.

"Let's show them how loud you can get on stage."


The whole drive to Asphyxiation, Jimin is prodding at his pretty collar with his fingers. In spite of the nervousness pricking at his skin, his excitement is what's most pervasive. He can feel Jeongguk stealing glances and it makes his heart beat quicker. He can't wait to be taken control of in front of hundreds of people. The blond's hands feel so good on his body, the high that it puts him through is inexplicable.

Once Jeongguk has parked, they get out of the car and make their way into the building. Their fingers are intertwined and Jimin is trailing from behind, but closely. He wonders how Taehyung is doing. It's been awhile since he's seen him and Namjoon - Hoseok, even. The man responsible for such a riveting possibility.

The open sexual acts don't effect Jimin, anymore. The clear, crisp sound of whipping and moaning is something he has gotten used to. But even then, if he imagines him and Jeongguk in the same situation, it's entirely different. Something he can't seem to get enough of.

"There will be preparations before our show, Darling." Jeongguk opens the door to his office and Jimin enters first. As soon as it closes, his back is pulled gently into a chest and arms snake around his waist. Lips drag over his ear.

"What kind of preparations?" Jimin asks, breaking into a smile, stimulated by the ticklish feeling of Jeongguk's nose against his nape.

"They'll set the stage, beautiful boy. There will be plenty of toys for me to use on you. How does that sound?" Jimin gasps once he's pulled flush against Jeongguk, his ass hits his crotch and his face flushes with arousal.

"B-blood..." Jimin mumbles. He turns around and he looks up at Jeongguk with lidded eyes, pulling him down close by coiling his small fingers through his blond hair. "Can I...?" he asks timidly.

"You want another little taste, Darling?" Jeongguk husks, molding his fingertips into Jimin's hips.

"P-please." Jimin gasps as he's hoisted into the air. He wraps his legs around Jeongguk's waist and nuzzles into his neck, anticipation growing when the sound of crashing from behind ensues. He's placed on top of the blond's office desk, his thighs part as Jeongguk slots himself between them.

"How badly do you want it, Min?" Jeongguk drawls against his lips, smirking. His fingers move beneath the rips in Jimin's jeans.

"Master, please. Give it to me." Jimin shifts against the desk, closer to Jeongguk. He's held in place by his upper thighs, blinking at the blond, silently begging for his craving to be placated.

Doubling over his desk, Jeongguk locates the switch blade that's sitting in his uppermost drawer. As soon as he's facing Jimin once more, he pops the blade open and slowly drags it down his neck, watching his eyes flutter with ungovernable anticipation.

As Jeongguk brings the knife back and runs it smoothly over his forefinger, Jimin watches the action with focused eyes as the skin breaks and as blood bubbles over the surface. He whines, reaching out for the blond's hand.

Once the blood reaches Jimin's tongue, he moans. He sucks on Jeongguk's fingers intently while the man examines him with pleased eyes and a shifting hand.

The button of Jimin's jeans are popped open and the zipper is pulled down leisurely. Jeongguk slowly inserts his free hand beneath his underwear, toying with his shaft. He begins to pump it and Jimin mumbles incoherently around the finger, visibly experiencing bliss and a blown out, lustful haze.

Jimin's tongue curls over the finger and dips into the split skin. His body thrums with a taste so undeniably good, it makes his limbs go weak and his mind blank. All that he can focus on right now is the iron spreading over the base of his tongue. The way Jeongguk's hand shifts flawlessly, up and down his throbbing cock.

"You're doing so good, beautiful boy. You sound so pretty. So loud." Jeongguk's lips drag over Jimin's ear slowly, spurring him on, edging him closer to his release.

"M-Master, please." Jimin is hardly audible with the finger in his mouth, but the look on his pink face gives away his intentions. He ruts his hips lazily into Jeongguk's hand while he proceeds to suck on his finger, dragging out every last pinch of blood that he can.

"You'll be so good for me tonight, won't you, Darling?" Jeongguk purrs, placing a chaste kiss over the side of Jimin's neck and right beneath his collar to offer encouragement.

"So g-good. So good for Master." Jimin's mouth pops off of Jeongguk's forefinger. He falls forward and his forehead digs into the blond's shoulder as he breathes heavily. His fingers lurch onto the man's dress shirt and he pulls, wanting.

"Let it go, Darling." At these words, Jimin moans softly and finishes in Jeongguk's hand. He feels hot and high, mouthing over his exposed clavicle.

There's a subtle knock at the door and Jeongguk beckons whomever forward. Jimin's eyelids flit to the entrance and he sees Hoseok, along with his submissive, Yoongi.

"The preparations are halfway done, Jeongguk. The show room is already flooded with onlookers. Just remember that afterward, there is a celebratory party. No disappearing before talking people up. This night is about attaining as much money as you can. Remember that." Hoseok's vibrant red hair shines beneath the light, pushed back by his fingers. In his other hand is the handle of a leash, connecting to Yoongi's collar. There are faux cat ears clipped into his head of mint hair and he acts coyly, hiding behind his Master.

"Thank you, Hoseok Hyung. I'm sure I can manage. I'm known to get what I want, when I want it. Isn't that right, Darling?" Jeongguk is looking into Jimin's eyes with a lopsided smile. He tilts his head back and kisses him on his lips. The latter sighs into it.

"That's right, Jeongguk. They're expecting you both in an hour, so make sure that you're ready. Tonight is going to be huge." Jeongguk doesn't say anything in return, simply admires Jimin. The door is heard closing and Hoseok is gone.

Jimin blinks at Jeongguk with his ample lips adjusted into a small, mindless pout. His hair is brushed back by delicate fingers. "What do you say, Darling?"

"I'm ready," he mumbles longingly.


Jimin doesn't think he has ever seen so many people in just one room. While sitting behind the curtains, he can hear heavy chatter on the other side of it and he swallows. Jeongguk notices that he's on edge and he drags his fingers over his bare arm, pulling him in close so that their chests are touching.

"So many people," Jimin mumbles. In relief of such a big turn out, yet also with clear hesitation.

"And they're all here to see you and me, Darling. They get to choose what I use on you, but I get to choose how I use it. Where it goes... I know your body, beautiful boy. I know you. There's no reason to be afraid. My hands will be on you and nobody else's." Jeongguk rubs his palm over the briefs covering Jimin's ass, currently the only piece of clothing he wears until the show begins and he's forced to strip completely naked.

"You promise?" Jimin peers up through long lashes.

"I promise you my life, Darling." Jeongguk leans down and places a passionate kiss on his lips, savouring the sweet taste of his inner mouth.

Jimin reciprocates without a second thought, excitement bubbling over the consternation. He wants Jeongguk to take him right now, but he knows that will ruin the show and the whole process Hoseok has worked so incredibly hard to mold together. He needs to be patient.

"Ten minutes, you two," Hoseok tells from the side.

Jimin looks over at him, and Jeongguk redirects his gaze back to him. "It's just you and me, Darling. No one else," the blond reminds him, voice downy as ever.

"No one else," Jimin repeats, smiling. Jeongguk removes his briefs for him and the cold air makes him gasp. A contraption is rolled over - something to keep him off of the ground and restrained. All leather, and Jimin recalls it from the first night he had stepped foot into the show room.

He isn't exactly too sure who's responsible for tying him into place. A stranger approaches - perhaps it's this man's job. But he's stopped in his tracks, because Jeongguk steps in front of him. Jimin can't see his face, but the blond's body language is tell enough.

"I appreciate you and all that you do for Hoseok Hyung and the club. But if you put your hands on him, you will no longer have any," Jeongguk husks, and it makes Jimin shiver.

The man lifts the hands he's been threatened to lose. He takes a step back and allows Jeongguk the space that he needs. Mostly because he's scared shitless.

Jimin positions himself accordingly and his wrists and ankles are being bound by leather. Jeongguk is gentle, sure they're tight enough to keep him in place, but not to irritate his skin. Once he's finished, he rises and places a kiss over the man's lips, pulling a blindfold over his eyes.

"How does this feel, Darling?" Jeongguk touches at Jimin's stomach, watching it dance underneath his fingertips.

"It f-feels good, Master. You make me feel good," Jimin replies, body hot already and building with excitement. He can hear the sound of a cart wheeling toward him and his only guess is that it's home to the multiple tools available during bidding.

Hoseok mentions that there's only a few minutes left and everyone else besides Jeongguk and Jimin clear from the stage. The latter's heart picks up and he swipes his tongue over his lips. This is everything he has been waiting for.

The curtains spread apart and gasps laden the show room. Jimin can barely see through his blindfold, but just enough to catch how totally occupied the floor is. He can hear steady discussion within the sound of his pulse in his ears. His adrenaline is spiraling and racing.

People start to call out numbers that all mesh into one. His breathing accelerates but a hand placed over his hip keeps him calm. He doesn't have a single clue what's on the table, but he trusts Jeongguk. With his life.

The first victor is presented after the count finishes. "One, two, three, sold!" Jimin listens in closely, waiting to hear which tool will be used on him first.

"The knife."

He exhales through his nose, eyes flitting beneath his blindfold. His abdomen fluctuates when the apex of the blade makes contact with his skin. He can recall the several occasions when any knife had led to the outcome of consuming blood. He moves against the leather straps and the crowd noises their approval. He's already getting hard, just at the thought.

"This feel good, Baby?" Jeongguk whispers into his ear, dragging the knife over his growing erection.

Jimin nods his head, unable to hold back the very delicate yet crisp sounds of rapture building in his throat. The blade is running over his thighs, up his abdomen, up to his chest. Jeongguk whispers sweet nothings into the submissive's ear while he breaks skin. The black haired man whines, wiggling his head. He can feel blood running over his nipple and swiftly, it's licked away. His head spins because it feels so good. The pain, the wetness of the tongue. It drives him crazy.

The knife is then moved up to his throat, just beneath his collar. He can feel pressure placed against it and his breath hitches when cool liquid falls down his neck. Jeongguk nuzzles into the crook of it, licking the blood away, nudging the collar with his nose. Jimin is seeing stars amidst the obstruction of his blindfold.

The darkness is compelling - he's being played by a puppet master. His thoughts are twisted, mind lifted into a place of sinbound rapture. All power is stripped from his entirety as his hands tremor, woven together in a state of paralysis, bound in unity by thick straps of leather.

As the edge of the blade is drawn down over every curve of his naked, shaking body, frigid with the night, his cock tenses but his body slacks into complete submission. The severity of his covet lines his skin with goosebumps; small hairs standing on their ends as the knife renders him completely helpless, inching closer to his throbbing length, straining against his abdomen.

There's a fine line between pain and pleasure and yet, he's bordering it. Each gentle prod at his body furthers the tension building up in his stomach. The adrenaline of it all is unrivaled, running thickly beneath his hot skin, hastily mad. And yet even though he's played like this, it's without flaw. Even though he's being used to sate another's pleasure, the man on the giving end spurs on this need to push to please.

He's Master's toy.

And he always will be.

He can hear a clank, the knife has been dropped back onto the cart. There is a moment before the next bidding and he takes this moment to catch his breath, wanting to release. But he can't. Not until Master says so.

It almost feels like everything has become a blur. Jimin's eyes are lidded and although the leather is intended to ease pain, he's been shifting so much that it has no choice but to pervade. He isn't prepared for clamps to close on his nipples. He sounds a shrill cry which gets the crowd riled up. It stings but it feels so incredibly good.

"They love you, Darling." Jeongguk kisses Jimin's ear while he twists the clamps, inebriated by the latter's ginger whimpers.

"M-Master," he mumbles quietly, it almost passes the blond by. "I'm doing good, right?"

"So fucking good, beautiful. So fucking good." Jeongguk gives both clamps one last twist before they're pulled off. Immediate relief follows and a hot tongue rolls over them to ease the pain. His blindfold soaks up the tears streaming from his eyes.

The show continues, Jimin pushes through as long as he can bear. As soon as it ends, the curtain closes and he's unhinged from the leather straps. The first thing Jeongguk does is lift him into his arms. Hoseok passes him a blanket and he takes it, draping it over the smaller man's taxed body.

Jimin can hear people talking but he's so near unconsciousness that he can hardly register the words. With lidded eyes, he's taken back to the chamber through the back. He's placed on the bed and Jeongguk locks the door behind him.

"Master?" Jimin breathes.

"Yes, Darling?" Jeongguk calls from the bathroom. He returns with a small medical kit and places it on the side table, sitting next to Jimin's laying body.

"How much money?" he rasps.

Jeongguk sniffs, his lips lift lighty at the edges. "The most successful night we've ever had, Darling. And it's because of you." The cuts aren't deep, but Jeongguk douses a small cotton ball with alcohol and reaches for Jimin's hand. He hisses as it's dabbed over his small incisions.

"That's good," he hums, staring at Jeongguk with admiration floating heavily in his eyes. "Are we going to the celebratory party?"

Jeongguk's smile falls. He looks over Jimin quickly and shakes his head. "No. You're in no condition. You need to sleep," he intones.

Jimin pouts. "But you told Hoseok Hyung that you're going. It's not like you penetrated me. I can still walk. I'm just sleepy, that's all." He reaches his hand outward and draws his finger over Jeongguk's cheek. "I want to go. I want you to show me off. Please."

Jeongguk tilts his head to the side, in thought, and his blond hair follows. He places his hand over top of Jimin's and plunges deep within the beautiful brown shade of his eyes, locating nothing but pure want and genuineness.

"If that's really what you want, I can make it happen, Darling. But let me finish fixing you up. Get some sleep and we can join the party in half an hour, okay?" Jeongguk compromises, leaning over to place his lips against Jimin's forehead.

Jimin's eyes close as Jeongguk leans his forehead against his own. He wraps his arms around the blond man's neck and breathes quietly, in peace. "Okay," he says.

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