Regain [l.t + z.m]

By prattpratt-baby

21.8K 1.1K 284

Zayn & Louis were high school sweethearts until Zayn announced he was 4 months pregnant at the age of 19 with... More



1.8K 97 29
By prattpratt-baby

"Daddy!" Oliver screamed from the back seat.

"Oliver William! Quit scaring me half to death while I'm driving, now what do you need?" Zayn replied in a huff after getting the car back on track.

"Pictures daddy, you have pictures of wouie at home," the toddler grinned.

"I do baby, good job. Do you think we should show him when we get home?" Zayn questioned the three year old.

"Yes daddy! Yes! Would you ike that Wou?"

"Wou? It's Lou love but yes I would quite like that." Louis smiled over at the toddler.

Louis was taking this surprisingly well, and Zayn was freaking out a bit. The hospital gave him Louis' address, to go collect his clothes and shoes. He even brought along FIFA and his football. Zayn figured he might want it. Oliver was giggling into his hand just as a fruit snack was lobbed at Zayn's head.

"Oi! What do you think you're doing mister!" Zayn laughed.

"Sorry daddy! Wou made me do it!" Oliver giggled.

Louis scoffed from his seat up front, "I did not, you little bugger! What kind of kid are you raising Zayn?"

"What can I say? He's just like his papa." Zayn smiled softly.

"Your husband won't mind?" Zayn looked over at Louis confused, "ya know since there's another man in the house?"

"Oh no, uhm, it's just me and Oliver. His daddy left before he was even born." Zayn replied softly.

"How is someone gonna leave when they know there was a baby on the way? What a prick." Louis scoffed.

"Ha, yeah. He wasn't too fond of the idea of being a father at 20 but I had a choice and that choice was Oliver. Truth be told he's just like his papa but I wouldn't change him for the world," Zayn smiled softly, looking at Oliver through the rear view mirror "I mean sure his dad was a bit of a prick but if it wasn't for him I wouldn't have my little bundle of joy."

Louis looked over at Zayn and the smile on his face, warmed his heart but also made him feel guilty? Why should Louis be feeling guilty be barely knew the lad! "Uh Zayn?"

"Hmm," Zayn hummed.

"Who was the father?"

Zayn froze, looking over at Louis, "s'not important Lou. The only important thing is I have Oliver."

Louis figured it was a soft subject, so he let the next words die on his tongue. Although he won't lie, he was absolutely dying to know who this prick was so he can make him taste his own blood.

Zayn continued driving as the soft snores of both Oliver and Louis filled the car. He doesn't understand how in the hell they can both be loud and a bit annoying one minute then be out cold the next. Then again Zayn never quite understood Louis but wouldn't change him for the world. 30 minutes and a trip to Tesco passed, when they were finally home.

Home , Zayn couldn't help but think if they would be living here had Louis stayed. Would they be in a cosy home like Louis wanted to be? Because 'it isn't proper to raise a baby in a flat, Zee. It has to be a home with a yard and Bruce running around.' Zayn smiled at the flashback quickly snapping a picture of both his baby and Louis. To set as his lock and homescreen. As well as making a mental note to never let Lou see his phone.

"Lou? We're here. Wake up." Zayn shook Louis.

"5 more minutes." He grumbled. Zayn chuckled before lobbing the same fruit snack Oliver threw at him, at his face.

"Oi! That's not nice," Louis grumbled "it seems he got it from both of his parents."

Zayn laughed as he removed Oliver from his car seat, careful not to jostle the sleeping toddler. As they walked into the building, he greeted Paul at the front desk. "Oh by the way Zayn, Harry dropped by and asked for you to call him when you get in. Said something about discussing the new appointments."

"Thanks Paul, will do. Oh! This is Louis he'll be staying with us for a few days." Zayn introduced the two.

"Nice to meet you Louis," Paul nodded.

"Likewise Paul."

Zayn smiled and waved a goodbye, as he continued his way over to the lift with Louis in tow, "hit the top floor please Lou."

"What kind of place do you live in Zayn?" Louis asked.

"It's a mix between a condo and a studio layout. Pretty spacious with lots of toys and movies." Zayn laughed.

Louis nodded as the doors opened up to the top floor and followed Zayn out to the last door (there's only 3 doors) as Zayn rummaged around to get his keys out of his pockets, just as a little voice grumbled about "moving too much"

Zayn laughed, handing the keys over to Louis "Sorry love, daddy was looking for the keys." Oliver grumbled before bringing up his fists to rub the sleep from his eyes.

"Can't sleep now daddy," Oliver yawned "hungry."

Zayn laughed as he brought up a hand to rub Oliver back, "I'll order some pizza and we can watch a movie before you go to bed."

Oliver nodded and he wiggled around. Zayn set him on the floor just for the little boy to bolt towards the living room. Zayn chuckled, shaking his head. "Just go ahead and follow him. He'll probably want your input on the movie."

Louis nodded his head as he took off towards Oliver. Zayn sighed as he walked into the kitchen for the phone as he took out his cell to shoot Harry a text. After both tasks were done, he made his way towards the stairs, stopping next to the living room as he heard murmurs. Looking in Zayn saw Oliver talking to Louis about whether they should watch Iron Man or Captain America.

Zayn knew that Louis would choose Iron Man. He always did. If it wasn't Iron Man, it was Spiderman (but not the new one Z, that one's shit. Why would you even try to choose that one). Zayn made his way to his room to change and grab the pictures, picking out the ones of them kissing and tucking them safely in his sock drawer. After gathering the pictures he went downstairs after a "Daddy! Door!" Was shouted up the stairs.

Zayn grabbed his wallet and went to pay for the pizza, the delivery driver looked him up and down just as Louis made his way to the door to grab the pizza from Zayn's hands "can we help you with something?" He spoke up as he saw the look the lad threw Zayn's way.

"N-no sir. Have a great night." He stuttered out as Louis shrugged his shoulders and made his way back the livingroom with the pizza and soda. Zayn shook his head because of fucking course Louis' mind would register the look and speak up even when he has no memory of them dating. Zayn sighed as he closed the door and made his way towards the living room just as he heard "don't say it, don't you say-", "on your left" making him freeze realizing that, they indeed picked Captain America: The Winter Soldier.

"What happened to Iron Man baby? Tired of the movie alread?" Zayn questioned.

"Nope, Cap Merica daddy's favorite." Oliver spoke up.

Zayn laughed, "He's not daddy's favorite favorite but thank you love. Now come change so you can eat."

Oliver whined but made his way over to Zayn to let him change him. Once the Spiderman pj's were on, he turned his attention back to the movie. "Louis your room his next right across the hall from Olivers' room and it has some of your clothes if you wanted to change." Louis nodded as he went back to eating.

40 minutes into the movie Oliver was sound asleep. Zayn smiled as Louis motioned towards him sprawled out on the couch. Zayn went to pick him to put him to bed as Louis followed to find his room and change. "Shouldn't he be sleeping in his own room?"

"Yes but he sleeps better in my room. He has bad nightmares of me leaving him. Wakes up crying and screaming for me. Poor thing," Zayn sighed "I think it has to do with his Papa leaving. He's asked about him but I never know what to tell him. So I just go with, he's on trip and he'll be home soon." Zayn sighed as he picked up Olivers elephant and gently layed him down, covering him up with Louis' old Spiderman blanket he left behind.

Louis frowned, "lying to him won't make it better Zayn."

"I get it okay. I know it won't but if I tell him the truth about his papa not wanting him, it would make it worse. He won't love me anymore," Zayn snapped, kissing Olivers forehead "I love you nugget."

Louis smiled slightly, "C'mon we have pictures to look at."

Zayn nodded his head and made his way back downstairs with Louis. "He'll still love you. He sees you as the sun and the moon. Nothing will ever get him to stop loving you Zayn. You're his hero." Louis spoke softly.

Zayn sniffled a little, "thanks Lou but let's look at these pictures shall we."

Zayn picked up the box from the kitchen table and sat it on the coffee table, pushing it over to Louis. "Have a look then."

Louis nodded his head as he took off the lid and shuffled through the pictures of himself and Zayn, little smiles here and there. "Can you help me remember Zayn? Please. I just want to remember." Louis spoke up softly.

"Of Course I will Lou. S ' Why I agreed to take you in. To help you," Zayn replied, taking a picture of him and Lou in 6th form. "This is one of my favorite pictures. We had just finished exams and you decided we needed a break, so we took a trip to the beach and you pushed me into the water. I pretended to be so upset and you tried everything in your power to make it up." Zayn smiled softly, rubbing his fingers over the Louis' smiling face.

"I'm sorry." Louis whispered. "I'm sorry, I can't remember" he hiccuped through a sob. "I'm a shit friend. I'm so sorry."

Zayn smiled sadly, "it's alright Lou. It's okay. You'll remember soon and you'll get through this with me and Oliver by your side."

Louis sniffled as he wiped away his tears, "Thank you Z, now what's this picture."

Zayn laughed, "this was at my 6th birthday and you thought it would bring grand if you pushed my face into my cake. Both of our mothers scowled you but my da thought it was funny, so he snapped a picture but at the last minute you decided the icing was good so you liked my face." Zayn laughed.

This went on for hours on end, Louis would point out a picture and Zayn would tell him the story behind, by the end of it Louis was a giggling mess with a permanent smile on his face.

So sorry this took nearly a year and half ! Or what it felt like but I haven't had the time to finish and I was always getting stuck on a sentence and not know how to finish it .

Thoughts ?

Feel free to vote, comment and leave feedback !

[How does everyone feel about the Zerrie and Elounor situation?]

(Personally , I won't believe anything until Louis or Zayn come out and confirm it themselves. But either way I still love the both of them)

-Miranda ✌

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