Nobody's Girl (British urban...

By shedontcurrr

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sometimes hate can be the best love. More



584 52 5
By shedontcurrr

As far as Fridays go, today was probably the worst in my entire life. In the morning, on my way to school, I walked straight into some guy who looked about my age, he'd got really pissed and called me a bitch. Then, I had a first period of double science, where we had a supply teacher, so as per usual, Devonte and his friends took advantage of this and messed around for the whole lesson. Whether it was playing music with so much swear words in it, a catholic girl called Greta almost fainted of shock, or simply tiring out the teacher into actually walking out of the class in tears. So that wasted two hours of education. Then I had P.E. And it was today that Ms Benson chose to mix us with the boys, so all that really went down was Esme and her friends, tying up their tops just beneath their breast and bending over with any chance they had to show their asses off.

And to make the day even worst than it already was, Esme deliberately 'by accident', as she puts it, spilt Ribena all over my school shirt and my course work at lunch. So I had gotten a detention for handing in soaked homework and spent the rest of my day with a drenched T-shirt. I mean, you could even make out part of my bra through the top. So now that I think about it. I guess that was the only reason boys in class were actually speaking to me for once, Kevin even wanted to be my revision partner.

On my way home at 5 pm, I had to walk bending low and with my hands crossed upon my chest, which was proving to be to tiring, seeing as my bag kept on slipping off of my shoulder. And it was just my luck that I bump into who, but Robbie.

God, I can't want to glo up.

He had walked past with a couple of boys in the year above who usually hang around behind the blocks and rarely ever turned up at school. But when Robbie saw me, he did that backward nod and smiled.

At first I simply couldn't believe it, so I turned around to make sure he was actually smiling at me before I smiled back. I could've sworn my heart skipped a beat at that second. His dimple could make a lesbian straight. He was just so... my God, Malorie-Jane behave!

Immediately I'd set foot in the house, the first thing I saw was Mum's red high-heels at the doorway of the living room.

This was a huge surprise seeing as she would usually get home really late. Especially on a Friday, when the shop she owned would have been at its busiest around this time.

I really didn't want to have any sort of conversation with Mum at this moment, I just wanted to get up the stairs and make love with my bed. I was just about to sneak up the stairs without her knowing, till she walked out of the living room.

Her eyes scanned over me with a curious yet surprised expression.

 "Oh, Mal, I didn't even hear you enter, and why are you so late home today, it's almost six?" She questioned almost immediately. See this is why I avoid all talk and contact with my mum. She's always asking all these questions, making statements, assuming.

"I was at the library mum getting some work done." I said quickly in the hope that she wouldn't know I was lying.

"Hmm, well you should've called and told me about this, you know it's getting dark early these days." She looked out of the window as if to emphasise her point, and she was right.

I walked up to her and swung my arms across her shoulders.

"Well, I'm home now, aren't I? Don't worry about me." I sent

Her a forced grin, and that broke her into a smile.

"Okay, but where's your phone? I've been calling you quite a lot this week, but jumps straight to voice mail."

I swallowed down the gigantic lump that slowly form as she spoke that sentence, this was the question I'd been avoiding all week.

Now, tell me, how on earth do you explain Devonte Williams to anyone? You just can't. So now I had to lie to my mum, just because if that prick.

"It got stolen mum, in P.E" My eyes darted around quickly as the lie  rolled of my tongue. "Someone managed to sneak into the changing rooms while we were on court." I added a casual shrug to place the icing onto the cake.

"But that was a knew phone?" She moand.

I sighed and waited for her to dismiss me. But she wanted something now.

"Oh, and err, could you get dressed and run down to the grocers for me?" She pushed out her bottom lip in plead and sent me a wide grin.

"Mum I have revision to do." I said, peeling at a bit of loose plastering on the side of the staircase.

"Thought you said you'd just got back from the library?" she looked towards me with a sly smirk on her face.

I decided to shut my mouth before it lead me to more questioning, and did I was told.

I paced up the stairs and into my room where I changed onto a plain Nike top and shoved my legs into a pair of leggings, before placing my feet into my black boots. Yes, I know my swag aint really slaying. But it's only the corner shop. And its not as if I really give much of damn about my looks anyway.

Well, I'm glad I've pushed the phone matter out of mums head. I hope so any ways, because I really can't be bothered with all that hassle at a time like this.

Immediately I stepped outside of the warm and cosy building, the first thing that hit me in the face was the cold spring breeze which ran through my loose curls, blowing them about all over my face.

I plugged in my earphones to block out my surroundings, but not completely of course. Not when I live on a road like Clifford Avenue. You never know who's out causing trouble at times like this.

Kumar's Supermarket was only around the corner to my house, but the journey felt almost never ending. I guess it was just the anxiety of having to walk past the same group of boys as earlier this week too.

The nearer I got, the more nervous I became. But luckily for me, they were all too busy laughing at whatever to even notice me pass by, so that was a huge bonus to my worries.

I entered the shop, with the door bell ringing behind me to announce my arrival. I walked down a couple of aisle, found what mum wanted and took it to the checkout.

"Hey Mr Kumar." I smiled at the old Asian man behind the counter who I knew very well.

He sent back a cheesy grin whist placing the things into a blue carrier bag.

"Hey, Malorie, You okay?" He asked

"Fine thanks, how are the twins?" I said, implying at his children.

"Oh, very, very well, we're going on holiday soon, so their quite happy about that."

I giggled. "Oh, good for you, now you get to escape this terrible weather."

"Yes, it's great!" He nodded and handed me my bag.

I laughed once more before taking my change "well, bye Mr Kumar!"

"See you later, child." he called behind me, I sent one last smile before zipping my jacket and walking out of the shop, but seeing as I wasn't watching where I was going, you can probably guess the rest.


"Ey, fuck sake man, watch where you're going!" the person kissed his teeth. As it was quite dark, I couldn't really make out their facial expression or who they were.

"Gosh! It was an accident, you don't need to get so rude. I said sorry!"

"Ey, quit the speech and come out my way neek."

It was as if the word 'neek' was abbreviated in his voice. That was when I realised where this was going. He was obviously a kid from school, other wise how would he have known of my 'neeky' ways?

Suddenly, he kissed his teeth and just stabbed his shoulder into me, and budged past , I staggered back slightly but luckily, I didn't fall back.

"Ey, Darren , lowe it man, how you gonna hurt a girl for?" I heard a deep voice call towards the boy who'd just pushed me.

"Rob, why you going on like I hit her though?" the boy shot back and turned around to enter Kumar's.

"I'm just saying innit? She's a girl fam you don't just do like that, you get me?"

"yh, buh, ah fuck it man" He snorted before storming into the shop.

I kept on the spot I was on for the past five minutes, not really knowing what to do in the situation.

Just then I felt a warm hand place on my shoulder from behind me.

"You all right?" the person said in a hushed tone that turned my insides all funny.

I froze on the spot. I was petrified but also quite curious to figure out who this person could've been.

I turned on my heel and found myself gasping immediately I was facing him.

We starred at each other for a very long time. Well, I was staring at him, he looked more like he was just waiting on an answer.

"I'm okay, thanks.... Robbie" I whispered. Even though it was so dark, I could still make out his beautiful face, and those stunning green eyes...

"You sure? He pushed you kinda' bad" he said rubbing his warm manly hands onto the part of my shoulder that 'Darren' had stormed onto.

When I say my heart was racing, trust me, I wasn't exaggerating. It felt like I was going to come off my feet and begin floating. The feeling he was giving me was mystical. And the funny thing is, he doesn't even realise it.

"I-Im okay, honest." I stuttered.

He looked back over at me and smiled. 'That's cool, well, I'll see you at school...?"

"Malorie-Jane" I helped.

"Malorie-Jane" He repeated, scanning me up and down and nodding his head . "MJ, I'll see you," he smiled once again and walked back towards his friends who had been waiting behind a bus-stop.

I turned on my heel and began to walk into the direction of home. For the whole distance, I couldn't help but smile. As much as my face began to hurt, I just couldn't help it. So this is how it feels to be cared about....



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