
By Keglaea

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Laysha is one of these hopeless romantic teenagers. She in the most literal sense breathed romance. It had be... More

Chapter 1- Back to school
Chapter 2 - Long time no see
Chapter 3 - Hey kameron
Chapter 4 - Viral flashback
Chapter 5 - I am the golden guest
Chapter 6 - The life of the party
Chapter 8 - Plot Twist
Chapter 9 - No longer a secret
Chapter 10 - When it hits us
Chapter 11 - Choices
*Authors Note*

Chapter 7 - Unexpected

19 3 0
By Keglaea

Chapter 7

Vance point of view 

It is Saturday night and me and Laysha are hanging out. I am planning on taking her out to a casual dinner but I need to bring her up in the conversation. I want to ask her about the party. 

“Hi vance”

“Hi lay”

“How was your party”  



“We danced and I slept at his place and helped him clean up. I got to meet more of him”

“Are you still a virgin?



“Lets go out”

“Where are you taking me”

“Somewhere we can dance”

“I got my dancing shoes on tonight bae”

“It’s the rhythm of the night”

“It’s the rhythm of our hearts”

“It’s the rhythm of our dreams”

“It’s the rhythm of our passion”

“It’s the rhythm of us”

I did one of those back drops that she loved. She laughed because of this cute act of friendship or something more. 

Kameron calls me. This had never happened before. If he needed something he would’ve called Laysha since they were so close. 

“Hi, Vance my dear friend”

“Hi Kameron”

“I was wondering if you and Laysha would like to go out and eat tonight”

“Boy you got us tight on this short notice”


“Where and when?”

“In an hour and it’s a surprise I will pick you up”

“I will tell Laysha to start getting ready”

That was amazing. I impress my boy tonight. I had always wanted to go out with Kameron for so long but I couldn’t find how to get close to him. I am confident tonight we are forming a connection. 

“Laysha we aren’t dancing tonight we are doing something better”


“We are eating out tonight with Kameron”

“What? How did we get invited?”

“He just called me”

“I am sorry you’re going to be third wheel”

“I didn’t know things escalated that quickly last night”

“They didn’t but they could tonight”

“You’re all about the possibilities”

“Got a problem with that”

“Not at all”

“I will drop you by at your place so you can get ready”

“Sounds good to me”

I drop her at her place so she can get all pumped up and try to impress Kameron. I wanted to tell her not to because her beauty could ruin my chance. I am seriously planning on looking real handsome tonight. I drive back to my place and start getting ready. I tune off to some relaxing jazz so I can get all nice for Kameron. I really wanted to impress him but I still didn’t want it to look like I tried so hard which I really did. 

10 minutes later

I am all ready to go. I call Laysha in skype only voice so meanwhile she gets ready she can tell a bit about Kameron so we can like go smooth on a conversation. That mere fact had me really nervous; I couldn’t go on a conversation with him. I wrote the general terms on paper because my memory skills are fatal. I started researching and getting my back on stuff. I spend the rest of the time researching until he texts me; he is there at the door. I put some fragrance on and leave the door. I notice the luxurious car and get nervous. I have a normal level car which does the job but he has a car which he can impress. He doesn’t use this car to go to school he uses his last model car which doesn’t really impress. He chose to use this car because he wanted to impress someone. I think he wanted to impress me because I am into cars. If he wanted to impress Laysha he knew this would be the way because she doesn’t really care she is more into your personality; He probably noticed that yesterday when he was in the party with her. It’s incredible how much you can learn about her in one night. I opened the door of the car just a little bit over enough so I could enter. I saw Kameron and my heart sank in my inside. His perfectly messy hair framing his beautiful face, His much defined jawline making me crave to kiss him, these things made me crave him. 

“Dude, you look good”

“Thanks man, I got to say the same thing about you”

“We need to pick up Laysha at her place”

He starts the engine. He texts her and wow have they texted each other lately. He tells her he will be there in 15 minutes. She responds with okay and they have a “the fault in our stars” moment. I have had more moments like that with her that you could possibly count. I really love the way Laysha is romantic with me. She doesn’t mean for it to be romantic she is more into the fun of it. I really like how Laysha does this; it warms my heart. A feeling that I had never felt was turned on. I made me angry that Laysha shared those texts with someone else. I didn’t want to share her but this is not the moment. Vance turns on the engine and starts driving. He puts on Arabella by artic monkeys. He sings the entire intro and I tune in at the chorus. By the end of the song we are both singing our lungs out. We stare at each other. We both sing terribly badly but we enjoy it. Both of us simultaneously break out in a laugh. We both talk about how we ran into this song. I invent something because I disliked indie music but I liked Kameron. I deserve a Grammy for this lie it is going really well. We keep talking on how hard it is to have different taste in music than everyone else. By the time we are in the climax of our conversation. We arrive; he parks right in front of her house. She has a pretty house and on the inside the decorations are marvelous. Laysha is really talented decorating; she was the one who put her time and energy in decorating the house. My helpful physical strength was in various occasions needed.  She walks out that door creating an impact. She looks so beautiful tonight. She is wearing a casual dress; A sheer hi-low dress with some black spiked heels along with a body chain and a knit diamond choker necklace. Her hair is simply curled with her bangs into a braid with is pinned at her side. She is wearing a natural makeup look with some shimmery nude lip balm. She looks amazing tonight. This is when I say she is effortlessly in her full grace. Nothing looks like she put a lot of effort it looks all very natural and spontaneous. She walks over to the car. We are both fighting not to let our jaws drop. She gets on the back seat.

“Hi boys”

“Hey Laysha you look beautiful tonight”

“Hey, you look fantastic you could seriously say you’re a model and everyone would believe you”

“Where are we going tonight Kameron?”

“It’s still a surprise”

“Impress me”

Kameron and Laysha talk for around five minutes on pure compliments and poetry. I catch on the conversation as soon as it gets poetic. I am one great poet according to Laysha and I have to say I agree. Kameron and I connect. After 10 really poetic minutes we break out to laugh because it’s really funny that we literal acted like a bunch of shakespears for 10 minutes. Laysha did some awesome metaphors those are her specialty. Laysha and I tried for 5 minutes for Kameron to tell us where we were going when we arrived at Murano. I loved this place. I hadn’t come here since while ago. The food was amazing and we just always had a great time. The last time I came here


It was the second day of summer and Laysha and I had already had our big first day party. She is wearing a burgundy short dress and some sandals with a French braid. We already ordered our food and everything nice. We are just having a conversation on a reflection of our school year and expectations for our summer. Our food arrives and we really enjoy it. We ask for dessert brownie with ice cream. The waiter is bringing it when BAM! He accidentally trips and throws it on Laysha and lands face splat on the floor. Laysha could be angry but she is laughing herself off. She is laughing so I laugh. She tweets about it and takes a picture. She isn’t angry at all. I have to admit this is pretty funny. The waiter also laughs just a little and he says that the salad that fell is on him and that he will order a new one. She goes to the bathroom to get some salad off her dress. She comes out of the bathroom with a dirty dress but better than the salad filled one she entered with. She looks at me and laughs. The salad is already on the table getting cold because she spent around 15 minutes on the bathroom. We eat. This food is amazing. I ordered some meat with potatoes but it had a fancy name. I can feel crunch of the potatoes along with the heaviness of the meat. I am enjoying my night one hundred percent. We order dessert. In 5 minutes they bring it to the table and we start delighting ourselves.  We devour our dessert in record time. I was thankful Laysha wasn’t fierce tonight because we always have a fight because one of us ate more dessert but it usually just ends in laughs.

*End of flashback*

We enter the restaurant and the youth looks at us. Young men look at Laysha because she seriously is stunning tonight. Young girls look at me or Kameron but more me. I was used to these looks but Kameron wasn’t, I can infer from his nervous look. When this happens I just take Laysha by my side at they stop except for young men. I like to think that some are jealous of me for having such a hottie by my side. What now? Kameron took Laysha by his side so I am left as a third wheel and uncomforted by the look of girls. Tonight were a group of sport guys who were all third wheel to one couple which was probably their captain. They were looking at Laysha and whispering. Some kind of feeling bursts in my inside but it is so new I can’t recognize what it is. We sit down guided by the waiter in an higher part where we can be easily seen by everyone else oh what a rotten luck. I have to go to the bathroom and a few seconds after I am bombarded by teenage thirsty girls. All of them follow me a few wait outside the bathroom until I come out. I do what I went to do. I come out of the bathroom and a bunch of girls are present. Each after the other whispers me to call them and put their number in my pocket. The last girl is special. She has gray eyes which I would love to get lost in another occasion. 

“Hi” she says in a shy tone 

“I know you got a lot numbers tonight and I might just be one more of the list but please call me I would love to go out with you someday”

She is wearing a pink dress with an open heart back and she looked really sweet. That was a girl I will call. I was very careful not to mix her number with the others. I went back to the table. Both of them had watched the whole thing. Kameron is the first to comment about it.

“Damn, I didn’t know you were so popular between the girls”

“This broke the record”

“What record”

“The most girls that had asked or given him their number was 12, those were 17 girls”



“I counted them and one of them took your watch”

“How did they do that? Which?”

“How am I supposed to know how I wasn’t there and I seriously don’t have a single clue which took your watch all I know is you came with a watch and you no longer have a watch”

“I will go check in the bathroom if I left it there”

I go to the bathroom again to see if I left it there. That is my pricy watch its montblanc and it was over a 1000 dollars I’m not planning on losing it tonight. I go to the bathroom and a sports guy follows me. I enter the bathroom and find my clock on the counter. He enters the bathroom and washes his hands. I also wash my hands just because he does it. 

“Can I ask you a question?”


“Is the girl you came with dating you or the other guy”

“None, she’s single”

“Would you guys mind if we invited her over to our table?”

“Not at all”


“I don’t want to abuse but could we take her out to dance?”

“Yes you can.ps she is a great dancer?”


This was my night. I was getting a night with Kameron. I wasn’t worried about Laysha she knows how to take care of herself. I left the bathroom with a smile on my face not only because I found my clock because I got my night.

 Laysha POV 

I am talking with Kameron about my novels; he seems very interested about them. We are really connecting tonight. I wish this moment lasted longer but since Vance is arriving it won’t. He arrives with a smile on his face along with his watch.

“Where was it?”

“I had forgotten it on the counter”

Kameron and I kept talking meanwhile vance was texting someone. I can infer it was one of the girls he just met. I can say I lost Vance and it hurts. We have been friends for so long and it would hurt to see him with another girl but more than that I am happy he is happy. My heart aches but I conceal it with his smile. The waiter approaches and I am wondering why but since he has no food and we already ordered. He says something shyly 

“The gentlemen over there would like for you to accompany them in their table, it’s on them tonight”

“Go, just be careful” Kameron let me go. He let me go and it hurt he wouldn’t want for me to stay but I had one hope. Maybe just maybe, he wanted to know the relationship between Vance and I so he could just be out of doubt.  I walked over to their table where a chair was ready for me. The one on the side of me stood up and got the chair put for me and signals me to sit down. It was just me and 7 other guys , the couple that was with them moved to another table. I sit down with a cute smile on my face. 

“Hello, beautiful” One of them said

“You look stunning tonight”

“What is your name?”


“A beautiful name for a beautiful girl”

“Tell us about you”

-“What do you want to know”

“Your number”

-“Give me your phone, unlocked”

I typed my number and gave it back to him. I was going to tell these guys to read my novels and I was going to get some more reads tonight. This is what I call shame-less self-promotion. 

“Can I also have your number, beauty”

I did the same thing. 

“What are your favorite kinds of flowers?”


They typed it on their phones. I am expecting a bunch of daisies this week.

-“guys what are you celebrating tonight”

“We won 8 consecutive soccer games and reached the finals”

-“I propose a brindis”

We clicked our cups which had water. Our food arrived and I started eating. I guess they were surprised I didn’t order a salad by their expressions. I ordered some chicken with idk what but it smells really good. We didn’t at all meanwhile we ate because of that we devoured our meals really fast. I go to the bathroom because I got to take the food out of my teeth before I get there somebody takes me by the arm and asks me if they can take me home tonight and I say no. I am not going home with a stranger tonight, I am crazy not insane. I get ready to talk after food and fix my hair a little. I get going to the table and when I arrive the guys stop talking. They were probably talking about me but I kind of already know what they said. I look to the other side where the table where I used to sit is located to find Kameron and Vance laughing and it looks as if they were having a wonderful time. They leave, Vance and Kameron leave. I want to ask them where they are going because it is still pretty early but I don’t dare to do it. I am left here with these strangers. 

-“I still don’t know your names” 







-“I like your name, Davion”

“Indeed, I have to say the same thing”

“Girl, I don’t know if you have noticed but we like u”

-“I also like u, it’s my favorite letter”

They all crack laughing at my joke. I am hilarious. I like people who laugh at my terrible jokes but their usually awesome. 

-“Why don’t we go somewhere else and get some fun? The night still young”

“Let’s go to the disco”

-“Sounds good to me”

“Who is paying tonight?” 

“Remember we also have to pay for Xavier”

-“Not me”

“Tonight I will pay”


“Laysha would you like to go dance with us tonight”

-“I would love to”

“Do you know how to dance?”

-“I have won 5 dancing competitions”

“A simple yes would’ve done the job”

Connor paid the account and we left. They have this big car and davion is driving because it’s his car. They opened the front door for me and I jumped in. I am really excited for going out to dance because it had been a month since the last time I danced. I am somewhat nervous because of any dancing competitions that might come up and I wouldn’t be ready but it’s not a night to worry is it. I got some pretty scattered stars shining for me. The moon reflects itself on the iris of my eyes gifting it with a werewolf glow. He starts the car and I go vroom vroom. I open up the opening at the top of the car and I jump up. This is so dauntless going to the roof of a driving car. Connor also comes up.

-“Beautiful night isn’t it”

“Not prettier than you”

-“Y’all got this complementing game on”

“But, we mean it”

-“I bet you say that to all the girls you invite to your table”

“Your actually the seventh”

“Gee, we want to make the girls feel special”

“Shut up”

“Make me”

“I’m too lazy”

“We’ll talk about this later” 

-“You guys are hilarious”

“Thanks, it’s a script”

-“Who’s the writer”

“Davion writes it, right davion”


We got to this club where I have never been. I like exploring new clubs and getting myself a reputation. There is this one club where I was named queen. They do it every year I was just coroneted last year. I come down from the roof into Dallas’ lap. It is just like a trust exercise (Frozen reference). I walk out of the car looking surprisingly decent. We entered the club and everybody looks. Getting on top of the car wasn’t a good decision. I go straight to the bathroom. I brush my hair really quickly because there is a lesbian couple making out in the corner. I leave the bathroom in a rush. Dallas waited for me and guided me to the V.I.P section. He tells me the relationship between him and the owner. I am just happy to be without Vance sometimes we just out awkward each other. I love his company but sometimes I want to be around other humans. I sat down in between Connor and Davion. They start talking about sports. NO I hate sports, they are so boring. I pretend that I continue on with the conversation just nodding and knowing the basics that Vance has taught me. I slide into boredom almost instantly. I tell the guys I want to go dance and they get in a fight so I just grab Connor and go to the dance floor. He takes my back and we start dancing to salsa because that is what they are playing. He leads me and he twirls me a lot I tell him to stop because I am starting to get dizzy and so he does. I really enjoy it. I find myself in love with his simplexes. Kameron and Vance dance really extraordinary but their movements are exaggerated they look good but I never truly enjoy the simple act of dancing with them not that I have danced a lot with Kameron. He does a back drop and then brings me up and kisses my cheek and whispers something in my ear. “A kiss for the queen of the dance floor”. I laugh internally because I don’t know how to react. I kiss him back and he leaves. I know I confused him but what is done is done. I don’t want him but I think he thinks I do and my behavior is not something easy to read. My behavior is written in da Vinci code and is harder to understand than a scientific Wikipedia article. The night is still young and I wonder what the guys are doing so I call them. 

“Hey guys, what are up to?”

“Playing Wii”

“Are you sure you’re not a pair of 7 year olds”

“We never grew up”

“I know well have a good night”

End of call.

I can’t recall the last time Vance and I played Wii. I always won and he would carry me up bridal style and carry me to the chicken where he would put some pringles in my mouth and we would continue playing. Vance is really strong he does a lot of weights so he carrying me around is basically nothing. I love his playfulness. Connor comes back when he hears a slow song. He dances close to me in almost a hug. We go back to the boys where he hands me over to davion. Techno is on so we just hang around in the circle of people but then he goes in the middle and does these crazy moves with a shuffle. The rest of the boys come down from the V.I.P area and join us. Each of the boys do some crazy moves except for Connor; he stays by my side. After that a fight starts. They were fighting for a girl she was real scared at the middle. Two drunken guys were fighting for her. She was shouting for them to stop but they came to an agreement to beat her up. I take Connor and separate the guys; he stays and gets punched by the pair of guys. I go and carry the girl out from the club into the car. I close the door and go back catch Connor which is now on the floor. I hit them with my pointy heels and they set apart for enough seconds for Connor to get up and move. I help him get on the front seat and get on the other side of the car and start driving. This is not my car so I have a hard time finding the buttons. The girl is on the back resting I think she has a concussion so I will take her to the hospital later. I move the car two blocks and park in it a drug store. I run back to the club to get the rest of the guys. I enter the club without drawing any attention. I can hear the cops arrive. I find the guys and tell them we need to leave and since they see me all messed up they don’t hesitate. I tell davion to carry me because I am in heels and therefore I will run very slowly. I sit on the back and put the girl on my lap. We give the rest money for a taxi and say goodbye. Davion drives fast to the hospital because one of the drunken guys who were fighting stabbed Connors leg and I think she has a concussion. I am worried about this stranger. Now that we are driving to the hospital I get to really see the girl. She has ombre wavy hair and is wearing a short peplum black dress. One of her heels is broken. I take of her shoes off and put them at the side. Her dress is dirty with beer and shoes. She is all terribly bruised up. She is unconscious.  We arrive at the hospital and davion being the strongest carries her into the hospital. We tell the nurse that she was beaten up and that Connor was stabbed on the leg. She is surprised that we are doing this for a random stranger. They guide us to where she must be placed and Connor is on the bed beside her. I find the girls phone which has a broken screen. I am glad she has no password and I call her parents. I tell them what happened and they say that they are on a trip and they can’t come back. They tell me that they will transfer me enough for the medical test and that they are forever thankful I was there to save their daughter. I ask siri if there is a nearby target and it says that a block away. I find this like such a blessing because I am planning on buying this poor girl some clothes because she won’t want to be much longer in that uncomfortable dress and she needs some shoes. They run some test on her and they talk to her parents about the insurance and payment. Actually I am not very worried about Connor. They clean his cut and inject him some stuff to reduce the pain of his bruises. They say he will be ready to leave in a few hours and that he might need some medicine. I tell them to write me a list. They are running some test on the girl whose name I found to be Meredith. Meredith is already awake and they found it just to be a blackout not a concussion.  She is asleep right now. I go to target to buy her some confortable clothes and her medicine along with Connor’s medicine. I pay for everything along with some flip flops for myself. I head back to the hospital where Meredith is already awake and ready to go back home. Once I tell her my name she recognizes me as the author of her favorite novel. She invites us for a lunch that Sunday.  I accept her invitation. We get back on the car and we drop her at her house. We set up the meeting at the noon of that day. It is late already 2 am so I tell him to drop him at my house. We arrive at my place and goodbye him and tell him I will see him later that day. I come home and say hi to my mom she wasn’t much worried because I constantly kept her up on things. I go to sleep. 

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