Twilight of Olympus (Twi./PJa...

By autumn_boo4

115K 3.5K 364

After Edward left Bella, she returned to Camp Half-Blood. It turns out, she had a secret. A big one: She's a... More

Ch.1- The Return
Ch. 2- Where's Bella?
Ch. 3- The Bonfire
Ch. 4- I can't see!
Ch. 5- Family
Ch. 7- Punches.
Ch.9- Expect the Worst
Ch.10 -The Worst.
Ch.11 -Battles
Ch.12- Deals
Ch. 13- Like Training Newborns
Ch.14- I'm Falling Love. Again!
Ch.15- Naked!
Ch.16- Ashamed
Authors Note / Answering
Ch.17- Unexpected Journey
Ch.18 -Visitors
Ch.19- The Fates Hate Me.
Ch.20- Just Great.
Chapter 21 : Brother?
Ch.22-First Lesson
Ch.23- Hate
Ch.24- Fixing A Fight
Ch.25- Bulls Are Back
Ch.26- Uncle
Ch. 27-Quests to Save A Soul
Ch28-Vampire Buddies
Ch.29 - Settled
Ch.30 -Cab of Friggin' Doom
Ch. 31-Short On Drachmas
Ch. 32- Princess Andromeda
Ch. 33 - Fish Ponies!
Ch. 34 - Kronos
Why I Don't Say Merry Christmas
Ch.35 -Hell
Ch.37- Phase Two
Not An Update
Ch.38- Scylla and Chyribdis
Ch.39- Suprise. Yay.
Ch.40- Stomach Ache
Ch.41- Persephone
Ch.42- Coordinates
Ch.43- Bad for Buisness
Ch.49- Hugs and Kisses
Ch.50- Polythemus
Ch.51- He Rises
Ch.52- Beautiful
I'm Crying

Ch.36- Bella and Percy Are Trying To Kill Us

967 47 6
By autumn_boo4

Percy ' POV

"I told you he had a brig." I said to Annabeth,earning a death glare.

We continued to sit in silence,all of us on the floor with our backs against each others through the bars. I'd been separated from the girls, and Tyson was in the cell opposite me. Emmett and Jasper were in another cell.

"Percy don't. " Bella said. I sighed. We'd been in here for about three hours with no way of escaping.

"I can't believe we can't bend the bars. This is so ridiculous." Emmett said.

He and Jasper had both tried,unsuccessfully, to bend the cell bars. It was like they were vamp proof. Which they sorta were. They were made to keep any and all demigods in. They were demigods now right?

Annabeth slid closer to me and whispered,"How can you be so sure he won't turn on us? I mean,he's dangerous."

I turned to see her staring at Tyson,and then I looked at the cyclops. He was knocking his fingers against each other,staring at them in wonder.

I thought back to how he reacted to the hippocampi.

"Yeah. Dangerous." I said sarcastically and turned back to the wall.

It was a solid,white wall. I'd stared at it for ages. Just thinking. About . Well everything. What's happened. Is Grover alright. How do we get out of here? These questions filled my head. But the big one out shone them all.

How can Kronos be . . .alive?

Just the thought of it was sickening. And terrifying. Kronos,the father of the big three,who had eaten his own children,alive? If he rose to power again all hell would break loose and then -

"I've got it! I know how we can escape!" Bella exclaimed.

I got up and gripped the bars of my cell. "How?"

"Percy,you and I are children of Posiden. The sea god. This is a boat and we're on water. In the ocean. Jeez. We're all so stupid" She said and then I realized what she meant.

"You want us to create a storm." I told her and she sorta nodded.

Before she could answer Jasper cut in."But that could kill us all. It's too dangerous."

Bella shook her head. "No, I mean we could make the waters rough. Just a little bit. We could get the boat to enough to let Annabeth grab her backpack," she motioned to Annabeth pack hanging on the hook near their cell. "And then we can use Hermes' gift. His tape thingy. "

"Oh. Well that would work " Jasper said nodding. I nodded to Bella and sort of crab squatted in my cell while she did the same.

Bella' POV

I crab squatted like Percy and concentrated. I willed the water to move the way I wanted it. I told it to rock the boat. To move and flow . . .I imagined a windy day. The boat rocking a bit roughly.

Apparently both Percy and my powers put together work better. Unfortunately, we underestimated the oceans power,and watched helplessly as Annabeth and the others were tossed around their cells.

"What's going on?" Tyson asked in a scared voice.

Gasping,Annabeth said," Percy and Bella are trying to kill us." She reached her arm through the bars again.

"I think it's working." Tyson replied.

The boat rocked violently once more,causing the backpack to fly off the hook and slide towards Annabeth. She caught it just barely and grabbed the tape roller out. She handed it to me and I outlined a hole in our cell.

"I hope this works." I said and then watched as the cell wall disappeared. I stepped through hesitantly.

I came out the other side unharmed and Annabeth soon followed. We did the same with the others cell.

"Okay. Phase one complete. Phase two?" Emmet asked as we sorta team huddled.

NA: I'm sooo soo sorry for not updating sooner. I hope you guys liked the chapter! Vote and comment please!


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