Bet Me

By ShewityWitters14

6.3K 219 5

**This book should not be Rated R! I'm not sure why it says that! This book is maybe PG-13, maybe even less t... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Christmas Special
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Authors note

New Year's Special

117 5 0
By ShewityWitters14

Hello Wattpad! Happy New Year's!

This chapter is similar to the Christmas special, but the characters are not the same. Hope you also enjoy this chapter!

Again, Happy New Year’s Wattpad! I hope everyone has an amazing 2013! Cheers to another year of stories!

            “So, I’ll see you at Jake’s party tonight?” my friend Jenny asked me. “Yup. I’m about to get dressed.” I answered her. It was 7 and I was beginning to get ready to head on over to Jake’s New Year’s Eve bash. He always through a party every year and I always got invited but I’ve never went. I’m not much of a party person. My best friend Jenny forced me to go to this year because it was our last year in High School.

            “You better be. I’ll pick you up at 8:30?” she says. “Yeah, sure. But we need to stop at Kroger before we go. I want to say happy new years to Duke.” I tell her. “Oh, cute grocery store boy? I feel like you have a crush on him.” She said. I could hear her grin through the phone. “We’ve already been over this. He’s just a friend.”  I say to her, rolling my eyes. “But you do admit that he is cute?” she asks me. “Yes. I will admit that.” I say rolling my eyes again.

            “Good. I’ll see you in a bit.” She says, laughing and hanging up. I put my phone down and flopped onto my bed. I laid on my bed for 5 minutes before finally getting up. I walked into my closet and found my peach colored dress. I pulled out my black wedges and set them in front of my bed. I grabbed my black white strapless bra and walked into my bathroom. I took off my PJs and took a quick shower. I got out of the shower and quickly dried myself off.

            I took out my curling iron and plugged it in. While that was heating up, I put on my dress. I opened my bathroom door and found my little sister leaning against my bed, trying to put on my heels. “Ruth! What are you doing! You’re going to mess up my shoes!” I shouted at her. She ignored me and put on both shoes. The shoes were too big for her but she began strutting around the room.

            “I want to be a model so I need to practice.” She said to me. “Practice with your own shoes.” I tell her, grabbing my phone to check the time. 7:45, I had about 30 minutes to finish getting ready. I looked up and saw Ruth still strutting around my room. I couldn’t help but smile at her silliness. She was only 10 but she was tall, not as tall as my 5 foot 8 inches but she was tall. She will probably be taller than me once she’s 16 or 17.

            “Ruth, get off of those shoes before you fall. I promise I’ll buy you your own heels.” I promised her. “Really?” she said, surprised. “If you get off of those heels, than yes. Actually, we’ll go get some on Saturday.” I told her. She quickly took off my shoes and placed them near my bed. “Pinky promise?” she said, holding out her pinky. “Pinky promise.” I said, holding out my pinky.

            “Just don’t tell mom or dad.” I told her, giving her a quick hug. “Okay. Have fun at your party!” she said, leaving my room. I smiled and walked back into the bathroom. The curling iron was ready so I began to curl my hair. After 20 minutes, I finished curling my hair and started putting on my makeup. I put on eyeliner, mascara, and peach colored lipstick. I brushed out my curls and made my hair look more wavy. I let my long hair cascade down my back and stepped into my room to look in the full sized mirror.

            I looked at my reflection and I looked really good. I grabbed a small clutch purse and placed my phone and lip gloss in it. I put on my wedges and looked at myself one more time in the mirror. I walked out of my room and closed the door. I walked over to Ruth’s room and knocked before opening the door.

            “How do I look?” I ask her, stepping into her room a bit. She was at her desk working on something. She looked up and looked at me. “You look pretty Heather!” she said to me. “Thanks. Where’s mom and dad?” I asked her. “Downstairs in the living room.” She told me, turning back to her paper. “Aren’t you going to spend New Year’s Eve with them?” I asked her. “Yeah, but I want to finish this drawing first.” She said.

            “What are you drawing?” I asked, moving towards her desk. “A 2013 sign.” She said, showing me her drawing. “Is Jenny picking you up?” she asked me as I walked towards her door. “Yeah. I’ll tell her you said hi.” I said. “Good. Get out of my room now.” She said, as I walked out of the room. “Shut your face twerp!” I said closing the door. “Don’t call me that!” she shouted through the door.

            I walked downstairs to the living room and found my dad watching TV. I said hi to him and walked into the kitchen where my mom was cooking. “What are you cooking? It smells good.” I said, walking up behind her. “I’m making some stuffing for our chicken that’s in the oven.” She said, giving me a spoonful of stuffing. I took the spoon and ate the stuffing. “Mmmm, that’s some good stuffing.” I said to her. “If you weren’t going out, you would get to eat some.” She said, turning and facing me.

            “Mom, you know I didn’t even want to go. Jenny is forcing me.” I tell her, walking to the fridge and getting a bottle of Gatorade. “Well, don’t fall into peer pressure.” She says to me. I take a seat on a barstool and take a sip of my Gatorade. “Mom, this isn’t peer pressure, this is Jenny pressure. Its ten times worse.” I say to her. My mom smiles and turns back to the stove.

            My phone started ringing and I knew it was Jenny. “Hello?” I answered. “I’m outside.” She answered. “Okay. Coming.” I said, hanging up. I got up and gave my mom a quick hug. “You look pretty. Have fun.” She said, saying goodbye to me. I jogged through the living room and gave my dad a high five before walking out of the front door.

            I got to Jenny’s car and noticed that her brother Leo was sitting in the passenger seat. I got into the back and said hi to Leo. “Hey sexy Leo.” “Hey sexy Heather.” He said back. Leo was Jenny’s twin and me and him were really close. Us three are like the three musketeers. We’ve known each other since 3rd grade and we’ve spent a lot of time together. Leo and I actually dated back in 10th grade but we broke up because it was working between us. We figured out that we were better as friends.

            “Where’s your significant other?” I asked Leo. “She’ll be meeting us at the party.” He answered. “Where’s your significant other?” I asked Jenny. “She’ll be meeting us at the party.” She answered. Jenny is bisexual and there is a girl that she is seeing at the moment. I’m not sure that they will last because Jenny has been seeing Jake behind the girls back. I do not want to be there when they break up.

            “Where’s your significant other? Oh wait, you don’t have one!” Leo joked. “Ha ha ha. That was so funny that I almost forgot to laugh.” I said, kicking Leo’s seat a bit. “Kick my seat one more time and watch what happens.” Leo threatened jokingly. I kicked his seat again and he turned and pretended to glare at me. “You’re luck she’s driving.” He said, turning back.

            We pulled into the Kroger parking lot and Jenny pulled up near the entrance. “Hurry up Heather. I’m not supposed to park here.” Jenny said to me. I opened the door, gave Leo’s chair another kick, and got out. I stuck my tongue out at Leo and walked towards the entrance of Kroger.

            I spotted Duke at register three. He had customers so I walked to the fried next to his register and pulled out 3 Pepsi’s and 3 Monsters. I put it on the conveyer belt thingy and waited for my turn. The other customers payed and walked away. Duke looked at the drinks and smiled. He knew it was me because I always buy Pepsi’s and Monsters.

            “Hey Heather, you look great.” He said, looking at me. “Hey. How was your day?” I asked him as he scanned the drinks. “Eh, I’d rather be at home.” He answered. “I’m guessing you have plans?” he asks me. “Yeah. My friend Jenny is forcing me to go to this party.” I tell him, rolling my eyes a bit. “What about you? Got any plans tonight?” I ask him. “Yeah. I get off work at 9 and there’s this party that my friend and I are going to go to.” He tells me. I hand him a 20 and he hands me back my change.

            “So, who’s the lucky guy your kissing tonight?” he asked me while putting the drinks into bags. “No one. I’m ending the year single,” I answer, “what about you?” I ask him. “Well, same. I’m not kissing any guys tonight.” He joked. I laughed and shook my head. “I hope not! I meant girls.” I said, rolling my eyes a bit. He laughed and answered me. “No one.” He said, handing me my bags.

            “Well, enjoy your party.” He said, after we awkwardly stood there for about a minute. “Thanks. You too. Happy New Years!” I said, as I walked out of Kroger. “You too!” he shouted to me. I frowned as I walked to the car. Duke and I have been flirting for the past few months. Although I won’t admit that I have a crush on him, I was hoping that maybe he’d ask me out or something.

            Duke was really cute. He had bright blue eyes and a cute lopsided smile. His teeth were perfectly straight and white. He looked a lot like Ryan Gosling and he has the body of him too, atleast from what I could tell when he is lifting and moving boxes. Duke was hot. And his smile made my insides flutter.

            I got into the car and took out my monster and handed the bag of drinks to Leo. “You bought us soda!” he said, pretending to be shocked. “So did he ask you out or something?” Jenny asked me. “Nope.” I said, hoping she’d stop asking me questions. She glanced at me through the mirror and didn’t ask any more questions.

We arrived at the party and Jenny parked the car and we got out of the car. I looked at Jenny and she was wearing a blue strapless dress with black stilletos. She had her hair up in a bun and she had on bright red lipstick. She looked really nice. Leo had on a pair of black pants with a peach polo shirt and leather jacket. “Hey! We’re matching!” Leo pointed out when he saw my dress.

            “Let’s go party!” Leo said, holding his arms out to me and Jenny. We grabbed onto his arms and we began walking into the house. Inside the house, there was people everywhere. We grabbed some drinks from the kitchen and headed into the living room where everyone was hanging out.

            “Let loose and have some fun.” Jenny shouted into my ear over the music. Leo saw his girl and walked off with her. Jenny and I found some friends and we began talking to them.

            Around 11, Jenny’s girl showed up and Jenny and her walked off. I got tired of standing so I began walking around the house, saying hi to anyone I knew. I was walking away from the pool table when I heard my name. I turned and looked at the pool room. “Heather?” Duke said, looking at me and smiling.

            “Duke?” I said, walking closer to him. “Hey! I didn’t expect to find you here!” he said, giving me a quick hug. “I could say the same thing.” I said, smiling at him. “When you said you were going to a party, I didn’t think it would be this one.” He says, leaning against the pool table. “Yeah, Jake and I go to the same school. I didn’t know you went to Riverhood with us.” I said to him.

            “I don’t. I go to Ashbrook. My friend Sam was the one who brought me here.” Duke says, pointing to his friend. I looked at Sam and recognized him. He was in my US History class last year and he was also one of Leo’s friends. “Oh. Small world huh?” I said, jokingly. “Yeah.” He said smiling. Cue the fluttering in my stomach.

            “Want to play?” he asks me, holding out the stick to me. “Weren’t you playing with him?” I ask, pointing to the boy who was holding the other stick. “Nah, we just finished.” The boy said. “Oh, okay then.” I said to Duke. I took Duke’s stick and Duke took the boys stick.

            “Do you know how to play?” Duke asks me. “Kind of.” I said. Duke set up the balls and turned to me. “Want to go first?” he said, holding out the white ball. “Umm, nah. You go.” I say to him. He smiled and put down the ball. He leaned over and hit the ball, sending the other balls flying. The green number 8 ball fell into the pocket near me. “Good shot.” I murmured. “Thanks. I’m solid and your stripped.” He stated. I nodded and he hit the white ball again. This time, he missed.

            It was my turn. I tried and got the striped number 5 ball in. We played the first game and Duke won. In the middle of our second game, a boy named John inturrepted us. “Come on, everyone to the downstairs basement. Countdown is in 10 minutes.” He said, ushering us out of the room. We put our sticks down and headed downstairs.

            I spotted Jenny and told Duke to follow me. He followed me and I walked up to Jenny. “Hey Heather. I was looking for you. Have you seen my brother?” she asked me, not noticing Duke. “He’s down here somewhere. No one is upstairs.” I told her. “Um Jenny, this is Duke.” I said, pointing to Duke. Jenny looked past me and noticed Duke. Amusement went through her eyes when she realized who he was.

            “Hello Duke.” She said to him. “Hi.” He said to her, smiling. “I thought he didn’t ask you out?” she said, smirking at me. A blush crept onto my cheeks. “Jenny, Duke is friends with Sam.” I told her, staring daggers at her. She smiled and nodded. “Oh, okay.” She said, still smirking.

            Someone turned the volume of the TV up and everyone turned their attention to the TV. “Well folks, it’s just under a minute till 2013. Grab a boy or girl and get ready! The countdown starts now!” the host said.

            “60! 59! 58! 57!...” we all began counting down. Should I kiss him? I wondered to myself. “39! 38! 37!...” we chanted. “10! 9! 8!....” The chants got louder and louder. When the ball dropped and exploded into fireworks, everyone in the room began to cheer. I turned to look at Jenny and she was kissing her girlfriend. I looked across the room and saw Leo kissing his girlfriend. Almost every couple in the room was kissing.

            I looked over at Duke and noticed he was staring at me. I looked up at him and knew that I had to kiss him. I could tell that he was thinking the same thing because he was staring at my lips. He bent his down a bit and kissed me. His lips were so soft and tasted faintly of fruit punch. He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me closer to him, deepening the kiss. I ran my hands through his hair and locked my hands around his neck. He responded by parting his lips. I took that as a good sign and slipped my tongue into his mouth. We kissed for what seems like forever.

            We finally pull apart and I start smiling like an idiot. I look at Duke and so is he. “So Heather, want to go out on a date this Friday?” he asked me, smiling. I pretended to think over it before responding. “I thought you’d never ask.” I said, grinning. “Can I keep kissing you?” he asks me next. I answer by pressing my lips against his. He deepens the kiss and I can’t help but smile into his lips. Finally! I thought as I smiled into his lips. I could tell that 2013 is going to be a great year.

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