The Hollow: Adam x OC

By ElAdams2

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(I do not own 'The Hollow' or the characters). A story about Adam and the others when they go to high schoo... More

That Time Of The Year
Author Note
Get Ready For Some Loving
Crushes And Old Memories
Confessions Under The Oak Tree
Together At Last
Horrors In Health Class
Get Ready For A Date
Time For Our Date
Horror Movies And Cuddles
Author Note
Waking Up With A Cutie At Your Side
Author Note
Kisses In The Bathroom
Hickeys, The Hollow, And Hershey Kisses

Date Night On A School Night

58 1 0
By ElAdams2

(Above is what Olive is wearing, except the sunglasses).

 Adam POV:

"Hey look at this." Mira leaned over to me and showed me a video she had pulled up on her phone. It looked like a dance video from the studio Olive goes to; I grabbed one of the earbuds Mira handed me and put it in my ear and then clicked play on the video.

(Here's the video they're watching):

Olive is the person dancing right now and he looks amazing. He's wearing some loose grey sweatpants and a white tank top and Nike sneakers, he still has the headband on though.

His part only lasts a couple of minutes and then moves onto another person. Mira and I watch a bit farther into the video and then she pauses the video and pulls out her earbud. I pull out mine too and immediately hear her exclaim, "You are the luckiest guy in the world!" I blushed a bit when I heard this and smiled a little too since I knew it was true.

I started thinking about how great Olive is, Mira was watching a cat compilation now so she wouldn't notice if I spaced off, and I started to feel all gooey inside. Olive's such a cutie, I can't believe he's with me. I am the luckiest guy in the world. Unfortunately, my train of thought was interrupted when Jake, the school quarterback, yelled, "Hey Olive you gonna dance for us?"

I turned around in my seat to look at Olive who had just entered the class (he texted me earlier and said that he was going to be late because of a dentist appointment and he probably checked into the office). Olive covered his face with his hand and waved to Jake, who just stared at Olive's butt, and then hurried over to his seat next to Mira.

I leaned forward a bit so I could get a look at him; his cheeks looked a little darker and he kept pulling his hat down really far. Mira must have noticed too because she asked, "You okay Olive?"

Olive turned to look at Mira and ran a hand through his hair then said in a nervous voice, "Yeah I'm fine. Just, you know, Jake and them." Olive then started fidgeting with one of his pencils and anxiously bouncing one of his legs. I've known Olive for a while so I can tell when he's anxious or upset and this is definitely it; Mira may not know Olive as well as me but she's a really good people reader and could probably tell that Olive is upset. Mira shared a glance with me just to make sure that I noticed Olive's anxiousness.

Mira gently put a hand on Olive's shoulder and asked, "You sure? You can tell us if something's wrong." Olive glanced at Mira and me for a few seconds, like he was about to tell us something, but then shook his head and repeated that he's fine. Mira and I still didn't believe him but we didn't want to push him, so we left him alone.

Once the bell rang, a few more kids started piling in and the teacher walked to the front of the classroom and asked for everyone's attention. All of us looked up at him and out of the corner of my eye, I looked at Olive, wanting to make sure that he's okay. He's looking up at the teacher as he tells about the small assignment we're going to do today but his eyes are kind of glassed over like he's spacing out and he has his sad face on.

I'll try to talk to him after class. Luckily this is third period, so after this, we'll have lunch and I'll be able to talk to Olive a bit more freely than in here. I started pulling out my pencil and an eraser and grabbed one of the papers I needed from Mr. Monty as he walked by.

Mira and Olive each grabbed one too and we all began working on the assignment quietly; it was a pretty easy assignment, since we're in ELA and starting literature circles we're supposed to fill out a paper about what books we like and stuff like that.

I fill mine out pretty quick and once I finish it, I check it over just to make sure that I got everything. I did get everything and then I raised my hand for the TA to get it; the TA saw my hand pretty quickly and then grabbed my paper and walked back to Mr. Monty's desk.

Once they took my paper I started to tap my pencil on my desk since I didn't have anything else to do. Out of curiosity, I looked over at Mira to see if she was done yet; she's actually just one the last question and once she finished that, she raised her hand like me and waited for the TA.

Since the TA's busy chatting with Simone, I leaned over to Mira and whispered, "Hey." This caught Mira's attention and she turned her head toward me. "Yeah?" she whispered back. I glanced at Olive from across her shoulder to make sure that he wouldn't hear us and then whispered, "Do you think you could leave Olive and me alone at lunch? I've known him pretty long so I think I should ask him what's wrong."

Mira nodded when I said this and then glanced at the TA, who finally noticed Mira's hand and was walking towards us. As the TA got her paper, Mira leaned over to me and whispered, "Sure, it'll probably be best if you ask him in the library since it's so quiet and everything, and if you want I can hang out in the computer lab if you need me."

"Sure that'd be great." I started to think through what I was going to say, just so I wouldn't sound rude or anything or clam up. I think I would probably just ask Olive why he seems upset, I mean after I tell him that he seems upset to me, and then based on what he says just be supportive.

Maybe say 'I'm always here for you if you need me.' No, that sounds kind of cheesy; maybe just say that I'm not going to judge him or something like that. Yeah, that'd be good.

"Adam." I jolted a little bit when I was broke out of my thoughts and turned to face Mira, who had a little smirk on her face. I blinked a few times as I tried to gather all my thoughts and figure out what to say. I couldn't come up with anything and just stared at Mira while I waited for her to say something.

Mira stared at me a bit too, probably wondering if I'm going to say something, and then just sighed and asked, "Weren't you listening?" I smiled nervously and shook my head, scolding myself a bit for spacing out. "Olive was trying to ask you if you wanted to talk with him at lunch."

I looked at Olive kind of surprised since as long as I've known him, he's always waited for the other person to ask to talk and kind of waits for people to come to him. He must be coming out of his shell. I nodded to Olive and said, "Sure that's great. Where do you want to talk?"

"The library. There won't be a lot of people there." Did he hear us talking or does he just have the same thought process as me? I shook the thought from my head and then replied, "Sure, I'll meet you there once I get my food." Olive nodded to me and then went quietly back to the doodle he was doing; the doodle kind of looked like a really pretty flower.

I turned back to my desk and started tapping my pencil against my desk as I tried to think of something to do. Luckily it was right then that Mr. Monty decided to walk to the front of the class and start talking about the literature circles. Impeccable timing.

Time-skip (25 minutes):

I hovered next to the gym door as I waited for Olive to get his food. The line he's in is pretty long and the cafeteria's kind of crowded today, so it's been taking a while. Luckily, Olive finally gets his food and starts to head over to me; I start walking towards him so we can meet and then head off to the library but some of the jocks get in my way.

I wait for him again and he, miraculously, maneuvers around the jocks table and walks up next to me. "You ready to go?" His voice sounds really sad when he says this but also kind of pretty-sounding since it's kind of quiet now. Nevermind that. I nod to Olive and follow him as he leads us to the library.

Time-skip (5 minutes):

Olive and I walk into the mostly empty library and, following Mrs. Laurey's guiding finger, sit down at the tables near the non-fiction section. We don't say anything when we sit down, we're probably both waiting for the other person to say something, and awkwardly start eating our food.

I got Pizza Hut and potato slices with milk and some peaches while Olive gotta salad and grilled cheese with milk from the veggie line. His lunch is pretty typical of him, he and his whole family are vegetarian and he really likes grilled cheese. It's kind of cute that he still eats the same thing he did in elementary school.

I set down my pizza slice and start to ask him how his food is, just to lighten the mood, but when I see he's not eating I quickly change what I'm saying. "Aren't you hungry?" Olive looked up from his salad, which he was just pushing around his plate and stabbing with his fork, and looked at me.

He glanced back down at his salad and then mumbled, "Not really." He went back to pushing and stabbing his salad and I got kind of quiet since I didn't want to make Olive uncomfortable. I finished off my pizza slice and most of my fries while I tried to think of a way to ask Olive how he's doing without seeming rude or something like that.

I couldn't really come up with anything good and just decided to wing it, also because we're dating and were really close as friends so there might be some cushion from any rude stuff I say. "Uh, is there some-something that's making you upset?" I tried to ask it in the kindest tone I could and I think it came off pretty good.

Olive cringed a bit and set down his fork gently, his other hand nervously fidgeting with his gold earring. I pushed my tray away from me and then took a deep breath before I said, "If you need to tell me something you can but you don't have to. I was just wondering why you seemed so sad earlier."

Olive looked up from his salad at me and seemed to be thinking of what to say, or maybe just working up his courage, and then said really quietly, "I, uh, do have something to tell you. I've been waiting to for a bit." He looked back down at his salad after he said this and started rubbing his hands together like he was washing his hands.

I reached out my hand to him and, after hesitating for a bit, grabbed one of his hands and gently squeezed it. "You can tell me."

Olive let out a little sigh and then squeezed my hand back. He took a deep breath and then admitted, "I'm, uh, I'm ace." I don't really know what my face looked like when Olive told me that but it must have been something that Olive didn't like since he looked down at his lap and got really quiet.

I worked up all the courage I had and said, probably louder than I needed to, "I'm ace too!" Olive looked up really fast when I said this and had a look of complete surprise on his face. Some other people who were in here looked up too but lost interest or something and went back to what they were doing.

Olive kind of gaped at me but not in a shocked way, more of an 'I'm so glad that you're ace too' kind of way. I started smiling, probably out of relief of finally telling someone and just out of nervousness, and Olive started smiling too. Neither of us said anything for a bit and just smiled at each other.

Eventually Olive broke the silence when he joked, "Now our parents won't have to worry about us fooling around." We both started giggling at this, which got us a few weird stares, but we didn't care since we were both so relieved. 

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