You can't choose both ( R.j.L...

By cxlupin

127K 4.6K 5.4K

When Willow banks joins the order after her Uncle Kingsley takes her in, she realises the brewing war is the... More

Aurthors note <3
Stars and sunrise
Escort you
I'll umderstamd
You love me
Where to begin
Fun night
Truth or dare
Sorry :(


3.9K 121 180
By cxlupin

"I said one fucking time" Remus growled in annoyance, teeth gritted and bared into a snarl as he pushed Willow onto the bed and hovered over intimidatingly.

"One time...and even that wasn't enough" Sirius continued, stood next to the wolf with the same flames of rage burning into their eyes.

Willow scuttled back onto the bed in excitement.

"You're a slut do you know that?" Remus scowled, undoing his tie by pulling the top and watching her nod slowly with a look of want in her eyes, leaning on her elbows and allowing her gaze to fall on the man next to him.

"No Moony...not a slut...a fucking whore" he added, unbuttoning the bottom of his maroon long sleeves slowly, eyes dark and beautiful.

"That too" Willow grinned, causing them both to shake their heads in annoyance.

"That's not a good thing you silly girl" Remus growled, shrugging his unbuttoned shirt off his shoulders and climbing onto the bed.

"It is" Willow gulped at his naked chest and dominating demeanour, "Because I get to see you like this...both of you"

" in reality...we are just giving you what you want?" Sirius stated cooly as he also climbed onto the bed and watched Willow reach for the back of Remus' neck, bringing him down slowly and attempting to kiss his lips, his hand sliding up her thigh, his thumb millimetres from brushing her heat.

The wolfs hand flew to her throat and gripped tightly, causing her actions to stop.

"You will not get the what you want" he whispered coldly, pushing her head back onto the mattress and getting off the bed.

"W-what? Where are you-where are both going?" She stuttered out, jumping up from her laid down position and practically scrambling off the bed.

"You chose to flirt with another man...whether it be Sirius or not...i don't find that acceptable" Remus called over his shoulder as Sirius winked and opened the door for his friend.

"You will be getting a taste of your own medicine pup...enjoy your night" Black smirked before they both left and left her wanting and confused.

Sat on the edge of the bed, jaw propped open, staring at the door the two men just walked out of.

"What the fuck just happened?"

Willow walked into the living room the next morning, her brows permanently furrowed, like they had been all night, slightly nervous as she approached Remus sat on the couch, reading a book, reading glasses once again propped on the top of his head like he always did, a white shirt tucked into his tanned pants, his pointer finger running over the words as he read.

"What-what are you reading?" She asked sheepishly, stood in front of him, scratching the back of her arm and watching his neutral face stay fixed, eyes trained on the book, not even attempting to look at or answer her.

"Remus?"  She tried again, once again being answered by silence.

She slowly took a seat down next to him, not enjoying the game he was playing.

" didn't come to bed last night?" She spoke gently, twiddling her fingers in her lap, and hearing him let out a small sigh but still ignoring her attempts.

"I-I...I missed you" she whispered sadly, looking down at her lap.

"Moony?" She heard Sirius call from the kitchen, "Tonks is here!"

"Oh brilliant" Remus jumped up, dropping down the on the couch and leaving the room, a little bit too excited for Willow's liking.

"R-Remus?" She tried again just before he left, but he once again ignored her and left the room.

Note to self: Don't give another man a lap dance.

She dropped down against the couch and tried to hold in her tears, swallowing the lump in her throat and staring up at the ceiling.

"Willow?" George called, walking past the living room door and then back tracking when seeing her on the couch, "Ah! There you, details?"

"Nope" she sighed sadly.

"No you won't give me details or no there weren't any details to give?" He asked slowly, walking into the room with a curious look and dropping down next to her.

"No details to give Georgie" she sighed, " I may have just pushed him away"

"Him being...?"

"Remus!!" She huffed, dropping her head against his shoulder, "He didn't come to bed last night and I just tried talking to him and he is blank out ignoring me"

"Oh...well he looked fine to me" George stated with a shrug, "Chatting away in the kitchen"

"He's-he's what?"

"You need me to what!?" Tonks exclaimed, looking between Sirius and Remus with confused and slightly disgusted eyes.

"Oh just flirt with him for gods sake! It's not as if you haven't done it before" Sirius huffed, throwing his arm up to the wolf in exhaustion.

"Yeah that was when I had a thing for him...but that thing is no longer a's barely even a molecule!!" Tonks exclaimed again, looking at Remus' pleading look, hands pressed together in a beg.

"Look Nymohad-" Remus was halted by her stern look, "I meant Tonks...You won't be doing much of it...I will just be throwing a few compliments your way etc...and I just need you to bloody giggle or something"

"Oh yeah...because I am definitely the giggling type of girl" Tonks scoffed with an eye roll, folding her arms over her chest.

"Please Tonks!!"

"Jesus Christ Lupin! Just have an argument like a normal person!!" She exclaimed, throwing her arms up in the air.

"This is far past an argument!" Sirius pointed out.

"What the hell did she do?"

"She gave Sirius a lap dance" Remus sighed, running a hand over his face as the bright haired witches eyes flew open and then turned to her cousin who had an awkward and straight lipped smile, holding to fingers up in a peace sign.

"Oh for merlins sake" Tonks huffed in defeat, "Fine! But lay it on thick other wise It won't be believable"

"You angel!!" Remus exclaimed in gratitude, grabbing her by the sides of her face and kissing her head in excitement as she burst out laughing and gestured for them to sit down.

Willow remained chatting away to George for a while before their breakfast was announced by Mrs Weasley and George took her by the hand and led her into the kitchen as she wanted to just sit on the balcony and leave Remus to it.

She knew Remus was angry at her, which resulted in him ignoring her, so god knows what Sirius was like, everyone knew what he was like when angry.

"Morning everyone" George announced, nodding Willow to her usual seat between Sirius and Remus, which was now empty and instead it was just Sirius and then Remus on the other side facing opposite her.

She took her seat slowly and mustered up the courage to look at the two men.

Sirius was reading his paper casually, which did not phase Willow, but what did, what made her heart drop, her stomach lurch, her mind fuel with anger was Remus.

Remus who was leaning forward, sat side ways on his chair facing Tonks, his arm rested at the back of her own, whispering something into her ear that was clearly hilarious due to the witches reaction.

"Not nice is it?" Sirius whispered at her side.

Thankgod he was talking to her, she thought.

"Please tell me this is a joke" she whispered back painfully, averting her eyes with a look of disgusted and physical hurt.

"Nope...they've been like that all morning" Sirius shrugged, trying to bite back his smirk, "Karma is a bitch I suppose"

"Th-this...this isn't karma" she whispered in a begging tone for him to understand, "I-I didn't do this to hurt was the opposite...I did it to bloody turn him on...but this" she nodded to the two who were laughing away, giggling, Remus being ever so sexy with his low chuckles and beautiful smile that she thought was only reserved for her, " This-this is just-"

"Tormenting? Frustrating? Infuriating?"

"P-painful" he saw the tears in her eyes as she looked over at the two opposite them and his teasing manner stopped, he watched her swallow hard and wipe a tear that had escaped its duct and stand up, "E-excuse me...I just have to um-"

She stumbled out of the kitchen as Sirius let out a small groan when noticing the tears she was brushing away as she left, George following behind her.

Meanwhile on the other side of the table:

Tonks and Remus were in fact in stitches. Laughing uncontrollably, but not at what everyone thought.

"I am so bad at this" Remus whispered into her ear, trying to make it look seductive for viewers around them.

"Tell me about it" Tonks wheezed, holding her stomach.

"Why the hell did you ever find me attractive...I can't flirt for shit...even when I'm faking it" Remus chuckled until his belly hurt, his head dropping into her shoulder as tears streamed out of his eyes and his shoulders bobbed up and down.

"I think it was just a cover" Tonks tried to quieten down her laughs, picking up his curious and confused look, "Let's just say...currently, I'd be more interested in the one we are trying to make jealous then you"

"Oh....Oh!" Remus' eyes flew wide and he burst out laughing again, along with her, stomachs jumping up and down, tears falling from their eyes effortlessly, ribs burning.

"I-I picked the right girl to fake flirt with then" Remus mumbled through his laughter, head dropped low until hissing rather loudly at the boot that he received to the leg under the table.

"What the hell was that-" Sirius stopped him mid exclamation and nodded to the door that Willow just left through in tears, "She's gone?"

" made her cry you prick" Sirius spoke through gritted teeth.

"Shit" He jumped up quickly from his place and shot out of the kitchen as both Sirius and Tonks shook their head at him and Tonks moved up one to sit next to her cousin.

"Go on then" Tonks gestured to him to start talking as Sirius pulled a confused face to what she meant, " I know you're In love with one, I just can't tell which"

"Neither!!" Sirius exclaimed, shaking his head profusely and straightening his paper with a scoff, "Don't be ridicu-"

He stopped mid sentence when feeling her small hand rest against his and pulled down the paper to meet her cousins eyes.

"Which one Black?" She sighed knowingly, looking deep into his confused and slightly lost eyes before watching his body slump in defeat and drop his hands in his head.

"Her" he whispered.

"Ah...and I'm know, you've-" she waved her hand in the air, hoping he'd finish the sentence for her.

"I um...I've actually been in the middle of them both" he winced, bursting into laughter as her hair involuntarily turned a bright shade of green and she let out a more then disgusted groan.

"I really didn't need to hear that!!!" She exclaimed in disgust, holding her hand against her stomach, "Why the hell would you tell me that!?"

"Oh calm down prude" Sirius laughed, "It was one time"

Remus walked into the room that he and Willow now shared and the first thing he saw were the tear marks against the pillow he would have on his side usually, facing downwards, clearly being cuddled last night in his absence.

"God I'm an arsehole" he sighed guiltily, running a hand through his mousy hair and then walking even further into the room.

He saw Willow and George sat on the balcony sharing a cigarette between themselves with their backs facing him.

"May I have a word Willow please, George?" Remus announced as both their heads spun round and he could see the tear marks against his girlfriends cheeks, only making his heart sink.

" don't go" She grabbed George's wrist as he went to stand up, his head spinning back in confusion, "I don't want another argument Georgie...please don't go"

"Argument?" Remus questioned in slight befuddlement, "I didn't come up here to argue?"

"Hey...I'll be downstairs if you need me okay?" George whispered kindly, kissing her on the head and taking her hand of his wrist as she slumped her shoulders in defeat and dropped her head, her back facing Remus once again as George walked away from her.

"All you're relationship has been is arguments, jealousy and sex...she's tired" George whispered at Remus side as they crossed paths, "Sort it out"

And with that he left.

Remus' eyes sadly trained on the girls back. He realised that their relationship had basically been based on Sirius, on whether or not she still had feelings for him. Of jealousy, and sex, and not a lot of romance.

"Darling...please talk to me" Remus spoke gently, lowering himself on the floor next to her and wincing slightly at her scoff.

"So now you want to talk to me!?" She huffed, attempting to wipe her tears away and take another shaky drag of her cig, "Typical"

"Willow I-"

"Look...I gave Sirius a lap dance yes...but it wasn't to hurt you...In all honesty...I have never been unfaithful to you in any way...I haven't even flirted with anyone whilst with you, Sure Sirius has been in the mix and it has been rather complicated but I just thought-I just thought that maybe...maybe if the threesome thing became a-a regular occurrence then.."

"Then you wouldn't have to choose?"

"NO" she stated strongly, certainly, a sternness in her eyes when looking at him, " I chose! I god damn chose Remus and I chose you...I sleep with you...I share a bed with you...I love you!"

"Well then what is it? Why do you need us both?" Remus sighed.

"I don't need him...I just don't want to lose him...and-and I thought...I thought if we you know try the threesome wouldn't be awkward between us and I wouldn't have to-"

"You wouldn't have to lose him" Remus nodded in understanding and guilt, "I understand"

"I don't love's not a love thing...I don't even have feelings for him...I just-I just...god I don't know Remus...but when I saw you flirting with Tonks there was literally one...I wanted nothing and needed nothing but you" she dropped her head again until feeling his hand lift her head up, his fingers rest under her chin, lifting her gaze to him, his face millimetres away from her own.

"No more games" he whispered, brushing his lips against hers, "No more threesomes" he brushed them against hers again, "No more arguments"

This time his kiss was not a brush but a strong and loving kiss. One that caused her to let out a small moan against his lips, her hand finding the back of his neck as the sun shone down on both of their faces.

"Just me and you"

"But what about Sirius?" She mumbled against his lips.

"Well, am I satisfying enough for you alone?" He smirked teasingly, feeling her let out a small smile and nod, "Then we forget about Sirius, we forget about him and just focus on me and you...let me show you what a real relationship should be like yes?"

"Yes" she breathed in relief, "I-I'm sorry"

"As am I darling"

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