pregnant and missing

By dxaisyy

26.7K 344 453

Marinette's life had completely changed after this. She did have support from her parents and Ayla but she di... More

chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
Chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
Chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
chapter 18
chapter 19
chaper 20
chapter 21
chapter 22
chapter 23
chapter 25
chapter 26
chapter 27
chapter 28
New story

chapter 24

600 5 19
By dxaisyy

{Marinette's POV}

I opened the door and... I gasped and stepped back. Adrien looked at the man and his eyes were shooting fire.

"Princess step back." Adrien said.

"What is wrong Adr-" Ms. Bustier said till she saw the man.

I stepped back and the man came in with a knife.

"I missed you darling."

Alya and Chloe grabbed my arm and pulled me to the back of the classroom.

"What the hell are you doing here. You are supposed to be in prison!" Adrien yelled.

"I came to visit Marinette. I didn't like how it went last time."

"N-Nathaniel please leave." I whispered.

He shook is head and Adrien took my hand.

"Leave her alone."

The students all went to the back of the classroom. Ms. Bustier secretly called the cops.

"Marinette you have 2 choices. 1 is that you come with me and the students won't be harmed. And the second one is bloody."


"Marinette don't!" Alya yelled.

"Well let's start with your friend Chloe. Shall we?" He said while he grabbed Chloe.


"Then mak a choice."


"Mari don't do it." Chloe whispered.

I looked at Nathaniel who held the knife to Chloe's throat.

"10 seconds left to make your choice."

"Fine I-I'll come."

"NO Marinette don't you dare!" Adrien said while he grabbed my wrist.

"Let me go! I won't let people die because of me!" I said crying.

"I'm sorry." I whispered and I walked towards Nathaniel.

He let go of Chloe and took me instead. I felt the knife to my throat and I heard my classmates scream.

"Smart choice." He said while walking out of the class backwards.

Adrien tried to come closer.

"If you come any closer I'll kill her right here." He yelled and I felt the blade cutting into my skin.

Adrien stopped and Nathaniel and I walked out of the door. I heard sirens. Thank god. Nathaniel pushed me into a car and he tied my wrists and ankles then he left the school. Shit. The cops were to late.

{Adrien's POV}

"Why would she do that!"

"Adrien you know Marinette. She would save anyone before herself." Alya answered.

"It's my fault."

"No Chloe it isn't!" Rose said.

"Rose is right. Ya know we should follow them!" Alix said.

"Yes. I'll go find them." I said while running to the bathrooms.

"Plagg this is bad."

"Say the words kid."


After I transformed I ran to the classroom.

"Chat Noir! That crazy dude Nathaniel kidnapped Marinette."

"I'll find her don't worry." I said while grabbing my baton and I searched them.

10 minutes later I finally found the car they were in. I jumped on the roof of the car and saw Marinette tied up in the back of the car. The car slowed down since they probably almost arrived. When the car stood stil Nathaniel came out.

"Hello Nathanie. Kidnapping my princess I see?"

"How did you find us?!"

"Easy but I won't tel you my trick." I said with a smirk and I attacked him.

We fought for a while and I won. I ran to the back of the car and helped Marinette.

"I told you don't princess."

"He was gong to kill Chloe! She is one of my best friends what els was I supposed to do and besides I knew you would save me."

"Does it hurt?"

"No." She said while touching her neck.

I pulled her into a kiss and then picked her up in bidal style. I dropped her off at the apartment and left to school.

{Marinette's POV}

a week later

I opened my eyes and looked at the time.

I have plenty of time today. I thought

I went to the bathroom and took a fast shower. I grabbed some clothes and changed. Adrien was stil asleep. I went to Lous and Emma.

"Oh wait they are at my mom's house of course."

I went to te kitchen and made some breakfast for Adrien. I was craving strawberries for breakfast so I just went with strawberries. I heard Adrien waking up and he came to the living room.

"Good morning princess."

"Good morning kitty."

"I made some breakfast for you." I smiled.

"Well thank you bugaboo."

I rolled my eyes and felt sick again.

"I'll be right back." I mumbled while running to the bathroom.

A while later I came back and Adrien was ready. Today we had permission to go to school later since I had my first ultra sound.

"Are you ready princess?"

"Yep just gotta get my purse and some cookies for Tikki."

I grabbed my purse, put some cookies for Tikki in it and searched Tikki.

"Tikki? Are you coming?"

"Yes Marinette I was just finishing my cookie."

"Plagg do you want to sit with Tikki in my purse?" I asked him.

"I would love to sit with sugar cube."

"I already told you to stop calling me sugar cube. Do you want me to call you stinky socks?"

"That would be delightful sugar cube."

Tikki rolled her eyes and they went into my purse.

"We have to pick up Louis and Emma so let's go." I said and we waked to the bakery.

"Hey Maman!"

"Hello Marinette." Sabine said while handing me Louis and Emma.

I put them in the stroller and thanked my mom. We walked to the doctors or my appointment.

"Hello I am Marinette Dupain-Cheng and I have an ultra sound appointment."

"Alright that way and then the first room."

"Ok thank you ma'am." I said when I walked away followed by Adrien, Louis and Emma.

I walked into a room and I was greeted by my doctor.

"Alright you can lay down and pull your shirt up a bit."

I did as she said and Adrien sat down next to me.

"First kid?"

"No, hese are my twins. Louis and Emma." I said smiling.

"Alright I am going to rub this cool gel on your belly."

I nodded an felt a cool gel. I shivered but I didn't mind.

"That is your baby. He/she is in perfect health.

"Louis, Emma look that is your little baby sister or brother."

The kids looked at the screen and they looked quiet surprised.

"Would you like to hear his/her heartbeat?"

"We would love to!"

It sounded like music in my ears.

"Well everything looks perfect so you could plan your next ultra sound at the reception." She said while giving me a paper towel.

I nodded and cleaned my belly from the cool gel.

"Thank you and have a nice day." I said while walking to the reception.

I was followed by Adrien, Louis and Emma.

"Hello I would like to plan my next ultra sound in 9 weeks."

"Alright uhm is a friday morning at 10 good?"

I planned the next ultra sound and went home. Adrien walked to school since he had to go.

{Adrien's POV}

I saw Marinette and the twins walk home while I walked to school. I quickly walked into the classroom and saw that the teacher wasn't there yet. I sat down next to Nino.

"Hey dude."

"Hey Nino and Alya."

"Hey Adrien, how did the ultra sound go?"

"Everything is fine."

"Phew. I was kind of worried after that akuma attack when she hit her head."


"Agreed babe."

The teacher walked in and our lesson started.

"Adrien Agreste where were you in your first class?"

"My girlfr- I mean Marinette had an ultra sound."

"Alright. Let's get started."

We started our long boring schoolday.

after school

"Alya, Nino why don't you come over for dinner tonight?"

"We'd love to!"

"Sounds cool bro."

"See you two at 7 at my home."

"We'll be there for sure."

{Alya's POV}

After Adrien invited us for dinner I went home.I went to my room and threw my backpack in the corner of my room. I sat down on my bed and looked at the pregnancy tests.

Could I really be pregnant? I do have all the symptoms. I thought to myself.

I went into the bathroom and used all the pregnancy tests. 4 of them to be exact.

"So I have to wait 15 minutes." I mumbled to myself.

15 minutes later

The pregnancy tests were upside down on the table. I looked at the time and 15 minutes were over.

"Moment of truth."

I looked at them and..

"Positive. Omg!" I whispered happy.

"I'm going to be a mom!"

I looked at the tests again and all 4 of them said positive. I called Nino to meet up at the park. I put the tests in my bag ad went to the park. I saw Nino sitting on a bench and I walked to him.

"Hey babe! What was it?" He said when he saw me

"Hey Nino. Uhm you remember that night almost 3 months ago?"

"Well duh it was an awesome night."

"Well.." I showed him the test.

"Wait omg.. I am going to be a father?!" I nodded excited.

"I just found out. My symptoms showed up a week ago. And I was noticing that I am gaining weight. Also I am hungrier then normal."

"This is awesome!" Nino yelled.

"Well I gotta change for our dinner party tonight."

"Bye Nino." I said while giving him a kiss on his cheek.

{Marinette's POV}

Tomorrow it was weekend so it was an awesome day or a dinner party. I was baking loads of food and delicious things. I looked at the time and I had 2 hours left. I heard Emma crying while I was in the kitchen.

"Kitty can you give Emma her bottle? It's in the fridge."

"Well of course bugaboo."

He grabbed the bottle and went to feed Emma. I was working hard on the food. When I had 1 and a half hour left I cleaned up the house. 30 minutes left. I changed Emma and Louis into prettier clothes and put them to bed. After that I changed too into a bluebell dress.

Like this one.

"You look beautiful princess." Adrien whispered in my ear.

"Well thank you you don't look to bad yourself." I giggled.

I put the food on the table with help of Adrien. A bit later I heard a knock on the door.

"I'll get it." I said while walking to the door.

I opened the door and saw Nino in a suit next to Alya in a beautiful light pink dress.

like this one.

"Al Nino come in!"

"Alya you look stunning!"

"You too girl!"

"Well let's start this dinner party!"

while we were eating

"Adrien, Marinette. Nino and I have something for you. A gift."

"You didn't have to!"

Nino gave Adrien a gift and Alya gave me one.

"Thanks dude."

We both opened the gift and saw it. A white baby shirt. 2 of them together.

"They are adorable!" I said while picking the shirt up.

Then my eye fell on something else in the box. 2 positive pregnancy test. Adrien saw the same in his box. My jaw dropped and I covered my mouth with my hand.

"OMG AL YOU ARE PREGNANT?!" I screamed excited.

"YES!" She screamed excited back.

"Omg Al congratulations! Congratulations Nino!"

"Congratulations bro! Congratulations Alya!"

"Thank you!" They both said.

"How long Alya?"

"11 weeks too!"

"Omg! They are going to be best friends!"

The night continued and later Nino had to leave. Later Alya had to leave too.

"Have a nice night alya!"

"You too girl!"

{Alya's POV}

I saw my mom's car parked and went in.

"Hey mom."

"Hello Alya."

"Mom.. You should know something."

"Oh I already know sweetheart. You are pregnant right?"

"H-how did you know?"

"I am your mother of course I know. Well congratulations!" My mom said chuckling.

We drove home and I was exhausted. I went to bed and fell asleep quickly. The next morning I woke up with a sick feeling.

"Not morning sickness. Marinette always complains about them and now I have them? ughh"

Later the day I met up with Nino to go to the ultra sound.

"Hello, I am Alya Césaire and I have an ultra sound."

"Alright it's right there." She pointed to a small room.

"Thank you." I said and I grabbed Nino's wrist as we walked to the room.

"Hello Miss. Alya. Come in and you can lay down. I suppose you are the baby father?"

I laid down and took my shirt up. She put a cool gel on my belly and the next thing I saw was my baby on the screen. She asked if we wanted to hear the heartbeat and it sounded wonderful.

{Marinette's POV}

a couple days later

"Chloe something exciting happened!" Alya said excited.

"Omg what?" Chloe asked while e were on our way to class

"I am pregnant too! 11 weeks!"

"Omg all 3 of us are pregnant?!"

"Wait Chlo did you just say 3?"

"Oops but yes!"

"OMG congratulations!" Alya and I said.

"You too!"

We went into our classroom and we were the only ones there.

"So how many weeks Chlo?"

"Well uhm today 11 weeks! I had my ultra sound yesterday!"

"Eeeek we are going to raise them as 3 best friends!" I yelled.

"Yes yes yes!" Chloe answered.

"Well anyways. In around 4 months is prom! Do you want me to make you guys dress?"

"Are you serious Mari? I would love that!"

"Me too girl!"


The class started to fill and our school day started.

word count: 2265

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